See Page 4
Sw A0
Latest Deadline in the State
Sellout Crowd Will See
Brown Jug Battle Today
Michigan Heavy Favorite as Crisler Seeks
First Victory over B
Special To The -Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 1-
It's Little Brown Jug Time again but
this town doesn't seem to be'too op-
timistic about Minnesota's chances
of regaining the coveted trophy to-
morrow when the big Gopher eleven
clashes with Michigan at Memorial
Stadium here.
There's an air of David and Gol-
iath about tomorrow's battle but ev-
Release of Price
Decontrol List
Delayed by OPA
Ceilings Off Machinery,
Dairy Equipment, Cans
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-(P)-The
OPA freed scores of additional items
ranging from churns to matches
from price ceilings today but delayed
issuance of its master decontrol list.
The agency originally had planned
to complete its major decontrol pro-
gram today. Officials said the neces-
sity for consulting other govern-
ment branches on various phases of
it, however, will hold it up for anoth-
er week or more.
The miscellaneous items decon-
trolled today made a six-page list.
The OPA explained that the ceilings
were removed "because their supply
is in approximate balance with de-
mand or because they are unimpor-
tant in business or living costs."
Dairy Equipment Off
Included were matches, both paper
and wooden, most machinery and
equipment used on dairy farms; bod-
ies and equipment parts for buses;
several types of engines; a few lumb-
ber, paper, metal and chemical prod-
ucts, and bones of all types used for
meal and mash.
Also freed were notions sold at re-
tail counters and used to mend or
repair garments, such as collars,
cuffs and neckbands for shirts, and
a few textile items such as sleeve
Drotectors, knitted arm warmers and
dust caps.
In addition to churns the new de-
control ' list includes milking ma-
chines, cream and milk separators,
ice-refrigerated milk coolers and me-
tal milk cans. Other farm equip-
ment released includes hand-operat-
ed sprayers and dusters.
Luxury Lumber Freed
Walnut lumber for luxury furni-
ture cabinets, chests, specially de-
signed store fixtures and interior
trim also was freed. But OPA re-
tained controls over walnut veneer,
much used by the furniture trade.
Other lumber products released in-
clude redwood cigar box lumber and
wooden circular heads for shipping
Machinery items freed includes
certain gasoline and diesel engines
and the small engines attached to
furnish power for bicycles.
Some commercial and industrial
lighting fixtures were freed but
fiourescent fixtures of all types re-
mained under control.
Village AVC
To Start FEPC
Petition Drive
Every registered voter in Willow
Village will be asked to sign a peti-
tion for state FEP legislation, Wil-
low Village AVC chairman Walt
Hoffman announced yesterday.
The village drive will be part of
the state-wide campaign to get 150,-
000 signatures between Nov. 6 and
Dec. 1. The chapter is pledged to
get 1,000 signatures.
Lists of the registered voters are
now being prepared and the canvas-
sing will start Wednesday. Ollie Lyon
is chairman of the drive.
The Village AVC plans to coordin-
ate its campaign with the Ann Arbor
drive being undertaken by the cam-
pus AVC, MYDA, IRA, and the Ann
Arbor Independent Citizens Commit-
If the 150,000 signatures are ob-
tained, Hoffman explained, the state
legislature must either accept or re-
ject the FEPC bill, and if they choose
to reject it, the bill will go to the
people in the form of a referendum.
Every petition signer must be a
registered voter in the county, as
must every petition solicitor.
lerman at Minneapolis
en the sellout throng of some 58,000
fans is just hopeful, and no more, of
a Gopher upset. This once great
capital of the football world has ac-
cepted the fall in Minnesota grid
fortunes soberly, awaiting the day
when the tables will again be turned.
Michigan Favored
Local bookies have established
Michigan as an 18-point favorite but
there are few takers. Apparently the
dismal showing of the Wolverines in
their last two games with North-
western and Illinois have raised little
hope in the Golden Gopher camp.
Minnesota mentor Bernie Bierman
has not even bothered to cloak his
preparations in secrecy. The gate to
the practice field has been barred to
all but the press, but there has been
no attempt to hide the proceedings
from spectators taking advantage of
a section of uncovered fence en-
closing the drill field.
Minnesota Has Lost Three
Minnesota has dropped its last
eight Big Nine games in a row.
