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November 01, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-01

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FUMAY, NO MR 1. 1946



Educators Criticize VA

THE VETERANS Administration came in for
some sharp, constructive criticism at a con-
ference here last week; it now remains to be
seen what improvements the VA will make.
The walls of the Rackham Building reddened
to match the cheeks of the representative from
the Columbus Office of the VA as representa-
tives from seven of the Big Ten schools poured
forth examples of the weaknesses in VA admin-
It is high time that the Washington office of
the VA quit masterminding local administrative
details, according to the University representa-
tives who collectively are responsible for seeing
that over 100,000 former GI's receive educa-
tional benefits.
Perhaps the most forceful illustration of the
impracticability of General Bradley's highly
centralized administration can be found right
Soviet Science
IF A MAN named Zverev has his way, about
one billion dollars will be spent for special
scientific research in Russia this coming year.
It would seem likely that it will be spent, inas-
much as Comrade Zverev is Treasury Secretary
Snyder's Russian opposite number, and the re-
search money idea is a part of his budget pro-
posals for the next Soviet fiscal year. In Zverev's
own words the intention is "the further growth)
of the economic and political might of the So-
viet Union."
This expenditure is significant beyond the
obvious fact that a billion dollars will buy a
lot of uranium. It is a part of the pattern set
by Stalin when he said last February, "It is nec-
essary not only to overtake but to exceed in the
nearest future the achievements of science out-
side the USSR." It means that Russia is set-
ting a goal of scientific self-sufficiency. Quite
apparently the Soviets are unwilling to live un-
der a fissionable sword of Damocles.
One naturally asks, "Are we?" Suppose Rus-
sian scientists, braced by a billion dollar shot
in the arm, -come through with something new
in nuclei. Will we accept their ascendancy
gracefully or will we expand the Manhattan
Project? The question is rhetorical, and the
conclusion unpleasantly apparent.
The atomic bomb race, predicted by several
different political Jeremiahs, is already on. In
fact it bids fair to become an atom bomb-germ
warfare-death ray and God knows what else
Meanwhile Oak Ridge works three shifts a
day and the Supreme Soviet considers spending
an additional several billions for defense. It
looks as if the Brave New World is too scared
to show up.
-Robert Ball

here on campus. The local VA office has been
ordered to call in each of the 11,000 veterans
now in school and have them fill out a question-
aire. Each of the 11,000 veterans, as he receives
an appointment card from the VA will have to
spend time giving the VA information which is
now on file in the office upstairs at theĀ°Univer-
sity Veterans Service Bureau. The only benefit
to be derived from these conferences is the ex-
planation of leave benefits to the 4,000 veterans
who just entered school this fall.
It is not without justification then, that, in a
letter of suggestions sent to the VA central of-
fice, this conference asked that the VA carry out
a study of just what VA corms are actually nec-
essary to properly award educational benefits to
The necessity of the university's "going to the
newspapers" for information regarding the VA
program and policies was another major prob-
lem for which the VA representative had no
answer, nor even a strong hope of a solution.
It is indeed paradoxical that General Brad-
ley, who had the reputation overseas of telling
his subordinates what he wanted and leaving the
technique up to them, is now heading the Vet-
erans Administration, the predominant char-
acteristic of which seems to be a highly cen-
tralized administration which is too GI to work
practically in a civilian environment.
-Tom Walsh

Second Answer'

anywhere in
restriction case
preme Court.

