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November 08, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-08

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See Page 2


Latest Deadline in the State

4 i1




Fine Hits Lower
Educator Predicts Registration for
Universities Will Increase Until 1950
The basic fallacy in higher educators' thinking today is that "we will
soon return to the 'good old days' of lower college and university enrollment."
That's the opinion of Dr. Benjamin Fine, education editor of The New
York Times, who is in Ann Arbor attending the University Press Club of
Michigan meeting.
He termed such thinking "a pipe dream.."
Indications are that college and university enrollment will gradu-
ally increase until 1950 when approximately 3,000,000 students will be
enrolled in our higher educational institutions, he predicted.
Present college enrollment is 2,000,000.
0 He based his higher enrollment pre-

ruman Resignation Held Unlikely



* *



* *

U.S. Threatens

To Retain Mandates

Four Sorority
Members Quit
Committee Bloc
Blast Slate Politics;
Groups Deny Charges
Issuing a blast against partisan
campus politics, four sorority mem-
bers running for the Student Legis-
lature yesterday withdrew their sup-
port from the Greek letter dominated
University Committee.
Pesonal Qualifications
Asserting that "personal qualifi-
cations, not affiliation or non-affil-
iation, should be the basis of a stu-
dent legislator's election," Polly Han-
son and Rozann Radliff, Delta Delta
Delta, Rae Kjeller, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, and Kit Riegel, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, said that they chose "to
run as members of a unified student
body, not as members of Greek letter
or independent groups."
The coeds will now run separately
as individuals among the 20 odd non-
partisan candidates.
Committee Answers
Walt Klee, student nominee on
the University Committee slate, den-
ied that his group is "organized on
a fraternity-sorority basis." Assert-
ing that the Committee was "open
at all times to any and all" and that
efforts were made "to obtain inde-
pendents on our slate" Klee claimed
that the Committee platform will re-
present the "entire student body."
The University Committee claims
to have two independent members
on its slate.
Slate Position
Contending that the All Campus
Slate was not organized as an in-
dependent bloc, Torn Walsh, head of
the Slate, said: "our slate, represent-
ing 20 diffrent campus groups, was
assmbled to present the widest pos-
sible campus representation."
The All Campus Slate claims to
include one fraternity member.
Action by women nominees fol-
lowed the Student Legislature's re-
fusal to pass a motion striking party
designations from the ballots to be
used in Tuesday and Wednesday's
election. The motion was submitted
Wednesday on the grounds that the
University Committee and the All-
Campus Slate had been inadver-
tently drawn up on fraternity-in-
dependent lines.
Campaign Rally
Set for Monday
A campus-wide rally permitting
all Student Legislature candidates
to present their platforms to the stu-
dent body will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Union Ballroom.
Hack Coplin, chairman of the Leg-
islature election publicity committee,
said yesterday that as a result of
demands by students and candidates,
the Legislature will provide time for
all non-partisan candidates and rep-
resentatives of the All-Campus Slate
and University Committee to speak.
"As a result of the interest already
aroused over the election, this looks
as though it will be a wide-open, no-
holds-barred affair," Coplin said.
Detroit Papers Hit
By Labor Troubles
DETROIT, Nov. 7-(P)--Detroit
afternoon newspapers reached read-
ers several hours behind schedule to-
day as a labor dispute at the De-
troit Times resulted in edition delays
at that paper and Detroit News.
It marked the third time this week
_, ai:4,. . ,1M+ yl