Three of the losses came this fall to
Indiana, Northwestern, and Ohio
State. Indiana and Northwestern
have also played the Wolverines, The
Hoosiers fell before Michigan, 21-0,
and then turned around to smash
the Gophers by the same score. The
Wildcats eked 'out a 14-7 win over
Minnesota and then tied Michigan,
Crisler Seeks Win over Bierman
Coach Fritz Crisler's crew will be
seeking its initial Minneapolis win
over Bierman. The last time Crisler
and Bierman-coached teams met
here was in 1942 when the Golden
Gophers capitalized on a second-
period field goal by Bill Garnaas to
take a thrilling 16-14 contest. In
1944 Michigan tripped the Gophers
at Memorial Stadium but Bierman
was in the Navy.j
Michigan will again be outweighed
in the line. But the 200-pound Min-
nesota forward wall has looked any-
thing but impressive to date. In three
Conference battles the Gopher front
line has yielded an average of 262
yards per game on the ground. Along
the airlanes the Minnesota defense
has looked better, keeping its trio of
Big Nine foes to an 81-yard game
Minnesota Hit by Injuries
The Minnesota camp has been hit
by an injury jinx this fall and again
tomorrow several key performers
may see only limited action for the
Gophers. There's the great tackle
find, Dean Widseth. A 210-pound
See 58,000, Page 5
Molotov Denies
Disa greement
NEW YORK, Nov. 1-Vyacheslav
M. Molotov declared tonight that the
opinion expressed by some Americans
that there were disagreements be-
tween his address to the United Na-
tions Assembly Tuesday and Prime
Minister Stalin's statement of last
Monday "does not correspond to the
"Itsis not difficult to see this after
careful study of the texts in ques-
tion," Molotov said.
The Associated Press submitted
yesterday to Molotov, the Soviet For-
eign Minister and chief of the Soviet
del {,.f ion to the United Nations as-
sembly, a list of six questions, noting
thoughts reflected in American opin-
Is Demanded By Poland;
British Deport Refugees
THE LITTLE BROWN JUG - Traditional symbol of the Michigan-
Minnesota football rivalry, the Little Brown Jug will be at stake again
today when a favored Wolverine eleven meets the Golden Gophers at
Minneapolis. Although the jug travelled to Minnesota with the team
Michigan fans are confident that it will return to its habitual resting
place in the Administration Building early next week.
Flowing Fire Hydrants Give
Police, Firemen Busy Night.
Pranksters joined forces with goblins and witches to make this year's
Halloween celebration one of the busiest for police and fire department of-
Scores of calls flooded the police and fire stations reporting pranks
ranging from window smashing and minor thefts to flowing fire hydrants.
Fire Chief Ben Zahn was kept busy hopping all over town in the wake of van-
dals who turned on 20 hydrants. One hydrant located at Daniel and Par-
1,279 Illegal
Jewish Entrants
Sent to Cyprus
Palestine Court to Test
Legality of Deportation
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Nov. 1 - Despite
screams of protest and some physical
resistance 1,279 Jewish refugees were
transferred at Haifa today from the
almost foundering immigrant ship
San Dimitrio to the British deporta-
tion vessels bound for detention
camps on Cyprus. The ships were
on their way tonight, an official an-
nouncement said.
In a new tactic against the depor-
tation policy of the British, one Pal-
estine Jew succeeded in obtaining a
writ of Habeas Corpus in the Pales-
tine supreme court for his brother,
one of the immigrants aboard the
ship. The court ordered a hearing
expected to test the legality of send-
ing uncertificated immigrants to Cy-
In London an authoritative govern-
ment source said the British Colonial
Office had instructed the Palestine
administration to release about 700
Jews, including top Jewish agency
leaders, from the Latrun detention
camp, where they had been held since
the British raids of last June..
The only major violence reported
in the Holy Land today was an at-
tack on two office clerks in Tel Aviv
by three masked gunmen who es-
caped with satchels containing $12,-
Five British soldiers have been
killed in the past three days, includ-
ing two killed last night when their
truck hit a road mine near the all-
Jewish city of Tel Aviv.
Preceding the transfer of the
immigrants front the San Dimitrio,
2,000 Jews left a mass meeting in
Haifa and marched on barricades
thrown up in the port area by
British troops. Signs on the barri-
Scades warned the marchers to
"disperse or we fire" and they
broke up after waving black flags
of mourning and singing national-
ist songs.
The 2,000 marchers were part of
the 60,000 Jews in Haifa who joined
in a general protest strike lasting
two hours and a half during the
Student Petition
Time Extended
don Streets, seriously damaged the
roadway before discovery.