Grady nor I seem to be getting
our argument over the property
now before the California Su-

In an attempt to clarify what has been writ-
ten, let me ask Mr. Grady just one question.
Does he believe that the California Supreme
Court should uphold the use of restrictive cov-
enants which the lower court declared a viola-
tion of the fourteenth amendment?
Everyone knows that I stand against res-
trictive covenants, regardless of whether pro-
perty devaluation might occur. Where, I ask,
does Mr. Grady stand?
If he has merely been pointing out that the
white property owners are more concerned with
property devaluation than with the moral or
constitutional aspects of the case, then I will
agree with him. But if he is using that fact as
an argument to uphold restrictive covenants,
then I will protest strongly.
It is unfortunate that property devaluation
occurs (due more to deep-rooted prejudices than
anything else), but I feel that we should never
under any circumstances deny to any minority
group in our population the rights supposedly
guaranteed by our federal constitution.
-Walt Hoffmann

G. 0. P. Victory
A THING LIKE a Republican victory next
Thursday, foreshadowing a Republican vic-
tory in 1948, could, of course, change the cul-
tural and intellectual life o America. For
there is a kind of American who has not yet
been fully formed, the postwar American; and
what he will think of himself, and what the
world will think of him, depends largely on
how politics goes in this nation. A Republican
victory, which necessarily involves a surrender
of leadership by the great coastal cities, must
affect the way men will think, write, perhaps
even the way they will dance and drink.
Several speculations are possible as to what
the postwar American will be like, should he
happen to be cast in the mold of a Republi-
can victory. He will, of course, be rather
cynical about government, for doubt about
government, and about government action, is
a standard Republican mood. Our bright
young men, instead of pouring wide-eyed into
the government service, into everything from
the late O. W. I. to the Farm Security Admini-
stration, will . . . do what? Go to Paris to
write? One doesn't know, but it seems likely
that our young Hemingways and Fitzgeralds
will take ship again, while those writers who
remainl at home will do so, like the Sinclair
Lewis and the Ring Lardner of the Twenties,
to kid the American scene.
For it is a point that there has been almost
no social satire under Roosevelt, perhaps be-
cause things were changing too fast, and be-
cause the satirist needs a kind of gloomily
static setting in which to make funny.
It was under Republican administrations, in
the Twenties, that our satirists came up, most
of them (surprisingly enough, like Lardner and
Lewis) right out of the heart of the Republican
Middle West. Another school, also important
in the Twenties, and which disappeared under
Roosevelt, was that of certain fictionists who
sounded strangely like the sad geniuses of Czar-
ist Russia, men like Theodore Dreiser and Sher-
wood Anderson. Again, this was essentially a
destructive school; it gave us some fine books,
but the stories in them were of spiritual deso-
lation and moral ache.
In adducing these cultural and psychological
prices to be paid for a conservative shift, one
has, of course, no hope of affecting the elec-
tion; for in these matters we customarily look
only at the top layer of apples before buying
the barrel.
(copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Apathetic Voters
THE observation that five-sixths of the stu-
dent body just doesn't care how its affairs
are run is becoming monotonous. We revise
our figures and repeat it after every election.
But it's still true.
Only 3000 students voted in Tuesday's elec-
tion to determine who would represent them
on the Board which shapes the policies of the
Union, who would conduct their class affairs,
how their student legislators would be chosen,
who would represent them on the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The excuses which people usually give for
not voting don't hold. The ballots were not
"'too long for voters to make an intelligent
choice"-the J-Hop ballot, bearing the, most
names, listed 16 students. The positions were
not of the kind where "it just doesn't make
any difference who gets in"--the posts voted
on Tuesday are just what people make them.
And polls were stationed all over campus.
This time the blame belongs squarely on
the students. Granted that intelligent vot-
ing, not just voting, is the important point,
there's no reason why every one of us could-
n't have been an intelligent voter Tuesday.
The answer, of course, is our overwhelm-
ing, ever present apathy. And this is the
wrong century for apathy.

