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September 26, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-26

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- _

Fifty-Seventh Year

" Back by Popular Demand

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.................... Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.................Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ............................ City Editor
Mary Brush ........................... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz .......................... Associate Editor
Paul larsha.......................Associate Editor
Clark Baker............................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk......... ............ Women's Editor
Lynne Ford.................Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager
Evelyn Mills .............. Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork ................Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited toitor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rie, $5.00, by mail, $.00.
M ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Below the Belt
SOMETHING WILL HAVE to give way, and it
looks like it's going to be OPA price ceilings
on meat.
As ingenious housewives contrive to disguise
the lack of meat on the nation's dinner tables,
the more serious aspects of America's latest
shortage come to the fore.
The primary result of the crisis is that what
little meat there is on the market is being sold
at prohibitive prices to those customers who
have "pull." This is especially true in the East.
Scondly, a severe drain on supplies of other
essential foods such as chicken and fish has re-
sulted. Abnormal use of these commodities will
eventually result in a more dangerous food
The obvious disadvantages and dangers of an
all-over food shortage do not need to be illus-
trated. Such a situation would bring the coun-
try to a state of absolute ruin quicker than any
other weapon. Food, contrary to the idealist's
notion, is obviously the one thing man cannot
do without.
In Ann Arbor, the lack of meat on restaurant
and lunch counter menus has not been too no-
ticeable, although one downtown restaurant is
considering a temporary shutdown if the short-
age persists. Most of the women's dormitories
have not served meat this week, but this affects
only a small portion of the student body.
However, a persistent food shortage, especial-
ly in restaurants, would be especially hard on
the University since a large portion of its stu-
dents must eat out.
Thus it appears that those who fought
against reinstatement of OPA have not failed.
The present situation results from the fact that
meat in large quantities was sold to a greedy
public at inflated prices during the brief respite
from price control late last spring. Now even
with OPA back in effect, this faction has control
of the most potent weapon that could possibly
be used against it. The American people have
been hit right below the belt. It's a blow that
is bound to have the desired results.
-Phyllis L. Kaye
Students wishing to write reviews of books,
phonograph records (classical and jazz),
movies and plays, as well as those wishing to
write editorial columns for The Daily, should
submit not less than two samples to the edi-

toral director before tomorrow.
See Here .,..
Many a youthful World War II veteran, be-
deviled by a social conscience, threw up his
hands in horror at the notion of joining the
stuffy, conservative American Legion, trooped
over to the American 7eterans Committee in-
stead. Not so one group of reform-minded Man-
hattan newspapermen. Last spring they organ-
ized bhe Duncan-Paris Post (named for two
war casualties from the staff of Yank). They
elected left-wing Marion ("See Here Private")
Hargrove as their first commander, imperti-
nently began to heckle their Legion elders.
Last week the Legion, awakening to the fact
that it had a group of leftists aboard, slapped
the upstarts down. A New York State execu-
tive committee, denying the Duncan-Paris Post
a permanent charter, charged that many of its

EDITOR'S NOTE: Last spring, The Daily edi-
torial staff came out with a column of comment
under the heading '"It So Happens." The fea-
ture met with almost universal disfavor. How-
ever, it has come to our attention that one Eng-
lish prof. and an elderly couple (grad students)
given to frequenting the austere hostelry around
the corner were enthusiastic about the column.
Consequently we are reviving it as a bi-weekly
feature this year.
* * *
CERTAIN PROFESSOR of philosophy (re-
utedly an importation from Yale) has been
having troubles. It seems that the room origin-
aly assigned his eleven o'clock was taken over
by a geology class and his next best bet, in An-
gell Hall, turned out to be one of the innumer-
able English I sections.
One of the class members who loyally fol-
lowed the philosopher during the Search claims
the prof. took it hard toward the end. Accord-
ing to our man, he distinctly heard him mutter
something about retiring to the Taft Hotel to
"think this thing out."
* - * .
THE FIRST-DAY intensity of our psychology
class was broken yesterday after the profes-,
sor had dictated an imposing list of terms to
identify - capitalism, totalitarianism, socialism,
fascism, communism and the like. An unnamed
hero in the back row raised his hand and asked
"Which of those terms are spelled with capital
S * *
W E'VE ALWAYS had our hats off to the
University of Illinois' DAILY ILLINII, but

we're stoppedt short by their latest claim. In
addition to publishing the largest college
yearbook, printing the first college newspa-
per to publish Associated Press reports, and
being the first school to inaugurate the idea
of an alumni homecoming, Illinois now proud-
ly asserts that they are "the first to identify
type-C botulism as the cause of limberneck
in poultry."



