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November 16, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-16

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Frauds Enumerated

ALL OF US who are interested in student gov-
ernment are probably wondering just how
many fraudulent elections the Student Legis-
lature will be able to survive.
Certainly no one who participated actively
in the recent election will deny that at least half
of the election rules, established by the election
committee of the Student Legislature, were
openly and flagrantly violated.
1. There were not three students stationed
at each ballot box every hour during the two
election days. In several cases the people who
had agreed to handle the polling stations never
appeared; in some cases their places were taken
by volunteers recruited on the spot.-+
2,Not only was campaigning allowed with-
in 50 feet of the ballot box, but in many cases °
it was encouraged and led by the people in
charge of the polls. One member of the Uni-
versity Committee has admitted that over-.
zealous fraternity and sorority pledges were
"mostly responsible" for this violation.
3. Printed matter, in the form of posters, was
distributed within the limits of the campus
proper, but most of it was removed by other.
students in an attempt to shield the candidates
represented on the posters from possible dis-
4. An accurate check or estimate on the ex-
tent of voting by proxy is obviously impossible.
One sorority girl, failing in an attempt to have
her ID card punched a second or third time,
produced a stack of ID cards and was turned
away from the polls. How many were not turned
5. The secrecy of the ballots, in many cases,
was not respected by those in charge of the poll-
ing stations. Voters were often instructed and
corrected in their choices of candidates.
6. Some poll attendants deliberately neg-
lected 'to stamp ballots by those people whom
they recognized as being unaffiliated inde-
pendents. Other poll attendants, with inde-
pendent sympathies, slipped fraternity and
sorority ballots into the ballot boxes without
being stamped in an effort to even the score.
7, One ballot box was collected by persons un-

known and was not recovered until the next
morning. Election committee officials discov-
ered that the box had been stuffed. Whoever
had the box in his possession for twelve hours,
however, might easily have removed the stamped
ballots, changed the votes listed, and returned
the legally cast ballots to the box.
It is not our purpose to smear the election
or the Legislature. Nor do we believe that the
undesirable conduct 'of the voting should be
charged against the election committee. There
is no reason why it should be necessary for the
election committee to anticipate such a wide-
spread indication of dishonesty and irresponsi-
bility on the part of students asked to work on
the polls.
Now, however, definite revisions in the poll
set-up would appear necessary.
Because of the difficulty in obtaining com-
petent poll attendants, the number of polling
places should, in the future, be limited to three
or four. Terrell Whitsitt, chairman of the elec-
tion committee, has suggested the Union, the
League and the diagonal as polling places witl
the possible addition of the Engineering Arch.
Poll attendants should be chosen from the
members of 'the Student Legislature and from
the officers of other functioning non-partisan
campus organizations instead of being re-
cruited from the general student body. Only
in this way will the election committee be
relatively certain that the poll attendants will
do all in their power to keep the voting hon-
est regardless of their individual sympathies.
We strongly urge the Student Legislature to
take action on these or similar revisions im-
mediately. Nothing but unwholesome publicity
can be gained by delay now. Immediate reform,
on the other hand, may recover some of the vital
prestige that always suffers in a fraudulent
Student government at the University of
Michigan has not succeeded yet. It will not
succeed unless it is respected, not merely tol-
erated, by the student body.
-John Campbell

New Congressional Policy

REPUBLICAN LEADERS and numerous edi-
torialists, including one writer for The Daily,
have made'several half-baked proposals for a
legislative program for the new Congress. The
internal contradictions and impracticability of
a program which would include these proposals
would make it pathetic were such recommenda-
tions to be carried out, and it appears highly
probable that they will be.
One of the objectives in the series is the re-,
moval of "wartime alphabetical bureaucracies
such as OPA, CPA, WPB, WMA, USES, etc.,
excise and 'luxury' taxes, building restrictions,
and especially the President's wartime dicta-
torial powers," (quote from editorial in The
Daily, Nov. 15, 1946). No consideration is made
of the continued necessity for several of the.
heinous "institutions" mentioned. They are ap-
parently condemned purely because of their
establishment under the New Deal, that being
the only" "damnable" characteristic common
to all.
For the record: OPA is moribund, except in
its controls over rent, rice and sugar; WPB is
long defunct; CPA, which took over many
WPB functions, exercises powers only in a
very limited field, such as construction, where
limited resources necessitate their being can-
alized into uses most socially beneficial for
the nation; most of the USES was turned
back to the states this week in the face of
nearly unanimous opposition from experts in
the field of employment mobility.
A criticism of the proposal to eliminate ex-
cise and "luxury" taxes may well include the
recommendation for an across-the-board 20 per
cent income tax cut. These proposals are made
at the same time that a balanced national bud-
get is insisted upon. It so happens that excise

