APATHETIC VOTERS See Page 4 Y A6PF 4fitr t A"an tii CLOUDY, COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS VA Requires Two Reports On Earnings Waldrop Clarifies Income Question The confusion in regard to veter- ans reporting of compensation was clarified yesterday by Robert Wal- drop, Director of the Veterans Serv- ice .Bureau. Waldrop explained that veterans enrolled under Public Law 346 (GI Bill) mut fill out two different types of forms for the Veterans Adminis- tration. Must File Form Veterans who received subsistence checks during the month of October must file Form 12B with the Detroit regional office of the VA by Tuesday or subsistence payments will be sus- pended, Waldrop said. Form 12B is a small check-sized blank for re- porting any compensation received during August, September or October. A veteran who received a subsistence check during October, but did not re- ceive Form 12B may obtain a dupli- cate form from the Veterans Service Bureau, Rm. 1516, Rackham, in or- der to make the report on time. Those who did not receive a check during October are not concerned with filing this report of compen- sation, Waldrop said. Second Type The second type, Form 7-1961, is the means of reporting compensation anticipated for the coming period of enrollment, Waldrop stated. This re- port is required of all veterans en- rolled under PL 346 and must be filed within 60 days after entering train- ing under PL 346. These forms were inclosed with the notice of Authori- zation of education or Training Sub- sistance Allowance (large green' form). For those veterans who ap- plied for benefits after Sept. 15, 1946,' Form 7-1961 is sent with the Certifi- cate of Eligibility and Entitlement. Local VA officials have advised the' VSB that subsistence checks for all veterans should arrive during the first two weeks of November, Wal- drop added. ' Chest Drive Short of Quota Deadline Extended Additional Work Donations by University employees to the local Community Chest Drive, Prof. Charles L. Jamison announced yesterday, have reached the $17,000 mark. Despite cooperation shown to vol- unteer solicitors, University dona- tions total only 80% of the expected quota. The entire city of Ann Arbor is $10,000 short of its goal and the University is responsible for $4,000 of that amount. For this reason, the Community Chest Drive, which was to have end- ed yesterday, has been extended until Thursday. The University Drive committee hopes that this extra week will allow time enough to fulfill the desired quota. Almost half of the total amount raised by the University campaign was collected by Dr. Charles L. Fish- er, director of the University Exten- sion Service, in the form of special gifts of $25 or more. The University Community Chest Committee, which includes Prof. Jamison, chairman, his personal as- sistants, his area chairmen and 56 solicitors, has managed to cover every University building during the Drive. Steve Vanderwall, special as- sistant at the business administration school, has been in charge of the dis- tribution and collection of all pledge cards. Although every University em- ployee has been contacted personally, no direct campaign has been conduct- ed to reach each student. Contribu- tions by students may be made in Rm. 204, South Wing, University Hall. SRA Will Support World Service Drive The Committee on Cooperation of the Student Religious Association voted support of the state FEPC drive and the World Student Service Fund campaign, which will take place Nov. 18 to 22, in a meeting UN Decides To Discuss Armament Plan Now By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Oct. 31-The United Nations Assembly in a surprising burst of speed unanimously decided tonight to give Russia's armaments limitation proposals and the Spanish question a thorough airing and cleared the way for consideration of a long list of other problems facing the dele- gates of 51 nations. The Assembly adopted the 56-item agenda presented by the Steering Committee with little debate in a 61-minute session which ended at 4:15 p.m. C.S.T: It thus made up for some of the time lost by the week's speeches in general debate which were completed this morning when the Soviet Ukrain- ian Foreign Minister, Dmitri Manuilsky, unleashed a heated attack on Cuba More Ceilings Removed As OPA Roundup Of World News By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-Secre- tary of State Byrnes made plain to- day that there still is only one way Argentina can establish friendly re- lations with the United States: throw the Nazis out. Byrnes went out his way at a news conference attended by 80-odd re- porters to declare emphatically that he and President Truman have com- plete confidence in assistant Secre- tary of State Spruille Braden, chief architect of this country's firm stand toward Argentina.. S* * FRANKFURT, Germany, Oct. 31 -A military court of 10 U. S. Army colonels convicted Maj. David F. Watson today of conspir- acy and receiving stolen property in the $1,500,000 Hesse family jewel theft and sentenced him to three years imprisonment and dis- missal from the Army. FRANKFURT, Germany, Oct. 31- Two separate appeals by Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's