PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 194; U Michigan FEPC Campaign I70MANY of us, service in the armed forces overseas presented an opportunity to sub- ject our beloved homeland to an objective scrut- inization. From lonely and detached positions, America was revealed to us as a land of unfulfilled prom- ise. In a sense, America reminded some of us of the street-walker who unsuccessfully attempts to hide her shame under a veil of fine clothes and jewels, for while representing itself to the world as a paragon of democracy, America was, in reality, crushing its minority peoples under an iron heel of wanton prejudice and discrim- ination. At the same time that American men and women of all colors and creeds joined hands in a determined effort to expunge fascism, Chicago, Detroit, and Los Angeles erupted in a series of racial conflicts, and the Nisei of America were systematically uprooted from their homes and relocated in internment camps. When observed from a distance, it became evident that as a consequence of the tragic con- flict between the theory and the practice of American society, America was ignorantly dis- sipating human resources which were potential- ly capable of making a great contribution to our treasury of spiritual and material wealth. Cognizant of this tremendous waste, the late President Roosevelt created by Executive Order in June, 1941, the Committee on Fair Employment Practice to promote the fullest utilization of all available manpower through the elimination of discriminatory employ- ment practices. Basically, this and. another Executive Order which followed it provided that all agencies of the Government of the United States shall include in all contracts a provision obligating contractors not to dis- criminate against any employe or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color or natural origin. In order to carry out the provisions of the order, the Committee was empowered to conduct hearings upon receipt of complaints, make find- ings of facts, and take appropriate steps to erad- icate discriminatory practices. Although the Committee on Fair Employ- ment Practice was conspicuously successful dur- ing World War II, it was forced to abandon operations when a coalition of Southern Demo- crats, led by such exponents of white supremacy as Bilbo and Rankin, prevented Congress from renewing its mandate late in 1945. With the death of the Fair Employment Practice Commission, many states immediately enacted legislation to replace it, among them New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. In recognition of the urgent need for similar legislation in Michigan, bills for the estab- lishment of a State FEPC have been intro- duced into the Michigan Legislature for the past two years. Despite the fact that such legislation was supported by every major church, labor, and civic organization in the state, these bills were all killed in committee and never succeeded in reaching the Legislature. Since each setback has only served to in- crease the demand for a Fair Employment Prac- tices Law, the Civil Rights Congress of Michi- gan, supported by numerous other groups throughout the state, will launch an FEPC Ini- tiative Petition Campaign Nov. 6 to secure enough signatures of registered voters to com- pel the Legislature-to act on the measure. In order to receive legislative considera- tion the signatures of eight per cent of the persons who vote in the Nov. 5 elections must be obtained by Dec. 1. If the Legislature then rejects or amends the bill, the State Constitu- tion provides that the measure must be con- sidered by a referendum vote of the people at the next general election. Beginning immediately following the State and Congressional elections, student members of AVC, IRA, MYDA, SRA and the Lawyers Guild will distribute literature, while petitions will be circulated, in a door-to-door canvass of Ann Arbor by the Independent Citizens Committee, Willow Village AVC, the League of Women Vot- ers and the Ann Arbor Cooperative Council. Since initiative procedure in Michigan pro- vides only 24 days for the collection of signa- tures, only the active help of every individual and organization interested in the establishment of a Fair Employment Commission capable of realizing the American dream of equality of opportunity will assure a victorious campaign. -Joe Frein cLetteri to the 6ior 6/IOle rnthin9 WE'RE ARRIVING at a new stage of political development in America these days, some- thing very similar to that which is found in the International Cartels -- the gentleman's agree- ment. We'll leave your domestic and foreign policy alone, says Mr. Lee; I'll stay away from Detroit, says Mr. Vandenberg. No matter what the issue, foreign policy or otherwise, we'll not be too