diction on two factors: (1) motiva-
tion arising out ofthelarge veteran
enrollment; and (2) the fact that
America is now sold on the value of
higher education.
"There are educators who cry that
too many veterans are attending col-
lege," he declared.
"These educators are like the
minister who complained that
there were too many people at-
tending his church."
"Many of us have been led to be-
lieve that there is a 'veterans prob-
lem'," Dr. Fine asserted.
"There is no veterans problem,"
he declared, "the problem is created
by colleges and universities which do
See FINE, Page 8
* * *
Fine declares
U.S. Education
Cheats Children
The American people-parents
educators and politicians-have for
years been cheating their children out
of a fair education, Dr. Benjamin
Fine, education editor of New York
Times, said yesterday at the Voca-
tional Education Conference held
Pointing out that the United
States spends approximately $3,000,-
000,000 a year for education in com-
parison with the $7,000,000,000.spent
for liquor, and the $10,000,000,0000
spent for cosmetics, Dr. Fine urged
that we take steps immediately to
provide at least twice as much money
for education as is now being spent
if American schools are not to dete-
riorate in the present post-war pe-
The educational situtaion is due to
get worse instead of better, Dr. Fine
warned. The higher birth rate of
recent years will mean many thous-
ands more children in elementary
schools by 1950.
Titiev Suggests
Prejudice Cure
American parents have it within
their power to raise a generation of
children free of racial prejudice,
Prof. Mischa Titiev told members of
the Inter-Racial Association yester-
If parents waged as relentless and
resourceful a war against the poison-
ous virus of racial intolerance as they
conduct when their children are in-
fected by physiological germs, racial
prejudice would cease to exist, he
"Children are not born with racial
intolerance," Prof. Titiev declared,
"but acquire such attitude through
the learning process."
Unless they are taught the facts of
race prejudice in their daily associa-
tion with people, children remain un-
aware of the distorted and warped
ideas that characterize inter-racial
disunity, he said.

Dulles Asks
UN Control
Isle Groups
Implies De Facto
Rule To Continue
By The Associated Press
-The United States served notice to-
day that it would retain control of
mandated Pacific islands taken from
Japan in the recent war if the United
Nations finally rejects an American
plan for limited UN supervision of
those vast island areas.
John Foster Dulles, a United States
alternate delegate to the UN Assem-
bly, informed the 51-member trus-
teeship committee of the United
States offer of limited supervision
which was announced last night in
Washington and later told newsmen
in effect that this country would keep
its hands on the islands.
'Take It Or Leave It'
"If the proposal fails, the admin-
istration continues in de facto status
under the control of the present ad-
ministering authority," Dulles said.
Some newsmen suggested that this
might be termed a "take-it-or-leave-
it" condition but Dulles did not agree
with that interpretation.
In the committee Dulles asked the
United Nations to set up a trustee-
ship council immediately. He coup-
led this with a warning aginst
bringing the veto into the trusteeship
picture at this time.
Russia Silent
Russia has not tipped her hand on
trusteeships but there have been re-
ports that she might seek to declare
herself a state "directly concerned"
and by that interpretation exercise
a sort of veto on trusteeships.
Striking at the possibility that any
state might seek an "interested"
status to invoke a veto, Dulles said:
"The United States is willing to
join with others in accepting a sys-
tem of equality and not asserting a
special position in relation to the
agreements now before us. We do not
want an interpretation of 'states di-
rectly conceded' which might import
the veto system into the work of the
"We believe that history will not
judge kindly any who take a posi-
tion which would in fact block the
establishment of the trusteeship sys-
tem and its grant to dependent
peoples of the right to eventual self-
government or independence."
Hope Seen for
Coal Settlement
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7- ()-
Signs of a possible break in the soft
coal dispute arose tonight as John
L. Lewis called in district union
presidents who would pass on any
settlement plan.
Lewis himself made no announce-
ment but the approximately 30 presi-
dents in the bituminous-producing
areas were brought into Washington,
where the United Mine Workers are
negotiating with the government for
higher wages.

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Senators Not Affected
In Current Election


I I ..

MAP ON U.S. SENATE SEATS-This map shows the makeup of the new Senate as indicated by unofficial
returns, with states heavily outlined showing those in which Republicans apparently gained Senate seats.