-Mary Ruth Levy



Cetteri to.(lie 6a91or

City Emplo yes .
To the Editor:
WAS A MEMBER of the Ann Arbor City
Council committee that developed the pension
plan for the city employes to be voted on by
the electorate November 5th. The other mem-
bers of the committee were Aldermen Walter L.
Kurtz, Walter R. Garthe, Mark N. Mayne, and
Ben E. Pryor, all of them men of good business
judgment and whole-heartedly devoted to the
best interests of Ann Arbor and its citizens.
We had the expert advice of Professor Harry
C. Carver, who previously had worked out the
work for other cities and private corporations,
pension plan for the Ann Arbor firemen and po-
lice, and also had done similar highly responsible
for the University of Michigan, and for the
United States government. We further had.
similar expert advice from Mr. A. G. Gabriel,
of Detroit, the actuary for the pension plan of
the State of Michigan. We held numerous ses-
sions with 'all classes and groups of city em-
ployes, to be sure that the plan, whenfinally
developed and adopted, would meet the real
needs of the employes and would have their
The plan as fully proposed and adopted by
the Council for subimission to the voters, has the
approval of the above-named groups, who have
shared in the studies resulting in the proposal
now submitted with our unanimous recommen-
dation for its adoption by the City. Doubtless
the plan is not perfect, but we believe it to be
workable, economical for the City, and for the
employes - in short, just, equitable, and prac-
The city employes need this plan to place
them on an equality with the great body of
workers who have federal social security. Our
firemen and policemen already have a pen-
sion system which will be merged with the
new system for all employes, if adopted.
The City itself needs this plan because with-
out it the City is not on a fair basis of compe-
tition with other employers. Moreover, without
the pension system proposed we will be carry-
ing on and supporting the most expensive pen-
sion plan known. That is, the City will be pay-
ing full salaries and wages to employes who not
only cannot give the service they once could,
but who will slow down the results produced
by the younger persons with whom they work.
From the point of view of humanity for the
faithful worker grown old in the service, and
not from the point of view of the economical
results from the City I hope the voters will vote
"yes" on the pension plan.
-Shirley V. Smith

the glittering generality so effectively used by
the late president "economic royalist." No bet-
ter than these old slogans, in that it also con-
veys the half truth, but without a doubt as
equally effective in its ability to get vote, was
the election call of one John Shockley in the
recent campus election: "Purge the Reds from
The Daily."
Coming hard on the heels of Mr. Shockley's
attack was a letter from one Gaines Davis in
which, through a number of sarcastic allega-
tions, the point was made that The Daily had
as its basic objective the dissemination of left
wing propaganda on the U. of M. campus.
Since the editorial columns of the paper are
open to all members of the staff in order to
express their views, The Daily can do no better
than reflect in its editorials the opinions of
those who are currently on the paper. That in
the past seven years of its existence The Daily
has swung preponderantly to the liberal view is
a matter which is not open to controversy, just
as in the same vein The Daily of the 1920's and
early 30's was considered preponderantly con-
During the three years in which I served
on The Daily editorial staff from 1941 to 1944,
I was a member of the conservative wing and
would be the first to admit that there were
all too few members of the staff who were in
sympathy with my point of view. However,
the fault did not lie in my fellow staff mem-
bers, for to ask them to write and advocate
opinions which they did not believe in would
have been to ask them to make hypocrites
of themselves. The fault does lie with my fel-
low conservatives who have throughout all
the time I have been on campus failed, in any
large degree, to make use of the right open
to every student on campus to go out for The
Daily and make his viewpoint known.
A campus presidential election poll taken by
The Daily in 1944 showed that two out of every
three students supported Dewey as against
Roosevelt. If the ratio of political views ex-
pressed in The Daily are not in accord with this
survey, the fault is not in The Daily but in the
students of the U. of M campus.
The solution of this problem is obviously not
the calling of a group of people "reds" because
you disagree with them, nor alleging that The
Daily is a vehicle for spreading radicalism. The
solution suggests itself.
-Monroe J. Fink, '47L

