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November 20, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-20

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OPA Opposes
General Rent
Ceiling Raise
Congress Alone
Can Make Change
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-(AP) -
OPA today was represented by a
highly-placed official as "strongly
opposed" to a general increase in
rent ceilings but favoring decontrol
of transient hotel rates.
This official, who asked that he
not be identified by name, told re-
presentatives of the real estate in-
dustry that so far as the OPA was
concerned any fiat percentage rise in
rent ceilings or any "basic change"
in the standards by which individual
adjustments are made will have to
come from Congress if at all.
Transient Rates
The official disclosed that OPA is
now contemplating taking price ceil-
igns off transient hotel rooms "per-
haps very soon" if a satisfactory defi-
nition of such rooms can be worked
out. The agency intends, he said, to
protect permanent residents of ho-
tels and is considering the problem
of residents of very low-cost accom-
modations, such as "flop-houses."
These disclosures were made
against a background of increasing
demands. of property owners for a
general increase in ceilings or out-
right decontrol of rents.
Detroit Landowners Picket
A group of Detroit, Mich., land-
ladies picketed the White House and
OPA headquarters here, carrying
placards demanding rent decontrol
and declaring "America wants free-
dom not Communism."
From Texas came reports of a
landlords' strike, but OPA officials
said they were not apprehensive that
such a movement would become
widespread. Various organizations of
property owners have urged relaxa-
tion or abolition of rent controls.
Petitions for Increase
The House Rent Industry Advis-
ory committee has petitioned OPA
for a 15 per cent increase in all dwel-
ling rentals, decontrol of new hous-
ing rentals, and progressive removal
of all ceilings where landlords offer
tenants a lease with a rent increase
of no more than 15 per cent.
Price Administrator Paul Porter
was represented as believing that any
flat percentage increase would bene-
fit those who are least in need of re-
lief. He has taken the position, it
was reported, that to make any ma-
jor change in standards by which in-
dividual adjustments were made
produce an "escalator" with all rents
spiralling upward.
Men uhin Lauds
Soviet Welcome
The warmth and hospitality with
which the Soviet Union welcomes vis-
iting musicians was noted yesterday
by Yehudi Menuhin in an interview
following his recital at Hill Audi-
torium. 0
Menuhin was the first artist of the
Allied Nations to visit Russia at the
war's end upon the invitation of the
Soviet Government. He commented
that Russian audiences do not yet
have a feeling for the style of such
composers as Mozart or Debussy. The
reason, he said, would probably be
found in "the nation's collective tem-
perament 'and personality" as well as
in the fact that Russian musicians
place greatest emphasis on Russian
music. "This is a good thing," he re-
marked, adding that it does, however,
limit the total appreciation of the au-

Comparing the many audiences of
servicement before which he appeared
during the war with Ann Arbor audi-
ences, Menuhin pointed out that the
latter seem to be "musically well-dis-
ciplined and restrained," while serv-
icement were not musically trained
and, since they were "completely un-
restrained," seemed to be the most
appreciative type of audience for
which he has played.
Sanitation Meeting
To Be Held Today
with rnresentative of sience and

Legislature Will Face
A il-Gamp us Proposals
Davis Will Not Submit Any Suggestions;
Walsh Favors Organizing Gripes Committee
With Campaign promises still fresh in the campus' memory, the Student
Legislature will meet today to face a battery of All-Campus proposals-while
University Comipittee members and former Legislators sit tight.
Swelled by the addition of 27 new members, the Legislature, which now
consists of 12 members of the University Committee, eight members of the
All-Campus slate, seven non-partisan members and 14 incumbents, will
** meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Hussey Room

... .sits tight

of the League to discuss such pro-
posals as an immediate house-to-
house room survey and the sending
of delegates to an international stu-
dents' conference in Chicago.
Sits Tight
President Ray Davis said yesterday
that he would not submit any sugges-
tions. Pointing out that there are al-
most twice as many new members
as old ones he said, 'the new Legisla-
lators are coming in with a lot of new
ideas. They'll tell us what to do anti
we'll show them how to do it."
Some of the "new ideas," as ex-
pressed by Tom Walsh, leader of the
All-Campus slate, will include the
formation of a Gripes Committee "to
establish direct contact with the stu-
dent body," a system of committees
working independently of the Legis-
lature and immediate action on a
football seating plan.
'Common Goal'
Expressing a hope that "the Legis-
lature will work toward a common
goal regardless of pressures and
prejudices heaped upon it," George
Nicolau, University Committee mem-
ber who received the largest number
of votes cast in the election, said that
he would not make any specific pro-
posals until he became "oriented."
He added that he would stand behind
"any proposal that contributes to the
advancement of the University."
. The, Legislature's -Cabinet will
meet at 7 p.m. today in the Hussey
Room of the League to draw up an
agenda for the meeting. Eligibility
cards for all Legislators will be
checked at the meeting.
Whitney Blasts
Truman Rule
(R)-CIO convention delegates today
heard A. F. Whitney, head of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,
lambast President Truman and call
him -a "Pendergast cesspool" pro-
Wihitney, whose independent un-
ion recently was wooed unsuccessful-
ley by the CIO, declared that train-
men had "no more respect" for Tru-
man than for "the Pendergast cess-
pool from which he gained political
Whitney, still smarting under Tru-
man's decision last May to order the
Army to operate strike-bound rail-
roads if necessary, said labor "must
be on the lookout" for attempts to
turn members against their unions
and leaders.

