FOUR THE MICHIGAN ,DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1946 Mutual Fair Play MORE THAN 78,000 coal miners were idle and pits in seven states closed yesterday as the United States District Court ordered John L. Lewis to end the soft coal strike threat. If tlj/ threat is carried out in the face of the govern- ment's temporary injunction, 400,000 miners will walk off the job, thereby undermining the en- tire American economy. That John L. Lewis would thereby face in- dictment and a jail sentence is not the most important factor in the situation, in spite of the fact that public approval would follow such action. The important thing is that the nation needs coal. Without coal the battle of recon- version will be halted, the stream of production will be stopped and an already dangerous in- flation will make good its long-dreaded threat. Throwing the boss of the coal miners into jail might satisfy the public in one way, but it wouldn't get them the coal. This is why: Last May, after the eighth walkout in five, years had closed the mines for six weeks, the government seized the mines and Secretary of the Interior Julius A. Krug was named by the President as Coal Mines Administrator. On May 29, Lewis and Krug signed a contract grant- ing the miners a wage increase, a five cent per ton levy to build up a "welfare and retirement" fund, a raise in vacation pay and increased au- thority to union safety committees. Negotiations throughout the summer to re- turn the mines to their owners broke down Sept. 13, and the United Mine Workers at their an- nual convention during the first week of October indicated that they would insist on a new agree- ment. Three weeks later Lewis demanded a con- ference by Nov. 1 to negotiate this new agree- ment. The demand was disputed by Krug on the grounds that the contract is for the duration of government control and thus could not be reopened. President Truman intervened 'after Lewis threatened a walkout Nov. 1 and talks were begun between union representatives and the Coal Mines Administration. Last Monday Krug and Lewis met in con- ference for the first time. It was then revealed that Lewis wanted the wage rates agreed on last spring to be raised to give the miners' the same pay for a 40-hour week that they receive for 54 hours. Secretary Krug's proposal for a 60-day truce, during which direct bargaining would be resumed between Lewis and the op- erators,'was accepted by the operators since they hope to see the new Congress pass anti- labor legislation by that time. Lewis rejected the truce proposal for undoubtedly the same reason. Thus the embarrassed government must either yield to one more shakedown before the year's end or pave the way for the operators to knock out the May agreement as soon as they resume control. This agreement was the price paid by the government to get the miners back on the job. While it has a right to refuse fur- ther concessions at the operators' expense, it must recognize the responsibility for seeing to it that the operators accept the concessions already made. This solution is the only one which can be made in such a dispute: Lewis must drop his extra demands for the present and abide by the May agreement and the operators must likewise carry out a contract made in their name by a government acting in the public interest. Mutual fair play can provide the only lasting, construc- tive answer. -Natalie Bagrow e14?etteriGO the 6kCCt0O (EDITOR'S NOTE: Under the recently announced policy on Letters To The Editor, worthwhile letters may be printed at any length at the discrimination of the Editorial Director.) Artificial Situation To the Editor: THE RECENT argument over the problem of women's hours shows how artificial the sit- uation is. Each time it comes up, the request for easing of the regulations is met with a different argu- ment. Last year we were told that hours for women were necessary to make coeds get sufficient, sleep. This is obviously ridiculous; any coed who has sat up until two o'clock studying or chewing the rag can testify to that. Even the strongest protagonists of the argument were rather sheepish about it. The powers-that-be themselves dismissed the morals argument as valueless. Next came the question of maturity. It has never been established just why a graduate stu- dent of twenty-one is more mature than an un- dergrad of twenty-two or three, or why a junior or senior should ipso facto be more capable of discretion than a freshman or sophomore. In fact, there is strong evidence to refute this idea, which was the basis of the recent petition for later hours for upperclassmen. A woman mature enough to attend a univer- sity away from home is mature enough to gov- ern her own conduct after dark. A state uni- versity ought not to be run like an adolescents' boarding school. It has been argued that parents would not let their daughters attend