critical of one another. Last Saturday was an example of the ab- surdity to which this gentlemanliness was car- ried, when the state Democratic machine put the pressure on Mr. Wallace to refrain from criticizingVandenberg's foreign policy. Through- out the campaign, several of the nominees speak- ing up-state have lauded Mr. Vandenberg's stel- lar role in the peace-making. The Democratic machine is obviously look- ing for party prestige and a strong machine vote to carry the election, if they've not al- ready acceded the seat to Vandenberg. How- ever, they have overlooked a great many things. During a non-presidential year, the actual vote is very slight in comparison to the presidential year. The overwhelming person- ality of President Roosevelt, which in the past had been a factor of itself, is gone forever. The political ruse reaches the point of trav- esty when we are told that Mr. Vandenberg could not campaign because -of his responsibili- ties to the UN. This is sheer nonsense. There is no politician who will remain away from his constituency when he sees his tenure of office threatened. It is not conceivable that Mr. Van- denberg would have remained at Flushing had a protracted and vigorous effort been made by the Democratic machine to reach the broad masses of the voters. Instead, they left the brunt of the work to the most progressive groups within the party. Mr. Vandenberg, since the inception of his political career, has been a consistent re- actionary. The fact that he emerged during the war as a champion of a peace organiza- tion does by no means make his outlook on international affairs kindred to Roosevelt's. He has consistently done his best to destroy whatever Big Three unity Roosevelt created. -But one cannot divorce his foreign policy from his domestic. The two do not stand apart. Unless one strives for a real pros- perity at home he cannot be seeking any- thing but a sham peace abroad. Which of Mr. Vandenberg's efforts in the Senate have been directed toward curbing in- flation? There have been none. How does Mr. Vandenberg feel about the Full Employment bill, the Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill, the per- manent housing bill, and every other measure which directly concerns the pocketbook of the people? -His voting record speaks for itself. His stand has been consistently opposed to any measures which concern social legislation. Com- plete leissez-faire is his cry, regardless of the consequences. On the face of this, how can the Demo- cratic machine plead innocence in the name of party unity? Of what value is this sham unity when it means the re-election for six years of one of the most powerful reactionary voices of the Senate? The resolution to this dilemma remains before the people at the polls. , All of this points further to the ever-widen- ing breach between the Progressives who met at Chicago and the Democrats who are willing to come to agreements. -E. E. Ellis Current Movies At the State . . THE BIG SLEEP (Warners), Bogart and Ba- call. IT DOESN'T matter where you come in on this picture, because even if you see it from the beginning you're going to have some trouble following its numerous twists and turns. No matter what angle the story's viewed from, it's confusing. It's also proof that a picture doesn't have to rely on plot to be good. This deal sports an assortment of flashy cars, congenial thugs, amorous women, numerous killings, and some downright neat dialogue. Mr. and Mrs. B. have obviously been rehearsing their scenes at home nights. Some of their lines were almost too pat. *'U * * At the Michigan .,. IF I'M LUCKY (20th Century), Perry Como, Harry James, Phil Silvers. T HIS PICTURE is strictly from hunger. It's one of those sad affairs where the spectator feels sorrowful that a bunch of relatively nice people have to sink so low to earn their living. Only the most ardent of James fans could sit through this one without some gnashing of the teeth. Being a musical, it's exceedingly thin on plot. That's unfortunate, because the music isn't so hot either. The only thing that kept me in my seat throughout was the thought that it had to get better. It didn't. -Joan Fiske Cep+. 1144 by U.;iad Faah .a $v dkala, Nit. T- R.I. U. S. Pat. Of.--n. r:pktr rarar*at k, t It-4 IFOR t14 CRY~L ti u 13 "h m "Sounds like a good idea, Mae. Which people do ya mean?