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 34
L. S. & A. Freshman Five-week
Progress Reports will be given out
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, in the following
order: Fri., Nov. 1, M through S;
Sat., Nov. 2, T through Z.
Students, College of Literature,!
Science and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, cours-
es dropped after Sat., Nov. 2, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will be
recorded with the grade of "E".
Seniors, College of L. S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health: Tentative lists of sen-
iors for February graduation have
been posted on the bulletin board in
Room 4 University Hall. If your
name is misspelled or the degree ex-
pected incorrect, please notify the
Counter Clerk.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Applications
for scholarships for the year, 1947-
48, should be made 'before Nov. 23.
Applicationforms may be obtained
at 1220 Angell Hall and should be
filed at that office.
Senior picture appointments have
been reopened for a limited time. All
seniors who still wish to have their
pictures taken must call the Michi-
ganensian office between 9:00 and
3:00 today. This is the last week
that the photographer will be here,
so seniors must act now if they want
their pictures in the yearbook.
Girls' Cooperative Houses: There
will be five openings in girls' cooper-
ative houses next term. Anyone in-
terested should call Freda Perez, 5974.
West Court Community Building:
Fri., Nov. 1, 8:00 p. -m., Classical
Recordings, Rm. 9. 8:00 p.m., FPHA
Staff Party, Rm. 3.
West Lodge:
Fri., Nov. 1, 8:30 p. m. Students'
Dance with Jerry Edwards and his
Sun., Nov. 3, 6:45 p. m., Official
Football Pictures, Michigan vs. Illi-
A cademic Notices
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Mr. George K. Hess will discuss en-
gineering applications of Finite Dif-
ference Equations at 7:30 tonight in
Rm. 402, W. E. Bldg.
Algebra Seminar at 4:15 today in
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Costello will
continue his talk on Valuation
Biological ChemistryMSeminar will
meet in Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg.,
at 3:00 today. The subject to be dis-

cussed will be "Malignant Tumors
and D-Amino Acide."
Salvatore Baccaloni, Basso Buffo
of the Metropolitan Opera Associa-
tion, will present the second extra
concert program at 8:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Dec. 5, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets
may be procured at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Wood-block prints by Peter Sager,
young Canadian painter and sculp-
tor. Ground-floor corridor of the
College of Architecture and Design.
November 4 to 21.
Events Today
Visitors' Night will be held at the
Angell Hall Observatory from 7:30
to 9:30 tonight. The moon will be
shown if the night is clear. Children
must be accompanied by adults. If
the sky is cloudy, the Observatory
will not be open.
Debaters: All debaters are urged
to attend the Western Reserve-Mich-
igan debate today at the Ann Arbor
High School, 3:30 p.m.
Deutscher Verein Caffe Stunde will
meet today from 3:00 to 5:00 at the
League Coke Bar. Faculty members
Braun, Pott, Striedieck, and Raschen
will act as discussion leaders for the
conversational groups. Anyone in-
terested in German conversation is
invited. He need not be a student
of German nor a member of the
Verein. If you are interested but
cannot remain either of those hours,
leave your name and time preference
so that another group can be ar-
The Methodist Wesleyan Guild has
reserved a block of tickets for the
play, "Both Your Houses." Those
Methodist students who have signed
are held responsible for their reser-
Student Religious Association Cof-
fee Hour 'will be held from 4:30 to
to 6:00 this afternoon in the Lane
Hall Library.
Catholic Students: Today Feast of
All Saints Day, a holy day. Masses
at St. Mary's Chapel at 7:00, 8:00,
9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
The Armenian Students Association
will hold a wiener roast tonight.
Group leaving at 7:30 from 1001 E.
Huron. All students of Armenian
parentage are cordially invited.
Religious Commitee of the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation will meet
at 4:30 today at the Foundation.
Plans for Friday evening services
will be discussed.
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike and supper for Sun., Nov.
3. All graduate students,' faculty
members, and veterans are invited.
Sign up at the check desk in Rack-
ham Bldg. before noon Saturday.
Meet at the Outing Club rooms in
the Rackham Bldg. at 2:30 p.m. Use
the northwest entrance.
University Women Veterans Asso-
ciation: A bunco-bridge party will
be held at 7:00 p.m., Nov. 4, in the
Grand IindRo omu(n t the Michi.
gan Learl '.i:'fc hlml lk t will be
sCaed. All utwr"' \et rari;s ivted.
L eCele I' c i il hold it

