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November 17, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-17

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Latest Deadline in the State



lveine Power Crushes Ba gers,


Russian Use of
Veto Brings
British Attack
Big Five Opposes
(charter Changes
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 16-
Great Britain today leveled a strong
attack against Russia's use of the
veto as preparations went ahead for
a meeting of the Big Five Powers
called to try for a private agreement
on modification of the much-debated
voting power .
In assailing the Soviet taptics, the
British stood firm with the other
four major powers against changing
the charter as demanded by small
nations but welcomed a chance to
get the issue temporarily out of the
hands of the General Assembly.
'Everybody Out of Step'
Philip Noel-Baker, British delegate,
said Russia's position reminded him
of the mother who said "everybody
is out of step but my Johnny."
The British delegate spoke before
the United Nations Assembly's 51-
nation political committee after
France moved to suspend the debate
pending the Big Five meeting. Brit-
ish sources reiterated that the ses-
sion would be held on Monday in
New York regardless of action on the
French plan and declared assur-
ances to attend had been received
from all principals, including Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov.
Oppose Charter Revision
In advancing his plan to close the
debate, French delegate Alexandre
Parodi lined up with the other big
powers in opposing any revision of
the chrter but called for improve-
ment of the procedure of voting in
the Security Council.
Now all of the five major powers
except Russia have taken the position
that the council itself should limit
the use of the veto to rare and ex-
ceptional cases.
WSSF To Hold
Two-DDay rive
Funds To Aid Schools
In War-Torn Nations
With the goal of obtaining a con-
tribution of a dollar from every stu-
dent, the World Student Service
Fund will conduct a two day tag
drive Thursday and Friday.
Financed by students for the aid
of students, the WSSF usesrits funds
for individual rehabilitation and the
rebuilding of universities in war dev-
astated countries.
Mass Meeting
The campaign will begin with a
mass meeting at the Union tomorrow
at which Bill Ellis, an officer of the
International Union of Students
which was founded at Prague this
year, will speak.
Barbara Stauffer, head of the
WSSF drive at the University, stated
that the real purpose of the drive is
not merely raising funds, but edu-
Basis of World Peace
Students must realize that world
peace may rest on the success of
students in foreign countries in ob-
taining education, she explained.
Food, clothing, medicine, books,
soap, paper and other necessities for
students' health and the preparation
of studies are purchased with WSSF
money. Another portion of the funds
is used to construct shelter for stu-
dents and professors and rebuild uni-

See DOLLAR, Page 2
Ellis To Speak
In WSSF Drive
William Ellis, an officer of the
International Union of Students, will
speak on behalf ofatheWorld Student
Service Fund at a mass meeting at
7 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
As a delegate of the National Inter-
collegiate Christian Council, Ellis at-
tended the Prague Congress where
he was elected a vice-president of
the newly created International Un-

Government Freezes,
Rations U.S. Soft Coal
Krug Calls Order 'Essential Precaution'
As Lewis Ignores Request to Reconsider
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16-A drastic government order froze the nation's
meager soft coal supplies and placed them under rationing today as John
L. Lewis stonily stood pat on the challenge which'threatens a strike at mid-
night Wednesday.
Going far beyond the freeze order issued at the time of the bituminous
strike last spring, the government seized control not only of future coal pro-
duction but also of all stocks now in transit and in dealers' yards. It will be
doled out only to utilities, railroads, ships, hospital, laundries, food plants

Win Contest
On Two First
Period Drives

Mann, Dworsky,
Ford Cross Goal

and householders having less than
ten days' supply on hand.
Charges "Unwillingness"
"Issuance of these orders is an es-
sential precaution in view of the un-
willingness of the president of the
United Mine Workers to accede with
the President's request to reconsid-
er the government's proposal look-
ing toward a settlement of the coal
controversy," Secretary of the Inter-
ior Krug told the worried public in a
As the government thus prepared
for the worst, Lewis ignored the ad-
ministration's second appeal for a
60-day truce and its pointed warning
that he has no legal ground for ter-
minating the miners present contract.
Members of the operators' nego-
tiating committee, who had agreed to
the administration proposal for ne-
gotiations with Lewis over his new
wage demand.s, took Lewis' refusal
at its face and scattered to their
The freeze of the coal supplies, ef-
fective as of noon today, was in
three orders. One covered coal in
transit and that which may be pro-
duced hereafter, estimated to come
to 8,500,000 tons by midnight Wed-
nesday with normal production. An-
other covered all coal in shipment on
the Great Lakes or other waterways,
including tidewater shipments not
affected by earlier freeze orders. The
third covered all coal in retail yards.
WAA Discloses
Priority Misuse

