THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUJRSDAY, NC _...._.. AFTER THE ELECTION: Three Views on the GOP Victory BILL MAULDIN America's Traditional Lack of Restraint NORMALCY is back. After a month of trump- eting predictions, the Republican party has virtually swept the country. The American oeo- ple has voted itself an extra-large helping of ice cream all around; and many bright-eyed liber- als will feel betrayed. But with the "facts" before us, it is hard to imagine alternatives. Never in its history have the people of this nation exercised restraint worth noticing. Restraint is the handmaiden of necessity, and we have known no appreciable nation-wide necessity. Our problems have al- ways been capable of solution by the sacrifices of a tiny per cent, or by the tiny sacrifices of many. We are a young, wealthy nation. Faced with white vs. grey contrasts in issues, where it was easy to set up "nothing-to-lose" situations, we have taken the chances and acknowledged the losses with a gambler's grim indefatigabil- ity. If there was waste or corruption incidental to the period of expansion following the Civil War, we could afford to joke about it. Any feeling of tension that had accompanied that war passed easily; there was plenty to compete for, plenty to relax with. After the War of 1914 we again relaxed, on a scale rightly termed debauchery. What farmer exercised restraint in 1920? Which economist could see anything but prosperity just around the corner? So here we are. What farmer in 1946 is will- ing to recall the 1921 which followed the last post-war boom, or the lean two decades? Eco- nomists, reminded of the Great Depression which followed their Hardingesque expansion, have adopted coy self-deceit: A price-control system is so constructed that it will fall of its own weight. And we may all breathe deeply and relax at the collapse. IT'S A GREAT deal to ask of a nation-that it behave itself during the unreal release from anxiety that accompanies the end of a war. The situation is .one of plenty for all. The associa- tions from the past call forth the accustomed re- sponse: most people :grab for a share; a few wallow in the abundance. Continuance of war- time restraints (most of them artificially im- posed from above via taxes, laws, high-pressure advertising) seemed, at the mildest, unreason- able. Furthermore, a period of post-war let up is a type of crisis, just as is a war or a depression. Like' wars and depressions, such periods call for decisive leadership. Leaders are needed who effectively dramatize issues, giving to the major- ity an inkling of the consequeces of a vote for a given candidate or against a given proposal. It was no accident, for example, that President Roosevelt so often pointed to "emergency" situ- ations. But our nominal leaders in this post-war crisis have been admittedly ineffectual. If there's in- digestion lurking in that dish of ice cream we voted ourselves, nobody told us when we were listening. And there were the Republicans, ready as in the twenties to stand up for optimism and for a feeling of relaxed well-being all around. Pointing to the weakness of the incumbent wartime administration, insisting on the un- reasonableness of continuing wartime re- straints, they offered just what we "had in mind." The Republicans exemplify the belief that if only everything is left to itself (given a rea- sonably honest administration) all will be well. Most Democrats feel the same way; the position of maintaining restraints has not rested easily on the shoulders of most of them since V-J Day. In fact almost all of us would like to share this "everything's-going-to-be-just-dandy" atti- tude, if we can. And as long as there's a country' left to gamble on it, why should we stop our- selves? -Milt Freudenheim CINEMA At The Lydia Mendelssohn The College Girl; Ellen Schwanecke, Rolf Wanka. THOUGH it may be my nasty, suspicious mind, the story of this has a rather familiar ring. However since it is adequately a propos to the academic situation today (yesterday and tomor- row, too) any triteness in the plot can be for- given. It is the old story of the school girl with a crush on her professor. Since this happens everyday at Michigan, the picture should be of interest to both coeds and faculty. The school girl in question here is played by Miss Schwa- necke or so I gather from the advertising post- ers. She has a rather cow-like expression and spends most of her time looking stricken. The professor is Mr. Wanka. One look at him and the general public will wonder why more of his pupils did not fall madly in love with him. Miss Schwanecke's passion takes the form of being struck dumb every time the man calls on her to recite. Although the girl becomes practically anti-social through constant contact with her hnnkrAndon aneit ermirahly for an old fanm- Liberalized GOP Possible Hope in '48 THE results of Tuesday's election came as a great surprise to no one. Much as most liberals will hate to admit it, two things appear'certain: 1.) The Democratic Party is now entering a period of comparative twilight. 