PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1946 PAGE FOUR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1946 I I Atomic Energy Commission, ME duties of the new Atomic Energy Com- mission, headed by former TVA chief David E. Lilienthal, have been announced. They can be divided into three main classes: those designed strictly for defensive precautions against irre- sponsible exploitation and foreign aggression; offensive preparations against potential enemies; and powers intended to further the peacetime uses of atomic power. The first class of duties includes the exclusive ownership and operation of (a) all facilities for making atomic energy-producing, except such private plants as it may license, and (b) all such raw material which it considers capable of re- leasing "substantial quantities" of atomic en- ergy-as well as patents for making or using it, giving compensation for all now in private ownership. The conduct of its own research and prospecting for new sources, licensing indepen- dent research and manufacture of atomic energy- using devices, and control of the dissemination of secret information also come under this head. The only criticism relating to any of these far-reaching powers has been made by some nu- clear physicists and other scientists, concerning the extreme penalty-death-which is provided for publication of material the Commission con- siders secret. 2 Many believe this will have a crip- pling effect on atomic research, since scientists will be unwilling innocently to subject themselves to the danger of prosecution under this section. However, it would seem that some workable solu- tion could be found as actual problems arise. Not all contingencies can possibly be provided for beforehand in any law. In this case freedom of scientific research must be balanced with con- siderations of ultimate public safety. The second group of powers consists of the manufacture of atomic bombs and conduct of military research. Of course, this can be viewed as offensive defense, but it is definitely of an offensive color. The continuance of atomic war- fare research cannot be questioned-it is only a reasonable security measure which any country would be derelict in the present state of world politics not to pursue. However, the manufacture of atomic bombs is another matter, if it means that they are still-being made. This may not be so, but the facts should be made known. Our war's-end stockpile is causing enough foreign concern and distrust as it is, without such feel- ings being unnecessarily aggravated. It ill suits us' to leave ourselves open to the charge of "blackmail" put forward by the Russians re- cently. There must be-an atmosphere of friend- liness and mutual trust if any international so- lution of the atomic control problem is to be found. And it cannot be questioned that the ef- ficient functioning of our Atomic Energy Com- mission will be of little value o us unless such a world is reached. Distribution of atomic material for research and medical use, and issuance of reports on in- dustrial and commercial developments in this field make up the third category of the Commis- sion's powers to promote peacetime uses of atomic energy. The first transfer of fissionable material for medicinal purposes occurred sev- eral weeks ago. its importance in this field will Defends Locliner JN A Daily editorial Sunday, Louis P. Lochner, Associated Press foreign correspondenct in Germany for 22 years and reporter at the Nuern- berg Trial, was criticized concerning a state- ment on the legal basis for the trial. The editorial stated that "Nothing could be more far fetched than Mr. Lochner's statement here Thursday to the effect that the so-called Kellogg-Briand Pact served as a basis of the war crimes trials." First of all, Mr. Lochner was not expressing his own opinion on this point. He was explaining the stand taken by the International Military Tribunal in regard to several counts in the in- dictment of Nazi war criminals. Secondly, the fact remains that the Kellogg- Briand Pact (the Pact of Paris) has definitely been cited by Justice Robert H. Jackson as a basis for the trial in his Report to the President on the Trial of War Criminals in June, 1945. In a statement on the legal position of the United States, Justice Jackson said: "The reestablishment of the principle of un- justifiable war is traceable in many steps. One of the most significant is the Kellogg- Briand Pact of 1928, by which Germany, Italy and Japan, in common with ourselves and practically all nations of the world, renounced war as an instrument of national policy, bound themselves to seek the settlement of dis- putes only by pacific means, and condemned recourse to war for the solution of international controversies." It has been pointed out by many that a strong- er basis for the trials could have been used; Mr. Lochner himself advocated the use of Nazi law to try the criminals. However, the fact remains that no nation has ever repudiated the Pact of Paris and that the International Military Tribunal has named violation of this agreement as one of the bases on which it indicted, tried and con- victed 11 Nazi war criminals. These facts can- not be classed as "far