Education Must
Meet Needs of
Society--A dams
American education must measure
its responsibilities in terms of the
developing needs of an evolving so-
ciety and the great social purposes for
which education exists, Provost James
P, Adams said yesterday.
Speaking before the Michigan Col-
lege Association which met here to
corlsider problems of veterans en-
rollment and admission standards for
high school students, Dr. Adams de-
clared that these responsibilities are
not new, but that never before has it
been so important that they be dis-
charged with effectiveness and fidel-
"The education which a grateful
nation has offered to servicemen is
not only a benefit bestowed upon the
veteran himself, but it is also a great
social gain," Dr. Adams declared.
Despite our accomplishments, we
have not yet achieved the real goal-
that of offering higher education to
all who effectively could use it, Dr.
Adams said. Economic disabilities
still could use it, Dr. Adams said.
Economics disabilities still limit young
men and women who could make the
best use of education, and we cannot
afford in our society, with all its needs
to let any of our talents to go un-
used for lack of cultivation, he added.
"I cannot be satisfied with a defi-
nition of educational purpose which
makes education exclusively the
training of the mind," Dr. Adams as-
serted. "There are important areas
of human experience in which the
rational process is not sufficient.
Education must also help youth to re-
fine the quality of its emotional re-
sponse and to cultivate respect for
moral and spiritual values," he said.
U.S. Moves To0
Break Deadlock
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7-(AP)-In a
move to break a deadlock with Rus-
sia, the United States has asked ten
nations if they will assist in prepar-
ing a directive for General MacAr-
thur on how to divide reparations
from Japan.
Diplomatic officials disclosed to-
night that the State Department had
advanced this proposal to the coun-
tries represented on the Far East
Commission after noting Russian's
unwillingness to attend a conference
devoted solely to reparations.
Indiana KKK Strong

cU' Must Determine 'Kind of
Students' To Accept--Ruthven

Because the demand for education
will continue at its present rate for
the indefinite future, the University
must determine the "kind of stu-
dents" to be accepted, President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven told 200 newspaper
men and women at the opening
meeting of the University Press Club
convention last night.
Attendance a 'Right'
Attendance at the University is a
'right" for Michigan residents and a
"privilege" for others, President
Ruthven said, but added:
"The opportunity to mingle and be-
come acquainted with people from
other parts of the United States and
the world is an important educa-
tional valme."
Based on University experience,
all qualified Michigan residents
should be accepted, with 35 per cent
of the student body composed of non-
residents including five percent from
foreign countries, President Ruthven
Should Pay Cost
He asserted that "out-of-state stu-
dents should be called upon to pay or
at least a substantial part of the cost
of their education."
Defining the immediate goal of ed-
ucation as teaching the meaning of
democracy "at home," President
Ruthven listed these problems which
the University must solve:
Bonus Applications
Not Available Here
Despite conflicting reports in other
publications, the applications for the
state bonus for veterans are NOT
available as yet, either at the County
Clerk's office or at the Veterans
Counseling Center.

1. Teaching must be given a re-
spectable place among the profes-
sions. Citizens must learn to pay the
cost of making ideals effective.
2. Classrooms, laboratory space and
dormitories must be increased.
3. Teachers must review their
work in the light of new conditions
and faculties restudy curricula to
make sure instruction is contribut-
ing to the development of world citi-
4. Liberal education must be given
more attention and the growing ten-
dency to early and excessive spe-
cialization checked.
Three Seats
In Congress
Still Uncertain
By The Associated Press
Winners of contests for one House
and two Senate seats remained uncer-
tain last night (Thursday). Demo-
crats held narrow leads in unofficial
It appeared that the official can-
vass might be required, however, to
determine who won in the contests
Senator Harley J. Kilgore (D) and
Thomas Sweeney (R) for senator
from West Virginia.
Herbert O'Conor (D) and D. John
Markey (R) in the Maryland senate
. Rep. Walter K. Granger (D) and
David J. Wilson (R) for the house
seat from the first Utah district.
Senate-Republicans 51, Democrats
House-Republicans 246, Demo-
crats 187, American-Labor one.