Ruthven Home
Quick action by Chief Zahn and
his crew saved President Ruthven's
residence from drifting away in the
flood caused by opening hydrants in
the front and rear of the house. Po-
lice finally caught up with the
pranksters, a group of Ann Arbor
High School youths who were fined
in Municipal Court yesterday.
An old friend who preceded the
G.I. all over the world during the war
was also very active in Ann Arbor on
this All Saint's even. The criptic in-
scription, "Killroy was here," greet-
ed early morning shoppers from the
soaped windows of many downtown
Windows Broken
In the campus area, extensive
damage was reported on column cor-
nices at Hill Auditorium. Several
windows in the Natural Science
greenhouse were broken as well.
Most of the Ann Arbor small fry
were able to let off steam at a com-
munity sponsored Halloween party
held in Yost Field House.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-The Mar-
itime Commission tonight extended
to government ships on the West
Coast, where shipping has been
crippled by a month-long strike, the
settlement terms of the East Coast
maritime strike.
The action is expected to free about
half the West Coast ships now tied
They commission said it acted "in
the interest of uniformity."
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-Indi-
cating that no further atomic
bomb tests are planned for the
foreseeable future, the Navy an-
nounced today that the Army-
Navy task force which exploded
the atomic bombs at Bikini last
July is being dissolved immediately.
LONDON, Nov. 1 - Authoritative
government quarters said today the
colonial office had given instructions
for the release of several high Jewish
agency leaders and 700 other Jews
held without charge in Palestine de-
tention camps.
At the some time government
source said it was almost "certain"
that Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
is now en route to New York for a
meeting of the foreign ministers
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-(#)-
Acceding to demands of Southern
Congress members, Reconversion
Director Steelman acted tonight
to abolish certain OPA textile pric-
ing regulations said to have "an
unsettling effect on the cotton
Specifically, Steelman said he
was "requesting" OPA to eliminate
an order which prohibits mills
from pricing finished cotton goods
... appointed to Board of Regents
* * *
Re 0. JBonisiteel
Is Appointed
New U'Regent
Attorney Roscoe 0. Bonisteel,
prominent in Washtenaw Republican
politics for almost two decades, yes-
terday was appointed to the Univer-
sity Board of Regents, replacing R.
Spencer Bishop, who died in Flint
Bonisteel, past president of the
State Bar, graduated from the Uni-
versity Law School in 1912. He is
county Republican committee chair-
Bonisteel's term will expire Dec. 31,
In announcing the appointment,
Gov. Kelly said, "I am confident that
Mr. Bonisteel will prove a worthy
successor for Mr. Bishop who was
known to alumni and friends of the
University as a conscientious and
able alumnus who gave unsparingly
of his time and effort."
Bonisteel began his practice in Ann
Arbor the year of his graduation. A
veteran of World War I, Bonisteel
has been a leader in community and
fraternal organizations.
He was. appointed to the state
board of bar examiners in 1946 and
reappointed in 1946 to serve until
June, 1951.
Gov. Kelly added, "In addition to
being an outstanding lawyer, Mr.
Bonisteel has served so successfully
as a leader in other fields that there
cannot be any question of his grasp
of the problems of Michigan as a
whole and his acute perception of
the needs and opportunities of our
great university.
Shots End Today
This morning is the last oppor-
tunity for University students,
faculty and personnel to be in-
noculated in the influenza im-
munization program.
The stations in Waterman
Gymnasium will be open from
8 a.m. to noon today to take care
of any latecomers.
Dr. Margaret Bell, director of
the program, said that over 10,004
students have been inoculated
during the past week.
United tates
Balks at Paying
Half UN Costs
Vandenberg Rejects
Figure Set by Experts
-Poland demanded tonight that the
United Nations break off diplomatic
relations with Generalissimo Franco
and bar his government from any or-
ganization connected with the Unit-
ed Nation~s
Poland's foreign minister, Wincen-
ty Rzymowski, chief of his country's
delegation to the U.N. Assembly, filed
a double-barrelled resolution with
the United Nations little more than
24 hours before the deadline for
bringing up matters for the agenda.
Active Day
His action came at the end of a
day filled with committee meetings
which was marked by the United
States balking at paying half of the
administrative costs of the United
Nations for 1947.
Poland filed a complaint against
Franco Spain last April but the Unit-
ed Nations Security Council, after a
long wrangle, failed to act.