fetched." It is not a question of whether or not viola- tion of the Kellogg-Briand Pact forms a strong, weak, valid or invalid basis for the charges- this has been debated by experts in interna- tional law ever since the trial's inception-the undeniable fact remains that it is a basis. -Phyllis L. Kaye What Russia Could Do ITWILL probably be within the capacity of 'Pimi, +tn omvrrun the Middle East. against continuously increase. The potential value of this new type of energy in commerce and in- dustry cannot be overestimated, though there has been some argument as to how soon this will be practicable. The most widely expressed popular concern regarding the Commission has been that it be staffed by the most competent men available. President Truman's choice of Mr. Lilienthal was particularly fortunate, for his manage- ment of the controversial TVA in the fact of very strong partisan political and economic pressures has won him the highest respect and admiration of even some critics of such gov- ernment projects. With a staff of such a caliber, we can all be confident that the pub- lic interest will be served to the full. It might seem a bit incongruous for this coun- try, coincident with the complete relaxation of stringent war-time controls, to be setting up an agency possessing such absolute authority in its field, were not the unparalleled and castastrophic potentialities of atomic warfare so generally realized as compelling its existence in order to provide some assurance for the survival of our people. That attacks on the board's powers have been relatively few shows the extent of universal acceptance of its necessity. However, the demo- cratic prerogative, the duty of close scrutiny of its actions must continually be exercised by every thinking citizen. -Frank Harmon £Ceteri o dM, cfjto,. Answer to Potter To the Editor: I SHOULD like first to compliment the "Reds" who plan the Daily editorial columns for their unbolshevik-like conduct in presenting opposing views on last Tuesday's election. The ideas expressed by Mr. Robert Potter de- serve attention and comment. Agreed that the divergent forces that make up the Democrats are presently divided and devoid of political life, does it not follow that the Republicans, cog- nizant of this, did not bring forth any positive program but were content to be carried into office on an anti basis. The writer's redundant use of such trite to the point of exhaustion phrases as "free enterprise," "individual liberty" and "American Way" fall upon the ears of, small businessmen who know how free and unfettered is competition with A & P, U. S. Steel, GM, Swift, Armour and Cuda- hy and the like. These platitudes fall upon the ears of workers who know how much "individual liberty" they need to stand in bread lines. There has not been the cry "I deserve a living and someone is going to give it to me," but rather, "I deserve a chance to make a decent living." The author shows a keen sense of humor when he makes repeated reference to the "young, vig- orous movement" and "re-invigorated Republi- can party." Now the concept of young, bright men replacing a group of tired, confused and grafting oldsters is a traditional one and oft times used by the party out of power. How, how- ever, does it apply here. Who's vigorous, 62 year old Arthur Vandenberg? Who's been re-invig- orated, reactionary Robert Taft? Who's young, the next speaker of the house, that babe in swattling, clothes, Joe Martin? He's 62. Or does Potter refer to still powerful Herbie Hoover, born August 10, 1874. How old does that make him? Could Potter be referring to that young muscle-flexer, new National GOP chairman, J. Carroll Reece, 57? Now just who does Potter think he's kidding? Further entrenched by its negative triumph the Republican old guard with its show pieces of youth, dominated Dewey and watched Warren will have no part of true youth and progress. Ob vious it is that not the age of a president mat- ters but the age of the men around him. Witness the young men of the New Deal. We elect not only a president but a government. These Re- publican children of the 19th century will run the party and the nation. Can you not picture them saying to their younger and governmentally newer associates: "We did the long sleep" under Roosevelt. It is now our turn to be top dog." Witness their suppression of the one new force in the party, Harold Stassen and his group in- cluding Bartley Grum and Russell Davenport. Supporters of the ex-governor were not even al- lowed to put their candidate's name in nomina- tion at the Chicago convention two years ago. Stassen was denied a voice in the selection of the GOP national chairman last spring, only strict conformists being heard. No, Potter, it's the same old tune sung to dif- ferent but synonomous lyrics, and "Happy Days Aren't Here Again." -Robert Greene, '49 L Below the Bel( To the Editor: E. E. Ellis' pre-election smear attack on Sen. Vandenberg has been eloquently answered by the voters of Michigan. The editors of The Daily, and Mr. Ellis may console themselves, however, in the knowledge that by waiting until election eve to swing their below the belt punch, they have acted in the finest and best New Deal tradition. -Lewis