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November 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-05

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4 a1133


Latest Deadline in the State


City Contract
With Regents
Is Protested
Relocation of Taxi
Stand Demanded
Blasting the city government for
"supine weakness" in concluding
what he termed an unsatisfactory
agreement with the University Re-
gents regarding sewage, water, and
police and fire protection problems,
William H. Lucking, local attorney,
filed a strong letter of protest with
Ann Arbor Common Council yester-
Also before council in yesterdays
regular session was a protest from
Theta Chi fraternity, 1351 Wash-
tenaw Ave., regarding the recent re-
location of a taxi stand directly in
front of the house.
Will File Appeal
Lucking stated that he would file
anLappeal with the Supreme Courts
regarding his original suit which at-
tempted to compel the Regents to
conclude an equitable agreement
with the city. This suit had been
dismissed by the circuit court pre-
viously since the court ruled it had
no jurisdiction over a matter involv-
ing the state. Lucking's communi-
cation was referred to the city at-
In the Theta Chi protest, it was
charged that cab phones, located
within 100 feet of the building would.
hinder the study and sleep of the 35
students housed there. Also cited
was the loss of parking space to
Theta Chi residents and traffic haz-
ards from increased taxi use of the
Home Construction Opposed
Another council development in-
volved an opposition move against
the proposed construction of 400
metal homes on the site of Dhu
Varren Farms, one mile north of the
In a letter signed by residents of
Ann Arbor Township, the council
was asked to weigh carefully consid-
eration of incorporating the site in-
toe the city boundaries.
Ruthven Will
Address Press
Club Thursday
An address by President Alexander
G. Ruthven will welcome Michigan
editors and publishers here Thurs-
day for the twenty-ninth annual
convention of the University Press
Club of Michigan to be held here this
"Where Are We Going in Ameri-
can Journalism?" is the subject of
Louis B. Selter, Cleveland Press edi-
tor, who will address the group Fri-
day morning in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science department
will discuss the occupation policy in
After luncheon speakers in the
League Ballroom include George W.
Campbell, of the Owosso Argus-
Press, and Miss Nina E. Babcock and
Miss Grace E. Hamilton of the
Cedar Springs Clipper. J. S. Gray of
the President Monroe News will pre-
side when C. Yates McDaniel, bureau
chief, Detroit, and T. R. Smits,
sports editor, New York, talk on the
Associated Press.
The Heirens Case will be discussed
by panel speakers Stanley Arm-
strong, Chicago Tribune day city
editor; Mims Thomason, central
division manager, United Press, Chi-
cago; and Prof. John B. Waite, of
the law school.

Friday night following dinner in
the League toastmaster Glenn Mac-
Donald, Bay City Times editor, will
introduce Howard Blakeslee, Associ-
ated Press science editor in New
The newspapermen will attend the
Michigan-Michigan State game fol-
lowing election of officers Saturday
All speeches in the series are open
to the public.
Garg Stirs Wave
Of Campus Apathy
Giving an enthusiastic campus a
dime's worth of laughs for a quarter,
the first fall issue of the Gargoyle
was all, sold out by 2 p.m. yesterday.
Comments on the new Garg ranged
from "I saw it all in the Technic,"
to "These jokes were as funny in 1912
as they are today." The Gargoyle was
categorically banned in Boston

