Prof. Huntley Has World for His Hobby
medical missionary and they were
the only white family in the city.
At the age of eight, he had the
unique experience of having the Chi-
nese Revolution of Oct. 10 (Double
Ten) start in his backyard. "We
children were playing in the attic,
when we discovered that Wuchang
across the river was on fire. As it
turned out, revolutionary soldiers
were firing 75 m shells over our
house into the city. "This", accord-
ing to Prof. Huntley, "explains why
revolution is in my blood."
Back to the Orient
After attending Oberlin College
and the University of Chicago, he re-
turned to the Orient-this time to
Japan-where he taught English. He
often tells his classes the story of
the thought control officer, who vis-
ited his house the first of every,
month-"like the bills."
Prof. Huntley is admittedly a fam-
ily man. "I enjoy fixing up my
house and playing with my kids," he
said. The Huntleys have four child-
ren, two of whom are in college. The
professor met Mrs. Huntley at col-
lege and is therefore "a firm believer
in co-education."
In 1943, he came to the University
as area instructor for Japan in the
Civil Affairs Training School. He
pointed out that he prefers teaching
English. "That's what I am doing
now," he stated, "and that's the way
I like it."
Enjoys Teaching English
"I enjoy teaching English," Prof.
Huntley declared, "because I am in-
terested in ideas and experiences,
particularly those transmitted in a
disciplined form such as one finds in
He was recently appointed secre-
tary of the committee on Barbour
Scholarships for Oriental women.
This job "just suits me" because
there is "enough missionary in my
blood to interest me in international
"I consider myself a citizen of the
world," he stated with a broad grin,
"since my parents were English; I
was born in China, and we all be-
came naturalized Americans." In the
course of his life Prof. Huntley has
been around the world four and one-
half times.
Christmas Gifts
Will Go on Sale
To Aid Chinese
Chinese Christmas cards and oth-
er gift items will go on sale tomorrow
in the International Center, the
League and the Union,
The profit from these sales will
be turned over to the United Serv-
ices To China committee. The sale
will last until Christmas.
County Quota
The sale will be the first step to-
wards raising $8,000, Washtenaw
county quota for the fiscal year, ac-
cording to M. Robert B. Klinger, as-
sistant counselor to foreign students
and chairman of the University and
Washtenaw committees on United
Services To China.
Items to be sold include stationery
with a Chinese motif, calendars
bearing reproductions of famous
Chinese art, postcards, place cards,
Christmas wrapping papers, playing
cards, Chinese cookbooks, Chinese
tea, reproductions of famous Chinese
art, pencils, matches, flag buttons
and place mats. A limited amount
of Chinese jewelry may be included
in the sale.
Dispaly Tables
It is hoped that tables to display
these items can bet set up at as
many University and Ann Arbor
community functions as possible
during the next six weeks, Klinger
Organizations desiring material
for display should contact Mrs.
Ging-mei Tang Ting.
Record (concert. . .
The International Center will hold
its weekly record concert at 7:30
p. m. tomorrow in the Center lounge.
All foreign students and friends are
invited to attena.
iierkens To Speak ...
Ferdinand Dierkins, Belgian stu-
dent now attending the University,
will speak on "Student and Uni-
versity Underground Movements
During the Occupation of Bel-
gium" at the Unitarian Student
Group meeting at 6:30 p. m. to-
day at 1917 Washtenaw.
Jazz Record Meeting *
The University Hot Record Society
will meet at 8:30 p. m. today in the
ABC room of the League.
Records will be played before the
Another One of Hutzel's
Right Out of 5uni" n aa
At-home glamous in this wonde'rful fashion-fresh
"brunchie"! Beatutifully styled for informal charm . . .
with marvelous new Syl-O-Sleeve" that gives complete
freedom - prevents under arm ripping or binding. Made
of Zephyroy* (a super-fine corduroy) . . . Sanforized
shrunk,* vat dyed, a pleasure to launder! $.1o00
Shrimo and cooen. 12 to 20. ..........
(Continued fron Page 6)
Counselor; Mr. John Craig, Program
Director at Lane Hall; and Mr. H. L.
Pickerill. The program will end in
time for students to attend the Uni-
versity concert.
Univei sity Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw Avenue, has two worship
services Sunday mornings, at 9:45
and at 11:00. This Sunday the Rev.
Alfred Scheips will have as his sub-
ject, "Pich Toward God."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
ChIb, will have its regular supper
meeting Sunday at 5:15 at the Stu-
dent Center.
First Unitarian Church.
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 a.m., Adult Study Group and
Unitarian Friends' Church School.
11:00 a.m., Service of Worship.
Sermon by Rev. Edward H,. Redman,
"All Things to All Men."
6:30 p.m., Unitarian S t u d e n t
Group. Mr. Ferdinand Dierkens,
"Underground Universities and Stu-
dent Groups in Belgium."
Buffalo will speak on the subject,
"If Thine Eye Be Single."
Student Discussion group at 7:30
also in Reading Rooms.
First Church of Christ Scientist,
409, S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 8:00.
Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
The meeting of young Friends will
be held Sunday at four o'clock at
the Dunham home.on Austin Street.
The meeting will be held from four
until six-thirty, and supper will be
served. All Friends are invited to
Grace Bible Church:
Harold J. DeVries, pastor
Sat., 7:30 p.m., A. H. Stewart
speaking on the subject: "The Holy
Land: It's Problems and Their Cure."
Sun., 10:00 a.m., University Bible
Class. Edward G. Groesbeck, leader.
11:00 a.m., A. H. Stewart, "His
7:30 p.m., Mr. Stewart's subject,
"The Grand Word of the Gospel."
Wed., 2:30 and 7:30, H. Framer
Smith, Ph.D., Th.D., D.D.
Fri., 7:30 p.m., Radio Artists of the
Children's Bible Hour.
Some models . . . such as the one pictured are
smoothly partified for the coming holiday season.
Others are casual enough to take you to class.
All in all, this super collection of crepe, wool,
velvet and gabardine dresses by your favorite
Mary Muffet will provide costume appeal for
evey daytime or evening function. Sites 9 to 15.
less thain 1%
Unity: Sunday services at 11 o'-
clock, Unity Reading Rooms, 310 So.
State St. Dr. Carl O. Lathrop of
Christmas Gift Slippers
just the size you want
in the style
you want
R - ~z,-
Combine a clever dress with ex-
citing accessories, sequin flow-
ers or beenies -precious jewelry
and belts, gold chokers and ear-
rings - chatelaines, bracelets,
Jordans sparklets - stone-stud-
ded gold pieces that will add
brilliance to your Nite Life.
Jewelry . . 1.00-22.95
Belts . . 1.00-6.50
25 other
les to
We have the complete range of
styles . . over 20 patterns to show -
We are holding prices down
although Shoes have been
Group of DRESSES Specially Priced!
$5.00 - $7.00 - $10.00
Includes wools and rayons, tailored and dressy
styles in one- and two-piece.
1 l 1 $ . - . -S.-..fi