committee poses as its members get together to talk about organization of the new Congress in Washington.
From left around the GOP elephant symbol are: Seated: Reps. Clifford R. Hope (Kan.), Thomas A. Jenk-
ins (Ohio), Roy O. Woodruff (Mich.), Joseph W Martin Jr. (Mass.), slated to be the new House speaker,
Harold Knutson (Minn.) and J. Roland Kinzer (Pa.); Standing: Reps. John M. Robsion (Ky.), Clarence
Brown (Ohio), Leo E. Allen (Ill.), Leslie C. Arends (Ill.), Earl C. Michener (Mich.) and Charles A. Halleck

Allotment Checks Reach Only
25 Per Cent of Vet Students

... To Speak Here
* * *
Dedication Day
Talk To Honor
Lincoln Speech
Dr. Louis A. Warren, director of the
Lincoln National Life, Foundation,
will discuss ;'Eloquence at Gettys-
burg" at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, commemorating
the eighty-third anniversary of Lin-
coln's Gettysburg address.
The address will be given at the
November Speech Assembly. All
classes are to be dismissed so that
students and members of the staff
may attend. Robert G. Rittenour,
Grad., will read the Gettysburg ad-
Pursuant to a joint resolution of
Congress, President Truman pro-
claimed November 19 as Dedication
Day on the anniversary of the Get-
tysburg address. He urged the peo-
ple of the United States "to observe
that day by reading the address in
public assemblages throughout the
United States and its possessions, on
our ships at sea, and wherever the
American flag flies."
First Perspectives
In Today's Edition
The current year's first issue of
Perspectives, literary magazine of
the University, is included as a
supplement to today's edition of
The Daily. Perspectives features
fiction, poetry, essays, book re-
views and art by both undergrad-
uate and graduate students.

Veterans' allotment checks were
trickling into Ann Arbor at the end
of this week although an unofficial
poll of campus post offices and men's
revealed that less than 25 per cent
of the checks had been received..
The Detroit office of the Veteran's
Administration had said that all of
For discussion of veterans' allot-
ment checks see editorial on page
the checks were due here last Thurs-
According to Robert S. Waldrop, di-
rector of the Veterans Guidance Cen-
ter, J. Frank Campbell, VA chief in
Detroit, said that almost all of the
applications for subsistence have been
forwarded to the Cleveland finance
Of the 62,000 applications for sub-
sistence from veterans enrolled in
Michigan educational institutions, all
but 5,000 have been sent on to Cleve-
land. Screening for various data
which might effect subsistence pay-
ments is given as the reason why
these applications are still in Detroit.
Campbell said that he expects that
all applications will be in Cleveland
by next Wednesday.
Although a poll of post offices at
the East and West Quads, the Law
Club and Pittsfield Village revealed
that only about 1 per cent of, the
checks had been received by Friday,



WASHINGTON, Nov. 16-(IP)-The
War Assets Administration, striking
angrily at what it called a "doubly
despicable" practice, announced to-
night it has uncovered cases in which
state and local officials misused sur-
plus purchase priorities for private
The agency reported some prosecu-
tions- already under way by the Jus-
tice Department and promised more.
It said investigation of such cases is
being given priority.
No names were given, bht WAA
said violations were "especially prev-
alent in certain Southern and Mid-
western states." Questioned by re-
porters, officials declined to specify
which states.
Some of the complaints have been
found groundless, the agency added,
and 38 cases still are under investi-
gation. In two instances, indictments
have been returned.

