I PAGE TWO r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1946 Candidates' Statements v The following qualification state- ments have been submitted by candi- dates for the Student Legislature. The All-Campus Party slate will be run tomorrow and the University Committee's platform Sunday. Kenny Goodman... Student government is deteriorat- ing into an enforcement agency for infringements of student rights. I would turn the Legislature into a voice for the students, not a police force. No more farces such as the recent baloney about football tickets. I would allow women to enter the front door of the Union and end other such medieval practices. Rae Keller .. Student government has already made a good start in proving itself worthy of a prominent place on this campus. However, another project the.Legislature should work for is the opening of new recreational fa- cilities. The Athletic Buildings might be opened for mixed sports, thus providing diversion from the usual "movie or dance" dates. Ruth Klausner... I have worked on several campus dance committees, on the Ensian business staff and am a junior assist- ant on the League Publicity Commit- tee, thus gaining valuable campus ex- perience. I have held a number posi- tlqps in my residence and am now on our Executive Council. I have an avid interest in an active and efficient government. Marge Kohlhaas... Revise the constitution so that the Legislature functions not as a dis- cussion club but as an instrument of inplementive power. Adopt a polidy of "prevention rather than cure"; an- ticipat problems rather than correct errors. Liason must be effected be- tween the Legislature and the Uni- versity Administrative Board in all student affairs. Dorothy Lubi n . . I feel I am qualified because of my sincere desire to solve existing problems. I advocate: 1. a non-profit university run cafeteria (site: the old Wolverine); 2. more efficient stu- deit elections achieved through clos- er affiliation of the Legislature and student body; 3. expansion of, and nore efficient Book Exchange; 4. fairer distribution of football tick- ets. Margy Lou Office ... I have worked on many campus ac- tivities and have been a member of Shipment of PARKERP 51 PENS Just Arrived CHRISTMAS CARPS O. D. AORIL'L 14 South State Phone 7177 DANCE Sat. Nght Wine-Gar's 12-Pc. Band 5th ARMORand ORY~n-s several campus committees. I feel that I am cognizant of the stu- dents' wishes and if I am elected to the Student Legislature, I hope to be able to successfully represent them. I am anxious to see a truly repre- sentative and effective student gov- ernment in operation. Archie Pasons .. . Platform: 1. respected Student Leg- islature; 2. rejuvenated student inter- est; 3. Union-League amalgamation into all-campus organization, analy sis of control, profits, prices, student privileges; 4. periodical Legislature reports to campus; 5. Legislature- sponsored pre-election conventions to discuss issues and to meet candidates; 6. publication of campus handbook: activities, organizations, officers. Qualifications: 1. "M" Club Secre- tary; 2. Michigan Daily; 3. Sphinx; 4. Varsity track; 5. Orientation ad- visor. With this experience and practical knowledge to contribute, I feel quali- fied to be your representative. Henry Schmer .. . I think the Legislature should serve the purpose of advanciig student needs and interests effectively and I would like to help in this work. I am a member of the AVC and have served on its committees. I believe that the problems and objectives of student veterans are correlated with those of the whole student body. Schuster Siegel . . . I am a second semester sophomore in the literary college. I was a stu- dent here before enlisting in the army air corps and have just recently re- turned to campus. I advocate no radical reforms but would strive to promote efficiency within the Legis- lature as it now stands. W illiam Pierce. 