TWA Strike Arbitration
Still Lacks Completion

Sigler, Van Wagoner Face Record


Opposing Represent
On Settlement as 15
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 - Repre-
sentatives of opposing sides in the
Trans World Airline pilots' strike
failed tonight fo complete drafting
of an arbitration agreement which
would put the 28,000-mile system
back into operation.
The dispute, affecting 1,400 pilots
who are members of the Air Line
Pilots Association (AFL), resulted in
the furloughing of 15,000 other em-
ployees over the system when it shut
down. '
Earlier in the day, both the union
and the management had agreed to
the arbitration idea in principle.
David L. Behncke, president of the
Pilots Association had announced in
UN Assembly
May Consider
Quarters, Spain
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 4-
(/P)-A new move to take the United
Nations headquarters back to Europe
and settle it permanently in the
League of Nations Palace at Geneva
loomed as a possibility tonight in the
UN Assembly.
UN sources said that Soviet Rus-
sia, which once vigorously opposed
Geneva and anything connected with
the old League as a home for the
United Nations, was ready to ask
that the Assembly consider the Swiss
city among the possible headquar-
ters sites.
Meanwhile, the UN Security
Council dropped from its agenda by
unanimous vote the long-dormant
Spanish case and gave the Assembly
the green light for whatever action it
wants to take toward Generalissimo
Francisco Franco.
There was little debate in the
council after Dr. Oscar Lange, of
Poland, offered a resolution to re-
move the case from the Council cal-
endar. Brazil, the United States,
France, Soviet Russia, Great Britain
and Egypt quickly voicedktheir sup-
port and the vote was taken.
Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gromy-
ko said the Council was trying to
make it "possible for the General As-
'sembly nqt only to discuss but to
make recommendations on the Span-
ish question."
At a steering committee meeting
this morning, Russia, Britain and the
United States indicated they were
ready to take up the site question im-
mediately but the president, Paul-
Henri Spaak, of Belgium, put the
matter over until tomorrow out of
deference to delegates who wanted
more time.
FEPC Drive To
Start Tomorrow
Motorcade Will Open
Local Campaigning
A 10-car motorcade streaming
balloons and banners will leave the
Union doorstep at 1:30 p.m. tomor-
row to mark the opening of the local
campaign for state FEPC legislation.
Literature will also be distributed
beginning tomorrow by members of
AVC, MYDA, IRA and those volun-
teers who indicated their desire to
help at the recent rally at which Sen.
Pepper spoke.
These people are urged to pick up
campaign literature at Rm. 302 of the
Union beginning at 8:00 a.m. tomor-
row, according to George Antonof-
sky, chairman of the FEPC Coordi-
nating Committee.
A request was also voiced by An-
tonofsky for the use of cars during

the circulation of petitions for state
FEPC in line with the state-wide
drive to secure 150,000 signatures by
Dec. 1. Persons willing to lend their
autos to the committee are asked to
contact either Antonofsky at 6245 or
Rabbi Lyman at 2-6585.

Agree in Principle
Employes Vacation

Voting Registration


Chicago that the union "officially ac-
cepted" the arbitration plan.
Federal Mediator Frank P. Douglass
said that he would resume confer-
ences tomorrow in an effort to iron
out the issue of whether TWA should
be permitted to propose to an arbi-
tration panel that pilots flying inter-
national routes be paid on flat
monthly salaries, instead of using the
formula applied to domestic flying.
Pay Formula
This formula is based on base pay,
mileage and hourly pay, and day and
night differentials.
Douglass said that Pan American
Airways and American Overseas Air-
lines both pay their pilots flat salar-
ies, but they maintain international
operations, whereas TWA flies both
domestic and foreign routes.
Meetings Scheduled
Douglass, chairman of the Na-
tional Mediation Board, said he would
meet with Jack Frye, TWA president,
at 8:30 a.m., tomorrow, and at 10
a.m. would meet again with John M.
Dickerman, pilots' union Washing-
ton counsel, and George Spater, a
TWA lawyer.
Both attorneys conferred with
Douglass for nearly 10 hours today.
Provided that an agreement is
reached tomorrow, the airline would
not be able to resume operations be-
fore late Wednesday.
No Returns Ordered
Company officials told newsmen,
however, that no back-to-work order
had been issued for employes and
that none would be sent out until
the arbitration agreement is signed.
Co-pilots, now making an esti-
mated average of $4,800 a year, are
asking as high as $7,800. In addition,
the demands cover vacations, addi-
tional expenses while away from
home and other special allowances.
Big Four Will
Hear Opposing
Views on Trieste
NEW YORK, Nov. 4 - (P) - The
four-power Foreign Ministers Con-
ference agreed in a lengthy opening
session here tonight to hear Yugo-
slavia and Italy present arguments
on the kind of government which
they believe the United Nations
should have over Trieste.
Arguments during the three hour
and forty-five minute session in a
Manhattan hotel room again re-
vealed the basic split between Rus-
sia and the Western powers over
critical issues such as control of Tri-
There were, however, some agree-
ments such as an understanding that
while Yugoslavia and Italy might be
allowed to comment on the projected
boundaries of the disputed Adriatic
port, the boundary issue would not
thereby be reopened.
Russian Foreign Minister Molotov
reportedly lost out on one proposal
to the effect that, after hearing the
Yugoslavs, the foreign ministers
should turn the questions of consti-
tuting a government for Trieste over
to their deputies, allowing the Yugo-
slavs to sit in on the work. This was
not approved.
Kuenzel Sidesteps
Criticism of Union
Franklin C. Kuenzel, Union man-
ager, yesterday declined "to com-
ment for the present" on recent
charges of mismanagement of the
The charges were contained in sev-
eral letters recently received by the
editors of The Daily. The writers
cited the need for Mr. Kuenzel's per-
mission before putting into effect

legislation concerning the Union,
and questioned the use of profits al-
legedly derived from tuition fees and
the price list of the Union cafeteria
and rooms.