Campbell stated that more than 10
per cent of the checks had been
mailed from Cleveland. He hadno
statement as to how long it would be
until all the checks were mailed.
Campbell pointed out that the
Cleveland finance office, which han-
dles allotment checks for veterans of
Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky, is now
working under the peak load caused
by a flood of fall enrollments.
Of the 421 reports made to the
campus Veterans Guidance Center
on Nov. 4 and 5 that veterans had not
yet received either their checks or
notification of allotment authoriza-
tion, 76 per cent of the claims have
been investigated and applications
sent to Cleveland.
CIO Says Unity
Vital in Face of
.Big Business'
-(R')-The CIO acting on an assump-
tion that big business has "declared
war" on it, was making a determined
effort today to get its own house in
Existence of a division between
the CIO's "right wing" and "left
wing" was recognized more bluntly
than ever before by the CIO leader-
ship as they prepared for the CIO
convention which opens Monday.
President Philip Murray, regard-
ed as virtually certain to accept re-
election, acknowledged today in a
brief news conference the existence
of a special CIO committee which is
working on harmony.
Other leaders have disclosed that
it has six members, equally divided
between the right and left wings.
It was learned that Murray told
the executive board yesterday in em-
phatic terms that CIO unions will
meet strong resistance this winter in
their fight for a second post-war
round of wage increases.
Others present at the meeting said
Murray referred specifically to re-
cent utterances of Alfred P. Sloan,
board chairman of General Motors
and that Murray interpreted such
utterances as a "declaration of war.

Regents Accept
$27,000 for
'T' Research
Receive $20,000 from
Sargent for Library
Research projects at the Univer-
sity received $27,000 from a total of
$57,334 in gifts accepted by the
Board of Regents yesterday.
The American Cancer Society, Inc.,
New York City, has given $15,000 for
research leading to the development
of the sulphur dioxide exchange pro-
cess for recovering the stable isotope
of oxygen as a tracer element in fol-
lowing physiological reactions. This
research is being carried onunder
the direction of Prof. Robert R.
Whiter of the chemical and metal-
lurgical engineering departments.
Parasite Study
A fund of $7,000 for special re-
search in the study of the relations
of malarial parasites to host cells
was established by the U.S. Public
Health Service.
A grant of not more than $5,000
was made by the Earhart Foundation
of Ann Arbor for an extension of
research on gastric ulcers under the
direction of Dr. Marvin H. Pollard
of the medical school.
Largest gift accepted was $20,000
from the estate of Abby L. Sargent,
of Bedford, Mass., the sum to be in-
vested and income used for the Gen-
eral Library.
Faculty Appointments
Two appointments to the faculty,
three leaves of absence and five ap-
pointments to the Library Council
were approved by the Regents.
The title of Warren E. Blake was
changed from professor of Greek to
professor of the Greek Language
and Literature in the Department of
Classical Studies, a title tradition-
ally given to the senior professor in
Death Toll Reaches Eight
In Deer Hunting Season
DETROIT, Nov. 16 - (P) - The
death list from Michigan's first big
postwar deer hunting season reached
eight Saturday as four more fatalities
and numerous injuries were reported.
Gunfire claimed three more lives,
bringing that total to four, three have
been killed in auto accidents and one
hunter has died of a heart attack.