Con fusion
HERE is a great deal of talk in
the country to the effect that
President Truman is confused. Such
talk is highly irresponsible. Mr. Tru-
man is not confused. It is only the
people who are confused by what
they read and hear about him.
This confusion among the people
therefore is due, not to Mr. Truman,
but to the failure of the newspapers
and commentators to make clear
what Mr. Truman is really doing or
saying. For instance most people
when they read James Joyce's Finne-
gan's Wake were confused, but their
confusion was dispelled when a book
called A Skeleton Key To Finnegan's
Wake was published. This explained
just what Mr. Joyce had in mind.
Now obviously the nation should
not have to wait, for the publication
of a Skeleton Key to Harry Truman.
Our problems are too pressing and
our need for understanding and non-
confusion, too great. Fortunately we
do not have to wait. Such a book has
already been published. In fact it
is one of the classics of the English
It is only necessary to recall
some of the things that have been
puzzling the American people in
the past few months about the
President to demonstrate the need
to make this classic required read-
ing for the voting public immed-
iately. First thereawas the Wallace
incident. Mr. Wallace, it will be
remembered, got the President's
permission to make a speech in
New York, got the President to en-
dorse his sentiments and got fired
by the President for making the
Then there was the meat situation.
Certain equivorous Republicans
please take note! On September 27,
the President said that he would not
ask for the de-control of meat. He
also said that abandonment of the
price control of meat would add to,
rather than solve, out difficulties.
He backed up his position by saying
that "certainly, the dire predictions
of a meat famine are without basis."
Then there was the celebrated epi-
sode of budget-balancing. Several
weeks ago he announced that he an-
ticipated a balanced budget for the
coming year. After his bosom pal,
the Secretary of the Treasury, John
W. Snyder, no less, expressed some
pained surprise, Mr. Truman said
that he hadn't meant a balanced
budget but a budget in balance.
President Truman was a little
testy about the whole thing, his
position being that, after all, the
clever"reporters of the land ought
to understand that there was a
difference between a balanced
budget and a budget in balance,
especially when a budget in bal-
ance means that the budget won't
balance by some $1,900,000,000.
Now as I have said, it is difficult
to escape the conclusion that Mr.
Truman is confused, and impossible
to escape the fact that the public is
equally confused. However, if each
citizen will only secure a copy of
Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Car-
roll he will have a handy reference
guide to explain the oracularness of
President Truman.
One short passage will show what
I mean.
"Idon't understand," said Alice,
"what you mean by glory' in that
"Of course you don't-till I tell
you," said Humpty Dumpty. "It
meant there's a nice knockdown ar-
gument for you."
"But," said Alice, " glory' doesn't
mean a nice knockdown argument."
"When I use a word,",said Hump-
ty Dumpty, "it means just what I
choose it to mean, no more, no less."
Alice interrupted to say, "The
question is whether you can make
words mean so many different
"The question," said Humpty

Dumpty- "is which is to be mas-
ter-that's all."
(Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..................Sports Editor
Des Howarth...Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.................women's Editor
Lynne Ford.. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills...Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as seconud -cins watl matter.
Subscription dmii' ; tfe regular school
year by Catrier, $.0, by nail, $6.00.
, nncte(d Colferi'ate Press. 1946-47

Current Movies

1 !1
The Walls Came Tunibliug Down (Colum-
bia); Marguerite Chapman, Lee Bowman.
THIS is a whodunit, nicely staged, adequately
acted, and not particularly exceptional. Lee
Bowman plays a columnist, but he might just
as well have been a private detective or psychia-
trist the way Hollywood is leveling the classes
these days. Marguerite Chapman is the girl. She
is pretty. The Bowman-Chapman team are look-
ing for a couple of Bibles and a da Vinci mas-
terpiece. There's some nice bit playing, especial-
ly by George McCready who looks ultra-sancti-
monious as a man of the cloth. It helps if you
come in at the beginning. I didn't.
N * *
Holdover of The Kid From Brooklyn star-
ring Danny Kaye.
-Joan Fiske


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That tiresome column on page three? Second
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