taxes are not New Deal "atrocities"; they were
a source of revenue before Fala became an his-
torical figure. Luxury taxes justly place a finan-
cial responsibility upon those persons who de-
rive the greatest financial benefit from govern-
ment expenditures, especially from wartime ex-
penditures which were necessary to maintain
the national existence in which those persons
find the primary advantages of the status quo.
When we consider income tax cuts, we must rec-
ognize that, regardless of who was responsible
we must pay About five billion dollars of interest
yearly to support the national debt. and must fill
other large "over-head" financial obligations.
Also, during this period of high employment and
deflated money value, it is most practical to
maintain high taxes in order to reduce the na-'
tional debt.
I refuse to comment on an issue so inane as
the "priceless filibuster."
Several of the proposals are less partisanly
biased and naively pernicious. The continued
streamlining of Congress, a bipartisan foreign
policy (if it is a wise one), elimination of
the poll tax, constructive labor legislation and
establishment of a National Science Founda-
tion are meritorious recommendations which
deserve serious consideration.
If I have neglected to make evident other
ridiculous aspects of the proposals I condemn,
it is not because there are not other other fal-
lacies which might be shown. However, those
considerations which I have explained very
concisely should conclusively demonstrate the
absurd nature of those proposals. But it is
interesting to note the preposterous conclusions
to which "intelligent" persons can come when
they lack adequate factual basis and open-
mindedness in their cogitations'.
-Mal Roemer

National Unity
HAVING JUST passed through an election,
etc., we Americans have not exactly been
one big happy family lately. One of the real
shivers in the end of price control is that this
may put yet another strain on our national
economy, splintering us some more. A lot of
people who have been getting on fairly well to-
gether now find they have to oppose each other,
and make faces at each other; and not all of
this takes the classical form of labor-manage-
ment disputes.
We hear store executives, for example, call-
ing on their customers to help them hold
prices down. Editorial writers have a new
heroine, the housewife who will not pay high
prices for meat. The idea of buyers' resistance
receives support from rather startlingly con-
servative sources. This is economic struggle;
the housewife and the producer whose prices
she is resisting are not, at the moment, friends.
There is an increased individual conscious-
ness of belonging to a group, and of group
interests, which Senator Taft, I'll be bound,
never bargained on, since he seems not to
believe in the theory that one thing leads
to another.
The divisive strain shows up in industry it-
self, in some sections of which there is talk of
a kind of purchasing agents' strike against high-
er prices. Business is a buyer as well as a seller,
of course; and the buying portion of industry
is quite unhappy about current price increases.
There are some quotations from purchasing
managers in industry about the economic dan-
gers of price increases which might, at this mo-
ment, be rather embarrassing to the selling
ends of the same or allied organizations.
Where the strain shows up most clearly, of
course, is in agriculture. Here you really get
it, with diagrammatic clarity, because farm
prices have been going down at the very mo-.
ment when the prices of manufactured goods
have started smartly up. Corn dropped fror
$1.35 to $1.31 between November 9 and 12, for
example, while a leading producer announced
a 9 per cent increase in the price of farm imple-
ments and tractors. It is like two trains pass-
ing each other; the distance between them can
increase with terrifying rapidity.
It is true that the farmer has already had
his price increase, while manufacturers have
not yet had theirs, to the same extent; but that
is small comfort as shoes jump 20 per cent and
soap 50 per cent, retail, at a time when there is
woe in the cotton belt.
The struggle between agriculture and in-
dustry over prices is one of the great con-
stants of American history; much of our
national story can be told along this one
theme. The suppression of this quarrel was
one of Mr. Roosevelt's great achievements;
he really did do that; and its possible renewal
now sadly rings a familiar bell. The strain on
our national coherence at a critical time is
a manifest danger.
When to this you add the curious waiting
game which management and labor are now
playing with each other, as they both watch the
price-wage equation, you get a real feeling of
the divisive tensions and pulls now maturing.
It will take real statesmanship to pull us through
in good order; bumbling and platitudes will not
do now, for, with the war-time flush ebbing,
the adventure in words is changing into an ad-
venture among realities. Planning, for all of
its faults, did avoid some of these tensions, a
diagram of which would resemble nothing so
much as a sheet of safety glass that had been
hit by a rock.
Now we shall have to judge, from Republi-
can actions, whether the victorious party's pro-
gram is one for internal peace or internal war.
It is a high and magnificent choice, and one
hopes doggedly that there will be great spirits
in the party to make it correctly.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)

