THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, .. . Republican Landslide BILL MAULDIN CINEMA THE recent Republican landslide in the Con- gressional elections serves irrefutable notice to all politicians of the frame of mind possessed by the American people. Since The Daily has carried so many editorials expounding the Dem- ocratic points of view, we should like to make clear a program which, although it is not an of- ficial Republican program, is indicative df the Republican way of thought as contrasted with the Democratic dogma. There are eight major objectives which the Republicans should attempt to attain to put the nation on a normal keel for the benefit of the American people as a whole: (1) The new Congress should declare an im- mediate end to the "National Emergency" thus permanently ending such impenitent atrocities as military conscription, wartime alphabetical bureaucracies such as OPA, CPA, WPB, WMA, USES, etc., excise and "luxury" taxes, building restrictions, and especially the President's war- time dictatorial powers. (2) The Congress should cut all income taxes by not less than 20%. (3) The National Budget should and must be balanced. No more "gift-loans" to nations like Britain, who herself just granted Czecho- slovakia a huge loan with American money. (Guess who collects the interest?) The vast expenditures of a conscript army should be halved; those of the Navy should be reduced by a fourth. This can, of course, be accomplished concomitantly with world- wide disarmament as planned by the United Nations Organization. The hordes of useless Government officeholders should be turned out, no longer to "feed at the public trough" or to exist on the Democratic "gravy train!" (4) The streamlining of Congress under the excellent La Follette Bill should be continued, but the priceless filibuster must be preserved to protect the rights of a minority against any odds. (A really obstructive filibuster can be killed by calling continuous session of the Sen- ate.) (5) The bipartisan foreign policy should be encouraged, but both the warmongering 'Get- firm-with-Russia" philosophy and the aquescent "Give-Russia-Anything" inanity should be squelched. We should follow Senator Vanden- berg's ideal of friendship and cooperation. (6) Such things as the Poll Tax and Bilbo can be and should be eliminated or made im- potent by the new Republican Congress. (7) The Congress should pass constructive labor legislation incorporating the principles that (a) membership in an organization is not a requirement for employment or anything else; (b) workers' organizations and movements are legally liable for breach of contract, for destruc- tion of property owing to strikes, for inciting riots, or for intimidating American citizens with "goon squads," in the same manner that, all other institutions are responsible for their ac- tions; (c) that a system of labor courts as ad- vocated by Senator Ferguson, are mandatory and should have power similar to the civil courts. (8) Above all, the most important part of the Republican program is a measure which sh ld receive highest consideration on the Congressional calendar. And that is the es- tablishment of the long-awaited National Science Foundation, which would provide re- search grants to universities and scientific societies and institutions, science fellowships, and finally, scholarships for high school grad- uates and college undergraduates who dis- play exceptional science talent. So here we have, broadly conceived, a real program, one which will require the utmost in courage and vision on the part of all Congress- men. Indeed, many of these measures are also advocated and supported by the non-New Deal Democrats; others will be bitterly fought by special interests. In spite of narrow pressure groups, special interests, and localized opposi- tion, we feel that the above leight measures, if put into immediate effect will do more to effect domestic--tranquility and world harmony than any other set of proposals at this era in our national history. -Richard W1 Fink CL'ePJ rito 1ie 6Ii or EDITORS NOTE: No letter to the editor will be printed unless signed and written in good taste. Leters over 300 words in length will be shortened or omitted. Defunct Voting ... To the Editor: ASSUMING that the elections are now ovel, I submit that the campus BMOC's, N1 o arrange for these periodic lacerations of the ID cards (and make loud protestations abott housing, grading of professors, and perhaps unconstitutional liquor cards in their spare rime), can very easily have another election hole xunched in the above-mentioned ID cards, and therefore, a lot more fun for themselves out of the whole thing by discovering that proportion- al representation, which system of voting was used, has been very unconstitutional for some time in the state of Michigan, being so declared in the case of the city charter of Kalamazoo. Three more punches and the dry under-aged coed will be able to tell the inquisitor it the door of the local watering-places that unfor- tanately her age (22) was deleted by her exer- cising her duties as a good voter. -Grover Penberthy In on the Know?.... To the Editor AS A MEMBER of the student body I would like to learn what the result of the football exchange with subsequent threats was before all the ballyhoo about the student election-or don't we get in on the know? -A. Jaeger "Red Baiting"... To the Editor: IN TODAY'S DAILY, Mr. E. E. Ellis tried to discredit the remarks of the local AVC chairman against Communist attempts to dominate that organization by dismissing the' remarks as "Red-baiting." Apparently a criti- cism of the Communists, whether