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - ~ Abolish Union Tradition To the Editor: W HAT a tragedy! The Union's "time-honored" tradition of forcing its femininity to use the side door is being violated. This great institu- tion's progenitors are probably revolving in their caskets at the mere thought of it. A "time-hon- ored" traditidn, indeed. A tradition which serves such useful purposes as embarrassing an occa- sional old lady who happens not to know how "time-honored" it really is. And what a con- venience, too. I marvel at the thought of what mature minds must have concocted this ritual of subordination. What a large world theirs must have been, to concern themselves with such far-reaching issues. And what a large field of vision we have, who follow blindly in their ill- placed footsteps. Seriously now, don't you think that it's about time to abolish this silly rule- just for the sake of the records. I would hate for posterity to assume that our scope of vision was as narrow as past generations. If I were a woman, like women I would enter and leave with the laundry-by the side door. But if I were a lady, I would walk proudly up the front steps, and expect any gentleman worthy of the name to open the door for me. -Frank H. Meyerran * * * Keeper of Tradition To the Editor: CETAINLY am glad that George has been replaced at the Union as "Girl keeper from entering front door." This tradition of refusing the female sex entrance at the great Union front door must be continued. Maybe some people will want to know why. We ain't gonna say. Oh yes! - Why it's tradition,, whatever that means. I hope this new inexperienced man can handle the job. Naturally he can't live up to George's standards at first, for George spent hi entire life in the good tradition. Let's all act according to tradition. Then we don't have td% figure out what is good or bad. I want to give my support to this Union tra- dition. I will send my wife around to the alley door when I decide to enter the great shrine. -Robert W. Bagley Conscientious Objection To the Editor: YES,I WAS ONE of the 15,000 who did not vote in the campus elections, and here's why: Miss Levy is right; unintelligent voting is the point, but, as conditions are now, it is al- most impossible to be an intelligent voter. The student body is far too large for anyone even to know the smallest number of candidates personally, or even by sight. I never heard, or even heard of, a campaign speech given by any of the candidates. It is true, there were pub- lished statements in The Daily (limited to 100 words) in which each listed his accomplish- ments. laving very little room for any very V0r6 M'6ONiG. 'E q~a4 I i5T Wear Your Rubbers To the Editor: LET'S ALL tear down and vote! For what? For three student representatives on the Board in Control of Student Publications. Three students on a board of eleven, the board which decreed in 1944 that no student publication shall, criticize the Administration, nor the activities of the men therein. Vote for the students on Men's Judiciary, who administer a policy set by their elders. Vote for your representatives on the Union staff, who administer the non-profit activities of a profit- making concern. Run along and vote, kiddies, but wear your rubbers and watch out when you cross the street. -Wm. Penoyar * * * Scientific Research To the Editor:, IN YESTERDAY'S Daily I read with some as- tonishment that in a psychology class recently the instructor, after berating the students for the poor showing they made on a quizz, ended by admitting laughingly that the whole tirade was a hoax, designed by him for the purpose of studying facial expressions. Now I am all for the advancement of science, but I thought that the purpose of the scientific experiment in the classroom at least was to provide instruction for the students rather than to the instructor. May I suggest that next time the students pro- cure some official stationery and send on it a letter informing him that his salary has been reduced. Then they can study his expression to their considerable profit. -Warren E. Blake ,* * * Matter of Manners To the Editor: IT MAY BE ONLY the men I happen to know, but it seems to be an unfortunate habit of the fellows on campus to refuse to leave their names or a message when they phone a girl and she isn't at home. I realize that each of them prob- ably thinks that he is the only man calling her and that there is no necessity for him to identify himself, but may the co in co-educational re- mind the men that the war is over? And it does seem to us girls that it is purely a matter of bad manners to refuse to tell your name. Be- sides, we have enough worrying to do over eight o'clock econ bluebooks, the twenty-seven cents we have left to eat on for three days, and blue eyes, without driving ourselves absolutely batty trying to figure out who in the heck the "beauti- ful voice that called at 7:20" could have been. Have pity on us, fellows! -Joan Kleyenberg Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1946 VOL. LVH, No. 37 Notices University Press Club of Michigan: At the annual meeting of the organ- ization, Nov. 7-9, the University will be host to a large group of editors