PACE STIX i THE M- WHIGA I) AILY TT.rI AY, RIONTIMER 1, H46 THE MICHIGAN DAIlY FITflAY, NOVEMBEU 1, 1946 Ruthven Voices Protest Against Split Sales Tax College Heads Oppose Constitutional Change President Alexander G. Ruthven joined yesterday with the presidents of six other state-supported colleges in expressing disapproval of the pro- posed constitutional ' amendment splitting the proceeds of the sales tax between state and local govern- ments. President Ruthven also sent a let- ter to University alumni residing in Michigan, in which he declared that the proposal was a violation of good government and that, if passed, its effect on the University would be "calamitous." State Support Adoption of the proposal, he said, would remove all hope of additional state support to the University for years to come. If state finances should be "disrupted as this proposal would disrupt them," President Ruthven stated, the University's building program could not be com- pleted. In a statement released yesterday, the presidents of the seven state- supported colleges said, "we oppose this proposal because we believe its adoption would be a violation of a fundamental principle of good gov- ernment. It incorporates in the Con- stitution itself a mandate relating to the use of at least 76 per cent of the revenues from the most impor- tant tax source now in use by the state. In so doing, it earmarks these revenues for a specific purpose, re- gardless of the other financial needs of the state or of the total revenues available for use in a 'partielar year." Fiscal Needs "We are not unmindful of the fiscal needs of the municipalities and of the public schools in some areas," the of- ficials stated, "and we do not at - tempt to pass judgment uponthese needs in relationship to other needs. This we believe to be the responsi- bility of the governor and the legis- lators. We confine this expression of our considered judgment to a dis- approval of an attempt to solve this problem by constitutional mandate." Approval of the proposal would, according to the educators, "seriously embarrass the orderly legislative con- sideration of the financial needs of the state," and especially embarrass other agencies of the state which must depend, upon legislative appro- priations for support of the services they render the people of the state. Other Tax Sources It may also require the legislature to seek other tax sources and increase tax levies for the support of the state services, they said. Finally, it may require the legislature to make ad- justments. The statement was signed by the following college presidents: Charles L. Anspach, Central Michigan Col- lege of Education, Grover C. Dill- man, Michigan College of Mining and Technology, John A. Hannah, Michi- gan State College, John M. Munson, Michigan State Normal College, Alex- ander G. Ruthven, University of Michigan, Paul V. Sangren, Western Michigan College of Education, and Henry A. Tape, Northern Michigan College of Education. DEMOCRATS MAY RETAIN SENATE CONTROL: Newcomb Predicts Republican Edge in House This Fall By GLORIA BENDET The elections Tuesday should give Republicans control of the House by a somewhat smaller majority than the Democrats now enjoy, while the Democratic majority in the Senate will be reduced but not wiped out, according to a forecast made by Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the sociology department. Prof. Newcomb explained that there are two ways of predicting Congressional elections. One is the method of sample poliing in each Congressioana district *nr each state in which a Senator is to be elected. He pointed out that there are 50-odd doubtfbul seats in the House and some 10 in the Senate, about which no data better than guesswork have been published. Because of the lack of accurate polling samples, the other method, which relies upon the fact that there is a rough correspondence between the percentage of votes cast for each party in the country as a whole and tlie nuniber of House seats won by either party has been the basis for Prof. Newcomb's predictions. He es- timated that Republicans will receive about 55% of the total vote cast for Congressmen, or in other words, that they will hold from 230 to 240 ceats in the House, or 12 to 22 more than a majority. "In order to control the Senate, however," Prof. Newcomb contin- ued, "Republicans would have to be victorious in every state regarded as doubtful, and present reports indi- cate that this is most unlikely." In evaluating public opinion polls Prof. Newcomb said that in off-years they are a poor basis for making predictions because figures are not taken from each state and Congres- sional district as they are in a Presi- plained that some such polls have a cratic vote, because not enough sam- pies are taken in the lower strata of society, where there is usually strong Democratic support. Attend 'M' Club Meeting T. Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Michigan Alumni Asso- ciation, left yesterday to attend a meeting of the Twin Cities "M" club before the Michigan-Minnesota game tomorrow. ROTC Officers Get Assigned New Posts Two ROTC officers, Maj. Edwarid Gallagher and Lt . lan. have left. the University on assign- ients to oftwr centei". Maj. Gallagher, s adjutant ai ROTC lhsadquart'rs l ut. fi duty at Fort Sheridan. ll. Lt. Harlan, assistant professor of military science and tactics, has been transferred to the ROTC for Chi- cago high schools. Maj. Woodrow W. Morse will re- place Lt. Harlan as assistant profes- sor of military science and tacti(. A veteran of 40 months overseas, Maj. Morse will arrive here Nov. 15. dential-election year. He further ex- tendency to underrate the Demo- - - --------- ForHoet ELECT JUDGE Impartial Justice J 1Y H. pi Y E WE KNOW by his long and unexcelled record as a judge that he can be depended upon, to. o . . . strictly and fearlessly enforce all laws. Gamblers and racketeers will not flour- ish with him as our Circuit Judge. . . . give every person before the court a square deal. Un-American methods will never be employed. . . . save wayward boys and girls from serious crime by his humane and scientific rehabilitation program. . . . save homes and families from divorc e by his patient and understanding methods to accomplish reconciliations, thus reducingour county's present high divorce rate. . . . preserve every right guaranteed to vet erans by our Government, through his widely acclaimed veterans' legal assistance prog ram. . administer court affairs with dispatch and efficiency, keeping the court docket cleared and its operating costs at a minimum. . . . conduct the affairs of the court entirely without thought of political expediency. asaghandr JUDGE I I A$ 4 %t fo0 PoopiO °*ttr- 2 ' Oato4j , e 12 kl o Ydi Itep 4c$ o$ 1 4 r _0 rp t940 Senior Pictures Senior picture appointments have been reopened. Any senior who still wishes to have his pic- ture taken for the 1947 'Ensian must call the 'Ensian office be- tween 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. today. This, is the last chance to make an appointment. Subscriptions to 'Ensian Will Be Sold Next Week Subscriptions to the 1946 'Ensian will be sold on campus beginning Nov. 8, Florence Kingsbury, editor, an- nounced yesterday. The 'Ensian, which is the official University yearbook, will be published in May. Sales booths will be located on the diagonal, in the engineering arch and in the Student Publications Building. Read and Use The Daily Classified Directory A Neat Solution to your "WHAT-TO-WEAR" 8 A1 e t o t e2 e ' 2?.it t oC e Yo h &" Yse f 'Peat cos t eyed .7 u OZ Be V~~ ~ ~~. e en e2 0 ax aa 2Y / HE HAS EARNED PROMOTION! The Non-partisan Payne for Circuit Judge Committee which prepared and paid for this advertisement at advertising rates, is composed of civic minded citizens of Washtenaw County from all walks of life . . . education, industry, labor, farming, business and the professions. VOTE FOR JAY H. PAYNE ON NOVEMBER 5th Judge Jay H. Payne is an honor graduate of t he University of Michigan Law School. fie received the degree of Juris Doctor for high s cholarship in 1926. After many years of suc- cessful experience in State and Federal Courts, he resigned from the active practice of law to enter upon his present judicial duties. He is a member of the Washtenaw County Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan, the A merican Bar Association and the American 11 1 II