2.) The Republican Party will elect the new President in 1948. As The New York Times will no doubt be quick to point out, this is an example of our tra- ditional American political machinery at work. At various times in the Nation's history this change has brought on reform. Today the thought of reform is ironical. Seldom in fact has a party come into power offering so nega- tive a platform. But with the present weak- ness and decentralization of the Democratic Party, winning this election was as easy for the Republicans as falling off a log. Since the Civil War, the Democratic Party has had a freakish element to it, namely the Solid South. As time has progressed this freak- ishness has become more exaggerated, so that only in times of crisis or under the rare politi- cal genius of a Franklin D. Roosevelt has it been able to operate effectively as a unit. Today it has fallen miserably into many small segments, unable to formulate any effective pol- icy. Indeed the only organized portion of it at all, the Solid South, is closer in aims to the Re- publican Nationl Committee than it is to its New Dealer brethren. WHAT then is the hope for the independent liberal voter during this period of postwar Republicanism? There have been attempts at a third party, but right now any potential major third par- ties seem pretty scarce and poorly nourished. Perhaps the hope lies within the framework of the Republican party. On the basis of the Re- publican record for the last 30 years, it is prob- ably sublime optimism to even suggest such an idea. Republican National Committeemen would undoubtedly consider it sacrilege. And yet a lib- eralizing of the Republican Party by independ- ents offers a solution which might recreate an effective alignment of forces. If the conjecture that the Republican Party is certain to take the government in 1948 is cor- rect, then this is the only solution. -Harry Levine Business Outlook THE general outlook in business communities in the midwest is one of restrained optimism. The downward trend of commodity prices has caused little hardship as yet, and is rather wide- ly welcomed as softening the effects of the price adjustments that are regarded as inevitable. Shortages are much less of a handicap than they were two or three months ago. There is widespread belief that the Administration will respond to growing pressure for lifting the rela- tively. few remaining price and materials con- trols. Possible repeal of excise taxes on lug- gage, furs and jewelry is attracting lively inter- est. Easing of credit controls on installment sales is sought and expected. Many businessmen frankly assume that the slowing down of business that is beginning to be apparent today will run on down into a re- cession sometime in the first six months of 1947. However, they appear to feel that such a reces- sion will not be unduly severe or prolonged, and they look for a period of good times to follow, lasting perhaps several years. -United States News Back to Work with Domestic Stability IT LOOKS as though the United States is about to roll up its collective sleeves and begin working for a living again. The Republicans have entered the National picture after a period of unbalanced and often inept economic man- agement. Led by some of the most enterprising young men in America, they have won the sup- port of all persons in this country who are tired of the hand-out economy of the LATE New Deal The time had come when the American people showed their understanding of the simple facts that dominate a thriving (instead of a sick) economy. They learned these facts during the depression which produced a lasting effect on the American mind-effects which have been deemed greater than those produced by the sec- ond World War. Now that the unstable policies imposed by the New Deal period can be viewed objectively, these Americans are showing the judgment that Jefferson believed in. They are electing a Congress which will give them their money's worth in sound government. The Democratic party was in control of de- termining policy in this country so long that all life passed out of it. The party is a shell of what it was in the "good old days" of Roosevelt landslides-torn by internal dissension and lack of leadership. Incentive inside the party was re- moved by the "indispensable men" at its head, much in the same way that the party discour- aged Free Enterprise on the part of American business. In so doing, it decayed, making way for the young, vigorous movement that is sweep- ing the Republicans to the head of the nation. Men and women who believe in their right to