Control of Congress Rests at Polls

500 National
Officials Are
To Be Chosen
Victory Is Predicted
By GOP, Democrats
With some 35,000,000 voters expect-
ed to participate in the national elec-
tions today, to make their pick of
1,065 candidates for an even 500 ma-
jor offices, control of Congress for
the next two years looms as the big
The election weighs heavily, too, on
the 1948 political fate of the presi-
Not since the late Franklin D.
Roosevelt began performing his po-
litical magic in national elections in
1932 has the GOP been so optimistic,
according to The Associated Press.
But the Democratic high command
also stood pat on the usual forecasts
of victory. Each party read into the
prospects of a record vote in an off-
year election omens favorable to its
Key States
Twenty-three states seem likely to
determine the political alignment of
the House and 15 appear to hold the
key to what will happen in the Sen-
So confident were the Republicans
that this is their year that they dif-
fered only on the size of the majori-
ties by which they claimed they
would rule the next Senate and
House. Not since 1930 have they held
the upper hand in the House. They
last had a Senate majority in 1932.
Democrats Vary in Predictions
Democratic forecasters saw some-
what varying prospects. Some had
conceded during the campaign that
they felt an off-year election trend
against the party in power had set in.
Rep. John J. Sparkman, of Ala-
bama, chairman of the Democratic
Speakers Bureau, said in an election-
eve statement for the Associated
Press that the Democrats would hang
on to majorities in both branches of
Cognress but would lose some
strength. But National Democratic
Chairman Robert E. Hannegan stuck
to a 'prediction that his party will
pick up power in Congress.
With 39 senators now, the Republi-
cans need a net gain of 10 seats to
capture control. In the House they
have to add 26 seats to their present
President Truman remained si-
lent on election eve. Outwardly un-
concerned about the election, he
passed the day quietly in Inde-

ATOM BOMB-This is an artist's conception of the atom bomb as
published by the London Daily Express with an article by Chapman
Pincher. The sketch shows a conventional bomb casing with small tail
fins and two "drogues," parachutes open at each end, which, Pincher
said, operated to slow the descent for better control of a time fuse
mechanism operating a detonator.
Many State Office Seekers
Condemn LiquorCared Law

One Senatorial,
Seats at Stake
Candidates Complete
Campaign Schedules
By The Associated Press
Michigan's two major party candi-
dates for governor reached a fork in
the path to political glory today.
An estimated 1,500,000 voters are
expected to turn out today to give the
"go-ahead" sign to one of two men-
Kim Sigler, silver-haired graft bus-
ter, or Murray D. Van Wagoner, for-
mer highway commissioner and gov-
ernor in 1940-42.
Campaigns Completed
Sigler, the Republican, and Van
Wagoner, the Democrat, have for all
practical purposes completed their
The fiery Sigler, one of the most
active campaigners the state has seen
in years, wound up his long road tour
with an "under the oaks" speech at
Jackson, traditional birthplace of his
adopted Republican party.
Van Wagoner, whom some political
observers credit with gaining strength
during the closing stages of the cam-
paign, scheduled meetings in and
around Detroit through mid-day to-
Record Registration
There are more people eligible to
vote in Michigan today than at any
other time in the state's history, ac-
cording to unofficial registration fig-
If estimates are not too optimistic,
there is an outside chance that the
all-time vote records of 2,210,246 set
in 1944 might be broken.
However, since the turnout in a
non-presidential year has always
fallen off, most candidates have set
their sights on breaking the off-year
vote record of 1,605,241 set in 1938.
Lansing sources, even more con-
servative, guessed at a figure of from
1,450000 to 1,500,000.
Michigan's 17 congressional seats
will be at stake and, officially at least,
there is a contestfor U. S. senator.
Republican Arthur H. Vandenberg
is seeking his fourth term in the Sen-
ate. His Democratic opponent,
James H. Lee, of Detroit, has made
aio campaign speeches, expended no
funds and has received little public
support even within his own party.
Heavy Turnout
Predicted for
Elections Here
A record vote for an off-year elec-
tion was forecast for Washtenaw
County today by County Clerk Luella
M. Smith.
"Both the great interest in the gu-
bernatorial race and fair weather
prospects should create a heavy vote
at the polls," she said.
While the county registration to-
talled approximatelyr38,000, which
is not a record, Ann Arbor registered
an all-time high of 20,151 and an
absentee-voter total of 435. "Some
county voters have been disfran-
chised by the recent re-registration
requirement," Mrs. Smith stated in
explaining the lower county registra-
The election will include 23 federal,
state and county offices and three
proposed state constitutional amend-
ments. In addition to this, Ann Ar-
bor voters will decide a proposed
pension plan for city employees.
Issues facing the county are for
the offices of justice of the state su-
preme court, circuit court commis-
sioners, circuit judge, prosecuting at-
torney, sheriff, county clerk, treas-
urer, register of deeds, drain com-
missioner, coroners and county sur-