0. Melvin Tick ... -OUT THAR ... at the Villaoe EDITOR'S NOTE: Today starts a new, daily column for you of the campus off campusr-the news, the highlights, the dope from OUTl. THAR, as compiled by student residents of the Village. So if you are looking for the latest from Wil- low Run, here is where you will find it. Tonight there will be another big dance in the crystal ballroom of West Lodge Inn. Jerry Edwards will again supply his own excellent brand of music and the feature attraction of the evening will be a show given at intermission. Ed Johnston, magician par excel- lence, will be on hand with a bag of tricks to prove that the hand is quicker than the eye and, so help us, Jim and Jack seem to have dug up some more shaggy dog stories to fill in the space between their "Hello and Goodbye Everybody" routine. All-in-all it promises to be a great night for the Lodgers and lovely young maidens from Ann Arbor. Teacher Urge. s Child Discipline, Not Punishment Constructive discipline is preferable to corporal punishment in handling children, Mrs. Helen M. Tewes, Uni- versity Elementary School Teacher told the last session of the Univer- sity Parent Education Institute here yesterday. Advising parents never to use the word "don't," Mrs Tewes said the situation should be guided in such a way that the child makes his own suggestions as to desirable behavior. This constructive type of disciples builds attitudes and thoughts so that no matter what arises, the child is able to cooperate with the situation, Mrs. Tewes said. Deploring the fact that remedial discipline should ever be necessary, Mrs. Tewes pointed out that occasion- ally the teacher will have to resort to isolating the child from the group until he is ready to cooperate. Past experience: junior college pre- lawyer's president; vice-president In- ternational Relations Club; State High School debating champion. Am- bition: to assist student government on Michigan's campus in becoming an important and workable instru- ment of university policy so that our government will compare favorably with that of other large universities. RozanRadliff ... I believe that the organization of the Legislature has been very satis- factory in most ways and that the future members of that body should carry on the work of the Legislature as it now functions. If I am elected I will try to continue this work to the best of my ability and to accomplish those things which are needed and wanted by the student body. Kit Riegel .. . For two years I worked on a stu- dent government which made curric- ulum changes; established rules and regulations and handled all vilations thereof; got an appropriation for a new building; established an honor system, etc. Germa'ns...o (Continued from Page 1) marked, that "the Russians have the food, the British have the coal, the French have the wine and the Amer- icans have the scenery." He indicated that the continuance in existence of acts prohibiting trade with the enemy has made it im- possible for books and other educa- tional literature to get into Ger- many. "Congress should repeal these acts since the peace treaty, which would nullify them, doesn't seem to be immediately forthcoming." An encouraging note was sounded by Lochner in his support of the theory that the Germans are no moresincapable of governing them- selves under a democracy than any other people. They are "politically infantile" and haveabeen schooled to obedience since the days of the empire, he ex- plained. "However, if cast domina- tion is removed, they could definitely develop democratic government." Lochner stressed an appeal to the German people's "better side" through writings by German authors such as Thomas Mann as one way to accomplish this. Hold Those Bonds! I represent no particular group or interest. I am merely an average student, returned to the campus after an absence of three years and desir- ous of finding out why the Legisla- ture is such a failure. Since the be- ginning of the semester I have noticed that every project undertaken has been met with a general feeling that it could not succeed. If elected I shall attempt to remedy this situation. iob Tisch.. . Qualifications: Executive Council of the Intrafraternity Council 1946- '47; J-Hop Committee 1946-'47; vet- eran of World War II. Platform: I believe in a strong Legislature some- what along the lines that have been followed so far. The Legislature should assume an increasing amount of power in the direction of student affairs but should represent no spe- cial interest groups. Floren e Tsilkoff .. Since the inauguration of the pres- ent Legislature, I have worked on several of its committees and I feel I am well acquainted with many of the problems confronting this or- ganization. I believe this knowledge. will