TWO WASHTENAW County officials who deal.
with juvenile delinquency pointed out a
social deficiency in the State's educational pro-
gram this wveek. Both Dr. Ada DeWitt Ames,
assistant county agent, and Dr. Malcolm B.
Rogers, Willow Village school superintendent,
declared that the lack of adequate vocational
training for boys who don't attend high school
is a spur toward delinquency.
"Young men of that age are inclined to be
emotionally uncontrollable," Dr. Rogers said,
and since they have no part in school life, they
enter a "period of shadow" in which they are
especially liable to become delinquent.
Dr. Ames said that she deals frequently with
"man-size boys" who have broken away from
their families, don't want academic schooling,
and have no place to turn.
The result is an added burden for County
delinquency officers and wasted lives for boys
who might be turned to constructive work.
Boys on probation in Juvenile Court have
asked Dr. Ames for vocational training, but no
adequate facilities for such work exist in the
Washtenaw County area.
It would be socially wise of the State to
place greater emphasis on vocational training
-Paul Harsha

EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor
will be printed unless signed and writ-
ten in good taste. Letters over 30 words
in length will be shortened or omitted;
in special instances, they will be printed,
at the discretion of the editorial director.
Villager Protests *
To the Editor:
AS USUAL, the University of Mich-
igan is being arbitrary in its ad-
ministration of the students living
in Willow Village. The latest words
from the powers-that-be state
that . . . "The Policy of the Uni-
versity will be to permit any student
who is now living at Willow Village
to terminate his residence at the
end of the first semester if he gives
notice of such intention prior to
Nov. 25, 1947."
Dean Bursley knows that it is, at
present, impossible to obtain an ad-
vance reservation for a room in Ann
Arbor. The University Housing Bur-
eau knows that, for they have at-
tempted a survey . . . the results ...
nil. Those persons who are operating
rooming houses tell us that they will
not know whether they will have any
vacancies for next term until the
end of the present term.
The University seems only inter-
ested in jamming full its campus,
without regard to the welfare of any
group. One of its spokesmen has
stated that the Villager is part of
the University campus. That may be.
true . . . granted that the University
has tried to make life easier, but
Willow Village is still 13 miles, a bus
schedule, a bus fare, etc. from Ann
Arbor, the libraries, classes stores
and fellow students.
If the Dean and his Housing
Board would put themselves in the
'shoes of the students I feel sure that
their decision would be a little less
severe. Knowing that this will never
happen, I challenge Dean Bursley to
consult an elected board of Village
students before he issues his pro-
clamations, with the minutes of the
consultation to be published in The
Michigan Daily.
-Gustave Kutzko
* * *
Garg Confused.. .
To the Editor:
WE RESENT the inference mWade
in this morning's Daily that the
Gargoyle held up the production of
the Technic. It is rumored that the
Technic is the biggest hold-up since
the passing away of the late Jessie
James. Several members of the staff
do not know what a Technic is.
Please reply.
-Phil Snyder
* *r * '
Unfair Editorials
To the Editor:
HERE are two editorials in Wed-
nesday's Daily. Neither is truth-
ful or fair.
I find on page one, Wednesday:
"Austin said slowly and clearly, 'The
United States is prepared to cooper-
ate fully with all other members of
the United Nations on disarmament.
It advocates effective safeguards by
ways of inspection...:"
I find on page four, Wednesday,
by Milt Freudenheim, a denounce-
ment of the N. Y. Times partly be-
cause the Times "notes" that his
(Molotov's) proposals include no
"offer of inspection to make the dis-
armament plan effective."
Mr. Austin is in N. Y. now to rep-
resent the people of this country.
The N. Y. Times also tries to repre-
sent the people of this country. Is
it queer that they should say the
same thing?
The other editorial says, about
Molotov's speech: "Naturally, his
words were unhappily received by the
warmongers in our country... These
are the men who fear the truth;
they want no open, frank discussion."
Now from this the reader can con-
clude that our representative to the
United Nations (sent to prevent war)
is a war-monger. And he can con-
clude that the N.Y. Times is a war-
monger. I do not believe it.