any col- lege where they were given free reign. If par- ents fear for the behavior of their children, it reflects upon them for not having succeeded in their duties of parenthood in properly training their offspring. As to any possible effect on the enrollment of the University, there is no lack of applicants to Columbia, which allows coeds 1:30 permission whenever requested and main- tains one dormitory where no hours at all are required. Last week the battle came closer than ever before to the crux of the matter. The Council of House Presidents was pushing a petition for later hours, and the proprietors of women's League houses banded together to object to a possible edict that would keep them up nights for the benefit of perhaps only one student. They said, justifiably, that it was already a lot to ask that they stay up until 12:30 on weeskend nights to see that women signed in. They clinched their argument with a threat to break their contracts with their boarders and with the University should the proposed additional hours be granted. THE QUESTION is, is the coeds' convenience as important as the convenience of the housemothers? It is not fair to the coeds to' deny them their rights. University women are just as capable of budgeting their time as are University men, and are equally entitled to the right of doing so. There is no valid reason why women's dormitories and League houses should not be operated in the same way as are those of the men, abolishing hours and the insulting system of policing. There is definite advantage in maintaining closing hours at which guests must leave; but to women who have carried their own latchkeys at home since they were ten or twelve, the current regulations are art insult and an embarrassment. The only valid argument for hours for women is that of protection. Dormitories and League houses must be secure against breaking and en- tering. But the present system of lockimg doors and first floor windows does not give sufficient protection, especially since the switchboard is .- L rIn' a m Fairness in Criticism To the Editor: W HEN one reads the various letters in The Daily criticising the Michigan Union, the Athletic Association, and other units within the University, he wonders if the writers are really serious in their statements or whether they only want to blow off steam and provide reading ma- terial for the girl friend back home. For if they had the slightest desire to be truthful in their statements and to correct the condition con- cerning which they become so abusive and so bitterly sarcastic, then it would seem only a n-atter of prudence to learn the facts before "spouting off." By the way of illustration I will cite two of the most recent effusions. Quoting from last Friday's Daily, "On the basis of a $5.00 levy made on every student, the Union receives a subsidy of approximately $130,000 per year." The implication is then made that because of this huge subsidy, there must be gross mismanage- ment or prices could be greatly reduced. Had the writer only gone to the manager or to any- one else who is in a position to know, he would have learned that there is no levy of $5.00 or of any other amount being made on any student for the support of the Union. Furthermore, he would have learned that not one dollar that is "given" to the Michigan Union is ever used for operation or maintenance. Such gifts are set aside in a special fund and are used only for new construction and for the improvement of facilities. Furthermore, I might suggest that if the writer had condescended so much as to meet some of the non-student members of the Board of Directors, he might have been surprised to find that they have neither horns nor a tail. He might have learned that they are alumni who are rendering a valuable service for which they receive no compensation. Also they are all life members who paid $50.00 or more for that life membership whereas the present students pay nothing. He might even have found that his remark that "to expect any of them to do any- thing for the benefit of the students is too revo- lutionary to suggest" was just a wee bit of mis- directed and unwarranted sarcasm for which he should be downright ashamed. To prove this, all that is required is an examination of the min- utes of the Board of Directors. Again in the issue of November 10, bitter com- plaint was made of the conditions in the cafe- teria. First may I ask who creates those condi- tions, who throws those cigarette butts and dirty napkins around, I don't believe the manager does it. The writer offers a constructive sugges- tion, "get more and better help." Simple isn't it? Again, had the writer only cared to inquire, he would have learned that the manager is des- perately, yes even frantically trying to do that very thing-but it can't be done. If the writer can do it, I would suggest that he apply to Mr. Kuenzel for