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September 27, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-27

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F ,It i', SEPTENIBEl , 27. 1946

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Fifty-Seventh Year


octtCPJ to the 6clitor


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
tobert Goldman ...................... Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .... . ... . .......Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ........................... City Editor
Mary Brush ........................... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............................. Associate Editor
Paul Harsha .......................... Associate Editor
Clark Baker ............................. Sports Editor
Joan Wlk........................... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager
Evelyn Mills...............Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork ................ Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
Po' re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoit or
otherwise credited in this newcspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mal matter,.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
ri, $5.00, by mal, $.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
'Western loc'
rfHE "WESTERN BLOC" in the UNO Security
Council headed by the representatives of
Great Britain and this country succeeded easily
this week in beating down another Russian re-
quest for a report by all members on the number
and location of their troops now stationed on
the soil of nations who were not former enemies.
Some Americans will be proud of Sir Alex-
ander Cadogan, the British delegate who
roundly denounced the "transparent political
maneuver" as "disreputable." Some, too, will
cheer the Kuomintang's delegate, Dr. C. L.
Hsia who, like a true nationalist, declared that
the United States and the Chinese govern-
ment would decide "when or whether" Amer-'
ican troops would be withdrawn from China.
To others of us, the issue is not quite that
crystal-clear. Perhaps, as Mr. Gromyko sug-
gests, the questions which arise from the con-
tinued garrisoning of American troops in China'
DO affect somebody besides the United States
and China, an idea which has not visibly pene-
trated the thinking of our State Department.
Nor are the Russians alone in their desire
to know about our troops and our policies in
China. We, the American public, also should
be informed about how many troops are there,
what they are doing, and WHY.
Now that the war is allegedly over, our gov-
ernment should have secrets neither from its
own people nor from the rest of the world. If
we have any realistic expectations of forming
a family of nations or of making the UNO any
more than a mutual abuse society, we can do no
less than establish an open and clear cut policy
regarding China, admitting into our confidence
the other "powers."
-Tom Walsh
Atomic Energy
One reason the political problems raised by
the discovery of the means to release atomic en-
ergy are so vast is that it contains inherently
contradictory elements. Only by international
action can we reap the potential benefits of
atomic energy, which are so great for all man-
kind; only by international action can we find
any security against the bomb, which has de-
structive possibilities that are so apalling. But
if the bomb is thus the sharpest spur to inter-
nationalism, it is also the sharpest reminder
that American foreign policy must not forget
that American security is endangered as never
before. The bomb provides the greatest tempta-
tion to aggression ever offered an ambitious

people or an unscrupulous leader, and against
it the traditional modes of national defense are
clearly inadequate. New strategies are called for,
alike in the military and political fields.
. .,The American policy has on the whole
been sound. The Anglo - American - Canadian
Declaration gave statesmanlike evidence that we
recognize the scope of the problem no less than
its critical nature. But we have been slow to
act, and that slowness has been costly. A great
psychological opportunity to enlist public opir/
ion in favor of the necessary grant of sovereignty
was lost at the very beginning; and every step
that has been taken... has lost force by being
delayed. ... The necessary faith in international
control cannot be called into being by the touch
of a wand. It must be built link by link, and
further power as it proceeds. But there is not a
momtent to lose... Once again-and more truly
than ever before-the race is between education
and disaster.