Scoring a pair of touchdowns in
both the first and fourth quarters,
Michigan kept alive its hopes for a
Big Nine Conference grid title yes-
terday by soundly trouncing the Wis-
consin Badgers, 28-6, before a crowd
of 63,415 rain-soaked spectators.
Marching for touchdowns the first
two times they got the ball, the Wol-
verines left little doubt as to their
superiority and scored almost at will.
Only once did the Badgers-including
eight former ,Michigan griddei's-
threaten, and only twice did they car-
ry the ball into Maize and Blue ter-
Chappuis Again Stars
The victory may prove costly for
Michigan, however, since three right
halfbacks, Bump Elliott, Paul White,
and Ralph Chubb, were hurt in the
final period. Just how serious their
injuries are could not be determined
Bob Chappius again sparked the
Maize and Blue victory with his run-
ning and passing, plunging for 118
yards and pitching three aerials for
another 43 to bring his total rushing
mark to 770 yards. This is just 92
short of Otto Graham's 1942 rec-
ord of 862.
Bob Mann, speedy end, snared two
passes for the first two Michigan
scores while Dan Dworsky and Len
Ford each marked up a touchdown.
Automatic. Jim Brieske converted
after each six-pointer to keep intact
his Conference percentage of 15 con-
versions in as many attempts.
The Badgers received the kick-off
and ran it back to their own 22. Two
plays gained them a yard, and Tex
Cox punted to Chappuis who re-
turned it to the Michigan 45. It took
the Wolverines just nine plays to
reach pay dirt.
Mann Scores on Pass
Bump Elliott hit left tackle for
seven yards. Bob Weise lugged it for
five more and a first down on the
Badgers' 43. Chappuis went around
end for five. He then flipped a short
?ass to Elmer Madar on the Wiscon-
sin 34. Weise again made it a first
down on a one yard buck.
Bump Elliott circled end for an-
other five, aided by a nice block by
Howie Yerges. Yerges took Chappuis'
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
SAC Considers
Of Chaperonage
The University's chaperonage ma-
chinery appears to be in for some
major streamlining.
A special chaperonage sub-com-
mittee of the Student Affairs Com-
mittee recommended that faculty
members "of the rank of instructor
or above" will be considered eligible
to be chaperones at approved parties
and dances.
In addition, the sub-committee,
headed by Assistant Dean of Women
Mary C. Bromage, recommended that
persons ought not be excluded auto-
matically from chaperone lists "whol-
ly because they are registered as stu-
Students Acceptable
Acceptance of instructors and con-
sideration of older students for chap-
erone dutiessare definite departures
from the past which saw assistant
professors and above as eligible for
The Student Affairs Committee ac-
cepted the recommendations and re-
ferred them to the University com-
mittees whose sphere covers these
In addition, the Student Affairs
Committee approved the following
drives and social functions: Galens
Drive, Dec. 6 and 7; Assembly Ball,
Mar. 7; two union Formals, Dec.
13-14; Engineering Council Formal,
Jan. 17; and an Inter-Racial Associ-

ation Dance, Dec. 6.
Choral Union Series
To Present Menuhin

Chinese Crisis
Expected Soion
Nanking Governmen
Denies Assault Plans


W orldNes at a Glnce
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 16-Prime MinisterdAttlee, assuming the role of a
fighting leader, is prepared to ask the House of Commons Monday for his
first vote of confidence to crush decisively a revolt in the Labor Party against
his foreign policy.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16-The Republican drive to bar Senator
Bilbo (Dem.-Miss.) from his seat gained some Democratic aid today
as the Senhte campaign investigating committee voted a full scale in-
quiry into his anti-Negro stand.
The vote was unanimous on the part of the three Democratic as
well as the two Republican committee members.
* * *~ *.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16-With a specific denunciation of "Soviet totali-
tarianism" and "aggression," the Catholic bishops of the United States
urged tonight that the peace treaties "secure men everywhere in the en-
joyment of their native rights."
"Before we can hope for a good peace," their statement declared, "there
must come an agreement among the peacemakers on the basic question
of man, as man. If this agreement is reached, then secondary, though im-
portant, defects in the peace may be tolerable in the hope of their eventual

YENAN, Nov. 14 (Delayed) -(I)-
Chinese Communists rushed their
women and children to the hills to-
day and vowed to defend this head-
quarters city to the death against a
government onslaught which they
predicted in 10 to 14 days.
Government authorities in Nanking
have repeatedly denied plans to as-
sault Yenan, but a Communist
spokesman said Generalissimo Chi-
ang Kai-Shek's armies were massing
in great strength for an imminent
four-way attack which will mark a
crisis in the civil war.
This spokesman, Yang Shan-Kun,
General Secretary of the Eighth
Route Army, said 100,000 to 150,000
of the best government troops were
moving into position 60 to 100 miles
from Yenan.
Students To Give
One-Act Plays
A bill of three one-act plays, to be
staged and directed by members of

'New Leader' Editor To Talk
On Britain s Foreign Policy'

William Henry Chamberlin, asso-
ciate editor of The New Leader, will
discuss "British Foreign Policy under
the Labor Government" in a Uni-
versity lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Recently returned from an exten-
sive tour of Europe where he sur-
vi-vpu nestwar cndritins in Eng-

He is also a frequent contributor to
Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, Ameri-
can Mercury, and numerous other
magazines and publications.
As the leading representative of
the Christian Science Monitor in
the Far East, Chamberlin visited
China, Manchukuo, the Philippine

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