Molotov asked us to disarm, to
throw out our atomic bombs. Russia
will say that they will disarm if we
will say that we will disarm if Eng-
land will say that she will disarm.
If this is done we will have the
choice of believing that Russia has
no power, sending spies over to find
out, or just assuming that she has
secret forces. Ten years ago, with
respect to Germany, we took the first
course, and it was the wrong course.
This time, we must not believe, we
must be able to know, what countries
are preparing for war so that our
policy makers and our people may
make the right decisions and make
them early, So far Russia has not
offered us the whole, complete truth.
That is what we are waiting for.
That is what the "recalcitrant" Mr.
Baruch is waiting for.
Without that truth, how do the
editors of The Daily propose that
we can tell friends from foes BE-
FORE the bombs fall?
-Frank D. Amon

Eliminated Candidate ...
To the Editor:
THE statement which appeared in
The Daily Nov. 14 concerning one
eliminated candidate's insistence on
an investigation of the election for
fraud should be qualified. The can-
didate, Marge Kohlhaas, was elim-
inated. However, an important fact
was not included in The Daily which
could, and rightly so, arouse in the
minds of those not knowing Marge
Kohlhaas, the fact that she was a
poor loser and exhibited poor sports-
manship. Therefore, this fact should
be known: at the time Marge Kohl-
haas insisted upon an investigation,
she was not an eliminated candidate.
She was eliminated following her
first protest.
?nowing this "eliminated candi-
date" personally, I am confident that
her interest in the election is a re-
sult of her intense desire to initiate
honesty and reliability in the present
student legislature and all its activ-
ities rather than interestin her own
personal gain. Using her own de-
feated case as an example is a cour-
ageous thing for Miss Kohlhaas to
-Louise Kefgen
Ellis Reanswered . .
To the Editor:
IN a letter published in the Michi-
gan Daily, September 27, I urged
that Mr. Wallace's removal from the
Truman cabinet must not provide
impetus for organization of a third'
(progressive) party in the United
States. The Democratic party was
traditionally the progressive party.
Revitalization and slight reorienta-
tion of its well-organized machine
would save progressives' dissipating7
efforts spent on organizing a third1
party, never successful in the United
States anyway.1
Now comes Mr. Ellis, in his edi-;
torial column of Nov. 7, suggesting
that after their defeat in Tuesday's
elections, progressives must abandon
the Democratic party. They must,
he says, form a third, truly liberalj
party. But he is wrong. This de-
feat, like the Wallace controversy,
must nt-at this crucially late date
with respect to 1948-move progres-

sives to undertake such a time-con-
suming, inevitably unsuccessful pro-
How can progressives revitalize the
Democratic party?
First, prevail upon President Tru-
man to resign, according to Senator
Fullbright's suggestion that Mr. Van-
denberg become an apointed Repub-
lican president. This will save Dem-
ocrats' effort-sapping, seemingly end-
less apologies for their bumbling
leader. And, more important, it will
place the onus of full governmental
responsibility squarely on the Re-
Second, proclaim repeatedly that
the Democratic party is a progressive
people's party. Repudiate Southern
Republocrats and their ilk - tell
them to go play with the Republi-
cans where they belong and where
they felt so at home last summer.
Expend effort informing the people
on this realignment; don't waste it
recruiting them to a third party.
Finally, cultivate organized labor
as to the broad base of a progressive
If Mr. Ellis counters that in apply-
ing this formula we are in effect
forming his "third" party, then we
are doing it .in a practical, energy-
conserving, and, to the general elec-
torate, understandable fashion.
-Robert Copp
Explanation, Please . ..
To the Editor:
MR. POTTER'Slengthy article con-
cerning the future of our country
has confused us. to put it mildly. We
would like to know whether he will
(or can) let us know just what he
is trying to say.
For example, does he believe the
National Labor Relations Act should
be repealed? Does hp believe that
the Social Security Act should be
abolished? What does Mr. Potter
actually mean by a "steadfast, long-
range economic policy"- state so-
We regret to say that he is not
clear enough for our simple student
minds. His vague generalizations do
not allow us to decide what pro-
gram he advocates.
William . Rockwell
John R. Willis

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IO4We've Go1 TIse E ighth eek Blues

