SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1946 THE MICHIGAN TIATT.Y PM.r tinVV T..hll M12V'1IWA"t1 TLiATTVD_±_ V.. A £'rsA8rI r* . v 4 'Time Out Dun Weems' Music Will Highlight' Benefit Af fair at I M Building To0 Be Held Tonight RUN, WOLVERINE: Sadie Hawkins Day Will Be Heyday for Michigan Coeds 'Spartan Fling' Will Feature "Time Out," the first all-campus semi-formal dance of the year, will be presented as a benefit affair from 8:30 p.m. to midnight today in the Intramural Building, and will feature the music of Ted Weems and his or- chestra. In order to enable Michigan State guests to attend the event, tickets will be sold from 10 a.m. to noon, and from immediately after the game to 6 p.m. today in the lobby of the Un- ion; they will continue on sale after 6 p.m. at the main desks of both the League and the Union. Weems, known by music fans from Atlantic City to Hollywood, has re-organized his band since his discharge from the United States Maritime Service, still main- taining the old combination of four brass, four sax, and three rythmn. twdio fans wil remember him as the featured band on the Fibber McGee and Molly series, and nov- elty song lovers will recognize the names of his compositions, "Egyp- tianella," and "The Martins and the Coys." Commenting on the calibre of bands of today and tomorrow Weems says, "I think the quality of the av- erage band from now on will be far above anything we've known in the past. Bands will be a solid combina- tion of sweet and hot without too much sugar on one side or wild swing on the other. The accent will be on Psychological Bureau Studies Coed Problems By KATHLEEN ESSENBURG Studies in the problems of college students have been carried on by Dr. Wilma Donahue, Director of the Bu- reau of Psychological Services of the Institute for Human Adjustment. Dr. Donahue is a member of the Women's Research Club. She re- ceived her AB and doctor's degree in psychology here at the University of Michigan. Study To Be Published Recently an article entitled "A Study of the Vocational Problems of 1,496 University of Michigan Under- graduate Women" edited by Dr. Donahue and Wilma Eldersveld has been accepted for publication. The research concerns a survey taken in 1943 to discover the percentage of women in each year of college who have decided on their vocations and the problems involved in this choice. Concerning this study, Dr. Donahue says, "The choice of vocation is a problem of major concern to a sig- nificant number of them." Another study which was taken of Michigan students consisted in giv- ing United States Armed Forces tests to all entering freshmen. A local norm was then established. Standard for Veterans' Tests The reason for the study was to set a standard so that veterans could- use their USAF test results as en- trance requirements. Dr. Donahue stated that the students here meas- ured up very satisfactorily to the na- tional norms. Dr. Donahue also made studies and reports on veterans. She was coeditor of one of the volumes of "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science." The book was concerned with a study of the prob- lems of the disabled veterans. Reasons for failure in college, in spite of high scores on intelligence tests, were studied by Dr. Donahue. She discovered that those with high scores on the tests who passed with high grades had a higher score on verbal tests, a wider store of general knowledge, could memorize better, and most of all made good scores on tests of a non-conceptual nature. individul performers backed up with IkBand smooth orchestrations." In keeping with this principle, Weems features Shirley Richards and Larry Noble, vocalists, Paul Steele on trumpet, Glen Martin on "Spartan Fling" will be presented by the Union from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the Union Ballroom, carrying over the spirit of the Michigan-Mich- igan State game. Visiting State students are invited as special guests for the evening. Tra- ditional Michigan State College col- ors of green and white will set the theme for decorations and dance pro- grams. Displayed along the walls of the ballroom will be footballs, old scores, helmets and various figures. Guests of the evening will be in- vited to participate in intermission entertainment. A quiz program will be featured and prizes will be award- ed to all contestants. To the final participant, a grand prize is being of- fered. Frank Tinker and his orchestra will provide the music for the dance, with Patti DuPont as featured vocal- ist. Tinker, new band leader on cam- pus this season, is featured at Union weekly dances. A few remaining tickets will be sold at the Union desk today, and are availableto those holding UJnion cards. Guests attending from Michi- gan State college may purchase tick- ets without cards. The Concessions committee of Soph Cabaret will meet at 5 p.m. Monday in the League. The room will be posted on the bulletin board at the League Main Desk. Senior Society Will Entertain To Honor House Presidents At Tea Wednesday in League League house presidents will be the guests of honor at a tea to be given by Senior Society at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Russian tea room of the League. Written invitations have been sent to all league house presidents by members of Senior Society, each of whom is responsible for contacting four or five league houses. The tea is under the direction of Carolyn Newberg, assisted by Harriet Risk. The purpose of this affair is to promote understanding and acquain- tance on a social basis among the heads of the 88 league houses and members of Senior Society. The league house group meets only once a week, with the house presidents' or- ganization, and has no other oppor- tunity to get together, either socially or in a business meeting. "It is hoped that closer coopera- tion of the league house