NOTE: Contributions for this colt mn come
from all members of The Daily Staff and are
the responsibility of the editorial director.
Editor's Note The Daily will print all letters in
good taste on subjects of interest which do not
exceed 300 words. The editorial director reserves
the right to print excerpts from letters which are
Skeptica~l 'auper'
To the Editor:-
SO THE malodorous ticket situation was caused
by unscrupulous underclassmen. Pollyanna
though I am, in reference to those alleged for-
ty yard line seats seeing is believing., Also how
fortunate that the books were already printed
so as to facilitate this "last minute" switch. If
along with the rest of idyllic Ann Arbor the
school is money-mad, may heaven bless them
all. But why be hypocritical about such a whole-
some desire as money. As the Little Flower would
say, who do they think they are kidding?
An expectant pauper,
Eli J. Schleifer,
S. * *
Third Party System
To the Editor:-

Tm. -Rog- - S. Pot- 06--All r '**t * ;, ve
"It's for the president of the Consolidated Broadcasting Company.
He wants us to weave in a couple of commercials."
t t

Angry Stampede
The Attack against Wallace and his position
is becoming too much of a stampede for our
own gd'od. It is too nearly unanimous, on the
surface, to be altogether sound.
If there really were as much unanimity of
feeling against Wallace as a reading of the na-
tion's press, and a few hours spent with a ra-
dio, superficially indicate, then the anti-Wal-
laceites would not be nearly so excited as they
are; they would laugh him off. If the anti-Wal-
laceites are right, then Wallace is only a mouse;
but if he is only a mouse, they shouldn't scream
so. One has the impression that some of the
opponents of Wallace don't really believe that
there is an overwhelming majority feeling
against him, and that an obscure effort is un-
derway to convert surface unanimity into a real
unanimity through the hysterical contagion of
a stampede.
But the manners and morals of a stampede
are not very choice. The fine arts of civilized
discussion, and of careful weighing of the facts
do not flourish during a stampede; it is a hard
to think clearly while one shouts and runs. The
removal of Wallace from office was significant
enough; but this has been followed by the re-
moval of Wallace and of Senator Pepper from
the official national list of Democratic cam-
paign speakers; and this is a sign that we are
really knocking ourselves out what with our
panting and running and screaming.
Is a menagerie like the Democratic party real-
ly going to make a try at setting up an ortho-,
doxy? One thinks of those fierce anti-Roose-
velt and anti-Truman buckaroos, who have been
permitted to retain positions of honor and pro-
fit in the party, all these years, without serious
question. They stay, while the effort is made
to cut Wallace and Pepper down from below,
like trees. It is true that Wallace, in a hot mo-
ment last spring, suggested that some of the
anti-Truman Senators be, in some way, read
out; but the point is that they have not been
molested, while he has been.
And now one thinks of Litvinov, and of his
recent disappearance from the Russian sur-
face; and of the successive little purge stories
that are coming across from Moscow. Are both
we and they doing 'it? Can it be that both coun-
tries, after having assumed fierce postures in
international affairs, are now turning some of
that fierceness inward, with similar effects?
But the feature of the Soviet system which
Americans, including American liberals, dis-
like most is precisely this doctrine of punish-
ment for deviation, the concept that one must
necessarily and properly lose status in society
for heterodoxy. Do we fear Russia so much
that we have begun to pay her the timorous
compliment of beginning to do as she does? Have
we tared at her with such concentration, so long,
that we are beginning dimly to reflect her? If
so, then we are really running, and leving be-
hind as we run some of our best possessions;
those amiabilities and tolerances which are not
only pleasant in themselves, but good for the
good they do, and for the truths they help us
to see.
The worst of the Wallace incident is that one
hears in its overtones the thin cry of "Faster!
Faster!" as angry men pound down the road,
hoping, perhaps, that by speed alone they can
create the impression that they know precise-
ly where it is they are going.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