work and to make good in their work are push- ing aside the ideals of the late regime-the era of "I deserve a living and someone is going to give it to me"-the era of government intervention in business and labor serving short-run economic ends is through. We must get on a solid footing as a nation if we are to survive the upheaval in political and economic thought prevalent in the world. We have chosen a reinvigorated Repub- lican party to accomplish what we need and want. Ahead is a period of hard work and prosperity. We can make it a period of LASTING prosperity under progressive Republican leaders. The coun- try-and the world-wants security. However, security can be purchased only at a price which some are not willing to pay-that of hard work and the realization that we must employ a stead- fast long-range economic and foreign policy. We must be consolidated as a nation in order to follow our way of life-and our way of life, as chosen by the people in this election, is the tra- ditional American way. This is the American Way for which we have been critiiczed by Com- munists, Fascists, and other miscellany. It is the American Way which has made the United States the most powerful country in the world. This is Free Enterprise and individual liberty as opposed to government socialism and disregard of private opportunity which was typified by the actions of the late Democratic rule. , The America of 1948, after the Republican vic- tory which is clearly indicated by the results of the recent election, will be one of unlimited op- portunity for the individual. It will be a period of solidarity of purpose in foreign policy, and of order at home. As I see it, domestic stability is the necessary prerequisite to our solving the, problems of other nations as leader in the United Nations. Our own house should be in order first -and the Republican victory is our first step forward in this direction.. -Robert Potter ,,"" ' f y y5 ?4 ¢JP t e I ' ( Y G F 1 i Rq, sQU 4 ( : ' "Don't you see, stupid? Two halves still add up to one world." ALL or NOTHING THIS is a most appropriate time for all good people who carry a copy of Jefferson around to take it out of their coat pocket and begin some seri- ous study. They can begin by asking himself-"whither now?" It is no secret that a Republican caucus is scheduled for November 18th in Washington to map out legis- lative strategy for the impending wage struggle. It is no secret that they plan to do whatever they can to destroy the labour movement as well as every progressive group allied with labour. It is but a matter of time before the Case bill and the Wagner Act are taken out of the basket tp undergo some real streamliping in the interests of the NAM. It is but a matter of time before every control on free enterprise is destroyed. ,Ob- viously, the NAM and the American Action Committee did no~t spend their efforts in order that more Public Utility projects might be started. The people who call themselves liberalhave no time to 'wait and see' what happens, thinking that perhaps things won't be too bad because we still have the presiden- tial veto. Truman is not strong enough to withstand the onslaught U.S. Trusteeship PRESIDENT TRUMAN reaffirmed Sunday the State Department's policy of seeking sole trusteeship of the Japanese mandated islands. Thus Sec. Byrnes, who engineered the presidential statement, dealt a blow to the armed forces' plan for permanent possession of these is- lands as defense bases. Whether we retain the mandated islands directly through ownership, as the Army and Navy advocate, or indirectly under .a trusteeship agree- ment permitting us to do whatever we want with them, would appear to make little difference. That difference, however, could be the United Nations, Annexation of the Japanese mandated islands would not only break the continuity of U. S. foreign policy from Wil- son to Roosevelt, perhaps to Tru- man. It would not only repudiate the Atlantic Charter's pledge against territorial aggrandizement. The General Assembly will soon at- tempt to set up trusteeship agree- ments-agreements affecting areas of much economic and strategic impor- tance in the world today. England has not yet submitted a trusteeship proposal for Palestine. A great con- troversy has been raging over the possibilities for trusteeship of South- west Africa. The United States would be setting a very bad precedent in- deed, were it to claim outright own- ership of the Pacific bases. On the other hand, by placing the islands under trusteeship, the Unit- ed States can pursue its present pol- icy within the framework of the United Nations, with the mere sacri- fice of a little red-tape. Moreover a better future for the Pacific islands may be made possi- ble, for the UN charter advocates a progressive program for dependent peoples Permanent possession of the Jap- anese