Football Tickets
To the Editor:
I WAS very much interested to read in today's
Daily the article which dealt with the pro-
cess by which football tickets are dispensed and
the abuse of same by un-named and undetected
students. The reason I was so fascinated is that
my wife and I have seats in Section 28, Row 8,
Section 28, as you may possibly know, is in the
northeast corner of the stadium. Perhaps, if
we manage to get in the stadium with a peris-
cope and a pair of strong field glasses, we may
be able to tell at which end of the gridiron the
players are struggling. Perhaps.
I happen to be in the law school, having start-
'd this summer, and so far as I know, I am a
fully accredited student. Such a status entitles
me to football tickets within the stadium. Tech-
nically you might say that Section 28 is within
For History
'HERE will now be a great rub-a-dub of spec-
ulation as to what Stalin meant by the sur-
prisingly amiable and gentle statement in which
he has pooh-poohed the dangers of war. It is an
unexpected statezxent; little birds twitter in it,
doves hop from paragraph to paragraph; it is
like springtime at the Roxy, complete with ev-
erything except a chorus of maidens in lace
pants. What can Stalin mean by saying that
there is no danger of war, that he believes un-
conditionally in the possibility of friendly and
lasting cooperation with the west? What an out-
rageously calm thing to say at a time when
everybody is so excited!
Friends and supporters of Mr. Byrnes will,
of course, say that the statement is the fruit
of hard American policy; that a year of pres-
sure has finally brought forth a twig with an
olive on it. But to make use of Stalin's state-
ment strategically, in our home debate, is not
quite the same thing as to understand it.
It is equally possible to argue that no friendly
statements came from the Soviet Union until
Wallace spoke up; that perhaps Stalin is delib-
erately encouraging Wallace and his "peace
party" by giving them something on which to
build. If I may say so without vainglory, I men-
tioned in this space on September 19 that one
overlooked possibility in the Wallace incident
was that it might call forth a reorientation of
Soviet policy; perhaps that was a lucky hit.
Yet the statement, in a sense, leaves Wallace
high and dry; if the danger of war "does not
exist," there was hardly any call for Wallace to
get hot and lose his job. Where are we? Oh,
yes; though this curious, double-jointed state-
ment does take some of the ground from under
Wallace, it also hits hard at the febrile crew of
shouters for a preventive war. It hurts them even
more than it hurts Wallace; for, in their press'
columns and on the air, they have been describ--!
ing, in detail, the imminent approach of a de-
mon; and here comes somebody carrying a dish'
of ice cream.
At this point we begin to sense some of the
effects of the Stalin interview; it has an extra-..
ordinary capacity for throwing a number of
persons off balance; and the feeling arises that
this statement, so meek and mild on the sur-
face, is, in essence, a kind of challenge.
We must remember that it is Communist dog-
ma that Communism never starts a war; Com-
munism goes its peacefur way, humming a
wordless tune, until it is hit on the head by
capitalism, then there is a war. If war starts,
the great item of Communist propaganda (and
it will resound around the world) will be that
capitalism started it. The Stalin statement sets
up a framework in which to adavance that
claim; it draws a perspective of permanent
peace, as a make-ready device for assessing
war guilt later. In February, Stalin said that
war was "inevitable" in a capitalist world. In-
evitable in February and a non-existent danger
in September? Can it be that Stalin not only
denies that he wants war, but even denies that
war is possible, so as to set up the question of
who is to blame, if it does come, in the clearest
way imaginable?
But if it is a challenge, what do we do with
it? Here, it seems to me, we need enormous

wisdom, something much better than our
current gay over-confidence. For merely to
continue with the tough policy is not to ac-
cept the challenge, but to fall into the trap,
in a struggle that is being fought, not for ter-
ritory, but for influence over the minds of
peace-loving men.
We need to exert pressure for what we con-
sider right, but with less of that lust for the kill
which has lately been cropping up; we need to
look more as if we want a solution, and rather
less as if we want a showdown; and we need to
be suspicious of some of these bully boys of in-
ternationalism, who have so joyously entered
the movement only when it bogged down. We
must show in tone as well as tactic that what
we want is peace, or we shall flunk on thisI
extremely delicate business of handling the
subtle Stalin challenge. For it was a statement
issued, not for its immediate effect, but to be
remembered later; and it can be said about some
of our own present statements that they will
make poor remembering in time to come.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