H enry Wallace's
Commerce in

resignation as Secretary of
President Truman's cabinet

must not provide impetus for formation of a
third national political party, if progressive po-
litical action is to go forward without delay.
True, Mr. Wallace tentatively removes from
the administration with him the increasingly
important bloc of liberal votes that has con-
tinued to tolerate, if not actively support,
Mr. Truman's diluted progressive program
and his once-hailed but now admittedly medi-
ocre political methodology. But Mr. Wallace,
amore a symbol of the New Deal than its ef-
fective leader, will hardly provide a strong
rallying post for liberals' formation of a third
party. Instead, the Democratic party-the tra-
ditional party of political progressivism, how-
ever erratic may sometimes have been its
course-must remain the core of applied po-
litical liberalism. the Democratic party pro-
vides an established- and recognized channel
for liberal political action.
The method of attack, then, is for liberals to
work tirelessly to rescue the Democratic party
from its starvation for capable, inspiring lead-
ership and from its growing tendency toward
workaday expediency and opportunism and to
return it to the hands of hard-hitting, pro-
gressive leaders with an integrated program for
both national and world betterment.
Third parties in republics are seldom major-
ity and sometimes not even plurality parties;
they are frequently unsuccessful (as were
Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose effort in 1912
and the Lemke-Coughlin rightist ticket in
1936) and they result in a precarious balance
of power (as in Italy and France today) that
never provides the degree of political stability
requisite to democratic achievement of a lib-
eral social and political program. In these co-
alitions, goals must be undesirably compro-
mised and the main effort is dissipated in at-
tempting to hold together majority support
rooted in at least two of the parties.
The controversy surrounding Mr. Wallace is
significant not only with respect to our relations
with the Soviet Union. As was the January 1945
uproar surrounding his appointment as Secre-
tary of Commerce, it is crucial in the implemen-
tation of progressivism within the United States.
Liberals must not weaken their position by for-
mation of an effort-absorbing but unpromising
third party designed to accommodate M Ir. Wal-
lace and his circle.
-Robert Copp
S * *
Correspondents Wn ted
To the Editor:-
WOULD appreciate it very much if you would
insert this plea in the school paper.
A lonely trooper wishes to correspond with
some of his future schoolmates. I am from De-
troit and will attend the University in the fall
of '47.
Pvt. D. McDonald 16166139
Co. D, 508 Parachute Inf. Regt.
A.P.O. 757, % Postmaster
New York, New York

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers ,of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
iorm to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30
p..n on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 3
The Deans of the several schools
and colleges, President, and Provost
call attention to the greatly enlarged
opportunities provided for students
by the authorization of several en-
tirely new units in the advanced
courses of the R.O.T.C. for the com-
ing year. It is now possible for a stu-
dent in most divisions of the Univer-
sity to enroll in a unit whose program
is closely allied to his own field of
specialization. The authorized units,
and the divisions of the University
most intimately concerned in each
case, are as follows:
Students from all schools and col-
leges eligible.
INFANTRY . . All schools and colleges
ENGINEER CORPS . ...Engineering
SIGNAL CORPS............
Engineering (Electrical, Mechan-
ical) L.S.A. (Physics majors)
Business Administration; Engi-
neering; Law; L.S.A. (Economics ma-
AIR CORPS . All schools and colleges
MEDICAL CORPS .......Medicine
and colleges
All schools and colleges
Business Administration; Engi-
neering; Law; L.S.A.
Students in the first two-years'
course, pursue a common course of
instruction. It should be understood
that this course is strictly one of
training for officer candidates.
Veterans with twelve or more
months' service in the Army, Navy,
Marine Corps, or Coast Guard are
eligible for selection to be directly
admitted to the advanced courses,
with thle approval of the Professor of
Military Science and Tactics and the
Those who hold commissions in the
O.R.C. or the National Guard may
not enroll in the R. . T. C. but are
welcome to visit its classes.
Students interested in the R.O.T.C.
who have not yet enrolled may still do
so during the week beginning Sep-
tember 23.
This statement is issued with the
approval of the Deans' Conference.
Alexander G. Ruthven, President
James P. Adams, Provost
Salary Payments for the University
Year 1946-47

1. Payments will be made in ten
equal installments.
2. The first salary check will be
issued on Oct. 18, for all those whose
Request for Appointment have
cleared the Office of the Provost by
October 2.
3. A supplementary salary check
will be issued on Oct. 31 for all those
whose Request for Appointment have
cleared the Office of the Provost
after Oct. 2 and before Oct. 17.
4. The second salary check will be
issued on Nov. 22.
5. The third and all subsequent
salary checks will be issued on the
last day of the month starting Dec.
31, the June salary check being a
double payment.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Student Football Admissions: Stu-
dents who have not yet received their
football admissiontickets must have
presented their physical education
couponsrat the Administration Build-
ing, Ferry Field' before 5:00 p.m.,
Thursday, September 26. No student
admission tickets will be available
after that time.
H. O. Crisler
Director of Athletics
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a eineting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, Sept.
30, at 4:15 p.m., inRoom 311, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Students are reminded of the fol-
lowing regulations which became ef-
fective with the beginning of the Fall
Term, 1946-47:
1) Students are expected to attend
classes regularly.
2) When the instructor considers
the number of absences excessive,
that is, when a student's absence
from a course endangers his satisfac-
tory progress, the instructor should
send a written report on the case to
the Administrative Board for action.
Freshmen and sophomores should be
reported to the Chairman of the Aca-
demic Counselors, Associate Dean,
1220 Angell Hall,
Counselors in Religion are provided
in two areas of experience;
1. Regardless of affiliation or the
lack of affiliation, the Counselor's of-
fice at 215 Angell Hall, 11-12 or 3-4
daily, is open to any student or
2. According to your church af-
filiation, you will be served through
the S.R.A. at Lane Hall or at the Ann
Arbor worship center of your choice.
Your search for religious values
among the many values will have'-im-
mediate attention by trained Coun-
1946-47 LECTURE COURSE of 8
outstanding speakers presented by
the University Oratorical Association
will open Oct. 17, in Hill Auditorium
at 8:30 p.m. The schedule includes
Gov. Ellis Arnall, Oct. 17, "The South
Looks Forward"; Randolph Church-
ill, Oct. 29, "Socialism In England";
Louis P. Lochner, Nov. 7,"The Nur-
emberg Trials"; Brig. General Roger
Ramey, Nov. 21, "Air Power in the
Atomic Age"; John Mason Brown,
Jan. 16, "Seeing Things"; Mrs. Ray-
mond Clapper, Feb. 20, "Behind the
Scenes in Washington"; Col. Melvin
Purvis, Feb. 27, "Can We Lessen
Crime in the U. S.?"; Margaret Web-
ster. Mar. 22. "The Adventure of Act-