Local option proposals to permit
sale of liquor by the glass will be de-
cided in four townships-Saline, Yp-
silanti, Scio and Sylvan.
All county voting polls will be
open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. today.
Library of Congress

pendence, Mo., where

he will vote

.Szell Will Lead
Orchestra Here
Under the direction of its new con-
ductor, George Szell, the Cleveland
Orchestra will present the third con-
cert of the Choral Union Series Sun-
One of the busiest musical or-
ganizations in America, the Orches-
tra presents 150 concerts during; its
28 week season. It broadcasts
through 200 American and 39 Mexi-
can stations, in addition to Canadian
and short-wave affiliates.
The Orchestra is now making its
first concert tour under Szell, who
has been conducting since he was 17.
He is a regular conductor of the Met-
ropolitan Opera House and has made
guest appearances with the Boston,
Philadelphia, New York Phil-
monic and Chicago orchestras.
As is traditional with Sunday con-
certs, the performance will begin at
7 instead of 8:30 p.m.

Seven candidates in today's elec-
tion have termed the Liquor Purchase
Identification card requirement
"philosophically poor" legislation.
Candidates from the two major
parties expressed agreement in their
belief that any legislation capable of
being construed as an infringement
upon the personal rights of individ-
uals is inadvisable legislation.
Five of the seven men declined
to state their opinion unon the
highly controversial question of
the law's constitutionality, but
Eugene F. Black, Republican can-
didate for attorney-general, as-
serted that the law is within con-
stitutional limits.
"The law is perfectly all right, for
it is consistent with the State Con-
stitution and the National Constitu-
Student Legislature
Petitions Due Today
Student Legislature petitions are
due at 5 p.m. today in the Union
Student Offices.
Candidates will be required to sub-
mit 50 word qualification statements
and a $1 registration fee when they
turn in their petitions. Eligibility
cards will also be required.
There will be a meeting of all
candidates to discuss radio publicity
at 5:05 p.m. today in Rm. 302 of the

tion. But I realize that it is a pretty
serious hardship and apparently un-
fair to the individuals involved. The
legislation ought to be modified in
some manner," Black stated.
Odin H. Johnson, Democratic can-
didate for state senator, went on rec-
ord as believing the law unconsti-
"I believe the (Liquor Purchase
Identification card) requirement is
not constitutional and not enforce-
able. I think this law should be
modified or changed," he asserted.
(The Liquor Purchase Identi-
fication Card Law, Sec. 2, Act 205
of the Public Acts, requires all per-
sons, between the ages of 21 and 26
exclusive, to carry and display a
specific identification card upon
purchasing or consuming alcoholic
Thurman B. Doyle, Democratic
candidate of attorney-general stated:
"I'm very much opposed to the phil-
osophy of the law. It strikes me as
an infringement upon personal rights.
Particularly, it is an infringement
upon personal liberty, which must be
guarded at all costs."
Ralph M. Branch, first district rep-
resentative candidate (Dem.), com-
mented: "I think the law is typical
Legislature has in regard to the whole
liquor business.''
Louis Christman, first district rep-
resentative candidate (Rep.), ob-
served: "You can't legislate morals
into people.
Baccaloni To Give
Recital in December'
Salvatore Baccaloni, who will pre-
sent a special recital here Dec. 5,
achieved musical fame for his success
in restoring basso buffo roles to the
standards of characterization intend-
ed by their authors.
For many years before Baccaloni's

Preuss Calls Veto 'Obstructive For ce'

The veto is the "greatest single ob-
structive force" in the United Na-

feeling that brought about its inser-
tion in the charter."
In addition, Prof. Preuss declared,
the veto can only be eliminated by

gerous," Prof. Preuss stated. "When
the U. S. discussed eliminating veto
provisions in regard to atomic energy
control under the Baruch Plan, An-

he said, "but they will not split with
the other great powers on this issue."
Abolition of the veto depends on
"general improvement of political re-

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