the stadium, but for all practical purposes I
might as well be on the outside selling popcorn.
I spent my undergraduate days at a large east-
ern university where the bowl held 70,000. There
the students were placed between the 20 and 50
yard lines-and it was possible to buy a seat
for a date and sit with her, and still be between
the 30 yard lines. The athletic officials there
sold the tickets in the corners to the poor sacks
who came out late Saturday afternoon-they
certainly wouldn't foist them off on the visit-
ing student body, and they even felt that the
supporters of the team were entitled to decent
I don't blame anybody for trying to get a
good seat in the stadium; but I do think that
it's shocking that any student should have to
resort to subterfuge. There are 18,125 odd stu-
dents, plus, say, 7,000 other persons who are
all entitled to tickets. Throw in another 5,000
for graft, and the total is about 30,000. In a
stadium built to hold 85,000 people, there should
be at least 50,000 seats between'the 10 yard
lines. There are no bonds to pay off that I know
about, yet the choice seats still go to outsiders
waving the proper amount of cash. I think it's
a stinking mess when the students end up with
the lousiest seats in the stadium.
SAlfred B. Fitt
Obscuring Uproar
To the Editor:
THE UPROAR about the football tickets is ob-
scuring the real issue in the situation. Sel-
dom has such idealism been apparent in mis-
administration. And now, altho a student up-
roar is sufficient excuse for the college author-
ities to hand the situation to the student govern-
ment, let's make no mistake about the location
of the real trouble.
I don't believe the student government will
have the majority support in any move it makes
to punish offenders. Will anyone be surprised
if the tickets just don't get turned in?
Dustin P. Ordway
'Hit and Run'
ONCE AGAIN the "hit and run" pattern of
the Truman administration has been im-
pressed upon the country. But, unfortunately,
the Wallace episode could not have occurred at
a worse time. We are deep in negotiations with
the other powers at Paris and the curtain is
about to go up on the last act of a national elec-
tion which bids fair to have an unhappy ending
for practically everyone concerned.
One may be permitted to be less sorry for
Henry A. Wallace than amazed at his apparent
inability to appreciate the trte Truman form
and be prepared to avoid the consequences of it.
In perspective it seems perfectly natural that
the President should have read the draft of
Wallace's Madison Square Garden speech and
smilingly approved it without suggesting the
crossing of a single "T." It was just as natural that
at his press conference, on the morning of the
speech, President Truman should publicly again
endorse the speech, and cheerfully assure the
newspaper correspondents that the Wallace pol-
icy of "spheres of influence" was not at variance
with the "one world" theory of international re-
lations to which most of us thought that the
country had been committed, Even a last-min-
ute ringing of the alarm bell by Acting Secretary
of State Clayton, although in time to deflect the
lighted match from the tinder that would pres-
ently break into flames, did not disturb the self-
assurance of President Truman or penetrate the
dense ignorance of his "intimate" advisers.
Before stepping onto the platform at Madi-
son Square Garden, Henry A. Wallace, if he had
had any of his Scotch caution left, would have
delivered his resignation as Secretary of
Commerce. Apparently he had forgotten the
Pauley incident where the Truman form was
first clearly displayed to the plaudits of the
"Missouri Gang." In the Pauley case, President
Truman deliberately closed his mind to the
possibility of a political explosion. When the
Secretary of the Interior showed the President
the telegram from Senator Walsh summoning
him to appear as a witness at the hearing an
Mr. Pauley, the President's only comment was,

"Or course you must tell the truth, but be as
easy as you can on Ed Pauley." Which was ihe
equivalent of saying: "I know that this is a
hot potato, but try not to drop it."
Here we have two outstanding instances of the
President's disposition to run out on members
of his own team. Probably his own neck is too
precious not to be saved even at the cost of loyal
and honorable behavior, but his disposition,
which constitutes a glaring weakness of the
President, may be one answer to his inability to
get the "good men" whom he complains he can-
not get for his administration.
Of course Secretary Wallace should not have
delivered the speech, even with the cobwebby
support of the President. He should have re-
signed before giving it. However, whatever
Henry A. Wallace might or might not have done
does not tend to serve the reputation of Presi-
dent Truman. The people like forthrightness and
courage and loyalty. They do not enjoy the sight
of one man being made to suffer for the, mis-
step of another.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