W. Combest, '49 Law MAN TO MAN: Credit to Truman By HAROLD L. TCKES PRESIDENT TRUMAN is entitled to great credit for an Atomic Energy Commission composed of civilians. It is assumed that Lewis L. Strauss, who apparently owes his appointment to Secretary Forrestal and who was a Rear Ad- miral in the Naval Reserve, is at heart a civilian. However, it isn't wise to be so uncritical of the Commission's personalities as some of the news- papers have shown a disposition to be. It would have been better if there had been a less romantic acclaim of Mr. Lilienthal. Mr. Lil- ienthal thinks so highly of himself that it is not well for him to take over the important du- ties that have been assigned to him with any idea of his own indispensability. Mr. Lilienthal has been quoted as saying that he accepted his new post "with deep humility." Bunk! Mr. Lilienthal is not capable of "deep humility" except when he contehplates the reflection in a mirror of Mr. Lilienthal himself. His statement that he had "accepted" this job should be analyzed. This implies that he means that the job was pressed upon him by the President and that he "accepted" it out of a high sense of duty. Non- sense! The fact is that Mr. Lilienthal ardently pursued his maiden and impetuously wooed her with a single-minded purpose that would not take "no" for an answer. The announcement of the members of the Atomic Energy Commission was made of a Mon- day. It happens that this commission will have to operate almost exclusively in the field of in- ternational affairs. Yet, strangely enough, Sec- retary of State Byrnes did not know who were to be appointed until the preceding Saturday night while Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, who had been representing America on the Atomic Een- ergy Commission, had a scant forty minutes' no- tice. Even then Mr. Byrnes' advice was not asked. He was merely told of the appointment of Mr. Lilienthal which may have been pleasing to Mr. Henry A. Wallace, but certainly not to him. It is important for the country to know that Secretary Byrnes did not suggest the "hum- ble" Mr. Lilienthal for this job. From Paris le had strongly recommended to the President the appointment of Senator Robert M. LaFol- lette, Jr., as chairman. This had been sup- ported by Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg and was renewed upon the return from the Paris Conference of Secretary Byrnes and Sena- tor Vandenberg. Mr. Lilienthal is a man of ability and great energy, the latter quality being particularly in evidence when his political ambitions are in- volved. Now ambitions, when kept under proper restraint, are a good thing. But Mr. Lilienthal's public career demonstrates that, in the pursuit of an ambition, he will cut corners and will even build a fire behind his superior, the President. Mr. Lilienthal's associates, who seem to be better than average, ought to undertake their duties with a firm determination to be really functioning members of the Commission. If they do not, they will find Chairman Lilienthal dominating and submerging them. The members of the Atomic Eenergy Commis- siorn will find Mr. Lilienthal entirely willing to arrogate to himself all of their powers and re- sponsibilities. If they permit it, he will dominate the show. He will find it difficult, after so many years of successful intrigue and control of the TVA Board, to exercise a proper self-restraint that will recognize the position and dignity of his associates. If Mr. Lilienthal should attempt to dominate the Commission, as he did the TVA Board, he should be put in his proper place and kept there. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Students' Committee LAST week foreign students representing vari- ous national groups on campus formed the International Students Committee for the pur- pose of presenting their cultures to the student body more effectively. President Ruthven told the University Press Club convention, also last week, that "The op- portunity to mingle and become acquainted with people from other parts of the United States and the world is an important educational value." Discussing the 'kind of students to be ac- cepted," by the University, President Ruthven said that 35 per cent of the student body should be composed of people from outside Michigan, including five per cent from foreign countries. There are now approximately 400 foreign stu- dents attending the University. These students make up about 2 per cent of the student body. Assuming that the above policy is put into opera- tion, the foreign student group on the campus could be expected to double in size. An organization of foreign students on the campus could be an important instrument for fostering understanding between foreign and American student groups. Particularly if the for- eign student group on the campus can be ex- pected to increase, a well-organized International Students Committee could be effective in inte- grating foreign students into the student body. Efforts of a world organization for interna- tional understanding cannot be expected to suc- ceed without the support of individuals of dif- ferent nations who understand each other. The opportunity is here for developing understand- ing between nations on a' small scale. Any or- ganization which can bring students of different nationalities closer together will perform a worthwhile function. -Shirley Frank BILL MAULDIN .".' - . F ft . ; . iv ...