(Continued from Page 3)
Mon., Nov. 18, in 3201 Angell Hall.
Prof. Kaplan will speak on "Founda-
tions of Mechanics,", and Prof. Rothe
will speak on transformation of Ham-
iltonian Equations.
Wildlife Management Seminar:
The third in a series of Wildlife Sem-
inars will be held at 4:30 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 18, in Rm. 2039, Natural Science
Mr. Frederick W. Stuewer of the
Game Division, Michigan Conserva-
tion Department will speak on the
Raccoon in Michigan. Interesting
facts concerning the animal's life his-
tory, its population status, and is fu-
ture as a commercially valuable fur-
bearer will be discussed.
All students in Wildlife Manage-
ment are expected to attend and any-
one else interested is welcome.
Veterans' Tutorial Program: An
additional 'Veterans' Tutorial Sec-
tion in elementary Mathematics has
been scheduled to meet Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:00 to
8:00 p.m. in Rm. 3017 Angell Hall.
Choral Union Concert. Yehudi
Menuhin, Violinist, with Adolph Bal-
ler at the piano, will play the fol-
lowing program in the fourth Choral
Union Concert Monday evening, No-
vember 19, at 8:30, in Hill Audito-
rium: Sonata No. 1 (Beethoven); So-
nata in G minor (Bach); Symphonie
Espagnole (Lalo); La Fontaine d'Are-
thuse (Szymanowski); ' Hungarian
Dance No. 4 (Brahms-Joachim); and
Gypsy Airs by Sarasate.
The public will please come suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on time,
since the doors will be closed during
Events Today
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will hold Novemfber Novelty' Night at
8:30 tonight at the Congregational
Church. Program: dancing, games,
and a floorshow.
Open House at the B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation Saturday after the
Coming Events
Research Club meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 20, in the Rackham Bldg.
James K. Pollock, "The Laenderrat
-An Aspect of the American Occu-
pation of Germany," and Prof. Laur-
ence C. Stuart, "Geographical Com-
ments on the Herpetological Fauna of
Aeta Vera Paz, Guatemala."

ciety will meet at 4:15 p.m., Nov. 21,
in Rm. 151 Chemistry Bldg. Dr.
Milton Harris of Milton Harris As-
sociates, Washington, D. C., will
speak on "The Chemist Looks at Tex-
tile Fibers." The public is cordially
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will meet at 8:00 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 18, in the East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Program: for-
mation of discussion groups.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet at 4:00' p.m., Tues., Nov. 19, in
Rm. 4054, Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
L. E. Workman, Geologist and Head,
Subsurface Division, Illinois Geologi-
cal Survey, will speak on ".Insoluble
Residues of the Silurian Rocks."
Philosophy Club will meet at 8:00
p.m. Tues., at the League Coke Bar.
Club members are undergraduate stu-
dents interested in philosophy; not
necessarily members of a class. Mr.
Robert Roelofs, Teaching Fellow,
Philosophy Department, ,will lead the
University Women Veterans Asso-
ciation: All service women are urged
to attend the regular meeting of the
(Continued on Page 5)
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Stugent
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ..............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha............Associate Editor
Clark Baker.................Sports Editor
Des Howarth......Associate Sports Editor
Jack 'Martin....... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk..............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press ,'is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00,

Rearing Its head Again
W E WERE dozing through our last (Thank
God It's Friday) class the other afternoon.
The professor was in the midst of a technical,
not-too-exciting discussion of philosophical
problems of the mind, body, causality when sud-
denly, he stopped dead, turned criison,, and
"Gracious, look at that fond couple em-
bracing over there."
"There" turned out to be at the window in
Angell Hall corridor across the way.
We don't expect you to believe this part of
the story, but, after a couple of determined ef-
forts to shrug off the incident and continue the
discussion, action was resorted to.
As far as we know, the shades are still drawn
in the Mason Hall philosophy seminar room.
Anything Else You'd Like?
T HE FOLLOWING letter was. read by the
instructor of Chem 53 yesterday:
"For four years I have looked forward to
going deer hunting. So the day the season
opens you schedule a bluebodk. Please give us
a break!"
Whether by coincidence or not, the blue-
book was postponed. As the professor turned to
the blackboard he said dryly over his shoulder,
"In case any saints' holidays come up that
I don't know of, be sure to remind me."
* * * *

Making It Easy
N A GERMAN class yesterday a father of
three days' standing was translating a charm-
ing little story about children dancing. One of
the intricate steps was described as standing on
one leg. "Like a stork," the professor interposed
"I don't know anything about storks," said
the translator innocently.
Illuminating Situation
INTERMISSION time came for a coed at a
fraternity party recently. In the "dancy"
darkness of the room, she couldn't read the
signs on the doors and being a cautious lass,
she was afraid to go into unidentified rooms.
Fortunately the photographer was there at
the time and was using a wall near the dis-
puted area for a backdrop. So, she asked him
to turn on his floodlight.
"Do you want a picture?" he asked. She
said no, explained that she just wanted to .see
where she was going and walked in.
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsibility
of the editorial director.

it's not very complicated ... Your father
buys a raffle ticket- For a nominal sum.
Picks the winning ticket- Naturally. And
at a simple ceremony in-the grotto of the


He'll be presented with the new
heart set on. I'll preside. You,
Barnahv. shallst v bi m, ria h

Gosh! That'll be wonderful,
Mr. O'Malley. But don't you
have to tell the Paekomobile
n a n .. s :ts;f die.

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