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Teaching Pay
( 'HARGING that there is more fi.-
nancial incentive for a young man
to seek to be a milkman or janitor
th an a high school science teacher,
Dr. Paul E. Klopsteg, chairman of
the American Institute of Physics,
declares that American youth can-
not be properly educated for an
atomic age until teachers are paid
high1er salaries.
Teachers' salaries have advanced
little in recent years, while in-
comes in other occupations have
risen by leaps and bounds," he said,
adding, "The discrepancy between
teachers' salaries and incomes in
(It tier ocijpaton is much wider in
th e UnIllited States than in other
We cannot hope to retain or ad-
vane iuri scientific superiority in
tile dawning atomic age unless this
weaknless in our socety is overcome,"
1r. Rlopsteg warned.
He rieported that purveys showing
that the average teacher salary Is
about $1,500 a year, and most high
school teachers receive less than
Predicting a critical shortage of
both scientists and science teachers
for many years, Dr. Klopsteg said
that improved high school science
training is needed both to interest
young people in science and to ac-
qucint all students with scienceas
aL basis f-r good citizenship in the
lodernl world.
-Scence lNews LUtter



Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 4
Telephone Number Change-Business
Recently the switchboard has been
removed from the Business Office. If
you call 81 you will hear the "busy"
signal. Each employee of that office
has been assigned a station with an
individual number. To reach the
Business Office, please dial 4121 and
ask for the person or department de-
sired, or dial 696 and the proper sta-
tion number will be given to you.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, Sept.
30, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 311, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Counselors in Religion are provided
in two areas of experience;
1. Regardless of affiliation or the
lack of affiliation, the Cunselr's of-
fice at 215 Angell Hall, 11:00-12:00
or 3:00-4:00 daily, is open to any stu-
dent or group.
2. According to your church af-
filiation, you will be served through
the S.R.A. at Lane Hall or at the Ann
Arbor worship center of your choice.
Your search for religious values
among the many values will have im-
mediate attention by trained Coun-
LS&A: Transfer Students. Yellow
evaluation sheets must be returned at
once to 1209 Angell Hall. Your offi-
cial admission certificate will not be
made up until this sheet is returned.
Green evaluation sheets are your
own, and need not be returned to our
Students who received marks of I,
X or 'no report' at the close of their
last semester or summer session of
attendance will receive a grade of E
in the course or courses unless this
work is made up by Oct. 23. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 U. H. where it
will be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Students are reminded of the fol-
lowing regulations which became ef-
fective with the beginning of the Fall
Term, 1946-47:
1) Students are expected to attend
classes regularly.
2) When the instructor considers
the number of absences excessive,

that is, when a student's absence
from a course endangers his satisfac-
tory progress, the instructor should
send a written report on the case to
the Administrative Board for action:
Freshmen and sophomores should be
reported to the Chairman of the Aca-
demic Counselors, Associate Dea,
1220 Angell Hall.
All women students on the campus
who are employed part-time are in-
structed to register this fact immedi-
ately at the Office of the Dean of
Women. The Health Service and the
Academic Counselors Office are coop-
erating to put this requirement into
effect, which has been decided upon
so that good health and maximum
academic efficiency will be insured
among women students. A brief form
will be filled out by each woman stu-
dent who is employed in any capacity
whether she wotks on the campus or
Women students interested in put-
ting their names on the baby sitters'
list for afternoon or evening may reg-
ister in the Office of the Dean of
Women. Closing hours must be ob-
Householders interested in obtain-
ing baby sitters may inquire at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
R. Ii. Markham, veteran foreign
correspondent of The Christion Sci-
ence Momnitor, will speak Sunday,
Sept. 29, at 8:00 p.n . in the Rackham
Auditorium on the subject "Russia in
the Balkans." This lecture, under the
auspices of the University of Michi-
gan Polonia Club, is open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Academic Notices
The tutorial program for all vet-
eran students desiring it will go into
operation Monday, Sept. 30.
CHEMISTRY (3) - Mon.-Thurs.,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 122 Chem., Chas. G.
Dodd; Sat. 9:00-10:00 a.m.; Mn. 7-8,
165 Chem. R. N. Keller.
CHEMISTRY (4)-Mon. 7-8 rT.m.
165 Chem. S. Lewen; Sat., 11-12 Noon.
CHEMISTRY (21)-Wed., 4-5, 303
Chem, R. W. Hahn.
ENGLISH ,COMP. (1) - Tues.-
Thurs.,, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 2235 A H,
Donald Martin; ENGLISH COMP.
(2)-Tues.-Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m.
3216 A H, William Gram.; Fri., 5:00-
6:00 p.m.
FRENCH (1) - Mon.-Thurs.,
4:00-5:00 p.m., 106 R L, A. Favreau;
(2)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 106
R L, F. Gravit; (31)-Mon.-Thurs.,
4:00-5:00 p.m., 108 R L, James'
O'Neill; (32)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00
p.m., 108 R L, A. Favreau.
GERMAN-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30
p.m., 2016 A H, F. H. Reiss; Sat.,
1l:00--12:00 Noon.
MATHEMATICS-advanced, Tues-
Thurs~, Fri., 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3010 A H,
E. Spavier; beginning, Tues-Thurs. -
Fri., 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3011 A H., G. R.
PHYSICS (25)--Mon.-Wed., 7:30-
8:30 p.m., 202 West Physics; Sat.
11:00--12:00 noon; (26)-Mon.-Wed.,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 1035 Randall; Sat.,
11:00-12:00 noon; (46) -Mon.-Wed.,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 1036 Randall; Sat.
11:00-12:00 noon. Instructors to be
SPANISH (l)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-
cZ.AA .n m 2.., R T.2 Tnn+.ainc !Y . 1 '