National Coa CrsiForces
Conservation Program at U

.. . invites gripes

MINERS LEAVE JOBS-Workers of the Black Diam ond Mine, Monongohela, Pa., are shown waiting for a
trolley after walking off from their jobs in premature observance of John L. Lewis' contract "termination."

Gov. Kelly Receives
Care at ' Hospital
Gov. Harry F. Kelly, who is under
treatment for laryngitis at Univer-
sity Hospital, was reported yester-
day to be "coming along nicely."
He entered the hospital Thursday
and has been under the care of Dean
Albert C. Furstenberg of the Medical
School. No comment was available
concerning the probable duration of
his stay at the hospital.

The Government request for coal
conservation in view of the impend-
ing coal miners walkout has brought
about a three point University con-
servatioh program which will be in-
stituted immediately, Herbert G.
Watkins, University secretary, an-
nounced yesterday.
The program, designed to cut down
the amount of coal used by the Uni-
versity by "around 10 per cent,"
calls for sparing use of the lights and
ventilators in the buildings .and dis-
continuance of heat at night.
'Too Hot Anyway'
Professors Harold M. Dorr and A.
D. Moore, of the Literary College and
the College of Engineering respective-
ly, approved the plan. "The build-
ings are usually too hot anyway,"
they commented.
Walter Roth. plant superintendent,
asserted that similar plans had been
used twice during the war with suc-
cess. He added that a four man crew
would be required to shut off the heat
in the buildings at night and turn it
on again in the morning.
Must Conserve Supply
"The heating plant burns nearly
300 tons of coal a day. With our pres-
ent supply, we must conserve it in
order to ride out a prolonged strike,"
Roth said.
Professor Moore suggested that the
lights could be conserved to aid in
saving the University coal supplyHe
suggested a plan to facilitate this
part of the program.
"The office personnel in the vari-
ous buildings could make an hourly
check to see that unused lights are
turned off in addition to a faculty
check," Prof. Moore explained.
Keep Costs Down
Prof. Dorr suggester that Roth "cut
off the ventilators in the buildings at
night." He added that manually op-
erated thermostats would help in
keeping heating costs down.
Both professors commented on the
unnecessary warmth of the buildings
Gettysburg Address
Ideals Needed Now
The "new birth of freedop" cli-
maxing Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
is as necessary today as it was 83
years ago, Louis A. Warren declared
yesterday at a speech department
Dedication Day assembly.
Warren is director of the Lincoln
National Life Foundation in Fort
Wayae, Ind.

at present. Roth explained that the
new buildings will have an auto-
matic system for regulating. the
amount of heat. He added that some
of the buildings have these attach-
ments now, but the cost prohibited in-
stalling them in the older campus
Watkins urged the cooperation of
all students, faculty and personnel of
the University in keeping windows
closed and unused lights off.
Loan Demands
Drop Following
Monday's High
Following Monday's record high of
55 applications for short-term subsis-
tence loans to veterans, loan demands
dropped sharply yesterday.
University ,ashier Gordon B. Jory
reported late yesterday afternoon
that although the day's tabulations
were not complete, he believed that
loan requests at his office "have not
been nearly so heavy as the average
for the term and considerably lower
than yesterday."
He said that he believed Veterans
Administration checks were starting
to come through. With the arrival of
his check yesterday, one veteran
closed his loan account. Jory said he
expected others to follow suit soon.
The flood of applications Monday-
55 newly approved by the Office of
the Dean of Students and 20 previ-
ously approved-may have been due,
Jory explained, to the feeling on the
part of many veterans that they could
no longer delay their dormitory pay-

Number of Idle
Coal Miners
Nears 89,000
Federal Injunction Fails
To Halt New Walk-Outs
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 19-(IP)-The
number of idle miners clinbed toward
89,000 tonight as members of AFL-
United Mine Worker pit committees
displayed letters from John L. Lewis
saying the coal contract expires Wed-
nesday midnight.
Miners said the letter was a dupli-
cate of the one Lewis sent the gov-
ernment Nov. 15 notifying them the
contract would be terminated.
One local official, John Castor,
secretary of the Ellsworth, Pa., local,
said the miners "received all the in-
structions they needed from the ra-
dio and newspapers," and could be
expected to leave their jobs tomorrow.
Meanwhile, reports from the field
showed 51,000 miners today joined
the 38,000 who quit work yesterday
despite a federal court injunction
against a shutdown, in the industry.
Tension appeared to increase
among the miners as John L. Lewis'
Wednesday midnight deadline neared.
At Ellsworth, Pa., the community's
900 miners worked as usual. But as
they went to and from the pit, many
loitered in front of the company
store and discussed possibilities of a
repetition of last spring's, 59-day
Jailing Lewis would "just stir up
trouble," declared Alex Derito.
"Something like that would just make
the boys get wool in thier eyes and
try to bite. The government won't
gain anything by trying to push John
L. around."
The spreading paralysis began eat-
ing into fuel supplies of steel and iron
producing companies, some of whose
mines were among those idled.