and publishers. There is need for a number of both single and double rooms for Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 7 and 8. If faculty mem- bers have such rooms available, they are asked to call Campus Extension 485 any afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. F. E. Robbins Deadline for Veteran Book and Supply Orders: Dec. 20, 1946, has been set as the final date for the ac- ceptance of veteran book and supply orders at the bookstores. All faculty members are requested to anticipate material needed through the end of the semester and authorize same on or before Dec. 20. All back-orders for material not in stock at the book- stores will be canceled as of Dec. 20. Bibliography of Publications (1943- 45) by members of the several facul- ties of the University are available for distribution in the office of the Graduate School for those faculty members who did not receive copies through the mail. -Dean R. A. Sawyer Change in Examination Period. On recommendation of the Deans of the several schools and colleges, the ex- amination periods for the current academic year have been changed to the following dates: First semester, Monday, Jan. 20, through Friday, Jan. 31; second semester, Saturday, May 31, through Thursday, June 12. Principal - Freshman Conference: The annual Principal - Freshman Conference will take place on Thurs- day, Nov. 14. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are request- ed not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 14, in order that freshmen may be available for con- ferences with their high school prin- cipals. Women students wishing to attend the Ohio State University football game are requested to file in the Office of the Dean of Women a let- ter from a parent or guardian giving permission for the trip and stating the mode of transportation. When the letter has been filed, permission slips will be issued for the informa- tion of the house directors. Student Veterans: Due to the ex- tensive confusion which exists on the part of many people with regard to reporting compensation, the follow- ing is called to your attention. There are two types of notices being called for by the Veterans Ad- ministration. The first, Form 12B, is a small check-sized blank for re- 'porting any compensation received during August; September or Octo- ber. This form was enclosed with the October check. It must be filed in the Detroit Regional Office by November 5, 1946. If a veteran who was or who is in training under P.L. 346 received a subsistence check dur- ing the month of October for subsis- tence due from a previous period of training, but did not receive the Form 12B, he may obtain a dupli- cated Form 12B from the Veterans Service Bureau, Room 1516 Rackham, to make his report. Those men who did not receive a check during the month of-October or who were not in training on August 8, 1946, are not concerned with filing this report of compensation. The second, Form 7-1961, is the means of reporting compensation an- ticipated for the coming period of enrollment. This report is required of all veterans enrolled under P.L. 346 and must be filed within 60 days after entering training under P.L. 346. These forms were enclosed with notice of Authorization of Education or Training Subsistence Allowance or with the Certificate of Eligibility and Entitlement for those veterans who applied for benefits after Sep- tember 15, 1946. Job Registration: Students are re- minded that Monday and Tuesday are the last days to pick up their Job Registration material at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall Office Hours are from 9:00 a. m to 12:00 noon and 2:00 to 4:00 p. m Beginning Wednesday, a late regis- tration fee of $1.00 must be paid, at the Cashier's office before registra- tion material may be secured. Job registration applies to Febru- ary, June and August graduates, al- so to graduate students or staff members who wish to register and who will be available for positions within the next year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teach- er Placement and General Place- ment. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in business, industry and professions other than education. It is important to register NOW because employers are already ask- ing for February and June gradu- ates. Seniors, College of L. S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tenative lists of sen- iors for February graduation have been posted on the bulletin board i Room 4 University Hall. If you name is misspelled or the degree ex- pected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. Baccaloni and "Messiah" tickets: Tickets for the second extra concert to be given by Salvatore Baccaloni Thurs., Dec. 5, as well as tickets fo the "Messiah" performances (Sat- urday evening, Dec. 14, and Sunda afternoon, Dec. 15) are on sale at the offices of the University Musica Society, Burton Memorial Tower. A limited number of tickets for several of the individual concerts in the Choral Union Series are also avail- able. Willow Run Village West Court Community Bldg.: Tues., Nov. 5, Ypsilanti Township Voting; 8:00 p. m., Wives of Stu- dent Veterans Club, Room 7; 8:00 p. m., Extension Class in Spanish, meeting at Ross School. Wed., Nov. 6, 8:00 p. m., Wednes- day Night Lecture Series, Glenn D McGeoch, Professor of the History of Music, "How to Listen to a Sym- phony."; 7:30-9:30 p. m., Rev. Mr. Edwards, Religious Counseling, Room 8. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pan- ofsky, Professor of history of art in the Institute, of Advanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., will lecture on Wed., Nov. 6, at 4:15 p.m.,in the Rackhamx Amphitheatre under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. His subject will be ."Et in Arcadia Ego." The public is cordially invited. The Mayo Lecture: Dr. John M. Waugh of the Mayo Clinic will give the annual Mayo Lecture Nov. 13, in the main amphitheater of University Hospital at 8:00 p.m. His subject is "Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid with Special Reference to Resection with Preservation of the Sphinc- ters." Medical students, faculty, and anyone interested may attend. Louis P. Lochner, head of the Associated Press in Berlin from 1926 until his internment in 1941 and first American journalist to return to Germany at the close of the War, will be presented Thursday evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the third number on the 1946-47 Lecture Course. Assigned to cover the trial of the Nazi war criminals, Mr. Loch- ner will present first-hand informa- tion in his lecture "The Nuremberg Trial." Tickets will be placed on sale tomorrow morning at the Audi- torium box office, which will be open tomorrow from 10:00-1:00, 2:00-5:00, and Thursday from 10:00-1:00, 2:00- 8:30. Academic Notices Students in C 175, Psychology of Child Development: Report to Rack- ham Lecture Hall at class period at 2:00 p. i., Tues., Nov. 5, to hear lec- ture by Dr. Burlingame. Education B291 At the class meet- ing today the topic "Subject Matter Courses and General Education" will be presented by Hayward Keniston, Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Visitors will be welcome. Class meets in Room 110, University Library, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. History 11, Lecture Section 2. Mid- semester: 3:00 p. m. Thurs., Nov. 7. Leslie's and Drummond's sections in 1025 Angell Hall. McCulloch's and Slosson's sections in 25 Angell Hall. Hyma's, Heidman's, Young's and Johnston's sections in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. Inorganic Chemistry Seminar will meet at 5:00 p. in., Tues., Nov. 5, in Rm. 151 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. R. J. Good will speak on "Composition and Structure of Clays: Ion Ex- change and Related Properties." All interested are invited. Physical Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 7, in Room 151 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Wilbur C. Bigelow will speak on "Formation of Oleophobic Films by Adsorption from Oil Solutions" All interested are invited. Special Functions Seminar at 10:00 a.m., Wed., Nov. 6, in Rm. 340 W. Engineering Mr. Northam will talk on Orthogonal Polynomials. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The tutorial section of English 2, taught by Mr. William Gram on Friday aft- ernoons, has been discontinued. Mr. Gram's Tuesday and Thursday sec- tions have extended half an hour. Concerts The Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell, Conductor will give the third program in the Choral Union Series at 7:00 p. in., Nov. 10, in Hill Audi- torium. Mr. Szell will include the following numbers: . "Vsyehrad" from "My Country" (Smetana); Three Sea Interludes from "Peter Grimes" (Britten); "Don Juan", Op. 20 (Strauss) ; and Schubert's Sym- phony No. 7 in C major. (Continued on Page 3) 1 C A f r t 1 I Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...............City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor Clark Baker ...............Sports Editor Des Howarth. Associate Sports Editor Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk............... Women's Editor Lynne Ford. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills...Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscrintion during the regular snhnnl I BARNABY_ No- I haven't heard a word. My name's on the list. But whether Lucky enough? How absurd of your father! Or have vou misunderstood him n'hov . . I~Whete, M ns - ck n14r/yk i r T, 7 I I l