justified or not, is "Red-baiting." Apparently Ellis' reasoning runs this way: the AVC was formed in opposition to the ultra- Current Movies At the Michigan -. - BOYS' RANCH (MGM), James Craig, Butch Jenkins. REGULARLY every four or five years the old- er generation in Hollywood delegates one of its members to reform the younger generation (male). Humphrey Bogart did it in Crime School, Spencer Tracy did it in Boys' Town. This year it's James Craig's turn. The scene has shifted from New York and Nebraska to Texas. The Dead End Kids and Mickey Rooney have been replaced by a new crop of youngsters. The story is the same. There are the two tough kids, one good, one seemingly bad; the easy reform of the good one and the tough, but equal- ly efficient reform of the bad one; truth tri- umphs over all, straight shooters always win. T , mmui ieids there are 53 boys and one little conservative American Legion and so should in- clude everyone who is opposed to that conserva- tism. He seems to ignore the fact that the pre- sence of the Communists in large numbers in a group is usually a hindrance rather than an aid in the long run in our country as it is today. The day that AVC begins to follow the party line is the day that AVC's effectiveness in com- bating the Legion policies is ended. When Lorne Cooke of the AVC said that the Communists were not wanted in the AVC, I be- lieve he was letting us know that we do not have to choose between the Legion and the Commun- ists. And the AVC can be an organization for those persons to whom the policies of the other two organizations are equally repugnant. There- fore what objection can there be to Cooke's statement that the AVC- doesn't want members whose principles are completely different from those for which the organization now stands? In conclusion I would like to remark that I do not believe the time has arrived when "the progressive movement" and "the communists" are identical in the public mind. -Donald F. Mela Objection Raised *. * To the Editor: THINK an objection should be raised against Dr. Blakeman's analysis of the reasons for the trend toward orthodoxy in religious circles. Far from being a phase of the "pattern of des- pair," a careful investigation will show the, rea- sons rest on the collapse of the basic presup- positions of theological liberalism: namely, the inherent goodness of man and the inevitability of progress. The experience of the leaders of the "Barthian" or "Neo-orthodox" movement is, most illuminating in reflecting the failure of the liberal approach. The war has but quickened the death of theological liberalism by showing the shallowness of social progress and man's goodness alone for men facing death. The re- volt against liberalism comes due to the realiza- tion on the part of thinking men that Christian- ity offers far more than a high moral code or philosophy of religion, but a dynamic life in communion with God through His Son Jesus Christ. -Brevard Childs Prefluffce . . .. To the Editor: IN yesterday's Daily, Lewis E. Combest, de- nouncing the pre-election attack on Senator Vandenberg by E. E. Ellis, labeled the below the belt punch as acting in the "finest and best New Deal tradition." Tsk, tsk--Mr. Combest, I do believe you're prejudiced. -Stan Challis Exports Decline Export figures of the United States for Oc- tober, not yet announced, will show that exports are running almost a fourth below the average of preceding months, largely because of the tie-up of vessels by strikes. --World Report At The Lydia Mendelssohn CRIME AND PUNISHMENT - Harry Bauer, Pierre Blanchard. TWO PROBLEMS faced the producers of this film: can a man's conscience be success- fully recorded on film and can a book as de- tailed as Dostoevski's Crime and Punishment be put in the movies? To deal with the last question first, I am afraid that the answer is no. The detail that can be put into a novel only confuses the public when put on the screen. There arestories from which much detail can be omitted and never missed, but Crime and Punishment is not one of them. Having read the book, I was able to follow the action, ab- rupt though its transitions were. Those who do not know the story, however, may be a little in the dark. As to the representation of a man's conscience, it is beautifully done by Pierre Blan- chard. He does Raskolnikov as neatly as the part can be played. The scenes that he and Harry Bauer do together in the last half of the picture are perfect. THOSE WHO know Dostoevski's book should be pleased with the casting and the sets. Both seem to be lifted straight from the pages of the novel. There has been no dressing up for the public of the rather grim environment and characters. Raskolnikov's room, the mon- ey-lender's tenement, the apartment of Sonia's father, have all the dreary details that Dos- toevski invested in his work. As mentioned be- fore, the continuity is a little jerky. Some characters and scenes that were important in the book have been either cut down or com- pletely deleted. This does not detract too much from the film, but its swift transitions from scene to scene often do. The music is far too obvious at times, taking one's attention from acting that it is a joy to concentrate on. In- tellectually, it's a success. -Joan Fiske Election Fraud AGAIN there has been "fraud" in an all- campus student election. One ballot box was discovered to be missing Tuesday night. When turned in Wednesday night, it was found that the box had 20 "stuffed" ballots, which were subsequently declared void. It has also been reported to the election committee that there was illegal campaigning at the polls. Allegedly some