the position of Personnel Manager. He will probably get himself a job and at the same time relieve Mr. Kuenzel of an awful head- ache. Fellows, let's be sensible before rushing into print and making yourselves appear ridiculous. Why don't you first go to the man who is in a position to know-get all of the facts-and then be honest and let your conscience be your guide -that is, of course, if you have a desire to be fair. -C. 0. Wisler ON WORLD AFFAIRS: De-Nazification By EDGAR A. MOWRER PROFESSOR POLLOCK'S optimistic views on American occupation of Germany as carried out have brought considerable dissent. I have asked one of the severest critics, Dr. Jean Pajus, an economist formerly connected with the Uni- versity of California, to comment on Dr. Pol- lock's views. Dr. Pajus was for four years ad- viser on economic warfare against Germany for FEA and went to Germany in the summer of 1945 as adviser to the Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets. Here are his views: "Pollock attributes the non-application of the Potsdam program to the absence of a central German government. The truth is, from the be- ginning the occupying powers acted in question- able fait "The purpose of Potsdam was to compel the Germans to live peacefully by eliminating their war potential. Article 14 of Section B states that Germany is to be treated as an eco- nomic unity. Instead, the nature and spirit of the economic controls imposed on Germany have steadily been vitiated. "One might even conclude that when the British insisted on controlling the Ruhr and Rhine, it was with the precise thought of nurs- ing the Ruhr's assets as the economic key to fu- ture control of Europe. Or why else are the French being deprived of Ruhr coal for the bene- fit of German industry? "Why else were vicious German industrial- ists and financiers given asylum in the British zone and urged to start up their business? Why was Hermann Abs, smartest German banker not even excepting Hjalmar Schacht, appointed eco- nomic and financial adviser for the British zone? Abs was helped to escape from Berlin a few days before the collapse with several bil- lion marks belonging to the Deutsche Bank. "Professor Pollock blames Germany's mis- deeds on just this sort of vicious people. They controlled Germany economy before-and they are being helped to keep control of it! The records of Baron Kurt von Schroeder, Gerhardt Westrick, Georg von Schnitzler, Krupp, Vereinigte Stahlwerke, Flick, Bosch, Mannesmann, Wolff, Siemens-all prove that it was Germany's integrated industrial econ- omy that made it possible for Germany to wage offensive war. When the war was lost, the same industrialists forced a quick peace in order that they might survive and carry on the same war by intensified economic meas- ures. POLLOCK admits that only the U.S. has car- ried out a policy of de-Nazification. Admit- tedly, our record is better than the British. But when Richard Freudenberg, the leather and shoe tycoon who made his money out of blood, was caught in the American zone, a representa- tive of our AMG industrial division had him re- leased. He said: "This man Freudenberg is an able industrial- ist, a sort of Henry Ford so you cannot hold him. "General Clay has not confirmed the fiasco made by the Germans when we turned de-Nazi- fication over to them. The official report dis- closes: " "Out of 65,109 verdicts rendered by German tribunals in Wurtemberg-Baden, only two were found to apply to "major offen- ders." A prominent industrialist of the ball- bearing industry of Schweinefurt, Deussen, was fined fifty marks. Yet this man was a prominent Nazi endowed by Hitler with the highest title granted to a captain of industry, "Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer." Pollock says we are trying to rebuild a respon- sible Germany democracy. I wish we could! But with whom? "With Robert Maier, now Minister President of Wurtemberg-Baden? This early Hitlerite was selected to 'decentralize' German industry under Art. 12 of Potsdam. "He has since reported that there is 'nothing to worry about' in the continued existence of the huge I. G. Barben and coal combines. Are we to believe him? "The Allied Control Council decided to limit German steel production to 7.5 million tons yearly. Did Professor Pollock oppose the grant- ing of a big loan to the Vereinigte Stahlwerke that would make this one company capable of pr'oducing 10 million tons annually? "Pollock finds German industry 'largely de- stroyed.' The facts are: "Germany still possesses the second largest steel making capacity in the world, the second largest nitrogen capacity, millions of machine tools, a large ball-bearing making capacity, a potentially strong synthetics industry, an ex- cellent coal tar industry, not to mention tre- mendous commercial and economic reserves abroad. Seventy-five per cent of Germany's war-time industrial