p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Dictionaries may be used.
Mathematics 300, ORIENTATION
SEMINAR: Hours will be arranged
Tues., Oct. 1, 5:00 p.m., Room 3201
Angell Hail.
Meeting to arrange Seminars in the
Mathematics Department, Tues., Oct.
1, 5:00 p.m., Room3201 Angell HTll.
Political Science 107: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 10:00 will meet
in Room 1025 Angell HaIl hereafter.
E. S. Brown
Zoology 141 - Parasitology lecture
will be held in the West Lecture Ram
No. 221, Dental Building.
George R. LaRue
Events Today
The annual Orientation Coffee
Hour will be held at Lane Hall today
from 4:30 to 6:00. President Ruthven,
the Board of Directors of Lane Hall,
and their wives will be guests. Every-
one is cordially invited. Refreshments
will be served.
The Academic Committee of the
Student Legislature will meet at 4:00
p.m. today in the League.
Ice Cream Social sponsored by the
Wesleyan Guild on the lawn of First
Methodist Church following the Pep
Rally tonight. Everyone is cordially
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will hold Open
House tonight. Entertainment and
refreshments for all . All students
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold open house tonight from
8:00-11:00 at the Student Center,
1304 Hill.
Coming 'Events
Graduate Student Council: first
meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 30,
at 7:00 p.m. in The Rackham Build-
ing. All members of the forier Coun-
cils and of the Council of the Spring
Term of 1946 are urged to be present.
The public is cordially invited.
TERNITY will hold its first meeting
of the semester Monday evening,
September 30, at 7:00, third floor of
the School of Music. All members
urged to attend. Members from other
chapters cordially invited.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineers' speech
society, will hold its first meeting of
the year Tues., Oct. 1, in the Michi-
gan Union, Room 316. Plans for New-
comers' Night and for the Intercol-
legiate Conference Debate will be dis-
PLES GUILD will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard Street, following
the football game and go in a group
to the Island for a weiner roast. Res-
ervations must be at the Guild House
by 1:00 p.m. Friday, Phone 538.
Small harge.
OPEN HOUSE to be held at zeta
Tau Alpha House, 826 Tappan, imme-
diately following the football game
Russian Circle, Russky Kruzhok,
will hold its first meeting Monday at
8:00 p.m. in the International Center.
All students interested in Russian




But- O'Malley
can't be in the
building. I'd
have seen him

Whew- Is that O'Malley? I had a good time watching
But-- He's got WINGS., you draw pictures an the:
blackboard, -Mr. O'Malley.
Thanks for taking me .'

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