THE -MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1946 .ffidmmmmRuob ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Prof. Pollock By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER Flushing. N. Y. Nov. 5, 1946 THE most important item to be discussed around the UN meeting is probably Ger- many. It should come up before the Council of Foreign Ministers fairly soon. Marshal Stalin's recent re-affirmation of the Potsdam Agree- ments finds American critics-among them the President's representative, Ed Pauley. Hrae is the opinion of a great expert James Pollock, professor of political science at Uni- versity of Michigan, and until recently the closest civilian collaborator of General Lucius Clay in reorganizing Germany's political life. Mowrer-Jim, will Stalin's acceptance of the economic and political unification of Germany affect our chances of making that country per- manently harmless? Pollock-If words mean anything, Stalin has removed the more important of the two obsta- cles to the implementation of the Potsdam Agreements and of Secretary Byrnes' Stuttgart speech. The remaining obstacle is France. Mowrer-Isn't a centralized Germany dan- gerous? Pollock-A central government doesn't nec- essarily mean a centralized government. Our policy is to promote a decentralized federal Ger- imany with large powers remaining with the states. Every modern state needs a central gov- ernment, particularly Germany with its highly integrated economy. Mowrer-Precisely-the same integrated and efficient- economy that has enabled Germany twice to ttack its neighbors, Pollock-Not Germany's economy but the kind of vicious people who got control of it and de- based it, made Germany dangerous. Mowrer-If you believe that, why limit Ger- man industrial output at all? Pollock-As an added element of security. :talin, far from being worried over Germany's productive capacity, proposes an increase- something which many American and British experts have thought necessary. Mowrer-How can one advocate turning the administration back to Germans before being sure that their second conversion to democracy is sincere? Pollock-The Germans in our zone, al- Ways under our control, have demonstrated that they can administer their own services better than anyone else. No one can be abso- lutely sure yet that the Germans are converted to democracy. But the signs are nearly all fa- vorable. What would you have us do, convert them to Communism or just do nothing? Mowrer-What about Stalin's implied charge that we Americans are coddling Nazis? Pollock-Repetition of this charge is vicious misrepresentation. The truth is, we are the only power which has carried out a policy of com- plete denazification. The Germans in our zone enacted a denazification law which carried for- Ward into German law and in German courts the program we had ruthlessly applied, often to Sign of Maturty: Planning by Labor LABOR UNIONS are usually looked upon as trying to get something out of management -be it higher pay, shorter hours, or better work- ing conditions-and seldom if ever as contribut- ing anything constructive to the problems of in- dustry; indeed management almost universally recoils at such a thought. Yet is it not a real question whether such a stand ought not to be considered favorably at a sign of maturation- indicative of a wider and deeper perspective on the part of labor, and therefore worthy of en- couragement by industry, not to say the public? The recent proposals and recommendations of the International Woodworkers of America con- vention, to be presented at the annual American Forestry Congress this month, offer an interest- ing and important example of this enlightened type of thinking beginning to be adopted by for- ward-looking responsible labor leaders. The of- ficials of this organization secured the services of top-notch foresters and land economists to advise them on their program. The facts re- vealed and general plan put forward are not new to foresters and woodsmen, but are worth the attention of the average citizen since they concern so vital a public resource-our forests. To quote from the report, "Basic wood indus- tries are still wasting more wood than they use, despite the expanding technology of wood utili- zation which makes such waste inexcusable. Gen- erations of misuse and neglect have reduced the productivity of our forests to a point where gov- ernment foresters estimate we are growing only a third to one half as much wood as good man- agement could produce. "The time has come to stabilize the lumber in- dustry-too long a migratory nature. Its workers want permanent homes in permanent communi- ties; this can be provided through government- industry cooperation in applying the principles of scientific production to insure sustained tim- ber yields, in providing fire protection, and over- all land use planning. "Many thousands of sustaining jobs could be provided through complete wood utilization by manufacturing