*, .-.. 4.: ,( a *- a '. a .i a .. .. .5h. "Baw-w-w-w ! !" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Nelson as speakers will be presented. The public is invited. Kappa, Michigan Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon, First Professional For- eign Service Fraternity, invites all students interested in foreign service or trade to attend a smoker at the Union tonight at 7:30. There will be an informal discussion of these top- ics pertinent to the present world situation. / Alpha Kappa Psi, professional bus- iness fraternity, will have a group picture taken for the 'Ensian at the League at 9:30 tonight. All members please be present. Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, pro- fessional Business Administration fraternity, will meet at 7:30 tonight in Rm. 304, Union. University Chapter of AVC meet- ing at 7:30 tonight, Michigan Union, Dr. Charles H. Peake will speak informally on the AVC and veter- ans' education. The University Chapter of AVC will sponsor a Record Hop at the League Ballroom from 2:00 to 5:00 today. All persons are cordially in- vited. Student Branch of the American Pharmaceutical Association will meet at 7:30 tonight in the E. Conference Room, Rackham Buldg. A discussion on the relative merits of a chain type Pharmacy as opposed to a pri- vate enterprise will compose the pro- gram. A.I.M.E. meeting for election of officers at 4:00 today in Rm. 3201 E. Engineering. All undergraduate and graduate METS invited. The Romance Language Journal Club will meet at 4:15 today at the Clemens Library. Dr. Ran- dolph G. Adams will give an illus- trated lecture on "The French Pe- riod in Michigan as depicted and re- vealed in the graphic arts." A short reception for graduate students will follow. Debaters: There will be an impor- tant meeting at 7:30 tonight in Rm. 225 Angell Hall. The Michiganensian picture of the Sociead Hispanica will be taken at 8:30 tonight in the League. (See bul- letin board in lobby.) All members please be present. The Roger Williams Guild will have as guest of honor at the Mid- Week Fellowship Miss Lexie Ferrell, former Danforth Fellow now em- ployed by the Northern Baptist Con- vention. From 4 to 6 o'clock at the Guild House. All varsity letter-winners: There will be a meeting of the "M" Club tonight at 7:15 in the Michigan Un- ion(see bulletin board for room num- ber). All letter-winners on campus are cordially invited. Coming Events Michigan Chapter AAUP - The next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 114, when Prof. Marvin L. Niehuss, Vice-President of the University, will speak on legislative issues of impor- tance to the University. This is an open meeting to which all members of the faculty are cordially invited. Join Union Cafeteria line at 6:15 (or earlier) and take trays to the Facul- ty Club lunchroom. Institute of Public Administration students: There will be a social sem- inar at 8:00 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 14, in the E. Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Mr. William F. Doyle, manager of the Michigan Chain Stores Bureau, will be the speaker. Your attendance is requested. Research 'Club meeting at 8:00 p. in., Wed., Nov. 20, in the Rackham James K. Pollock, "The Laenderrat -An Aspect of the American Oc- cupation of Germany," and Prof. Laurence C. Stuart, "Geographical Comments on the Herpetological Fauna of AetaVera Paz, Guatemala." The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg., at noon Fri., Nov. 15. Under the auspices of the Department of Mineralogy, Dr. Tom F. W. Barth, Professor of Geochemistry at the University of Chicago, formerly Di- rector, Mineralogical Institute, Oslo, Norway, will talk on "Unorthodox Meditations on Metamorphism." Tea will be served; ,bring your own sand- wiches. Economics Club meeting at 8:00 p. in., Mon., Nov. 18, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. "Recent Develop- ments in Taxation in Michigan" by Prof. Robert S. Ford. Staff members Department of Economics and School of Business and Graduate students are invited. Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Profes- sional Geology Fraternity) will meet from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 14, in Rm. 3055 Natural Science Bldg. Bring your own sandwiches, The Regular Thursday Evening Concert sponsored by the Graduate School will include Beethoven's Quartet in C Major, Franck's Sym- phonic Variations, Brahms' Varia- tions on a Theme of Haydn, and Schubert's Symphony in B fiat Ma- jor. All graduates are cordially in- vited. The Modern Poetry Club will meet Thursday in Rm. 323, Union, at 7:15 p.m. Dr. Greenhut will lead a dis- cussion of two of Shakespeare's son- nets and Andrew Marvell's "To his coy Mistress." The Sociedad Hispanica will hold a meeting Thurs., Nov. 