one-time financial wizard, begging American authori- ties to arrange his release from Ger- man imprisonment, have been turned down by Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, dep- uty military governor, and the mili- tarygovernment of Wuerttebrerg- Baden, it was disclosed today. MIAMI, Fla., Oct. 31-Prospects brightened today that the 48 Es- tonian political refugees who sail- ed to this country from Sweden might soon call the land of the stars and stripes home. Thomas B. Shoemaker, deputy commissioner of immigration, told the group in sympathetic terms that deportation had been stayed until another order is issued by Attorney Tom Clark. He said he did not know when it would be forthcoming and added there was no hurry. ROME, Oct. 31-Police seized two suspects tonight for questioning in the timebomb explosion which wrecked a wing of the block-long British embassy earlier today. JERUSALEM, Oct. 31-Leaders of the Palestine Arab Army Futu- wah called for a parade and mass meeting tomorrow in Nablus, 33 miles north of Jerusalem, and many authorities expressed fear it right be an occasion for an Arab eruption against the Jews. The Army leaders declares it was "not a protest" against bombings yesterday in which six Arabs were injured, but other Arab informants declared it was "a show of strength of Arabs on the heels ofthe same sort of demonstration by the Jews." * * * WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-A specia UNRRA mission to Yugoslavia re- ported today "no evidence of wide- spread abuse or discrimination on political or other grounds" in th distribution of international relie supplies by Marshal Tito's govern. ment. Hockey icket Sales Limited The sale of hockey tickets will b limited to students, faculty and ath- letic book holders this year-on a first come, first served basis. Hack Coplin, chairman of the Stu dent Legislature's athletic commit tee, said yesterday that a rationin system drawn up by his committe had been turned down by Andrev Baker. director of inter-collegiate athletics ticket sales, on the grounds that it was unfeasible at this time. Baker said, however, that only mem. bers of the above group would bi permitted to purchase tickets. Tickets will be placed on sale at 5 n m. n came davs rand Australia for advocating changes in the veto system. The time that the Soviet arms plan and Spain will be taken up re- mains indefinite but it is expeted that the Assembly's Political Commit- tee, to which they were referred, will lose ittle time in sending them to the floor. There was a brief flurry after the agenda was adopted. Australa's N. J. O. Makin proposed that items should be referred to committee only after debate in the Assembly. The Assembly President, Paul-Henri Spaak, and Philip Noel-Baker, of' Britain, objected it would take too much time and Makin withdrew his1 motion on Spaak's urging. An expected floor fight between South Africa and India on the floor over India's complaint that South Africa is mistreating Indian Na- tionals failed to develop when Spaak announced both sides had agreed that the dispute should go to the po- litical and legal committees for ac- tion. The Assembly took its first vote when Cuba, objecting to its veto pro- posals going to Political Commit- tee alone, suggested that it be as- signed to the Political and Legal committees. * * Armas Limitation Requires Trust -Prof. Slosson Security, based on mutual trust, must precede world-wide arms limi-1 tation Prof, Preston W. Slosson of the history department, said yester- day. * Mere limitation of armaments re- sults in the reduction of the average citizen's tax burden and temporarily allays fear, but, in the final analysis of history, it does not produce perma- nent peace, he said. Prof. Slosson believes that an in- ternational armed force, controlled by the UN, must be provided by all nations and a system of international inspection of national military re- sourcesncreated, before world dis- armament is attempted. 1 Commenting on the proposal that the United States destroy existing atomic bombs, advanced by Vyache- 'slav Molotov, Rusian Foreign Minis- ter, Prof. Slosson stated that America should retain them, at least until the second condition is met. "When an effective system of in- terational inspection is' finally in- augurated, I would favor the contri- bution of all American atomicnweap- ons to the UN," he declared. Prof. Slosson advocates fulfill- ment of the UN Charter provision calling for a gradually increasing in- ternational armed force which would discourage future aggression. S* * Churchill Supports Austin in Arms Plea 11 LONDON, Oct. 31-(P)-Winston - Churchill, taking a stand similar and - to that of former Senator Warren R. i Austin, urged today that the United e Nations ascertain the full facts of f world armaments by "an interchange - of actual military facts supported by adequate reciprocal inspection" among all nations, Yesterday Austin, head of the U. S. delegation to the United Nations, en- dorsed disarmament proposals made by Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov but added that "effective safeguards by way of inspection and other means" should be