plastics, sugar, alcohol, yeast for poultry and livestock feed, paper, dry ice, ash- less fuel, fire-proof composition board, and fab- ricated lumber." This program can not be called "socialistic." It does not call for public ownership of the forests, but for cooperation between govern- ment-state and national-in securing the maximum use, protection and renewal of our declining forest resources, and providing steady emnovment and stable community life for a on Germany our own administrative embarrassment. You saw how Schacht, acquitted by the International Tribunal, was immediately brought within the jurisdiction of the German denazification law. Mowrer-What does Stalin mean in insisting that Germany must be more thoroughly democ- ratized? Pollock-Russian use of the word democracy is sometimes peculiar. I like to think he would wish the extension of our American practice to the other zones, including the Russian. We have taken the lead in starting the Germans back on the road to democracy. Mowrer-The Germans were put on the road to democracy, back in 1919-and just see where it took them! Pollock-This time we are taking no chances. At the same time we are trying to re-build re- sponsible German democracy, we are not let- ting our guard down. The whole fabric of in- ternational organization as well as American na- tional policy rests on ultimate military sanc- tions. - Mowrer--But our so-called "guard" rests sole- ly on continued allied unity. Pollock-No. Germany is so largely destroyed. Furthermore, we shall deprive Germany of East. Prussia, Upper Silesia and the Saar. Mowrer-But you still lean heavily on allied unity. Suppose the big powers fall out? Pollock-In that case the present division will become permanent. East Germany will be- come economically and politically geared to Moscow, west Germany to the Democracies. Then you will see us building up German strength-just as you fear. Mowrer-Why not go farther and deprive Ger- many permanently of key power sources like the Ruhr? Pollock-That would make it impossible for the Germans to support themselves even on a relatively low standard. We and the British would have to continue pouring in hundreds of millions each year. Mowrer-I would gladly purchase immunity from a Hitler at that price. Pollock-I would pay more but it is not nec- essary. If you go too far in cutting down what the Germans need to support themselves, you will prevent democracy, destroy peace and render European recovery impossible. You cannot ex- pect them to embrace democracy as against Communism unless they are permitted to restore a tolerable living standard with hope for inter-. national acceptance once they have atoned. Mowrer-My idea of the new order in Europe is Germany last. Pollock-Certainly. But unless Germany re- covers, Europe will languish. Mowrer-Even if this means preserving war industries and international cartels? Pollock-Certainly not. But you can't ex- wect Germany to embrace democracy unless they are permitted to restore a tolerable living standard with hope for international accep- tance when they have atoned. Mowrer-You seem to feel that the danger of Germany becoming a nest of discontent is great- er than that of its again becoming a military menace. Pollock-We can avoid both dangers by a con- tinuance of our present occupation policies- provided we get Russian and French support. Stalin has agreed. It's up to the French. Mowrer-But if the Allies pull out of Germany altogether? Pollock-Then we shall have failed. Mean- while Stalin's conversion to the Byrnes view is the finest possible preface to the coming meet- ing to discuss the German peace.- (Copyright 1946, Press Alliance Inc. Realistic Approach To Secure Peace NEARLY one year ago I suggested in an edi- torial in this paper that all efforts to secure peace would lack realism- until a sincere pro- gram of disarmament was undertaken. At that time the idea met with - various pooh-poohs. I was a dreamer. We had to maintain a large Army, Navy and Air Force to counteract the growing menace of Russia. It seems that we are, becoming more adjusted to that "growing men- ace." Even the Soviet Union apparently is, for the first meaningful approach to disarmament has been proposed by that nation's foreign min- ister, V. M. Molotov. Russia's proposals for world arms reduction must certainly make many persons very unhap- py. Even Mr. Churchill in his last red-herring statement did not seem to maintain deep con- fidence in describing the extent of Rusia's armed forces and Soviet intentions concerning peace. The less skeptical of our Western Bloc diplo- mats seem more willing than Mr. Churchill to examine the Russian proposals on the basis of their merits. Primary among these is that they inaugurate an attack on a circular evil. The maintenance of a large armament pro- gram by one nation forces other nations to support similarly large programs. This is both wasteful and dangerous: wasteful in thatit di- verts productive resources