enable me to help imitate, as quickly as possible, the reforms we, the student body, want. INTERNATIONAL GROUP: New Students Committee Will Hold Round Table Discussions Round table discussions of the aims and trends of international education were proposed as the first step in the program of the newly- organized International Students Committee which met last night. Organized to promote understand- ing of various national cultures and to represent the point of view of foreign students on campus, the Committee will replace the All-Na- tions.Club which formerly func- tioned on campus. In line with its aim of making the International Center a meeting place for both foreign and American stu- dents, the Committee voted to work toward popularizing the Sunday Scientists (Continued from Page 1) of nuclear matter at energies above 100 million volts has been gained la- boriously through the study of cos- mic rays, high energy particles or radiations which come from outer space. "The intensity of cosmic rays falling upon the earth is minute compared to that which can be pro- duced by the synchrotron," they ex- plained. Cosmic rays have never been produced synthetically. They added that the great intensity and con- trollability of the electrpn beam pro- duced by the synchrotron will take possible many experiments which would have been completely imprac- ticable with cosmic rays. Danger Reduced The "race track" will be located hi the second basement of the Reandall Building. The hazard of dangerous rays will be considerably reduced, since the synchrotron will be sur- rounded almost completly by earth. The completion and testing of the synchrotron will mark the end of the first stage of the work, Prof. Crane pointed out. At that time, he said, a study would be made of the effects produced when the very high energy electrons collide with atomic nuclei. The problems which will have to be mete in extending the machine to one billion volts and above will also be investigated. night programs of the International center. Dances To Be Continued Decisions were made by the Com- mittee to continue the monthly rec- ord dances formerly sponsored by the All-Nations Club, and to support the athletic program of the Inter- national Center. The Committee also voted to back the election of Ferdinand Dierkens, candidate for election to the Stu- dent Legislature on the All-Campus Slate. It was formally decided that the Committee is to be composed of 21 members, three from each of seven national regions. The Cabinet within the Committee is to be composed of one member from each national bloc and the chairman of the committee. Appointments Listed The following people were ap- pointed: as chairmen of the various activities of the Committee: Zorac Organscki, round table discussions; Pierre Raynaud, athletics; Augusto Malabet, dances; Turan Muskers and Marcus Crapsey, Sunday night pro- grams. The officers of the Committee are William R. Correa, chairman and Anne Lewin, secretary. War Trials . . (Continued from Page 1) various stages and also told of the attitudes of the defendants. These men, he said, the once "ar- rogant German leaders" were no longer the "glamour -boys" of the Nazi regime. "A certain smugness was exhibited by some defendants at the beginning of the trial, but af- ter the evidence continued to mount against them, this passed." Lochner explained the stand taken by the International Military Tri- bunal in regard to "legality of the trial. "The Kellogg-Briand Pact against war," he said, "was never re- pudiated by the Germans and this proved their own undoing." He con- ceded the reasonableness of this the- ory, but asserted that prosecution under Nazi law would have been more effective. Tito's Offer Spurned ROME, Nov. 7--(P)-Palmiro T'o- fliatti, Italian Communist leader, brought from marshal Tito today a conciliatory offer to bargain on Tri- este. The Italian government at once rejected Tito's specific offer-as gently as possible. Squads Blanket City for State FEPC Drive Despite bad weather, volunteer squads are blanketing Ann Arbor with FEPC campaign literature. Following the launching of the lo- cal drive for state legislation Wed- nesday, teams from AVC, MYDA, IRA, SRA, and the Lawyers Guild have succeeded in covering most of central and downtown Ann Arbor with pamphlets and are now engaged in flooding the