mandated islands would be a step backwards. Trusteeship agree- ments would at the least be in step with the UN. -Joan Katz cCettepr to 1i k which will be brought to bear by the new Congress, The time has come for concerted action by all progressive groups with- in the country. Without a well- planned program to channel public opinion in the inevitable struggle for wage increases, the progress which labour has made since 1932 will be seriously damaged. Without a well- planned effort to raise public opin- ion in favour of the greater Big-Three unity in foreign policy, the cause of peace will be pushed into the ground. But more than this, the time heas come to lay plans for a third people's party. The Democratic Party has rapidly lost its identity with the aspirations of the broad masses of the people. The struggle to overcome the reac- tionary big-business elements, the southern Bourbons, has proved futile. It was only the strong personality of President Roosevelt, coupled with his threat to carry issues to the people, which held these reactionary elements in line. The measure of the party's in- adequacy is apparent from the weeks of campaigning previous to Tuesday's election. Except for the most progressive groups, there was no sincere effort made to distin- guish between the Byrnes-Vanden- berg foreign policy and that left by Roosevelt. There was no real effort made to identify the party program with the aspirations of the broad masses of the people. The immediate cry to any sugges- tions of a Third Party is, 'But it will divide the progressive forces.' On the contrary. It will solidify them as they have never been solidified be- fore except in the Roosevelt era. The people of these United States, today, are in the most crucial period of their history. The spirit of the broad masses who make up the brunt of the population is close to bank- ruptcy. It is as though there were a mass of kinetic weariness and dis- trust which was poising itself be- fore an impending storm. They are longing desperately for a lasting, democratic peace; for real dis-arma- ment, for a prosperity not based upon a primed pump. They need a people's party in which there is no compro- mise with reaction. Whoever of the liberals fears break- ing with tradition has failed to search deeply into the dilemma which is America today. The renaissance which is taking place in western Eu- rope with the rise of new people's parties, with the growth of a new faith in the future, is lacking in America. It is not the people's fault. They have been confused, since the end of the war, as never before, by a press and radio, which, for the most part, has sold out to the monopoly groups. They have been led to be- lieve that a warwith Russian is an inevitability. Theif' trust in the Democratic party as the people's party, has long since been destroyed. Action for a third party takes courage. The argument that peo- ple's parties in the past have failed is meaningless. There are glar- ing historical differences between the day of Eugene Deb's and the present. Today, the working man is organized as he never was before; each day his political and social consciousness increases. Unless the people who consider themselves liberals understand that the only defeat possible for the monopoly interests in this country is through an allied struggle of the working class and the middle income groups, they are doomed to failure. The strength of the reactionaries lies in their ability to split off the workers from the middle class. They use every method, from the vicious DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 VOL. LVII, No., 39 Notices University Press Club of Michigan: At the annual meeting of the organ- ization, Nov. 7-9, the University will be host to a large group of editors and publishers. There is need for a number of both single and double rooms for' Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 7 and 8. If faculty mem- bers have such rooms available, they are asked to call Campus Extension 485 any afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. F. E. Robbins Choral Union members whose at- tendance records are clear will please call for their courtesy passes for the Cleveland Orchestra concert Friday, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1 and 4. The concert will take place Sunday, at 7 o'clock sharp. Charles A. Sink, President All student identification pictures re-taken after registration are now ready and the cards should be picked up this week in Room 2, University Hall. Office of the Dean of Students Willow Run Village West Court Community Bldg.: Thurs., Nov. 7, 2:00 p. m., Open class in Prenatal and Infant Care, Miss Roth will speak on the subject "Care of the Infant from Birth to one year"; 8:00 p. m., Extension Class in Psychology; 8:00 p. in., Sewing Club; 8:00 p.m., Bridge Ses- sion. Fri., Nov. 