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November 03, 1946 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-03

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Search for Parking Space Alters Career

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in
a weekly series dealing with faculty .
T. Hawley Tapping, editor of the
Michigan Alumnus and General Sec-
retary of the Alumni Association,
started out as a lawyer and ended up
a newspaperman only because he
couldn't find a parking space.
It all started out 30 years 4go when
Tapping, fresh out of the University
law school, went downtown to an-
swer an add for clerk in a law firm.
Offering $50 a Month
"They were offering the astound-
ing sum of $50 a month," he relates.
"When I got downtown, I couldn't
find a parking space in front of the
building the law firm was in and I
had to park in front of a newspaper
Newspaper work suited young Tap-
ping just fine, but when the syndi-
cate called him back to the home of-
fice, he had a change of heart.
"I decided I wanted'to stay in Ann
Arbor," he says, "and took a job with
Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Chapter Reactivated
Pi Tau Pi Sigma, the local chapter
of the national honorary Signal
Corps fraternity, has been reactivat-
ed on campus.
The officers of the ' fraternity,
whose purpose is to carry out an ac-
tive social and technical program, are
William S. Squire, of Huntington,
W.Va., president, H. Henry Keskitalo,
of Republic, Mich., vice-president,
and Ralph E. Schroeder, of Wyan-
dotte, secretary-treasurer. Major
Howard E. Porter, professor of the
Signal Corps unit, is the faculty ad-

the Alumni Association as field sec-
Since then Tapping has left Ann
Arbor more than 2,000 times on liai-
son tours to the 200 Michigan Alumni

Clubs in the United States-but he
hasn't minded it a bit. He always
comes back.
Will Visit Cuba
These treks cover about 10,000
miles each year, he estimates. This
year for the first time, he's going to
visit an Alumni Club in Cuba.
"They've introduced me as every-
thing from President of the Uni-
versity to doctor or professor," he
says cheerfully, "but I never denied
one of them."
In addition to directing the Alumni
Association and editing the Alumnus,
Tapping meets an average of three
old grads a day in his basement of-
fice at Alumni Memorial Hall. "They
try me as a last resort," he says, "and

I try to direct them to the right peo-
ple as quickly as possible."
Tapping set a minor record in his
undergraduate days at Michigan by
corresponding for 24 newspapers at
once. Today he has a staff of nine as-
sisting him. Assuming that these
young are anything like the human
dynamo that Tapping was, it gives
his staff a potential of 216 (9x24).
He is a great "joiner." One time
national president of Sigma Delta
Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity,
he is also a member of Toastmasters,
Michigamua, Owls, Griffins, Mimes,
Archons, Scabbard and Blade and
scores of others.
Tapping's favorite, though, is the
"I Met My Wife on State Street
Club," a select little group formed by
himself and two other alumni.
"It's a very exclusive club," he says,
'although we're not exactly a lobby-
ing force as yet."

Also Protect
The 60 per cent of the campus
population which was immunized
against influenza last week will act
as a barrier against an epidemic
among the other 40 per cent.
In any mass vaccination, though
researchers are not prepared to state
exact percentages needed for abso-
lute prevention of epidemics, it has
been definitely proven that vaccinat-
ed members of the population act as
buffers to the transmission of the
disease among the unvaccinated.
Dr. Margaret Bell, who directed
the program carried out during the
past week, was very pleased with the
outcome of the program, saying that
those vaccinated "should present a
splendid block" against any influ-
enza epidemic on the campus within
eight months to a year's time. Influ-
enza A, which strikes in epidemic in-
tensity every two or three years, is
the type expected this year by pub-
lic health officials throughout the
Total figures on the mass immuni-
zation show that approximately 13,-
000 out of 23,000 campus people par-
ticipated in the program. The fig-
ures break down to about 11,000 stu-
dents and 2,000 faculty and person-
If there is any incidence of influ-
enza among the vaccinated portion
of the campus population, Dr. Bell
said, it will be a very mild form of
the disease-they are definitely pro-
tected against severe attack.
She cited the work of the nurses'
aides, under the direction of Mrs.
Bradley Patton, the Grey Ladies, un-
der the direction of Mrs. Robert Hud-
son, and medical students whose vol-
untary work on the program "made
the set up work perfectly."

Reform of income tax legislation
and administration as one step to-
ward business stabilization was advo-
cated yesterday by Edward W. Wil-
cox, president of the American Insti-
tute of Accounting.
Wilcox spoke at a meeting of the
University Accounting Cbnference,
where businessmen from throughout
the state also heard addresses by
Prof. Clare E. Griffin, of the business
administration school, Prof. George
R. Husband, of Wayne University,
and Carman Blough, director of re-
search of the American Institute of
"Defects and complications in our
income tax laws tend to divert busi-
ness leadership from the problems of
efficient organization, operation and
production to considerations of tax
avoidance," Wilcox charged.