area immediately be- yond the city limits, a spokesman for the FEPC Coordinating Council re- vealed yesterday. More Volunteers More volunteers are necessary to aid in the distribution, George An- tonofsky, committee chairman, de- clared. He requested that persons in- terested in actively contributing to the success of the campaign come to Rm. 306 of the Union this afternoon. With approximately one-half of the city and outlying districts already covered, the committee expects to complete the distribution of litera- ture within three days. Worked by Squads To expedite this phase of the cam- paign, Antonofsky said, the local area has been divided into 23 sec- tions which are being worked by two and four man squads employed on two and one hour shifts respective- ly. I Meanwhile, the FEPC Coordinating Committee is engaged in assembling lists of registered voters in Washte- naw County preparatory to the so- licitation of signatures. Members of the FEPC Council of Ann Arbor rep- resenting the Independent Citizens Committee of Arts, Sciences and Pro- fessions, the League of Women vot- ers and the Ann Arbor Cooperative Council will circulate petitions in an intensive door-to-door drive. Thieves Sent Back TO New York Trial Manny Bernstein and Max Fried- man, of New York, alleged nationally known jewel thieves, waived their rights yesterday in Washtenaw coun- ty circuit court in extradition pro- ceedings which will take them back to New York to stand trial for grand larceny. I Read and Use The Daily Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING --- 1l The COTTAGE INN, #I'e4 tawah nt 512 EAST WILLIAMS Telephone 9177 SPECIAL PLATES BUSINESS SERVICES THE Rosicrucian Fellowship, Mt. Ecclesia, Oceanside, California suggest the follow- ing books for Christmas Gifts to your friends or to yourself: "Mystery of the GreatOpera," "Ancient and Modern In- itiation," 'Free Masonry and Catholi- cism," 'In the Land of the Living Dead," "The Mystical Interpretation- of Christ- mas." For information call 2-1507. )52 DANCE BAND: The Melody Men Orchestra now available. Call Phil Savage, 25-8084 after 6 p.m. ) 11 TUTORING in Mathematics by M.I.T. graduate, class of 124. John Alden Buck- ler, 115 Catherine St., Ypsilanti. Tel. Ypsi 1987W and reverse 'chargjs. )16 CHUMLEE'S FREE DELIVERY of your favorite sand- wiches and beverages. Every day but Monday. 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 2-6429. )8 TYPING: Term papers, theses, manu- scripts. Stenographic work. Call 7147, 9-12, 1:30-4:30. )63 TYPEWRITERS, office machines cleaned, repaired. Work guarenteed. Three-day service. Calculators sold and rented. Pick-up and delivery, Office Equipment Service Co., 111 S. 4th Ave., 2-1213. )26 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Sales - John Jadwin - Service 855 Tappan Phone 2-7412 or 2-2683 )41 SEWING, altering and remodeling women's garments, excepting coats and articles made from black materials. 9 a.m. to 9 *P.m., excepting Fridays. Miss Living- ston, 315 S. Division, 2nd floor front. )6 FOR RENT SINGLE ROOM in a private home for a post-grad girl. Breakfast and laundry privileges. Continuous hot water. Call after 6 p.m. 2-2413.)1I FOR RENT: Half of a double room to be shared by male student with car. ?2 mile from city limits. Call 2-6328. )69 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: Veteran wants apart- ment for married couple beginning in February. Will rent before then if nec- essary. Contact B. E. Longo at Law Club, 4145. )68 LO$STAND FOUND LOST: $18.00 for recovery of heirloom. bracelet. Elmma Hech }engraved inside. Call 2-4471, Rm. 5023. )20 LOST: Six paddles from Sigma Nu House. Please return to Chuck Cook, Pledge Master. )17 LOST: Parker eversharp pencil. Gray bot- tom with silver top. Reward. Please call Roberta, 9268. )66 LOST: Black and gold Waterman Pen on campus. Sentimental gift. Call 2-4561, 504 Mosher. Reward. )65 LOST: Brown zipper wallet near William and Maynard Tuesday. Papers valuable to owner only. Finder please return to 420 Thompson or contact Eleanor Alash- ain, 314 S. State, 7177. Reward! )5 LOST: Log Log Slide Rule. Black case. Nov. 4 in or near Rm. 447 W.E. or Rm. 7 Ec. Reward. Herb Kahn, Dorm 18, Rm. 38, W. Lodge. )3 FOUND: Cardigan Sweater, October 11 in my car. Owner may redeem by identi- fying location of car and paying for this ad. Call at 407 Mason Hall: 11:00-12:00 A.M. ) 13 WANTED WANTED: Part-time work. Art School graduate, experienced N.Y.