FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1946 THE MICHIG~AN DAILY PAVE Erva i ii LJ 1 11V 111V1-S1\ L1'11 L.1 - Prl~UL! U 1?j 4 Campus Casbah Entertainment Will Feature Foreign Students Al I Profits To Aid Student Fund "International Night" will be the there of this week's Campus Casbah, and all the entertainers in the floor- show will be foreign students. This weekend's entertainment will herald the opening of the World Service Student Fund drive which will begin next week. All profits from the night club today and tomorrow will be turned . over to the WSSF drive. Native Costumes To Be Worn The floorshow will open with a )"Bamboo Dance" performed by Lourdes Seguhdo and a team of four Filipino dancers. A group of Euro- peans will sing European student songs in their native languages, led by Ferdinand Dierkens. The floorshow cast will include Gunvant Shah, an Indian imitator; Chico Kennedy, a Cuban dancer; and Dalisa Aldaba, Filipino singer.- All performers will be in their native costumes, and the singing and danc- ing will be in the style typical of their native countries. Townsend To Play Allen Townsend and his eleven- piece orchestra will play for the Cas- bah, all campus night club open from Emcees Again To Entertain Emcees Jim Leishman and Jack Lynclipt will again entertain guestsj during the intermission at the weekly Veterans' Dance to be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. today at West Lodge in Willow Run. Leishman and Lynclipt have been featured in the past when they pre- sent weekly visits saterizing living conditions in Willow Village. Jerry Edwards and his orchestra, featuring vocalist Beverly Early, will provide the music for the affairs. Busses will be provided for coeds from campus, and will leave from the League entrance of the Lydia Men- delssohn Theater at 7:45 p.m. 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday in the League Ballroom. The decorations are oriental, with fuschia and black the predominating color scheme. Chinese lanterns, crepe paper curtains, and cartoon figures are also part of the decorations. A' new feature of the night club is an honor roll bearing all the names of students who have taken part in past floorshows. Tickets for the Casbah are now on sale at the main desk in the League. Purchasers should bring identifica- tion cards with them in order to buy WAA To Offer Informal.Cym Jam Nov. 22 The first 1946-47 Gym Jam will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22, in Barbour and Waterman Gyms. Sponsored by the Women's Ath- letic Association, the semi-annual af- fair will feature opportunities to par- ticipate in various sports. From 8 toI 10 p.m. students may play volleyball, badminton, ping pong, or bridge. Dancing in Barbour Gym will begin at 10 p.m. to juke box music. Bad- minton, bridge, and ping pong will continue throughout the evening. The advance sale of tickets will be held Wednesday and Thursday on the center diagonal, when a limited number of tickets will be offered to all students, according to Betty Eat- on, ticket chairman. Headed by Collee Ide, WAA vice president, the Gym Jam is sponsored by the WAA board. Board members and coeds from various campus wom- en's residents compose the various committees.I tickets. * House Events Several houses are holding dances and parties this weekend. Today Sigma Phi Epsilon will hold a dinner followed by a pledge formal at Barton Hills Country Club. Zeta Beta Tau will also honor its pledges with an informal dance. Informal dances for alumni will be held tomorrow by Chi Psi and Phi Kappa Psi. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Chi, Delta Tau Delta, and Lambda Chi Alpha will also hold informal par- ties. Sigma Alpha Mu will entertain at a "Lost Weekend" party, an in- formal dance. Phi Rho Sigma will have Profes- sor Whitby of the University of Cam- bridge as guest at their informal dance. Theta Delta Chi has planned a buffet dinner followed by an in- formal dance. Also holding dances are Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Green- House. Theta Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold pledge formals. Alpha Phi is holding a Fa- thers' Weekend. One sophomore and one junior from each independent house, dormitory, sorority and fraternity are asked to meet at 4 p.m. Mon- day in the Union, to work in col- laboration with the J-Hop Cen- tral Committee. Intermission ' Contest Begins Today at Union Phi Gamma Delta fraterhity will be the first to compete in an inter- mission program contest to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight today and tomorrow in the Union Baliroom. The entertainment contest, spon- sored by'the Union Executive Coun- cil, is being featured at the regular weekly dances. In each succeeding week, a group from a fraternity, men's dorm, or independent rooming house, will present a program during the intermission. Fraternity Gives Show During the spring semester, it is the intention of the Union to present a trophy to the group judged to have presented the best entertainment. Two separate shows will be present- ed by Phi Gamma Delta. William "Buck" Dawson will act as emcee for both nights, Bob Grandy, Jack Roh- bagub, John Shaugenssy, Philip McClan, Dick Wakefield and Irving "Pro" Boim will take part in the pro- gram today. Campus Invited