A plea for a return of 19th cen-
tury liberalism, with its emphasis
upon the rights of the individual,
was made by Prof. Griffin in his ad-
dress before the accountants.
A program of liberalism in what
Prof. Griffin termed its "traditional
meaning of standing for the rights
of the individual as opposed to op-
pression by group power," would call
for a lowering of trade barriers and
a reduction of monopoly power, he
said, wherever and in whatever form
it exists.
Women Veterans
Will Hold Meeting
The University Women Veterans
Association will hold a combination
meeting and bridge party at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in the League for all wom-
en vets on campus.

Wilcox Urges Reform of Income
Tax Legislation, Administration

Louis Lochner
Will Lecture
Louis P. Lochner, chief of the Ber-
lin Bureau of the Associated Press for
15 years, will discuss "The Nuernberg
Trials" at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill
Auditorium under the auspices of the
Oratorical Association.
Lochner, a journalist, lecturer, au-
thor and Pulitzer Prize winner, has
recently returned from an intensive
study of political and social condi-
tions in Germany, during which he
observed the Nuernberg trial of the
leaders of the Third Reich.
The words and plans of these lead-
ers, taken directly from the text of
Lochner's book "What About Ger-
many," were placed on the record by
the American prosecution at Nuern-

NO BENEFITS - The regional
Veterans' Administration has ruled
that Topper, (above), K-9 Corps
veteran of Waterliet, N. Y., can-
not receive medical benefits avail-
able to GIs. The dog's owner, in
applying for assistance, claimed
over-exertion in service had weak-
ened the German shepherd's heart.
Education Institute
Will Meet Tuesday
The seventeenth annual Parent
Education Institute, sponsored by the
University Extension Service and the
Michigan Congress of Parents and
Teachers, will be held here Tuesday
through Thursday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Among the . outstanding speakers
to be presented during the confer-
ence will be Dr. Harry A. Overstreet
and Mrs. Bonaro Wilkinson Over-
street, psychologists and writers, and
Dr. C. C. Burlingame chief psychia-
trist of the Institute of Living, Hart-
ford, Conn.








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(Continued from Page 7)
igan Union at 8:00 p. m., Wed., Nov.
6. All students from the Upper Pen-
insula are urged to attend.
Delta Sigma Phi will meet at 7:30,
p.m., Mon., Nov. 4, at the Union. All
alumni are invited to attend.
The Acolytes will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 4, in the W. Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., to elect of-
ficers. Prof. Stevenson will discuss
"Aesthetic Interpretation." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
The Sociedad Hispanica invites
you to a coke hour for informal
Spanish conversation on Mon., Nov.
4, in the League Grill Room at 3:30,
(4:00 if you have a class).
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, will meet at 7:15
p. m., Tues., Nov. 5, in Rm. 311, W.
Eng. Bldg. Prof. Hugh E. Keeler
will speak on steam power, and Prof.
Edward T. Vincent will speak on
Deisel power.
Events Today
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
'ing Worship service at 10:45. Dr.
Lemon's sermon topic is "The Fath-
er Almighty."
Westminster Guild will meet in the
Social Hall at 5:00 p. m. Dr. F. H.
Littell, Director of the Student Re-
ligious Association, will speak on
"Christian Students and the World
Scene." Supper follows.
First Congregational Church:
Morning worship 10:45, Dr. Parr will
speak on "The 'Apocalyptic Com-

ject, "Set For The Defense Of the
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its weekly supper so-
cial at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw
at 5:15 p. m.
Lutheran Student Association:
The regular Sunday evening meeting
of the Association will be held in
Trinity Lutheran Church, Corner of
E. William and S. Fifth Ave. (please
note change of place) at 5:30 p. m.
Mr. Theodore Markwood, graduate
of the Michigan Law School, will
speak on the subject, "What I Can
Do In My Profession To Help De-
velop A Christian Community."
First Unitarian Church: Edward

6:30 p. m., Unitarian-Student Group,
Prof. T. M. Newcomb will discuss the
"Psychological Bases of Religion."
First Church of Christ Scientist,
409, S. Davison St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "Everlasting Punishment."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
The meeting of Friends will be
held at 4:00 p. m., First Presbyterian
Church (3rd floor). All student
Friends and visitors are urged to
come. At 6:00 p. m. there will be
a meeting of discussion groups of
young people at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Dunham.

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H. Redman, Minister. 10:00 a. m., Unity: Sunday services at 11:00
Unitarian-Friends' Church School; a. m., Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S.
10:00 a. m., Adult Study Group; State St. Subject: "The Price of
11:00 a. m., Service of Worship, Rev. Freedom In Christ."
Edward H. Redman will preach on Student Discussion Group will
"What is This Neo-Orthodoxy?" meet at 7:00 p. m., Reading Rooms.
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The Congregational - Disciples
Guild will have a Fellowship Din-
ner at 6:00 p. m. followed by an In-
stallation Service of new officers in
the sanctuary.
First Baptist Church: C. H. Loucks
Minister. 10:00 a. m., Student Class
of the Church School in the Guild
11:00 a. m., Church Worship, Ser-
mon, "Sons of the Reformation,"
The Lord's Supper will be observed.
6:00 p. m., Roger Williams Guild
meets in the Guild House.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has two idefitical serv-
ices Sunday mornings at 9:45 and
11:00. This Sunday the Rev. Al-
fred Scheips will preach on the sub-


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