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November 06, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-06

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2:15 A.M.

C, r

Latest Deadline in the State











Sigler Lead
State Battle
Late Returns Indicate
Record Off-Year Vote
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 6-Former Gov-
ernor Murray D. Van Wagoner, Dem-
ocratic nominee for Governor, edged
up slightly in the unofficial returns
from Tuesday's general election, but
with slightly more than a tenth of
the ballots counted Republican Kim
Sigler still held a commanding lead.
As weary election boards passed
the midnight mark in the struggle
with an indicated record off-year
election vote, Sigler's count stood at
90,743 votes to 55,327 for Van Wag-
oner with 405 of the state's 3,957 pre-
cincts reporting.
Resounding Majority
At the same time, U. S. Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg's bid for re-
election on the Republican ticket was
receiving a resounding majority at
the hands of the electorate. He was
leading James HI Lee, Democrat,
91,157 to 40,609 on the basis of re-
turns 'from 379 precincts.
Sigler took a two-to-one lead in
the early returns, but Van Wagoner
caught up slightly as blocks of votes
came in from several major indus-
trial counties. The first 50 precincts
in metropolitan Wayne County, scat-
tered and outlying though they were,
gave him a nice boost, counting 8,973
for Van Wagoner to 6,986 fo Sigler.
Van Wagoner Ahead
However Van Wagoner was run-
ning ahead only in Wayne, Alger,
Dickinson, Houghton, and Ontonagon
counties-all of them in normally
Democratic hot spots.
In Ingham, Kent, and Saginaw
counties, which normally could be
called strong Republican areas, Sig-
ler was leading by much smaller mar-
gins than in the remainder of the
southern pennstga, and the same
was true in Marquette and indus-
trial Muskegon counties.
All Amendments Favored
The state sales tax distribution
amendment developed surprising
outstate strength in Tuesday's gen-
eral election to pile up an early fa-
vorable vote for diversion of part of
the tax to cities and schools.
Incomplete unofficial returns also
showed a wide margin of favorable
votes for the veterans bonus and air-
port harbors of refuge improvement
The sales tax proposal, the most
controversial of the three, was run-
ning ahead in almost all sections of
the state.
Outstate counties were giving it
larger votes than the first precincts
of Wayne County. Wayne County
had been expected to give the heavi-
est bloc of votes to the amendment.
FEPC Petition
Drive Launched
In State Today
Today marks the launching of a
concerted local drive to force FEPC
legislation to the attention of newly
elected state representatives.
A 10 car motorcade, leaving the
Union doorstep at 2 p.m., will inaug-
urate the Washtenaw County peti-
tion campaign simultaneously with a
state-wide effort to secure 150,000
signatures by Dec. 1.
FEPC Literature

FEPC literature will be distributed
throughout Ann Arbor by members
of AVC, IRA, MYDA, SRA and the
Lawyers Guild, under the direction
of George Antonofsky, chairman of
the FEPC Coordinating Committee.
Immediately following, the Inde-
pendent Citizens Committee, the
League of Women Voters and the
Ann Arbor cooperative Council will
begin circulating petitions in door-
to-door drive for signatures.
Willow Village
The campaign will also be extend-
ed to Willow Village, where the Wil-
low Village Citizens Committee and
the American Veterans Committee
will endeavor to secure 1,000 signa-

Returns Indicate GOP
Sweep in Washtenawb
Breakey Leads Payne in See-Saw Battle;
Vets' Bonus Proposal Trails by Wide Margin
In a relatively heavy of f-year election vote yesterda.y Ann Arbor and
Washtenaw County voters followed their traditional form as results at 2:15
a.m. today indicated a Republican landslide.
The only hitch that developed in the Ann Arbor polling was the fail-
ure of 10 to 15 per cent of the voters to indicate their choice in the non-
partisan ballot and the proposed amendments on the voting machines
which'have been in use here since 1942.
Gubernatorial Race
The gubernatorial race here developed into a walk-away as 20 out of
44 Washtenaw precincts including