capacity will soon be re- stored unless we protect ourselves by destroy- ing it. "Had the Potsdam program been literally ap- plied rather than sabotaged, a safe Germany would nowbe emerging in a safe Europe. Ger ; many should work for Europe. But not as a pro- ducer of vital machinery and machine tools which experience has proved cannot safely be entrusted to German hands. Germany should export coal and such other commodities as do not entail the economic and strategic domination of Europe. "On this basis the Germans can achieve an average European living standard. It would be a crime to permit them anything more." (Copyright 1946, )Press Alliance, Inc.) Y < pERENNIAL yy. ''Copr. 146 by Uni.ted Feature Syndics'e inc. Tm. R. o.S. Pet. Off.-All r hts reseevcJ "They may not smell good, but tlWy say they hate Communism." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BILL MAULDIN I (Continued from Page 3) Certificate of Eligibility. At the be- ginning of each semester and sum- mer 'session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eli- gibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office pf the Dean of Students, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participa- tion before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above), the chairman or manager of such activ- ity shall (a) require each applicant to present a certificate of eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and signed a statement to exclude all others from participation. Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. Probation and Warning: Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any pub- lic activity. Eligibility, First Year: No freshman in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility. A freshman, during his second se- mester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark less than C, or (2) at least 2% times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Cer- tificate of Eligibility if he was ad- mitted to the University in good standing. Eligibility, General: In order to re- ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- dent must have earned at least 11 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding sum- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C av- erage for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E un- til removed in accordance with Uni- versity regulations. If in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promptly, the parenthetically report- ed grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligiblerunder Rule V may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. Officers, Chairmen and Managers: Officers, chairmen and managers of committees and projects who violate the Rules Governing Participation in Public Activities may be directed to appear before the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs to explain their negli- gence. The Detroit Public Schools are se- lecting teachers for placement in February 1947. A bachelor's degree and a Michigan secondary certificate are required for intermediate school; a master's degree and a Michigan secondary certificate for high school; and a bachelor's degree and a Mich- igan elementary certificate for ele- mentary school. All candidates for permanent positions must participate in a selection process which includes a psychological test, speech test and other tests and interviews. The names of selected candidates are placed on eligibility lists from which vacancies are filled. It is necessary for candidates to be in Detroit two days for the tests and interviews. Candidates may come on two Sat- urdays or !wo successive days. Fur- ther information at Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. The Department of State assists in the maintenance of more than twenty-five cultural centers in the other Americal Republics. They are interested in knowing about good candidates for positions as admini- strators, teachers of English, and li- brarians. Qualifications: A.B. degree or equivalent; successful experience, preferably in language teaching; a speaking knowledge of either Spanish or Portuguese, or, in candidates in- terested in Haiti, French; good health; a readiness to cooperate and make friends with foreign nationals; an adaptability to changed living conditions; and a knowledge of and the ability to interpret the cultural heritage of the United States. Sal- aries are good, including substantial living allowance and transportation both ways. Further information at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Willow Run Village: West Court Community Bldg. Wed., Nov. 20, 7:30-9:30 p. in., Rev. Mr. Edwards, religious and per- sonal counseling, preferably by ap- pointment; 8:00 p. m., Wednesday Night Lecture Series, Jean P. Slus- ser, Prof. of Drawing and Painting, Director of the Museum of Art, ill- ustrated lecture, "How to Look at a Modern