from constructive activities and dangerous in that it enhances the tenseness of war fears. The Russian proposals are not merely effu- sions of hot air. It is interesting to note that the Soviet national budget for the coming year has cut armament appropriations far more drasti- cally than our tentative budget does. True, planned expenditures for scientific research, in- cluding the development of atomic energy, are increased, but there is no intrinsic threat in this, especially since we have a considerable lead in this field. We must realize that the Molotov' proposals are not perfect. Warren R. Austin, chief of the U. S. delegation to the United Nations Assem- bly, has pointed out the need for provision of inspection and enforcement measures if limi- tations are to be made effective. Such measures would mean little if they were neglected as were the restrictions on German armaments after the first World War. However, such a program is implied by the very nature of disarmament pro- posals at this time of international instability and distrust. The U. N. Assembly has agreed to include the disarmament question in its agenda. Russia, by making the proposals, Britain, by moving that they be put on the assembly's agenda, and the United States, by recognizing the realistic ne- cessity for enforcement measures-these Big Three who will set the world's course for peace or war have made manifes4 their willingness to consider a true basis for peace. It now becomes the responsibility of every diplomat, legislator and citizen of every nation rationally to delib- erate upon these proposals and to help produce peace of mind in our time. -Mal Roemer BILL MAULDIN 1 --s~ P - L .t46by V fa~d S,4c.. I-, 11 - a . rata-tbk*A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NotGuilty After the body of Leon McAtee, a Negro tenant farmer was found floating in a bayou one day last July, five white men were charged with his murder. Last week, at Lexington, their trial was held. The judge freed two; the jury took four minutes to acquit the others.. -Time Magazine I Publication in The Daily Official Bu- letin is constructive notice to all mem-- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent instypewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hail, by 3:00 p.m on the day preceding /iablication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1946 VOL. EVII, No. 38 Notices University Press Club of Michigan: At the annual meeting of the organ- ization, Nov. 7-9, the University will be host to a large group of editors and publishers. There is need for a number of both single and double rooms for Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 7 and 8. If faculty mem- bers have such rooms available, they are asked to call Campus Extension 485 any afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. F. E. Robbins Deadline for Veteran Book and Supply Orders: Dec.- 20 has been set as the final date for the ac- ceptance of veteran book and supply orders at the bookstores. All faculty members are requested to anticipate material needed through thet end of the semester and authorize same on or before Dec. 20. All back-orders for material not in stock at the book- stores will be canceled as of Dec. 20. Bibliography of Publications (1943- 45) by members of the several facul- ties of the University are available for distribution in the office of the Graduate1 School for those faculty members who did not receive copies through the mail. -Dean R. A. Sawyer Women students wishing to attend the Ohio State University football game are requested to file in the Office of the Dean of Women a let- ter from a parent or guardian giving permission for the trip and stating the mode of transportation. When the letter has been filed, permission slips will be issued for the informa- tion of the house directors. Varsity Glee Club: Both sections will neet on their respective nights at 715 in Room. 305 of the Union. Willow Run Village West Court Community Bldg.: Wed., Nov. 6, 8:00 p. m., Wednes- day Night Lecture Series, Glenn D. McGeoch, Professor of the History of Music, "How to Listen to a Sym- phony."; 7:30-9:30 p. in., Rev. Mr. Edwards, Religious Counseling, Room 8. Thurs., Nov. 7, 2:00 p. in., Openr class in Prenatal and Infant Care, MissRoth will speak on the subject "Care of the Infant from Birth to one year"; 8:00 p. m. Extension Class in Psychology; 8:00 p. m., Sewing Club; 8:00 p. in., Bridge Ses- sion. Fri., Nov. 8, 8:00 p. in., Classical Recordings. Sat., Nov. 9, 8:00-11:30 p. in., Dance, Refreshments, Bridge. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pan- ofsky, Professor of history of art in the Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., will lecture at 4:15 today in the Rackham Amphitheatre under the auspices of the Depart- i .1 eL/etteri 'to the 6kt0N ment of Fine Arts His subject will be "Et in Arcadia Ego," The public+ is cordially invited. "The Nuremberg Trial" will be the subject of Louis P. Lochner's lecture tomorrow evening in Hill Auditor- ium. Mr. Lochner, for over twenty years one of our leading journalists in Germany, recently returned to that country to study conditions and cover the trial of the Nazi war crim- inals. Tickets for his lecture may be purchased today and tomorrow at the Auditorium box office, which is open today from 10-1, 2-5 and to- morrow from 10-1, 2-8:30.7 Operation Crossroads: Due to the demand for tickets for the lecture by Dean Sawyer, "Operations Cross- roads," the only seats now available are in the side sections. No tickets are necessary for these seats. The lecture will be at 8:00 p.m., MIon., Nov. 11, in the Rackham Lee- ture Hall. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 3:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 8, in Room 319 W. Medical Bldg. The] subject will be "The Transmission of the Nervous Impulse-Acetylcholine nd Cholinesterase." Special :eunctions Seminar today' at 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 340 W. Engin- eering. Mr. Northam will talk on' Orthogonal Polynomials. Mathematics Seminar on Stochastic Processes will meet at 3:00 p.m.' Thurs., Nov. 7, in-Room 317 W. En- gineering. Prof. A. H.Copeland will' present Kolmogoroff's foundations of probability. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet at 3:00 today in Room 317 W. Eng. Dr. C.' L. Dolph will con- clude his discussion of "Optimum Current Distributions for Broadside Antenna Arrays." Visitors are wel- come. Physical Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 7,. in Room 151 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Wilbur C. Bigelow will speak on "Formation of Oleophobic Films by Adsorption from, Oil Solutions" All interested are invited. Concerts Wind Instrument Recital at 1:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 8, in Harris Hall. Quartet No. 1 in G major by Haydn, transcribed by Stubbins; Scherzo from Quartet in A minor by Schu- mann, transcribed by Howland, pre- ;ented by Harold Sefton, Edwin Kruth, Fred Eggert and Robert Sohn; Introduction and Fantasy by Fitz- gerald, presented by Margaret Boss- cawen, cornet; Divertimento No. 9, K. 240 by Mozart, played by Ham- barson Bogosian, Leo Sacarny, Dan- el Kyser, Louis McEnderfer and Freeman Russell; Introduction and Rondo, Op. 72 by Ch. Marie Widor, played by John Harris; Morning Prayer, and Valso Scherzo, by C. So- dero, and Trois Pieces Breves by Ibert, presented by Louise Steele, riet Falls, Joan Harris, Rose Ram- sey and Carla Hemsing. Pianists: Patricia Baumgarten and Shirley Bower. The public is invited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art presents "Four Centuries of Tapestry Weaving," in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 6 through Dec. 1, daily ex- cept Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sun- days, 2-5. The public is cordially invited, Human Heredity: Museum Rotun- tensen, Aerobiology in relation to plant disease," reviewed by Elaine DeBrine. Zuch and Diehl, "On fun- gal damage to sun-exposed cotton- duck," reviewed by Alma Dietz. Gau- mann, "Types of defense rea tions in plants," reviewed by Martha Kotila. refreshments will be served. Chair- man, Prof. F. K. Sparrow. Phi Sigma, honorary biological fraternity, will sponsor a lecture by Dr. Robley Williams, Asso. Prof. of Physics at 3:00 tonight in Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Williams will speak on "Physical Propreties of Plant Viruses," with special refer- ence to work with the electron micro- scope. His lecture will be illustrated. with slides. New members and officers for the coining year will be voted on, and a delegate to the National Convention chosen. Members will meet at 7:30. The lecture will be open to the pub- lic at 8:00. The Graduate History Club will meet at 3 o'clock tonight in the :Fain room of the Clements Li- brary. Dr. Randolph G. Adams, di- rector of the library, will speak on its facilities and conduct a tour through the building. After a short business meeting, refreshments will be served. All graduate students in history are invited to attend. En- trance at rear of building. Astronomical Colloquium at 3:15 today. Dr. Orren Mohler, of McMath- Julbert Observatory, will speak on "The Continuous Spectrum of the Sun," to be held at the Main Ob- servatory. Der Deutscher Verein will present at its meeting at 8:00 tonight in the Assembly Room (3rd floor) of the Rackham Bldg., an evening of clas- sical German music. Program: vocal numbers by Miss Rose Derderian, so- prano; and a piano selection by Mr. Wolaver, accompanied on the violin by Miss Margaret Kays. All mem- bers of the German Club and those interested in the organization are cordially invited to attend. Mem- bership tickets will be available after the program. The Graduate Education Club will hold its first regular meeting of the year at 7:45 tonight in theW. Lounge of the Rackham Bldg. Several mem- bers of the faculty will discuss the various