Labor Troubles
Hit Free Press
At The Daily deadline this morn-
ing it appeared very unlikely that
the Detroit Free Press would hit the
streets today.
Associated Press reported that em-
ployes in the Free Press mechanical
departments were called to a union
meeting a few minutes before edition
The meeting continued through
1:30 a.m. today.
An international typographical
Union spokesman said the men are
not on strike, but are "meeting to
discuss progress of a new contract
Byrnes Clashes
With Molotov
Over Trieste
NEW YORK, Nov. 5-(P)-Rus-
sian Foreign Minister Molotov to-
night accused Secretary of State
Byrnes of presenting an ultimatum
to the Big Four Council here when
Byrnes insisted on an Italian peace
treaty provision which would bar
Yugoslavia from treaty benefits if
she failed to sign the pact.
Byrnes denied the allegation and
told Molotov that he had sat through
one session after another listening
to Molotov insist on his views without
ever considering that any utimatum
was involved.
Treaty Clause Passed Over
The upshot of the exchange was
that with the United States and Brit-
ain supporting the proposed treaty
clause and Russia and France object-
ing, the whole thing was passed over
for the time being.
This was the fate of most of the
other points of the Italian treaty
which the Foreign Ministers' Council
combed over in their second session
in New York.
The Trieste issue-biggest prob-
lem facing the foreign ministers-is
tentatively scheduled for the opening
showdown battle of a month-long
struggle tomorrow when both Yugo-
slav and Italian delegations will be
Conference sources believed if the
Trieste issue can be settled the other
peace problems probably will be
solved rapidly.
Trieste Government Is Problem
Completion of the Italian treaty,
these sources said, depends entirely
on solving the problems of how Tri-
este will be governed.
Regent Bishop
Wills Sum To U
The University is among the prin-
cipal recipients of a $500,000 bequest
provided in the will of the late Rus-
sell Spencer Bishop, Flint financier
and University regent who died at his
home Oct. 27.
Tangible evidence of the 500 shares
of General Motors i Corp. common
stock bequeathed to khe University
Board of Regents will not be seen for
at least six months or a year, because
of common court practice regarding
wills, according to Vice-President
Robert P. Briggs.

Ann Arbor's 10 precincts gave Kim
Sigler 11,403 votes to 3,981 for Mur-
ray D. Van Wagoner.
Indications were that Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg would poll more
votes than any other candidates on
the ballot as he took a commanding
lead over Democratic candidate
James H. Lee in the contest for U. S.
senator. Vandenberg had 12,290
votes to Lee's 2,925.
Rep. Earl C. Michener was also
carrying the county solidly with 10,-
975 votes to 4,169 for William R.
Kelley, the Democratic nominee for
Representative in Congress in the
Second District.
Circuit Judge Race
The most interesting race in the
county developedinthe non-parti-
san balloting for circuit judge. Mu-
nicipal Judge Jay H. Payne, in a
see-saw contest,. took an early lead
over Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.,
when the Ann Arbor returns were
tabulated. But this lead was soon dis-
sipated when the first county pre-
cinct results appeared. However,
Judge Payne again took the lead for
a short while as tabulations contin-
ued to pour in. Latest results in-
cluding 22 precincts gave Judge
Payne 6,61 votes to 6,992 for Judge
The city pension plan and the so-
called "Airport Amendment" were
the only proposals on which voters
were approving by a wide margin.
The final vote on the pension plan
for city employes in Ann Arbor to-
talled 6,862 Yes votes and 2,342 for
No. Proposal No. 1 was leading 6,-
507 votes for Yes and 3,679 No votes
in 16 precincts.
Washtenaw voters were turning
down Proposal No. 2 for the return of
the Sales Tax with 1,111 votes to
3,787 for those who approved.
Soldier's Bonus
Proposal No. 3, the soldiers' bon-
us, evidently was being turned down
by a fairly wide margin as 6,376 vot-
ers indicated No to 4,267 for Yes.
The Republican county slate was
assured of election as overwhelm-
ing leads were tallied for all offices.
It appeared that Douglas K. Read-
ing would be the new county prose-
cuting attorney while Sheriff John
Osborn, County Clerk Luella Smith,
Treasurer Clyde D. Fleming and
Register of Deeds Allan Seymour
would remain in office for another
UN Home Site
Question Will
Be Expanded
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Nov. 5--
(/P-The steering committee of the
United Nations Assembly tonight
approved a United States proposal to
widen the permanent headquarters
site question to include consideration
of New York City and San Francisco.
After debating at length a Sovit
Ukrainian proposal to include Europe
as a possibility for the temporary or
permanent headquarters of the
United Nations, the 14-man commit-
tee voted it down 7 to 2.
Then the committee approved by
eight to three vote the proposal of
former Senator Warren R. Austin,
chief U.S. delegate, opening the
headquarters question to include in-
clude invitations from New York
City and San Francisco.

gubernatorial candidate, looks over voting results which show him in
commanding lead of the race for the Michigan governor's post. With
him are top GOP state candidates: from left to right, Murl K. Aten,
Auditor General nominee; Dr. Eugene C. Keyes, Lt. Gov. nominee; Fred
M. Alger, Jr., Secretary of State nominee; Eugene F Black, Attorney
General nominee; and D Hale Brake, nominated for Treasurer.