Lewis Greets
With Silence
Army Waits for
Government Call
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 - The
Army announced tonight it was pre-
pared to take a hand in the coal
crisis if requested, while John L.
Lewis preserved an impenetrable si-
lence on a federal court order de-
signed to head off a full-scale bi-
tuminous strike.
Lewis, United Mine Workers chief,
gave no hint of his attitude toward
the order, under which he risks jail
unless he cancels his notice that his
contract with the government is ter-
minated Wednesday midnight.
The miners, to whom the words
"no contract" are traditionally a
signal to fling down their tools,
were jumping the gun. Revised
figures by the Solid Fuels Adminis-
tration showed that the situation
has idled 288 government-operated
mines employing 74,188 men. Esti-
mates in the field were even high-
er. The SFA calculated today's loss
of production at 468,707 tons.
The War Department issued a
statement saying:
"1. Upon call from the federal
coal administrator, the War Depart-
merit is prepared to cooperate fully
in meeting the requirements set.
"2. To date no call has been re-
Colonel J. R. Pierce, Deputy Chief
of the Public Relations Division, said
the statement was issued in response
to questions whether the Army was
prepared to call out troops or take
other action in the event of a strike.
A clause in the order under which
the mines were seized by the gov-
ernment says that the Federal Coal
Mines Administrator may call upon
other government departments for
needed assistance.
Often in the past, however, United
Mine Workers members have said:
"You can't mine coal with bayonets."
The approach of the Wednesday
midnight deadline means that Lewis
will have to decide his course quick-
Even should he promptly withdraw
his notice to 'the government that his
xorking contract wtih it is terminat-
ed tomorrow, as the court directed
aim to do, much coal production is
>ure to have been lost. Government
)fficials talked of possible electricity'
'brown outs."
While Lewis' demands for a new
;ontract have never been specified,
,hey presumably include higher pay.
One report is that he wants the.same
>ay for a 40-hour week as for the
;resent 54-hour week which includes
19 hours of overtime.
The government, from President
Truman on down, says Lewis doesn't
,ven have the right to terminate
-he contract it has with it.
Bus Subsidy,
Ended by Board
Cancellation Will' Boost
Willow-Detroit Fare
The State Administrative Board in
Lansing voted yesterday to discon-

tinue on December 15 the present
subsidy to the DSR bus lines for their
operation between Detroit and Wil-
low Village, G. Hale Brake, state
treasurer, announced.
The reasons given by Brake for the
cancellation were that the vet-
erans fund was low and that the
tate would be unable to spend money
on other veterans if the subsidy was
The action came suddenly, despite
the fact that the Willow Village AVC
had contacted legislativerepresenta-
tive in Lansing in an attempt to de-
fer action. Village AVC chairman
Walt Hoffman, however, promised
not to give up the fight.
At present, residents who work or
study in Detroit are given passes by
which they are allowed to go back
and forth on a 20 cent one-way rate.
The cancellation of the subsidy will
boost the fares to 75 cents each way.
The fare was raised from 10 to 20
cents this summer after the state, at-

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 19-Belgium, Colombia and Syria won two-year seats
on the United Nations Security Council today by substantial margins over
six other nations in a single ballot of the 54-member U.N. Assembly.
The three countries will replace Mexico, the Netherlands and Egypt next
Jan. 1 on the important 11-member council, which is the Assembly's agent
for watching over the peace the entire United Nations has sworn to preserve.

NEW YORK, Nov. 19--Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov offi-
cially informed the Italian government today that Russia believes a
friendly settlement of the Trieste issue and related border problems by
direct negotiation between Italy and Yugoslavia would "promote the
strengthening of peace in Europe."

Belgian Underground Leader
To Urge World Education Aid


BUCHAREST, Nov. 19-Three opposition parties protested to the
Allied Control Commission tonight against what they charged were irreg-
ularities at many voting stations in Bucharest during today's election of a
new Romanian parliament.
The protest was filed by the National Liberal, National Peasant and
Independent Socialist parties.
Meanwhile, the government issued a communilue charging that Mihai
Romniceanu, National Liberal opposition minister, led an opposition group
which attacked and occupied the Galac Prefecture.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-OPA today ordered an increase in re-

Ferdinand Dierkens, a former un-
derground leader in Belgium, is one
of the foreign students at the Uni-
versity who will speak at sorority and
fraternity houses on behalf of the
World Student Service Fund drive
to be held Thursday and Friday.
Feeling that the plight of Belgian
students is typical of those in many
war-wrecked countries, Dierkens
plans to explain the need for aid

said that students study in the un-
heated buildings wearing their coats.
Despite their handicaps, Belgian
students contributed $5,000 to World
Student Relief. Dierkens related that
The Campus Casbah, all-campus
night club, has turned over all its
profits for the past week end to
the World Service Student Fund
drive which begins this week. The
Casbah is the first contributor to

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