Tomorrow's entertainment will in- clude Philip Pratt and George Spaulding. The program will be en- titled "Life in the University," in which they will give students their view of campus life. "Although this dance is sponsored by a particular group, the campus at large is invited as has been the pol- icy for Union dances," said Mike Miskovsky, social chairman. League Open House An atmosphere of informality will be found by students who attend the League open house from 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. The League Social Committee is sponsoring Sunday evening social hours, to be held for the first time this week. The purpose is to provide an informal meeting place for student use. Music and cards will be avail- able during this time. The League Grill will be open for refreshments during these hours . ICC Functions as Policy-Determining Body for Co-ops EDITORSNOTE-This is the last in a series of stories about cooperatives on the Michigan campus. By BLANCHE BERGER Established in 1937, the Inter-Co- operative Council is comparatively new to the Michigan campus, yet its function is vital to the success of the cooperative system in existence here as the central organization, the pol- icy-determining a n d coordinating body. In 1940 the constitution was writ- ten which gave the Council the power "to administer the common interests of the cooperatives and to legislate and execute such acts as it shall deem necessary." 'The ICC is composed of two dele- gates from each of the five mem- her Co-op houses, and meets at least twice a month during the school year. The officers of this organization are elected annually by preferential vote of the total membership of the houses. Pres- ent officers include Ruth Black, president; Arthur Goldstein, vice- president; Harriet Likovsky, secre- tary; and Louis Cody, treasurer. Various committees including Pur- chasing, Personnel, Education, Ac- counting, Social, and Athletics are set up to coordinate the various ac- tivities of the co-ops. Each of these committees is com- posed of the members of the corre- sponding organization of the indi- vidual house. For example, all the social agents from the five houses to- gether make up the ICC social group, which elects its own chairman. The Council Perso:.nei Commit- tee is the agency that has charge of handling all the applications for membership in the co-ops. Inter- views of each candidate for adis- sion are arranged, and on the basis of this, the applicant is assigned to a particular house, subject to the need of the applicant and the par- ticular house. This system elimi- nates the competition which often arises between the various houses for particular members, and abol- ishes any 'rushing' methods which may be practiced. The duty of the Education Com- mittee consists of informing both the members and the general public about the principles and philosophy of the cooperative system. Forums, discussions, open meetings, motion pictures, and an annual state-wide cooperative conference all help in this program of ,education. At such times the problems which arise under this system are also discussed and soloed. The mass buying program for all the houses is taken care of by the Purchasing Committee. Because of the large quantities of food, that must be bought, substantial savings can be made. Coal, soap, flour, canned goods, milk, sugar, dry goods and meat are a few of the commodities which are bought by the committee. An increase in this mass buying program causes even greater economy for the houses and the students. Books are kept in order by the Ac- counting Committee which also has charge of advising the Council in the granting of loans to the houses which are in need of them. The In- ter-Cooperative Loan Fund is con- posed of voluntary loans from the surpluses of the member houses. No interest is charged by the Council for any loan taken. These loans are chiefly designed to help the new houses get started. Michigan, Ypsi Teams Compete Ypsilanti Normal beat the Uni- versity of Michigan team in field, hockey 1-0 yesterday on Palmer Field. Playing for Michigan were Harriet Fenske, Betty Eaton, Ev Schurr, Cathy Houston, Jerry Mulson, Jan- ice Oliver, Peg Dodson, Shirley Do- nitz, Dot Hall, Mary Riggs, Jean Marson, Barb McCready, Anne Guin- an, Sandy Fotherinham, Rose Hume, Flo Simon, Viv Wallas, Norrinne Tay- lor, and Pat Gillilan. Officials for the game included Miss Hartwig and Miss Harris of the physical education department. The hockey team is under the direc- tion of Miss Anderson, coach, and Barb McNeill, manager. Members of the Hockey Club are urged to attend the meeting of the Ann Arbor Hockey Club at 2:30 p.m. Sunday on Palmer Field, as team plays will be organized. STORE H 9:30 to Daily . . . Bo iOURS 5:30 5h 3are i s n n i s r ® Le i i . i down-soft ca shmi imported from S4 these feather-light sweaters, from softest yarns, make suc gifts! Hadleys or Pringles in muted tones-white, pink, bl olive forest, maroon beige+ slipovers . . . . cardigans . . . 14. Sweaters in the Sport Shop y... { f~r k n _ .4 Sot .aicI.. j L S}, .... .CAA!......... hadfashioned c h excellent , bright or ue cherry, gold,i o r brown. 95and1.9 S. 18.95J":jr r .. 95 and .<7* .~ ~ '1 °' Ac s 9t'r,. .... ...... % 33c :'. 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