'U'. Survey Research Center
To Train Graduate Students
The recent establishment of the University Survey Research Center
will make the University a leading center of public opinion research, Prof.
Renis Likert, director of the project, said yesterday.
The Center will provide an opportunity for graduate student training in
all phases of survey methodology. Courses in survey theory and procedure
will be offered in the fields of economics, political science, psychology and
sociology. Prof. Likert pointed out that no other university offers the op-
portunity for such well-rounded training in this field.
Surveys will be conducted on a nation-wide basis. One of the
principle fields in Which studies will be made, according to Prof. Likert,
is the question of where people's

Control in Senate
Thought Probable
Dewey, Tunnell, Guffey, Walsh Report
Landslides in Late Election Returns
By The Associated Press
Gains of landslide proportions pointed the Republicans toward control
of the next House and possibly the Senate as returns mounted early today
from Tuesday's elections.
House Republican Leader Martin claimed a GOP victory for the House
when only 166 races were decided. At midnight he issued a statement saying:
"We Republicans appreciate and accept the responsibility the American
people have by their mandate placed in our hands."
With Republican upsets of such New Deal senatorial stalwarts as
Guffey in Pennsylvania and Tunnell in Delaware and the veteran
Walsh in Massachusetts, John G. v
Townsend, Director of the Repub-
lican Senatorial Campaign Com- Fall arria ge
mittee, predicted a gain of 10 Sen-
ate seats "for sure,"-enough to S i *j1.
gain control by one. Jeres l ee s
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey won a re-
election in New York by upward of On Sale Today
half a million votes to put him in a
top spot for his party's presidential
nomination in 1948. Ah-issous Limited
Republicans had elected eight to To Senior Sudents
the Senate-in Connecticut, Maine, e10'Suet
Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Nebraska and Massachus- Tickets for the Marriage Relations
etts. They were leading in 13 others, Lecture Series will be sold today and
including Kentucky, California, Mis- tomorrow between 3 and 5 p.m. and
souri, Ohio, New Mexico, and Ne- 7 and 8 p.m. at the League and Union.
Democrats had won eight Senate The Series, an annual affair, is
seats. Except for Rhode Island they open this semester to senior men and
were all in the South. They were in women only. Ticket demand volume
the van in Maryland, Arizona, Mon- will determine whether or not the
tanh yoingWest gia and course is repeated for other students
Again . drawing. most . heavily in the spring.
from the South, the Democrats Not Tranferable
had elected 120 to the House, while Tickets to the series of five lec-
the Republicans had turned in 65 tures are $1 and are not transfera-
House victories, including 19 over- ble. No tickets will be sold at the
turns. door the committee arranging the
In the 24 governorship contests, series announced.
ncluding M ne,thne gain in Massa- All lectures will be held in the
taket10swihroertain'.inBradssrdRackham Lecture Hall at 8:15 p.m.
chusetts, where Robert F. Bradford Students attending the lectures
upset the incumbent Democrat, must have their ticket and identifi-
Maurice J. Tobin. They were leading cation card for admission. Identifi-
The Democrats had defeated their cation cards or other definite proof
R hDeplca bratrial oonents of academic year standing must be
Republican gubernaoral ohpond presented at the ticket sale.
in six races, five in the South, andprsneatheictsl.
Rhode Island.vThey showed no net Lecture Subjects
gains so far. This semester's Marriage Relations
One of many indicators of a Re- lectures include: Nov. 12, "The In-
publican sweep along the line was stitution of Marriage" by Dr. Ralph
the overtaking of Democrat Frank Linton, of Yale University; Nov. 17,
J. Lausche in Ohio, a strong vote- "The Anatomy and Physiology of
center in the past, by Thomas J. Reproduction," by Dr. Sprague Gard-
Herbert, Republican. The race ner, practicing obstretician, formerly
still was undecided. on the University Hospital staff.
In New Jersey, the gubernatorial Nov. 18, "The Medical Basis for
victory of Alfred E. Driscoll, Republi- Intelligent Sexual Practice," by Dr.
can, was conceded by Lewis G. Han- Gardner; Dec. 3, "Psychological Ad-
sen, Democrat. Mayor George E. justments in Marriage," by Dr. Mary
Runner of Camden, Democratic can- Fisher Langmuir, of Vassar College.
didate for the Senate, also acknowl- Dr. Langmuir will also give the final
edged that his Republican opponent, lecture Dec. 4 entitled, "Courtship and
Senator H. Alexander Smith, was in Pre-Marital Relations."
The keystone state of Pennsylvania
swung back unreservedly to its for- Re'ord Num ber
mer Republican allegiance.
Senator Joseph F. Guffey, New
Dealer from away back, lost out in Jc
his reelection bid, the victor being
Republican Governor Edward Mar- lacemient Aid
tin. Republican James H. Duff
clinched the governorship. The University's Bureau of
In Ohio, former Governor John W. Appointments and Occupational In-
Bricker was away ahead of Demo- formation is doing a land-office busi-
cratic incumbent James W. Huffman ness.
for the United States Senate. Brick- Bureau Director, Dr. T. Luther
er, GOP vice presidential candidate Purdom reported that his office yes-
in 1944, figures in talk of the national terday handled 514 students who
ticket for 1948. registered with the Bureau.