-Phila. inter- ior decorator. Grad student's wife. Can type. Desire interesting position. Phone 2-7423. )2 WANTED: Men's Full Dress Suit, Size 40 regular. Call F. C. Houston, Lawyers Club. ) 67 WANTED: 4 Adjacent tickets for Mich.- Wisconsin game, or 2 adjacent tickets for same. Call Toni, 2-1956. )23 WANTED:. Experienced man or woman for exclusive summer camp in Northern Michigan. Must have specialty and camp training. Write for appointment giving details. Box~ number 7. ) MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington St. )14 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Hip length Skunk Jacket in excellent condition. Price very reason- able. Call 9747. )19 TUXEDO and TAILS for sale. Size 39 long. See at 1134 Hutchins after 6:00. )21 FOR SALE: Tenor Sax and Alto Sax. Both used. Tenor in good condition. Michael Polovitz, 103 Lloyd House. Phone 2-4401. )63 FOR SALE: Tuxedo Suit, size 38, single- breasted. Fine buy at $25. 820 E. Ann, Apt. 4, after 5:30 p.m. )62 FOR SALE: 3 almost new Hollywood Beds, complete with mattresses. Call 2-3867 after 6 p.m. )7 FOR SALE: Beautiful home-raised canar- ies, parakeets and finches, bird supplies and cages. Male Persian cat. 562 S. 7th Phone 5330. )10 HELP WANTED MULTILITH OPERATOR. Part Time. Ex- perienced. Apply The Edwards Letter Shop. )12 WOULD LOW COST ATTRACTIVE, NOUR- ISHING MEALS INTEREST YOU? Why not work for a concern with a Company- owned, non-profit cafeteria for operat- ors, such as the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Eat meat at 18 cents a serving, sal- ads for .12, vegetables for .08 to .10. des- serts for .08 to .10, beverage for .05. ISnacks available on relief periods. At the same time help your digestion by eating in the pleasant company of our congenial operators. Inquire about our openings in operating positions by call- lng 9900 or 9985. )15 MISCELLANEOUS MIDWAY Bicycle shop, 322 E. Liberty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. )56 TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Transportation to Kansas City or vicinity, leaving Wednesday night, November 27. Call or write Howard Stephenson, 409 Allen-Rumsey, West Quad. Phone 2-4401. )22 I p. r T-Bone Steak.......... Simered Breaded Pork Chops ... Fried Liver, Onions ...... Grilled Pork Loin ...... Roast Pork, Applesauce . . Roast Beef............ Hamburger Steak ....... Country Sausage, Applesauce.......... Fried Egg Dinner...... Fillet of Pollack....... Vegetable Dinner...... Meat and Spaghetti ..... North Main Opposite Court House Ends Tonight - PARTNERS IN TIME, - plus - "TERRORS ON HORSEBACK" - Starts Saturday WM. BOYD in "TRAIL DUST" plus "CUBAN PETE" RIDIER'S' STUDENT SUPPLIES 302 South State Street Today and Saturday "THE RUNAROUNb" with Ella Raines - Rod Cameron --and-y "W1AGON WHEELS WESTWARD" with Red Ryder 1.60 1.15 .90 .90 .90 .90 .80 .80 .75 .75 .70 .65 ST R I K E FOR YOU in Food Finds at the White Spot 517 East Williams "A Block froze the Carmjas" Breakfasts and Lunches -" ">0<"''"'>o<'""""" >< < ,"""">^"""(><"""" < ""> 0<==(< " c=t< AND AT REASONABLE PRICES! ri THE GRANADA, under new management, with new decorations, gives you completely new atmosphere. Open 7 days a week from 7:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. 313 South State Street Continuous from 1 P.M. TODAY and Saturday 7w TvSTrA Imer/=. won The above Dinners include Soup or Juice, a Salad, Vegetable, Potatoes, Bread and Butter LUNCHEON MENU I -an amagmPlEmp- 00 Aw 1, - , 's - B"Nomn Hot Beef Sandwich ....... Hot Hamburger......... Hamburger............. Lettuce and Tomato . Grilled Cheese.......... Cream of Tomato ........ Pie, per order ........... Hot Pork Sandwich..... . Hamburaer Deluxe..... Peanut Butter ............ Fried Egg ................ Cheeseburger........... Special Salad ........... A a Mode..r......... Coffee with Order ...... .45 .45 .20 .25 .25 .10 .15 .45 .30 .15 .20 .25 .25 .25 .05 THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE and DEUTSCHER VEREIN present "THE COLLEGE GIRL" ." ' ", . : x..:: f , { 5°s a'3 x Y , r: ; :; v . ' . .r K H GAN Matinees 2-4 P.M. Nights 7-9:10 P.M. m A w --M -WOWAWbOMMMOVAOM if j I i s . t ' 7 t4 :i7 ( Die Sextanerin) in den Haulftrollen: 1' I lj 11 NI. U I U .~