incorporated into any world disarmament plan. Orders Coal Op Vacation Issue Settlement Is Basis for Attack Accuse Adninistration Of Giving in to Lewis By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-Soft coal operators tonight accused the ad- ministration of abdicating "to the demands of a wilful labor leader" on the eve of John L. Lewis' new con- tract talks with government officials. Wrath Aroused While Lewis mustered statistics to bolster his arguments for higher pay for his United Mine Workers, the operators' wrath was aroused by a government settlement in favor of the miners on the vacation issue of the present contract. John D. Battle, executive secretary of the National Coal Association, termed the vacation ruling "unwar- ranted; wholly illegal and further evidence of the abdication of the ad- ministration to the demands of a wilful labor leader." Power Uncontrollable Battle said in a statement this la- bor leader's power had been built up by the administration to a point "which it would appear it is now un- able or unwilling to control." The vacation order which Battle described was one by Capt. N. H. Colisson, coal mines administrator. It had that vacation pay benefits were not limited to those who have been on the payroll only since the government took over the mines last spring, but could be allowed on a pro-rata basis tou miners who had worked earlier months. Lewis had demanded that this be granted, saying that otherwise min- ers entitled to a share of the $100 yearly vacation payment would get nothing. Vacation Bonus ',The effect of this order," com- mented Battle, "is to require the mine owners to pay a so-called vaca- tion bonus to persons who are not. now in their employ and who have never been an their employ since the mines came into possession of the government." Battle said it is not a matter of in- terpreting the government contract with Lewis, "or what some arbitrator decided." The coal mine owners are on the sidelines as far as tomorrow's gov- ernment-UMW talks are concerned, but they are watching developments closely. Struggle Over Treaty Foreseen WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-(P) - Secretary of State Byrnes today pic- tured the road to Allied agreement on a peace treaty for Germany as long and rocky. For a start, he told a news con- ference, he is summoning top Ameri- can occupation officials in Germany home for consultations. These talks will precede a New York meeting in which the Big Four foreign ministers take up the German treaty question. Lt. General Lucious D. Clay, dep- uty American Military governor in Germany, and his political adviser, Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, have been asked to join Byrnes in New York about Nov. 10, Byrnes said. He added it was his best guess that the foreign ministers would not take up the German question until about Nov. 20. erators Hit Governmen Lids Taken Off Apparel, Steel, a omy Other Products Regional, Rent Offices To continue Operation By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-The OPA tonight ordered its 1,642 local boards to close up shop Nov. 4 and, pushing on with decontrol, took ceilings off hats, handbags, neckties and some other apparel, Silver Decontrolled Clothing removed from ceilings represented ten per cent of the total, on a dollar basis. Other items decon- trolled included silver, steel tubing and alloy steel, household scouring powders, and iron ore that is shipped after next Jan. 1. The clothing action, coming after the decontrol of shoes, was followed by a statement from the National Federation of Apparel Associations demanding that controls on all cloth- ing be removed and saying that it is "time to quit messing up the economy for the sake of politics." Inequities Exist Leo F. Gentner, general manager of ee, manager of a the Association and former OPA offi- ed icebox holding cial, said that decontrol is '"being omers. After they made effective through pressure and price of the meal. not because of statistical facts or with the system data." Because of "inequities that now exist," he added, "the consumer would be far better off financially" if all controls were lifted. Theclosing of0the local boards, manned by 10,000 paid employes and 43,000 volunteers, means that the little work left for them to do udents will be shifted to the 61 OPA regional offices and the 650 area rent control offices. The 10,000 paid employees- ?d to the Dean of some supervicors and 8,613 clerks- ;iplinary action by will be dismissed. identification was Legal Basis de owner's knowl- A legal basis for continued price ded not to take the controls on sugar, syrups, molasses chief of detectives, and rice - the only foods still con- the future a tough trolled-was provided by the agri- topted bytlo al po culture department during the day. It ted out that under reported these items still scarce in linance 122, persons issuing the monthly list of farm mpting to use false commodities in short supply as re- n or allowing ano- quired by the Price Control Act. personal identifica- alcoholic beverages Wallace Asks days imprisonment,ac is the first violation SrFull Local Boards To Close; STEAKS AT YOUR OWN PRICE - E. 10. S. Mag steak shop in Clinton, Ia., stands before a well stock two of the steaks he will cook to order for his custc have been eaten, the customers will determine the p Magee says he is trying to set up a fair price schedule LIQUOR VIOLATIONS: Police Crack Down on Falsification by U' Stj Cracking down on student prac- tices of age misrepresentation at lo- cal taverns, Ann Arbor police today warned violators of possible fine and imprisonment for conviction on this count. A woman rtudent who is alleged to have used another student's identi- fication in a downtown tavern, was Faculty, Staff Influenza Shots To Start Today Today and tomorow morning have been set aside in the influenza im- munization program for the inocula- tion of 4,500 University faculty mem- bers and personnel. Faculty members may report to Waterman Gymnasium at any time convenient to them and personnel will report according to schedules set up in their individual offices. Approximately one-half of the stu- dent body had been inoculated by the time the vaccinating station closed last night. Dr. Margaret Bell, direc- tor of tne program, said that Health Service may be able to take care of requests after the program is com- pleted but that there will probably be some charge. Students who were unable to report for inoculation at their scheduled times may be vacci- nated either today or tomorrow. The vaccinating stations will be open from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 6 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. to noon to- morrow. Persons who have received only partial dosage of the vaccine because of allergies will be taken care of later at Health Service. yesterday referre Women for disc police. Since the used without th edge, police deci case into court. Sgt. Al Heusel, warned that int policy will be ad ice. It was point Sec. 4 of city ord convicted of atte age identification ther to use hisl tion to obtain< are liable to 90 $100 fine, or both Although thisi reported to ponice during te v-ai semester, the practice of age falsi- fying is known to be widespread among the student population, ace- cording to Sgt. Heusel. Frequent checks of local taverns will be made by police and state liquor control officers, he added. Heuselhurged eligible students to obtain Michigan Liquor Identifica- tion cards to avoid embarrassment. He pointed out that tavern operat- crs are only protecting their own in- terests by checking students' ages, since the law provides that a tavern operator may be fined and suffer the loss of his license for serving alco- holic beverages to minors. 'Aunt' Ruth, "Nephews To Meet Today At 3 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- ture Hall, hundreds of Michigan vet- erans will finally meet the lady who did so much for their morale during the war years. The lady, of course, is "Aunt" Ruth Buchanan, and the occasion is the first meeting of the reunion of all her 2,500 "nephews." Registration of the "nephews," will begin at 2 p.m. in the Rackham Building and will continue until the opening of the meeting at 3 p.m. Speakers at today's program will be Lt. Donald D. Nelson, USNR, and Rev. John Harris Burt, director of student work at St. Andrew's Episco- pal Church here. Lt. Nelson, who will Declares U.S., Soviets Must Have Agreement MADISON, Wis., Oct. 31-(')- -Former Secretary of Commerce Hen- ry A. Wallace declared in an address prepared for delivery tonight that the "first prerequisite for the truly abundant post-war life to which our modern atomic technology entitles us is a frank agreement between the United States and Russia." "At the present time," Wallace told a meeting of the Wisconsin As- sociation of Cooperatives, "both countries have plenty of reason to be suspicious of each other. Both are spending huge sums on new types of warfare involving guided missiles, atomic energy, bacteria and poisons. Both are vigorously engaged in pro- pagandizing and proselytizing for their brand of civilization outside of their own boundaries." Mutual suspicion, the former vice- president declared, has grown to a point which threatens the peace and standard of living of every man, wo- man and child in the world. "There are plenty of things I don't like about the Russians," he added "But there are just as many things I don't like about our own attitude, and I know that we cannot have that mutual disarmament provided for in the United Nations Charter until the United States and Russia speak to each other with complete frankness." Bigger Air Shows Seen for Next Year Bigger and htter nre-game Navv POST MORTEM COMMENTS: Campus Split on Late Permissions By EUNICE MINTZ and MARY RUTH LEVY "I'm glad the late hour proposal was turned down, because my League House contract would be been can- celled if it had gone through." when housing facilities become more adequate, Peggy Berris, '49, said. In this same vein, Harriet Fried- man, '49, commented: "maybe a bet- ter plan for later permissions on week-ends will go through when there cal twins, said they approved of later hours on weekends but not on week nights. "We need our beauty sleep," the twins said. "But, they added, "we wouldn't object to later hour on week-ends.