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the International Center. All members are cordially invited to at- tend and bring friends interested in joining the club. Refreshments. The Kappa Nu Fraternity will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in Rm. 321 of the Union. Rehearsal of the Gilbert and Sul- livan Society Thursday evening at 7:00 in the League. All members are requested to attend. The Graduate Outing Club is spon- soring a class in square-dancing Thurs., Nov. 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Bldg. All inter- ested are invited. A small fee wil be charged. B'nai B'rith Hillel 'Foundation i sponsoring an Inter-Faith Supperna Sun., Nov. 17, at 5:30 at the Founda- tion. The topic for discussion wil I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Of f the Nose By SAMUEL GRAFTON There are at least two polls which did not hit it quite on the nose in pre- dicting the outcome of last week's election in New York State. The Gal- lup Pll camne perhaps within a toler- able margin for error in indicating that Mr. Dewey would receive 61 per cent of the State vote; he actually drew only 56.9 per cent. The New York Daily News straw vote forecast that Dewey would have 66.1 per cent, a finding more than nine points off. Why were both attempts at sounding the voter so far over on the Dewey side? it seems to me that one possi- ble reason lies in the very nature of the campaign; and I wonder whether there weren't at least some voters who were against Dewey but who were rather afraid to say so, even under conditions of privacy, in scientific sampling and straw voting. For there was a certain bullying note in the campaign, not as con- ducted by Mr. Dewey, but in the hands of some of his journalistic sup- porters and friends. The heavy argu- ments that the other side was the "red" side, that it was in some way the un-American side, that Demo- crats are only Communists who shave, had in them, I think, a bit of terror-creating quality. More than one timid soul, after reading a few acres of this stuff, might be a little fearful about confessing, even in private, thathe was linked with such dreadful creatures and tendencies. Who, me? Definitely, the line taken by quite a few speciialists in insult, was to pic- ture the election, not as a contest between rival groups of Americans offering alternate programs on an equal basis, but as a contest between Americans of the first class and Americans of the second class, a fight between patriots on one hand, and spokesmen for nameless heresies and intolerable treasons on the other. So much for the post-mortem; but the real point is that this kind of bullying pressure continues. Mr. Tru- man is being advised,for example, by several deep thinkers and common scolds, that he ought now to join with conservatives in his own party, with men who think like Republicans, to make an effective Democratic opposi- tion in Congress. It is not customary for the opposition to be a facsimile of that which it opposes; and here, again, we have that same feeling, that liberalism is infra dig, that it is not even on the allowable roster of isms, that it is intellectually out of bounds, queer, tainted stuff, and that a real American's choice is between con- servatism and conservatism. That is the hex approach, no bet- ter; mingled, as I say, with a kind of bullying social pressure which would like to set up the doctrine that anyone who chooses the liberal course in politics takes a station somewhere between the man who eats peas with his knife, and the man who would sell out his country. For liberals to yield to this non- sense would be for them really to betray this republic; for it would mean that they would fail to exert the pressure which brings about those reasonable resultants of policy, moderately satisfactory to all, which alone make democratic life possible. The great task of liberals today is to divest themselves of those imaginary torn pants and Jacobins' caps in which conservatism has dressed them, and to realize that they represent a tendency which is both respectable and historical and quite as old as the nation itself. (Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate) FROM the outbreak of war in Eu- rope until June 1946, retail prices of goods and services used by mod- erate-income families rose more rap- idly in most large cities in the South than the national average for large cities in the United States. -Monthly Labor Review Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor ' Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor Paul Harsha:.............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Des Howarth......Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cor... . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- -titled to the use for re-publication of all 1 news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all.other matters herein Sare, also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, r Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school 1 year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY N I On the other hand, there's the Stanley Steamer- You may recall the furore it when--ut R, n mnfatr. Your Pfer 3.P94096 TMt N..""', P. . I I f II N~p , U~ . S.Par 0 Hmm. Not listed in the telephone book. Neither is the Marmon. Or the Maxwell. Or is it possible that there's a more pertinent explanation? Er ... One that hasn't occurred