attitudes originate. Attempts will
be made to discover the underlying
principles applicable to the prob-
lems of organizing and managing
human activity. A specific phase
of this investigation will be on the
motives underlying economic be-
havior, he added.

World News
By The Associated Press
STUTTGART, Germany, Nov. 5-
German officials were accused by Lt.
Gen. Lucius D. Clay today of "White-
washing" suspected Nazis in the U. S.
occupation zone, and were given a 60-
day probationary period to effect sub-
stantial improvements in denazifi-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5-Trans
World Airline tonight signed a for-
mal agreement to arbitrate issues
in the 16-day old strike of its
1,400 pilots, but the union deferred
acceptance at least until tomorrow,
leaving the status of the walk-out
Chairman Frank P. Douglass of
the National Mediation Board said
he expects the union to accept the
agreement also.
NEW DELHI, Nov. 5 - The all-
India radio said today Mohandas K.
Gandhi had threatened a "fast unto
death" unless Hindu-Moslem killings
in Bihar province were stopped with-
in 24 hours.
WASHINGTON, Nov, 5-Little
Holland, whose economyrwas
largely wrecked by the Germans,
asked the Big Four nations today
for 700 square miles of territory
from the Reich in compensation.
* * *
JERUSALEM, Nov. 5-Eight prom-
inent Jewish leaders, freed by the
British government in an avowed
effort to bring peace to the Holy
Land, left the Latrun Detention
Camp tonight and drove toward
Jerusalem, where a huge crowd wait-
ed to welcome them,

"We expect to have research con-
tracts totaling $350,000 by Decem-
ber," Prof. Likert predicted. The
Center will make surveys for busi-
ness , organizations and government
services for the University.
Prof. Likert has done extensive
work in various government depart-
ments. One of -his recent positions
was Director of the Morale Division
of the United States Strategic Bomb-
ing Survey, in which capacity he
made studies of the effects of bomb-
ing . on civilian morale in Germany
and Japan. In addition, he has made
extensive studies of the buying and
redemption of war bonds, the results
of which were used in planning and
operating the successive war bond
drives. He has just been made pro-
fessor in the psychology and sociol-
ogy departments here.
The Center hopes to foster ma-
jor theoretical advances in an in-
tegration of the social sciences, on
the basis of new data from inter-
Sdsciplinary research. It will limit
its studies to problems of social
importance and will publish fully
the results of each survey.
The executive committee whicki
will consist of Vice-President of the
University Marvin L. Niehuss, Dean
Russell A. Stevenson of the business
administration school, and Profs.
Robert C. Angell, Arthur W. Brom-
age, Edgar M. Hoover and Donald G.
The headquarters for the project
are located in the basement of Uni-
versity Elementary School. Prof. Al-
bert A. Campbell will serve as assist-
ant director of the project.

74 Bids Filed
For Legislature
Campaign Speeches
Will Be Broadcast
Seventy-four candidates have filed
petitions for the 26 Student Legisla-
ture positions to be filled Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Two organized groups, the All-
Campus Slate and the University
Party, will run in the election, Terrell
Whitsitt, chairman of the election
committee, said yesterday.
Candidates will give campaign
speeches over WPAG from 7:50 to
8 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, Monday and
Tuesday. Hack Coplin, who is in
charge of the election radio publicity,
will present a general summary of
the activities of the Legislature at
7:50 a.m. today.

"That's a new all-time high for a
single day as far as this office is
concerned," he said.
Approximately 1,500 students have
already registered with the Bureau
which expects an overall record-
breaking year.
"It looks to me like we'll be
swamped right up to 1947," Dr. Pur-
dom added.
The . Bureau of Appointments
serves students as a job placement
and guidance instrument.
Farnne Drive
Is Postponed
The University Famine Relief
Committee decided yesterday to de-
lay temporarily its "Heifers for Eu-
rope" campaign in order to lend its
aid to the World Student Service
Fund which will take place on Nov.
18 to 22.
Chairman Seymour Goldstein ex-


Thirsty Minors Warning, Not Beer From Taverns

a~a 'kA~lT r V rmlflkT

Dean of Women for allegedly bor-

the police, but one owner said that

taurant and paw through their purs-

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