presidents will arouse greater interest in social and extra -curricular activities among residents of these houses," Miss New- berg said. Women who received invitations are asked to reply af soon as possible to the Senior Society member in charge of their league house. House presidents who through a mistake, did not receive personal invitations are cordially invited to the tea, and should call- Miss Newberg at 2-3225 immediately. League Casbah Is Redecorated The Campus Casbah, open from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the League Ballroom, will have a new color scheme and decorations, Doris Smith, decorations committee chairman, an- nounced. The new color scheme will be fu- schia and black, and the committee plans to change it every- two weeks. Chinese lanterns will decorate the lobby, and there will be a crepe paper curtain over the entrance. The honor roll, bearing the names of all stu- dents who have' taken part in the floorshow, will be a feature of the night club decorations. The committee is making plans to decorate the lobby with cartoon fig- ures in silver and black depicting oriental street scenes. Any students interested in working on the decora- tions committee are urged to call Miss Smith at 2-2281. Comedian Ben Fader will emcee the floorshow today, and Paul Converso, tenor, will sing semi-classical songs. Glenn Neff and Newt Loken, acro- bats who appeared at Varsity Night, will perform a "hand-bouncing" act. Tickets for the all-campus night club sponsored by the League Coun- cil, are now on sale at the League desk. Members of Delta Sigma Pi, pro- fessional business administration fra- ternity, will hold an informal foun- ders' day dance from 9 p.m. to mid- night today at the Walnut Room. By JOYCE JOHNSON and M. J. TUTTLE The lives of Michigan men are worth roughly three-quarters of a cent at inflated figures for today is Sadie Hawkins Day when opportunity knocks for every coed and no holds are barred. The past month has seen all the red-blooded Michigan coeds nursing their callouses for the big event. Women's residences have reverber- ated with the patter of huge feet as women students do a few preliminary laps before retiring early in accord- ance with their Jack Armstrong train- ing program. A few eager ones have been training on raw meat but the ma- jority have had to be satisfied with iron capsules and vitamin pills. Coeds have taken turns pacing! each other across the Diagonal while the male population stood shuddering on the library steps. Ken Doherty, cross-country coach, - ~ - - is rumored as saying that the prog- ress of coeds that have been training with his team has been amazing. The regular cross country squad could not be reached for. comment and have been accused of hiding until the whole thing blows over. Scientists foretell a new era in the Sadie Hawkins tradition with the invention of jet propelled said- die shFoes and atomic booby traps. The contest began at the crack of dawn and the last-chancers must give up the chase at sundown. One male veteran of many Sadie Hawkins Day frays was quoted as saying, "Shoes is not fair, they gotta run barefoot." Michigan coeds will be forever in- debted to Al Capp for his great con- tribution to the rights of womanhood. An open house for residents and their guests will be, held after the football game today by Betsy Bar- bour House. } Ted Weems . . saxophone, and the well-known Tiny Martin, on bass and novelists. The dance will be the second and last to be presented in the Intra- mural Building this semester. It is being sponsored by Assembly Asso- ;iation, and proceeds will be con- tributed to the Fresh Air Camp Fund, which is Assembly's project for this year. The money will be used to im- prove camp facilities and purchase needed equipment. Although the ;amp is used primarily for under- privileged boys during the summer, it is the Association's aim to utilize the grounds for student recreation dur- ing the year. Central committee 'for the affair includes: Sue Smith and Phyllis ?etit, chairmen; Jeanne Clare, mu- sic; Allene Golinken, building and grounds; Audrey Weston, patrons; Sarah Simons, programs; Marilyn Ahlstrom, tickets; Pamela Wrinch, finance; and Phyllis Carlson, publici- ty. 52 Applications in For Coed Housing Since the Office of the Dean of Women began accepting housing ap- plications Nov. 1, 52 women now on campus have applied for supplemen- tary housing for the spring semester. These women have been referred to housing and will be assigned places before women who have newly been admitted to the University for the spring term. Women students who have been referred are urged to report back to the office as soon as oossible whether or not they sign con- tracts. The Office of the Dean of Women will begin referring new women to housing Nov. 15. So far 90 new wom- en have been admitted to the Univer- sity and have applied for housing. Women May Join New Riding Classes All coeds interested in joining a new session of non-credit riding bour Gym. Classes will be held for beginners and intermediates at 1:20, 2:30, 3:20 and 4:20 p.m. on Mondays and Wed- nesdays beginning Wednesday, Nov. 13. Morning classes may be formed upon request if the enrollment is large enough. The stable has agreed to lower the class rate. Transportation is fur- nished by the stable and classes will be conducted in the indoor ring and through the bridle paths. Residents of Sigma Delta Tau will hold an open house tomorrow for Michigan State Students visiting in Ann Arbor this week-end. *e mmow -11 IF 11 /4 IA FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Edward H Redman. Minister 11:00 A.M.: "All Things to All Men." Sermon by Rev. Edward H. Redmnan 6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. Mr. Ferd- inand Dierkens on ,Underground Universities and Student Groups in Belgium." BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH 423 S. Fourth Ave. T. R. Schmale, Pastor C. R. Loew, Assistant Pastor Kathryn Karch, Organiast 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon: "Our Larger Allegiance" 5:00 P.M.: Student Guild Supper, singing, and discussion of future program plans. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister 9:30 and 10:45 A.M.: church School. 10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak on "My Faith" (Prof. Arthur Compton's re- cently published "Crado"). ' 5:00 P.M.: Student Fellowship. "My Vocation Meets a Need" will be discussed by Rev. C. Loucks, Mr. John Craig, and Rev. H. L. Pick- erill. Worship by Margaret Long. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Ministers: James Brett Kenna, Robert H. Jongeward Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director Mary McCall Stubbins, organist Student Activities; Kathleen Davis, director 10:40 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's ser- mon topic is "Is a Christian World Order Possible?" 5:00 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild. Refreshments and fellowship precede Worship Service on "Meaning of the Lord's Prayer." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis, Ministers Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music Ruth Kirk, Church Worker 10:45 A.M.:.Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser- mon topic, "Good News for Humans" 5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild student-led panel on "Campus Problems in the Light of the Christian Attitude." Members of the Congre- gational-Disciples Guild will be guests and take part in the program and workship. Supper will follow. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor (Missouri Synod) 4:30-6:00 P.M. Saturday: Open House after the Football Game. 9:45 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Sunday : Identical worship services with the pastor preaching . on the subject, "Rich Toward God." 5:15 P.M. Sunday: Supper Meeting of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club. 7:30 P.M. Wednesday: Bible Study Hour. 8:15 P.M. Friday, Nov. 15: "Football Finale Frolic," social evening at the Student center. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Street 10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." 11:45 A.M.: Sunday School. 8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th' which is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature including all the works of Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION For National Lutheran Council Students. 1304 Hill Street - Henry O. Yoder, Pastor 9:15 A.M.: Bible Study at the Center. 10:30 AM.: Worship Services in Zion and Trin- ity Churches. 5:30 P.M.: Meeting in Zion Parish Hall. Speak- er, Dr. Leo Knoll, M.D. "What Contribution Can My Profession Make to Christianity." 7:30 P.M.: Communion Service-Zion Lutheran Church 7:30 P.M., Tuesday: Church History Call at Center. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation Madelene Jones, Choir Director GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Student Guild Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work 10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship Service. Sermon; topic: "Christian Contribution To Order." Nursery for children during the service. 5:00 P.M.: Guild Sunday Evening Hour. "My Vocation Meets a Need" will be discussed under the leadership of Rev. Chet Loucks, Minister of the First Baptist Church; Mr. John Craig, Program Director at Lane Hall; and Mr. H. L. Pickerill. Margaret Long will lead the worship service. 1 .. 'a: Sa d b HELP CUPID OUT... on your next big date by wearing after dark glitter. The DILLON SHOP has sequined flowers, and spangled chokers and bracelets S w ( h -- KNOWN FACT*". that a comfortable robe makes a comfortable evening. The MADE- MOISELLE SHOP offers you flan- nel, tailored bathrobes and dressy lace trimmed ones. C t 6 Si m fe er THE WISE OLD OWL SAYS . .. that smart girls carry a lovely cigarette case from EIBLER'S who have also received a large selection of sterling silver com- pacts. ,r ' T ON E BALL L. . et the VAN AKKEREN KNIT P, 725 North University, con- your slipover sweaters to car- is. They will cut, bind, and >n-hole them for you. U'LL BE TI NG PRETTY .. . you buy cosmetics at the RRY for Christmas gifts. Our ay supply is already in. LUNG L GIRLS .. . )me down to the CAMPUS P to see our pajama sets with ping jackets. They are per- or dorm lounging and week- isits. Ir* li* *** * * i ATTENTION: STUDENTS OF T HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .* You undoubtedly realize the importance of the UNITED STATES SAVINGS BOND PROGRAM in the overall management of the national debt. This program which has as its basis the promotion of thrift is of real importance to you and the country as a whole. fnLi CAIa Le ~ krAeea 11 Tfa ILAD I GRACE BIBLE CHURCH State and Huron Streets Harold J. DeVries, Pastor Saturday, 7:30 P.M.: A. H. Stewart speaking on the subject: "The Holy Land - Its Problems and Their Cure." Sunday, 10:00 A.M.: University Bible Class. Ed- ward G. Groesbeck, leader. 11:00 A.M.: A. H. Stewart - "His Name- Won- derful ." 7:30 P.M.: Mr. Stewart's subject: "The Grand Word of the Gospel." Wednesday 2:30 and 7:30: H. Framer Smith, Ph.D., Th.D., D.D. Friday, 7:30 P.M.: Radio Artists of the Chil- dren's Bible Hour. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain Miss Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for Women Students Mr. George R. Hunsche, - Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. 9:15 A.M.: Post-Confirmation Class, Page Hall. 9:45 A.M.: High School confirmation Class, Page Hall. 10:00 A.M.: University Students' Class. Chap- lain's Office. 11:00 A.M. Junior Church. 11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by Mr. 11 I ~ E~ U A I~SU ~t 3 t~EI I1 I I