Idea Termed
Fantastic In
President Adopts
'Dignified Silence'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7-President
Truman brushed aside as fantastic
today even the possibility that he will
resign to turn over the presidency to
the victorious Republicans.
It can be said unqualifiedly that he
not only intends to stay on the job,
but that he is making plans for his
administration under the changes
brought by Republican control of
That he has not even toyed with
the idea of quitting is confirmed by
everyone who has talked with the
President since Tuesday's Republi-
can land slide.
Newspapermen Agree
This is the firm view expressed by
everyone who knows the President in-
;luding newspapermen who have fol-
lowed him since he entered the Whte
House upon the death of Franklin D.
The idea of resignation was voiced
by Senator Fulbright (Dem., Ark.).
It would involve the appointment
of a Republican secretary of state
immediately preceding the resigna-
tion, enabling the appointee to suc-
ceed to the Presidency.
Fulbright repeated, however, that
he will introduce in the new Congress
a constitutional amendment to per-
mit a quick change in the event of
another such power split.
Resignation Legal
The resignation plan, the Arkan-
san told reporters, was merely a sug-
gestion for a quick way to deal with
the current situation. He said there
is no question as to its legality in view
of the Constitution's mention of
"resignation"- of the Chief Executive.
As to procedure, he said the logical
personto receive a resignation would
be the president of the Senate, who
normally receives electoral returns.
"The country has spoken so de-
cisively in the election that it is en-
titled to have the Republican party in
power and see what it can do," Ful-
bright said.
Suggesting that so far the party
has had only the role of critic, he
said the people should have a chance
to "know in 1948" whether the GOP
can develop a statesmanlike program
of its own.
Officially, the White House takes
an attitude that the idea should not
be dignified by cpmment.
GOP Rushes
Program Plans
Steering Committees
Set To Meet Thursday
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7-(A')-Vic-
torious Senate Republicans today or-
dered a head start on whipping to-
gether a party program and policy for
the first GOP-dominated Congress in
a decade and a half.
Their steering committee goes into
a huddle next Thursday.
House Republican leaders already
had picked the same day to start
things humming in a steering com-
mittee meeting of their own. But
they saw prospects of trouble over
parceling out election trophies.
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) spoke in
Chicago of trimming to $25,000,000,-
000 or $30,000,000,000 the budget for
the year beginning next July 1. Presi-
dent Truman's revised budget for the
current year is around $41,500,000,-

* * *
GOP May Reopen
Pearl Harbor Probe
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 - (P) -
Senator Brewster (R., Me.) said to-
day that Republicans, now in the
majority, may insist on reopening the
Pearl 1Hrbor inuiviiaHt-o,,it~h a

Nazi Chiefs Broke Own Law;
Occupation Rule Undemocratic

Scientists Devise New Machine
To Study Atomic Nuclei Parts

Lecture.. .
The purpose of justice would have
been served "equally well" if the
Nazi criminals had been tried as
violators of their own party law,
according to Louis P. Lochner, in his
address on '"The Nuernberg Trial."
Lochner spoke last night in the
third Oratorical Association lecture
of the season. He pointed out that
there were several categories of Nazi
Party law on which all the defen-

Interview ....
The "dualism" in high authority
existing in Germany as a result of
having civil and military control in
the American zone vested in the
same commander is incompatible
with U.S. attempts to democratize
that area.
This opinion was expressed by
Louis P. Lochner, veteran of 22 years
in Germany as a foreign correspon-
dent, in an interview here yesterday.

University scientists, no longer
satisfied with being able to isolate
the atomic nucleus, will now attempt
to study the particles which make
up the atomic nucleus.
Research dealing with synthetic
cosmic rays will be conducted at the
University with the aid of the new
"race track," a modification of the
.,vnrhntrnnr av'aig a, ri1dnwvr a-n

at almost the speed of light, of at
least 300 million electron volts at
the disposal of the scientists, multi-
plying greatly the investigators' abil-
ity to observe nuclear particles.
Cyclotrons and betatrons smash
atoms and permit atomic nuclei to
be studied. With the new super en-
ergies made possible by the syn-

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