Soviet Russia was assessed six per
cent for that period and Great Brit-
ain 10.50 per cent in the proposed
U. S. Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
berg (Rep., Mich.), the United States
member of the U. N. administrative-
budgetary committee, made a strong
statement to the committee rejecting
the figure set by the United Nations
He said his delegation would rec-
ommend to the United States Con-
gress that this nation pay 33 per cent
for 1947 on a temporary basis but
that the U. S. felt a top limit of 25
per cent should be agreed upon for
any one country after the world's
economy has recovered from war.
Permanent Site Wrangle
In a bit of whimsy, he suggested
that if the U. S. economy was so
good, perhaps the United Nations
ought to adopt "our economic sys-
tem as standard practice for all of
its membership."
Participation by
Vets in Local
Affairs Urged
Veterans must begin working for a
bettei world by taking an active part
in local affairs, Rev. John Iarris
Burt, former Navy Chaplain, said
yesterday at the first meeting of
"Aunt Ruth" Buchanan's wartime
"nephews" held in Rackham Lecture
Rev. Burt pointed out the desire
of many former servicemen to forget
the troubles and conflicts about them
and to retreat behind a "let some-
one else do it" philosophy.
Three factors of human behavior,
Rev.bBurt said, conspire to cause
trouble . They are the sin of indol-
ence, the party spirit or factionalism,
and private selfish interest. Fortun-
ately antidotes exist for these irri-
tants. If veterans will be actively
confident, personally humble, and
will endeavor to understand beyond
their own horizons, the ideal of a
better world may yet be saved, Rev.
Burt concluded.
Lt. Dennis Nelson, USNR, who was
scheduled to speak was unable to
appear. Frank J. Batchelder, who
served as a junior officer under the
Negro lieutenant during the war said
that his experience working in coop-
eration with Lt. Nelson had con-
vinced him that whites and Negroes
could work together successfully on
a basis of comiplete equality.
Requests Flood
Service Bureau
A steady stream of veterans, tot-
aling more than 250, yesterday,
swamped the Veterans Service Bur-
eau with requests for compensation
report forms,
' 1r-, rnnfcr c'A,4iin fin nnnnorn -
Must File
The deadline for turning in peti-
tions for Student Legislature mem-
bership has been extended to Tues-
day, Terrell Whitsitt, election com-
mittee chairman, said yesterday.
Petition blanks will be available
from 3 to 5 p.m. today and Monday
in the Union Student Offices.
Candidates will be required to sub-
mit qualification statements of 50
words or less for publicity purposes.
In addition, candidates must pay a
registration fee of $1 and submit
identificatin cards.
The election for Student Legisla-
ture members will be held Nov. 12
and 13.
Stumpf Criticizes Truman's
'Inadequate' Research Board
The establishment of a Presiden-
tial Research Board, made up of non-
scientists, "to insure that the scien-
tific personnel, training and research
facilities of the nation are used most
effectively in the national interest"
was sharply criticized yesterday.
Speaking as a representative of the
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists, Dr. Paul K. Stumpf,
instructor in the department of epi-
demiology in the School of Public
Health, commented both on the Re-
search board, which was set up re-
cently as an administrative substi-
tute for the National Science Foun-
dation Bill, and on President Tru-
man's appointment of the five-man
ciiian Atomic Enerv Commission.
Enthusis tic Garg Salesmen
Will Lighten Hearts, Purses
what scientific problems are." he
continued, the work sponsored will
probably be directed into the applied
science fields rather than pure re=
search-probably into national de-
The Research Board, set up by the
administration will lack the backing
of a congressionally filled purse. If
their funds are limited; the scope of
their work will be limited, Dr.
Stumpf said. He also expressed fear
that the board's establishment would
discourage further work on legisla-
tion for a national science founda-
The appointment of David E. Lil-
ienthal as the head of the Atomic
Carried by airplane to strategic
points all over the world every
month for only a quarter, the first
,fall issue of the Gargoyle will light-
en the hearts of a Daily-weary cam-
pus Monday morning.
Advance guards of enthusiastic
Garg affiliates will swarm the cam-
pus at 6:15 a.m., laden with Novem-
ber goodies. When the first student
appears at 7:55 a.m., a campus-wide
effort to foist a Garg on him will get
under way.
from noted celebrities, who
formly praise the high-quality
used in the Garg.
Congratulations continuie to stream
collect into the Garg wastebaskets.
From Mexico City: "Caramba, Sen-
ors! Stop. Another Gargoyle? Stop.
So soon? Impossible!" It was signed
Oliver Warbucks.
Adolf Hitler cabled from a cave in
Switzerland: "Verboten Stunken!"
From the Kremlin: "Tovarisch!
Glad to see the capitalists haven't