8, 8:00 p. in., Classical Recordings. Sat., Nov. 0, 8:00 to 11:30 p.m., Dance, Refreshments, Bridge. Lectures Louis P. Lochner, head of the As- sociated Press in Berlin from 1926 until his internment in 1941, and first American journalist to return to Germany at the close of the War, will be presented tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the third number on the 1946-47 Lecture Course. As- signed to cover the trial of the Nazi war criminals, Mr. Lchner will pre- sent first-hand information in his lecture, "The Nuremberg Trial." Tickets may be purchased today at the Auditorium box office which is open from 10-1, 2-8:30. Academic Notices History 11, Lecture Section 2. Mid- semester: 3:00 p.m. today. Leslie's and Drummond's sections in 1025 Angell Hall. McCulloch's and Slosson's sections in 25 Angell Hall. Hyma's, Heidman's, " Young's and Johnston's sections in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. Mathematics Seminar on Stochastic Processes will meet at 3:00 p.m., today in Room 317 W. En- gineering. Prof. A. H. Copeland will present Kolmogoroff's foundations of probability. Physical Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 151 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Wilbur C. Bigelow will speak on "Formation of Oleophobic Films by Adsorption from Oil Solutions." All interested are invited. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The tutorial section of English 2, taught (Continued on Page 5) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheini...Editorial Director Clayton Dickey..............City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor Clark Baker ...............Sports Editor Des Howarth .... Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... .Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. ' Subscription during the regular school ' year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, e a sn_ a 4" I Segregation To the Editor: N CORRECTION of an error in the Oct. 25 issue, I am the representative of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Village and on the committee to represent the church to the state legislature. I wish to clarify the stand taken on the expe- riment here at Willow Run Village. The appli- cation of4 the housing directive under the pres- ent manager has taken an upward trend. The difficulty lies in the attitude and the proce- dures employed by non-veterans of authority of both civic and religious nature. Running sec- ond comes . the attitude found in anyone schooled under a one-sided school of thought. Both groups believe in practicing segregated forms of religion. To illustrate: 1. There was opportunity this summer to employ Colored teachers in the newly-opened Ross Junior High School, but because of the well-known policy they were not, in a school system where approximately 26 per cent of its population is Colored. Of course this sys- tem is ahead of a certain city nearby which has none. 2. A Colored typist was refused at West Lodge after being sent out by the United States Em- ployment Office to fill an existing vacancy. 3. The Health Dept. of Washtenaw County sets up two separate pre-natal classes, one for Colored and one for White. Again the purpose of 'adult education is defeated. -Rev. David A. Blake , * reply to McGregor To the Editor:' 1 WOULD like this to be a direct answer to Mr. A. D. McGregor and others suffering under the same misinformation. Sen. Pepper was invited here to speak on any of the liberal subjects with which his Senatorial backing has made him familiar. The sponsoring groups were informed by his managers in this state that the Senator was stumping this state for FEPC, in addition to the regular political nature of his trip. Thus, the FEPC, they in- formed us was to be the subject of 'his speech and on this theme the rally was planned. Sen. Pepper inadvertently was not informed by his managers of the nature of this rally. This was a mistake, but the many other progressive is- sues which he supported made us realize that FEPC was just one part of the over-all program of progressivism. To Mr. McGregor and any others interested we extend a cordial invitation to attend any of our meetings at which time I feel sure that any doubts that they may have had as to our irre- sponsiblity will be dispelled. -Bob Slaff AVC, Public Relations BARNABY Nonsense! Your father's a business man. He knows he can get an automobile by placing an order with a local dealer. And demanding immediate delivery- He doesn't need your C.r ., l l L: 4 , i . -. Q n; AI o I HIIN s o0 It's not my purpose to place a strain ' on your pater's purse- He'd do well to guard against inflationary acts- Hmm .... Maybe I could arrange to have r.:m w~ki . - _e _a ~ l..,: t-- By waving your'rra magic cigar, ac(mor/ y, Mr. O'Malley? ..s tikng nn f snmaaf in ! I. s I I I