THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTqDJAY, OVEMBER 3, 199E Campus Highlights Rifle Club Meetin l Francis A. Brown, of the German ' ** department. Group singing will corn- Firing by the University Rifle Club ide the meeting. will be resumed at 7:15 p.m. todayI All students have been invited to' on the ROTC range. attend the meeting, William Gurnee Competitive matches will also be- Sinnigen, Verein vice-president, an- gin tonight for positions on the var- nounced. sity rifle team. There are still openings for ex- Senior Society . . . perienced small-bore marksmen. In- terested persons will be tested at Senior Society, honorary society the meeting. for independent senior women, will * * * initiate four new members today. 'Ensian Sales ..They are Jeanne Clare, of Mar- *sie * tha Cook; Joan Fiske, of Stock- Sale of subscriptions to the 194E well; Janice Carter, of Martha 'Ensian, the official University Cook; and Frances Paine, of yearbook, will begin tomorrow at Mosher. The ceremony will take booths on campus. ,nplace in the League Chapel. The 'Ensign will be published late in May according to Florence HypnOSiS Lecture.. Kingsbury, editor. Dr. Milton H. Erickson, director There will be a meeting of all of psychiatric research and training 'Ensian edit staff tryouts at 4:15 at Eloise Hospital, will give a lecture p.m. today in the, Student Publi- under the sponsorship of the Psy- cations Building. chology Club at 8 p.m. Thursday in *o*: *the Rackham Amphitheatre. Verein Meeting . . . The subject of the talk will be "Hypnosis--Its Medical and Experi- A classical evening is planned for mental Applications." The club has the next meeting of the Deutscher invited any interested non-members Verein at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the to attend. Rackham Assembly Hall. * * * Rose Derderian, recent winner of J[ fllou Choral Union . the La Scala Award, will be featured in selections by Bach and Brahms. The Willow Run Choral Union will John Wolaver and Margaret Kaye, meet at 7 p.m. today in Ros School. of the music school, will play Brahms' Violin Sonata in D Minor. A short talk on the development of ' * Co*t German music will be given by Di. A wind instrument concert will be 2presented by music school students at 1 p.m. Friday in Harris Hall. The Personality Hair Style The program will include selections is blended and shaped . by Haydn, Schumann and Mozart. to your facial features. Patricia Baumgarten and Shirley Your choice of eight good Barbers. Bower will be piano accompanists for THE DASCOLA BARBERS the concert, which will be open to thej Between State and Michigan Theatres general public. Church Groups Announce Plans For Activities An Institute on Marriage and the, Home wil lhe conducted by CHRIST F LUTHERAN CHAPEL at 8 p.m. to- morrow and every Tuesday through, Dec. 3 in the church auditorium, 1450 Midway Blvd., Willow Run. The first of the series of discus- AID FOR ENGINEERS: Tau Beta Pi Announces New Veterans' Tutoring Schedule A rev.ised sch eduole of I Veteran , I tutorinlg cisses was dnnouneed yes- terday by Ta B