phases of the graduate pro- gram. The University Chapter of Amer- ican Veterans' Committee (AVC) will sponsor a Record Hop from 2-5 today in the League. All are cor- dially invited. The Williw Village AVC will meet at 7:30 tonight at West Lodge. Three executive council members will be elected, and local problems will be discussed. Delta Sigma' Pi, Xi chapter will hold a smoker at 7:30 tonight in the Union. There will be a short busi- ness meeting. The Hiawatha Club will hold a re- organization meeting in the Michi- gan Union at 8:00 tonight. All stu- dents from the Upper Peninsula are urged to attend. The RogerWilliams Guild will have its regular weekly Mid-Week that at 4:00 today in the Guild House. Ev- eryone welcome for refreshments and fellowship. Coming Events The Geological Journal Club will meet in Room 3055 Natural Science Bldg.; at 12 noon, Friday, Nov. 8. Prof. T. S. Lovering, who was on leave of absence to do special work for the United States Geological Sur- vey in Utah during the war, will talk on "New Methods of Exploration in the Tintic District, Utah." Tea will be served; please bring your own sandwiches. (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity ofathesBoard in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director ClaytonrDickey.................City Editor Mary Brush.............Associate Editor Ann Kutz..............Associate Editor Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Des Howarth..,....Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23724-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively, en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the, regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Asscated Cnlegate Pre c A10JA'7 1' 1i Markham's 'Malicious Purpose' To the Editor O THOSE that listened to Mr. Markham's talk on the Russian influence in the Bal- kans, and may even have succumbed to his "elo- quent" praise of a certain democratically avowed Croatian peasant leader named Matchek, I should like to point to a fascination quotation (On P 87-88 of Count Ciano's Diaries, 1939-43, edited by Hugh Gibson) which without question reveals the political character and integrity of B. H. Matchek and especially Mr. Markham, who seemed so gravely concerned that evening with the fate suffered by Matchek under the hands of the Yugoslavo government. "A meeting with Carnleutti, who has just re- turned from Zagreb. He confirms Matchek's full decision to turn down every agreement with Belgrade and to refuse to prepare the re- bellion. We agreed and embodied in a memo- randum the following points: (1) Italy will fi- nance Matcheck's Croat revolt with twenty mil- lion dinars; (2) he undertakes to prepare the revolution within four to six months; (3) he will quickly call in the Italian troops to insure order and peace; (4) Croatia will proclaim itself an independent state in the confederation with Rome. It will have its own government but its ministries for foreign affairs and of national de- fense will be in common with Italy; (5) Italy will be permitted to keep armed forces in Croa- tia and will also keep there a Lt. General as in Albania; (6) after some time we shall decide on possibilities for union under a single head. 'The Duce read the report and approved. He desires, however, that Matchek countersign it. In the meantime, I have sent it to Zagreb by safe means. In the coming week we shall begin our payments via Zurich (the twenty million dinars to finance the revolution)" (P 87-88 of the Ciano Diaries). Unfortunately, the audience that night (and this is the real reason Mr. Markham's shock- ing conclusions were not seriously challenged) knew neither the reprehensible reputation of Matchek as an Axis-collaborator, or the speak- er's sympathies; both are almost insanely op- posed to any spark.of freedom and democracy in the Balkans. It appeared very much as though Mr. Markham had that evening at Rackham cooked, seasoned and served the stew to suit his own malicious purpose-using a Mussolini henchman as a star-witness to discredit the heroic people in the Balkans that fought so valiantly and fiercely against the brain plague of Hitlerism. How odd and bitter the times that make of such men apostles of humanity and freedom- and that we here lend an altogether too willing ear to such hateful falsehoods is ever more tragic. I deeply regret the unfortunate choice of Mr. Markham as a speaker to speak the truth about the existing Balkan governments. -George Antonofsky BARNABY K 'r I IL, --I& N Peruse this magazine at your leisure. Skip the fiction .. .But note how the cars roll by. Page after page. Convertibles. Sedans. Cabriolets- All your father has to do is Salesmen migjht annoy him. They're pesky fellows- Always on the look-out for a new customer. But they're obliging and courteous. In fact, they'll consider it - -;;n. +. m n fri lor -^ m -7" - ed fFrr and _ aCK morley Gosh. You'd better talk to Pop, Mr. O'Malley. He -, doesn't know he can get