persons in charge of the polls instructed voters on which can- didates they should vote for. As a record breaking total of 4,843 students voted in this election, it is obvious that there was a large measure of student interest in it. It is a sad note that the election was marred by fraud. -Eunice Mintz Stuart Finlayson ,Vets Checks THE two ex-Army lieutenants who were selling apples outside of the stadium at last week's football game are not the only broke GI's on campus. The failure of the Veterans Administra- tion to get subsistence checks out on time has thrown many vets deeply into debt, and most will be using the funds when they do come to pay these debts, the remainder which will be very small indeed, to provide for the bare neces- sities of life. The problem is not a new one. It has been hanging over us like a cloud from the very day the first veteran attended classes here under Public Law No. 16 and the so-called G.I. Bill of Rights. One begins to wonder if there isn't something radically wrong if no remedy for the situation has been forthcoming after all this time. But one doesn't have to wonder very long, taking the case of a certain veteran on campus., He wrote a letter to the Veterans Administration requesting his check, explaining that he would have to drop out of school if he couldn't get the money. A few days later, he received a reply which stated that he had been duly awarded the funds, followed by another letter, postdating the first which said that his case would be brought before the board for consideration. Indeed, such a case would indicate that the right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing, and this case was typical of many others. The end result of the continuation of such practices by the ,Administration will be to make educational privileges for -most vets an empty honor. Indeed, this seems rather an unfair means to decrease already overcrowded univer- sity rosters of enrollment. It seems ironic that with inflation soaring high everywhere in the economy that veterans should be put hard to it with additional handicaps. The answer is not so much to increase subsistence allowances to meet inflated conditions (although it would be desirable), but to get the cash on hand when and where it is needed. This implies'that the Veterans Administration must look beyond the immediate present and take necessary measures now to meet contingen- cies of the future. The excuse that the Adminis- tration failed to foresee the greatly expanded enrollments this year is at best a weak explana- tion. -Sylvan Berman N,' By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LAKE SUCCESS-Last Sunday's French elections are considered here a victory for the Soviet Union and a defeat for the western demo- cracies. The socialists and MRP voters (friends of the western democracies):' lost one and a quarter million votes. The communists and ex-Vichy fas- cists (who both strengthen Moscow) gained three quarters of a million. The remainder went to comparatively harmless parties without any immed- iate future, like the Leftist Rally (ex- Radicals). This is a development that Ameri- cans cannot afford to sneeze or sneer off. Moscow wants a clear division of Europe into, extreme Right and ex- treme Left (just as Hitler and Marshal Petain did). Moscow wants Europeans to believe that they must choose between com- munism-re-labelled "democracy" -and fascism. If this happens, evolutionist, civil-liberty countries like the United States and Bri- tain, whether capitalists or social- ist, will lose out. Yet this was the French trend. Here at the United Nations, stu- dents of France give several reasons for this development. Glib Americans for whom French "decadence" is part of a political catechism, talk in terms of Rus- sian "propaganda" ,and General de Gaulle's errors. Rubbish. IN MY judgment, real responsibil- ity for growing political extrem- ism in France lies deeper. I think it can be traced in large part to sever- al American blunders. The first was our continued rec- ognition of Vichy France, our in- curable tenderness for Vichy-ite traitors like Darlan and Lemaigre- Dubreuil (Bob Murphy's favorites) and our failure to support General de Gaulle. Another mistake-which irritates the French particularly-is the Ang- lo-American attitude that anything strong enough to oust Franco would result in putting the communists in power in Spain. The worst and final mistake was our tenderness toward the beaten but unrepentent Germans. Depriving France of coal for the benefit of German industries seems to Frenchmen, lunacy or a crime. The lesson of the French election is: If we insist on quickly rehabilitated and reconciled Germany, prefer Spanish fascists to risking commun- ism in Spain, we ma yget an unrec- onciled and pro-Russian France, neutralized by communists. Which do we preier? (Copyright 1946, Press Alliance, Inc.) t "My, Gerald-did you ever hear such shocking language?" ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Soviet Victor I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Moot Question By SAMUEL GRAFTON I have always distrusted the formal approach to government, the dusty legalism and the slightly warped slide rule. It seems to me that these instruments have been brought into play in the current argument that Mr. Truman should turn his office over to a Republican, by first playing a game of musical chairs in his cabi- net, and then resigning. Mr. Truman is not going to do it, so the question is moot; but there is one question that is not moot, and that is the question of the state of mind of some of those who are offer- ing this proposal. What is with them? If they believe that our government cannot operate well unless the same party controls the Presidency and Congress, they should have asked Mr. Roosevelt to resign seven years ago, for ever since 1939 Congress has been controlled by a bipartisan con- servative bloc which has been apo- plectically opposed to the White House. The fact that Fulbright, Ickes, etc., make the suggestion only now, when the Republicans have won, in- dicates that they are excessively im- pressed by the names of things, rather than by the reality of things- in-themselves. And what of 1940 and 1944, in both of which years the voters se- lected Mr. Roosevelt, and also put in Congresses which hated him? Who won the mandate then? Both did, and the reason probably is that our big cities are under-represented in Congress, while our rural sections are, on a population basis, overrep- resented. The ability of the big cities (in popular, state-widevoting) to say who shall be President thus be- comes a valuable corrective against an unbalanced representational sit- uation, displeasing as the result may be to those who want everything to come out even. IF WE FACE a constitutional prob- lem, then, it is one which we have faced for seven or eight years. How shall we solve it? I don't even know if we ought to solve it. During the war years many of us were glad we had a popularly-elected President-of-all-the-people to fight it out, on close issues, with a Con- gress put in on the basis of an ancient and probably outworn dis- tricting. Granted that a number of city districts went newly Republican this time, the fact still remains (and can be proved from the record) that the people have been electing their Presidents of recent years in a quite different spirit from that in which they elect their Congresses; and the deep popular attachment to the President, rather than the Congress, as the true and favorite representa- tive of the mass of the people, is one of the most startling political phenomena of recent years. Maybe all this has changed, but the Republicans ought to have to prove it, in an election. The argument that we should leave the Republicans free to make any mistakes they want to for two years, so that we can judge them, later is a fine, expensive way to a point. (Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate) _ _ ............ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . - 0 Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 46 Notices Members of the University Senrate: The first regular meeting of the Uni- versity Senate for the academic year 1946-1947 will be held in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m., Mon., Nov. 25. All Navy V-5 students will report to NROTC, North Hall at earliest op- portunity regarding information nec- essary for payment of tuition, fees, etc. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Sat., Nov. 16. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Students, College of' Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF IN- COMPLETES will be Sat., Nov. 16. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Fri., Nov. 15. Graduate Students: dropped after Nov. 16 corded with a grade of All courses will be re- E. U. S. Civil Service Announcements have been received for: Forest Ecologist. Range Ecologist. Forest Pathologist: (a) Silviculturist, (b) Forest Soils Technologist, (c) Forest Products Technologist, (d) Forester (Forest Management). Sal- aries: $3,397 to $7,102, closing date Dec. 10. Junior Professional Assist- ant, Optional Fields: (a) Archives, (b) Mathematics, (c) Chemistry, (d) Metallurgy, (e) Economics, (f) Physics, (g) Geography, (h) Statis- tics, (i) Textile Technology. Salary: $2,644, closing date Dec. 3. Examiner Trainee, Salary, $2,644, closing date Dec. 3. Field Examiner, Salary, $3,397 to $5,905, closing date Dec. 3. For further information, call at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Willow Run Village: West Court 'Community Building Fri., Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings, Room 2 - West Lodge Activities: Fri., Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., U. of M. Student Dance with Jerry Edwards' Orchestra. Lectures University Lecture: William H. Chamberlin, author and foreign correspondent of The New Leader, will speak on the subject, "British Foreign Policy under the Labor Gov- ernment," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Nov. 18, in the Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of His- tory. The public is cordially invited. Phi Delta Epsilon Lecture. Dr. Roy D. McClure, Chief Surgeon, Henry Ford Hospital. Detroit, will speak on examination will be held in Rm. 1121 Natural Science Bldg., at 9 o'clock today. A. L. Davis Economics 121 will meet today at 10 o'clock in Alumni Memorial Hall. Discussion sections will not meet this week. (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey................'city Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Paul Earsha.............Associate Editor Clark Baker..............Sports Editor Des Howarth......Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter..........Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. .Member, BARNABY Yes. Barnaby insists that his imaginary fairy godfather can get me a new car- A Stanley Ccsr.. n .. rr i , AMnrnn I explained they're not made any more- Maybe I should have said that they don't exist- Just as tha litfle nixie cesn't exist. 1 I Re..S... OA. I'll try making THAT point another time.. Meanwhile 1'd settle How human of him.'. . To cloud the issue by casting aspersions on an innocent party- Still, it'; not your Fairy Godfather's habit to Ii C