French and German for the doctorate
will be held on Fri. Sept. 27, 4:00 to
6:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. Dictionariesay lbe used.
Anthropology 31, M.W.F. 9:00 will
meet in 348 West Eng.
Debaters: All students who desire
to participate in debate this year
should meet today at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 4208 Angell Hall.
English 300H, Seminar in American
Literature, will meet today from 2:00-
4:00. in 308 Library.
J. L. Davis
Geography 151. This course will
meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
2:00 in Room 18 Angell Hall.
Political Science 107: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 10:00 will meet
in Room 1025 Angell Hall hereafter.
E. S. Brown
Coir certs
Price, University Carillonneur, and
Sidney Giles, his assistant, will pre-
sent a joint recital at 7:15 tonight, on
the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton
Memorial Tower. Program: Mr.
Giles' Prelude, Minuet by Bocherini,
Home to our Mountains by Verdi,
Suite by Nees, and Largo from the
New World Symphony by Dvorak,
played by Mr. Giles. - Mr. Price and
Mr. Giles will follow this group with
a duet, Fantasy II, composed by Mr.
Price. The program will close with
Mr. Price playing his Rhapsody II.
Events Today
ISTRATION: A convocation for fac-
ulty and students will be held today
at 3:30 p.m. in the large lecture hall
in the Rackham Building. Dean Stev-
enson will speak.
A coffee hour will follow from 4 to
6 o'clock in the assembly hall on the
third floor.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet today at 12:00 noon on Thurs-
day, in Room 3055, Natural Science
Building. Tea will be served; bring
your own sandwiches. The speaker
will be Dr. John F. Caley, who will
talk on the activities of the Geologi-
cal Survey of Canada.
The Regular Thursday Eeikg
Record Conert sponsored by the
Graduate School will begin tonight.
Program: Mozart's Divertimento in
E-flat Major, Dvorak's In Nature's
Realm, Mozart's Concerto for Flute
and Orchestra, and Strauss' Tod Und
Verklarung. All graduate students
are cordially invited.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA: All members
are urged to attend a meeting to-
night at 7:00 in the Michigan Union,
Room 305. Important business will
be discussed. Pledge Club members
also are invited to attend this meet-
TAU BETA PI: All graduate and
undergraduate members who desire
to take an active part in the chapter
during the Fall Semester are cor-
dially invited to, attend a dinner
meeting at the Michigan Union to-
night. Members will please assemble
in the South lounge of the Union
promptly at 6:15 p.m.
International Center: The first in
the series of weekly teas will be
held today at 4:30 p.m. in the
International Center. Senor Can-
tuaria Guimaraes, Director of the
Immigration Service of the Republic
of Brazil, will be the special guest.
All Brazilian students are urged to
attend. A cordial invitation is extend-
ed to all Foreign Students and their

Coming Events
There will be meeting on Sunday,
Sept. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
All old Vulvans on campus should at-
tend the meeting.
Ice Cream Social sponsored by the
Wesleyan Guild on the lawn of First
Methodist Church following the Pep
Rally Friday evening. Anyone wish-
ing Ice Cream and Cake is invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold open house at the Student
Center, 1304 Hill (corner of Forest
and Hill ( Friday evening from 8:00
to 11:40.
(Continued from Page 1)
and sophomores who turned in tickets
will receive new seats.
Must Furnish Evidence
Upperclassmen will be required to
furnish blueprints or other evidence
of their class standing and additional
proof that the person submitting the
ticket is the person who owns the
Upperclassmen without adequate
proof may obtain certification of class
standing in the Office of the Dean of
Students desiring adjacent seats
must report to the booths in groups.
Davis also announced that students
who obtained preferred tickets


._ i

A triumph of graphic documentation! My
compliments, gentlemen. But come- We s
have recorded our personalities-- And 'j
accomplishments. In black and white- W

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