Painting." Thurs., Nov. 21, 2:00 p. n., Open class in Prenatal and Child Care, sponsored by the Washtenaw Coun- ty Health Department, 'Care of the Sick Child," including discussion of common signs of disease and proce- dures in the care of the sick - Tea will be served; 8:00 p. in., Extension class in psychqlogy; 8:00 p. m.,Sew- ing Club; 8:00 p. in., Bridge session. Fri., Nov. 22, 8:00 p. m., Classical Recordings. West Lodge Wed., Nov. 20, 6:30 p. in., Basket- ball League; 7:00 p. in., Duplicate bridge club; 7:00 p.m., Social Di- rector's meeting; 8:30 p. m., Dance entertainment committee meeting. Thurs., Nov. 21, 8:00 p. m., Little Theatre Group presents "Blithe Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium. West Lodge. Fri., Nov. 22, 8:30 p. in., University of Michigan students' dance. Sat., Nov. 23, 8:00 p. in., Little Theatre Group presents "Blithe Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium. West Lodge. Lectures Phi Delta Epsilon Lecture. Dr. Roy D. McClure, Chief Surgeon, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, will speak on the subject, "The Historical Devel- opment of the Treatment of Burns," at 8 o'clock tonight in the Main Am- phitheatre, University Hospital; aus- nircac io Phi n.ltn aEnsilon mrlinl Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 3:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 22, in Room 219, W. Medical Bldg. The subject to be discussed will be "Col- ostrum." All interested are invited. Mathematics Seminar on Stochas- tic Processes will meet at 3:00 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 21, in 317 W. Engineer- ing. Prof. A. H. Copeland will speak on Brownian movement. Special Functions Seminar: 10:00 a.m., Wed., Nov. 20, in Room 340 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Northam will talk on Orthogonal Polynomials. Veterans' Tutorial Program: An additional Veterans' Tutorial Sec- tion in elementary Mathematics has been scheduled to meet Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Rm. 3017 Angell Hall. Events Today Botany Journal Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in Room 1139, Natural Science. There will be reports by George Small, Ted Banks, Margery Anthony and Russell Steere. Re- freshments. Prof. H. H. Bartlett, Chairman. Phi Lambda Upsilon faculty and student members will meet at 7:30 tonight in the W. Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. K. Fajans will speak on "Recollections." Delta Chapter of the National Sig- nal Corps fraternity, P Tau Pi Sigma will meet at 7:30 tonight in Rm. 100, Military Hdqs. Bldg. Important plans for technical and social functions will be discussed. Der deutsche Verein will meet at 8 o'clock tonight in Room 318, Union. Program: Ein Gemutlicher Abend consisting of two short Ger- man skits and singing of German songs. Refreshments. All those in- terested are cordially invited. Debaters: All debaters who expect to debate the labor question are re- (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenhelm..Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha.............. Associate Editor Clark Baker..............Sports Editor Des Howarth......Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter........Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all iews dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. 6.00. 1 [mUSIC Yehudi Menuhin returned to Hill Auditorium last night and produced the unpleasant experience of start- ing off on a high level and gradually dissipating into some very dull mus- ic. The first half of the program was not played with the technical bril- liance that Mr. Menuhin has achiev- ed on other occasions but he did display poise and mature phrasing which, coupled with the inherent caliber and demands of the music it- Slf, help d provide an enjoyable first half rceit a . Throughout the entire evening, though, Mr. Menuhin appeared tired and lacked sparkle. This became apparent in the great Bach unac- compajnied sonata in G miinor. When vi-,' Metithin.arrivedGat the titanic fwu'u. he lacked the physical stam- ina to give the full and vigorous attack the music demanded. After the intermission, the music and the performance both took a turn for the worse. In the Sym- phonie Espagnole Mr. Menuhin ran through a number that on any num- ber of other times he has played with enthusiasm and excellence. The final selections were played xwith indifference, almost contempt. T1his may well be what they deserve, but Mr. Menuhin did nothing to en- hance their value. I -- BARNABY .. r 1 I'm a whit troubled- The Packomobile salesman with whom I conversed on the; , ,- . - r . t Oh. I'm not concerned with the problem of misfaken identity- A . ut.. Rti fr.. a - :s u/Lr .op y' IV44, tiI , ..i&pp. PM.,' . F R G .Po . IOHL If any organization HE'S Just as I was about interested in wants to In n- ; ,i{', affl r :-me oda POnkommobl