PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ;'1, 1916 . .. ........1 I.r ./ BILL MAULDIN ALL or NOTHING MUSIC Copr. 1446 by' Unted Feature Syndicate, Inc. Trn Re. U S.Pat, Off.-Al rghts reserved VYASCHLEFF MOLOTOV'S address yesterday was without any question the most impor- tant and pregnant speech ever given before the United Nations, one which should put a damper upon the myth creators of Soviet Ex- pansionism. After a lengthy indictment of the economic Imperialists, he made a specific, prac- tical proposal for world dis-armament. Naturally, his words were unhappily received by the war-mongers in our country. Some of his critics say that he destroyed the wonderful conciliatory attitude which prevailed at the opening session. These are the men who fear the truth; they want no open, frank discussion if it means hurting special interests.-On the other hand, the people who are anxious for peace, welcomed his direct statements as "con- structive." The broad masses of people in this country have been waiting for some concrete proposals for dis-armament. This was the first honest effort of any member of the Big Four to really get down to business. Molotov's criticism of the Baruch plan for Atomic Control was indeed valid. Every pro- gressive within the United States has had criticism of the policy, whether it is govern- ment sanctioned or not. Baruch insists that the United States retain her already existing spply of the bomb while continuing its manufacture, while all other nations submit to International investigation. Only when the United States is satisfied with Interna- tional Controls will she cease manufacturing the bomb.-Is it not fair for the Soviets to ask what happens in the meantime? The Soviet plan calls for an immediate adop- tion of an International Treatry abolishing the bomb as a weapon for war. Once it is agreed that the bomb will be outlawed, then can the method be found under this International Au- thority for elimination .of its manufacture.- Molotov recognizes that there is not a clear line of demarcation between those who want the bomb as a war weapon and those who- wish to abolish it. He asks for further open discus- Molotov SOVIET Foreign Minister Molotov addressed the United Nations Assembly Tuesday, call- ing for disarmament, control of the atomic bomb including abolition of existing atomic weapons, control of the atomic bomb including abolition of existing atomic weapons, and for an accounting of all troops of the Allied nations in non-enemy alien countries. Molotov also en- . umerated what he considers the chief failures of the Security Council, and reiterated Russia's in- sistence on retaining the veto power as basic to international accord. In the course of his speech, Molotov assailed the philosophy he finds behind the, United States' position regarding control of atomic energy. Emphasizing the need to destroy exist- ing atomic military resources (which the United States has so far refused), he termed this "grim philosophy" suggestive of "pro- found distrust in the peaceful methods of fur- ther development of one's own country" and of some "pessimistic lack of confidence in one's own strength inasmuch as the prospect of peaceful competition between states and social systems are concerned.", Reports of the speech were of course top news' all over the world. And in handling the story, such politically divergent papers as the New York Herald Tribune, the Detroit Free Press and The Daily emphasized the points in the first paragraph above. It is shocking, therefore, to read the.venerable New York Times on the subject. Ironically enough the Times seems to show the very "pro- found distruts" Molotov is deploring. According IT SO HAPPENS 0 Anything for Halloween Sacrificed to Science PSYCHOLOGISTS are carrying their experi- mental work to the extreme these days. One Psychology3 31 section was subjected to a 15 min- ute tirade on the poor results of their last test, which only two people had passed. After the students had their pencils all poised for another test, the professor laughed and said it was all a joke. He was studying their facial expressions. Hammurabi's Code THERE'S COMMOTION aplenty in those us- ually restrictive sidearm benches in our third floor Angell Hall class this week. By the time we get up there, we're usually not very good natured anyway; and we guess the rest of the class must feel the same way, because we've observed the following mute ex- changes: 1. Neighbor Left jabs a newly innoculated and very tender arm. 2. Victim draws himself up, contemplates briefly, and crosses the very next "t' with tre- mentous vigor, jarring the equally sore arm of Neighbor Right. 3. Neighbor Right, too, has an attack of spleen; and finding his assailant's ailing member out of reach, operates on the puffy red target to HIS right. So on down the line, ten pin style. Eye for an eye ethics may not dovetail too neatly with academic protocol, but there's noth- ing like a breath of old Babylon to liven up the stuffy classroom atmosphere. sion within the UN in order that a unanimously agreed to solution might be adopted. Mr. Baruch still refuses to accept an Inter- national Treaty unless the veto power is ex- cluded from any atomic questions. He asks, in' other words, that the Soviet Union accept majority decisions regarding control.-It is ob- vious that such a solution destroys big power unity and acts only in favor of the Anglo-Amer- icans. It is Mr. Baruch who is being recalci- trant. Other members of the Atomic Control Commission are willing and anxious to find a solution acceptable to both nations, provided there are teeth in it. In his'indictment of the economic imperialist, Mr. Molotov covered the whole gamut of Inter- national relations. He spared no criticism of the failure of making the Trustee system an actuality. He made special mention of Church- ill as one of the leaders in the movement to sow dissension between the east and the west. He asked that the United Nations carry out the original Soviet sponsored proposal that the number of troops held in all nations which were not enemies of the allies during the war be pub- lished. He asked that the World Federation Of Trade Unions representing some seventy million working people be given greater hearing on the Social and Economic Council. He reiterated throughout his speech the necessity for greater unity between the big-powers, without which the peace organization could not last. This is the first time since the UN was inaugurated that a Big-Four leader has spok- en without restraint. This is the first time that a concrete plan of action has been placed before the people of the world, which includes an immediate proposal for dis-armament. Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Vandenberg have been given a "real" peace proposal. They can no longer plead Soviet intransigence. Mr. Molotov has opened the way for free and frank discus- sions pertaining to peace; and, above all, he has sincerely pleaded for unanimity, without which all discussions become hopeless. -E. E. Ellis A ddress to the Times' first paragraph on the story, Molo- tov . . . "rejected categorically the United States plan for international atomic control . . ." in their eight-column headline, Molotov "SCORNS U.S. PLAN." Eight columns of the three line headline are given to Molotov "DENOUNCES BARUCH AS EXPANSIONIST LEADER." The Soviet Foreign Minister had used a recent Bar- uch statement as an example of anti-Russian "grim philosophy."- The Times' biased handling of the Molotov speech is made explicit when the "color" story it used to indicate "reactions" to the speech are compared with a similar story in the conserva- tive Herald Tribune. The Times finds "Delegates Upset by Speech, See Marxist Fear of Clash." The Tribune played up remarks of Warren Aus- tin, leader of the U.S. delegation to the Assem- bly. " 'Smart and Tough' says Austin, Liking Parts of Molotov Speech." According to the Associated Press report in The Daily, Molotov attemped to secure immed- iate discussion of disarmament proposals, yet The Times "notes" that his proposals include no "offer of inspection to make the disarma- ment plan effective." Certainly if the "pessimistic lack of confi- dence with which the New York Times greet- ed the Molotov speech had been characteris- tic of the general reception, the news today would be as chilly as The Times itself. It is regrettable that the nation's leading pa- per (now flown to the hinterland every morn- ing) can not extend its austere non-partisan coverage of such relatively insignificant mat- ters as New York State gubernatorial elections to proceedings of the United Nations. -Milt Freudenheim EUGENE ISTOMIN made his Ann Arbor de- but in a piano recital last night at Hill Audi- torium. There may be some discussion about Mr. Iso- min's technical ability, but nobody will accuse him for an instant of being inspired. That he played with authority, no one will deny: a little too much authority. He played loudly, rapidly and with an extremely brittle touch. Mr. Istomin was at his best in the Beethoven variations which were well suited to his un- limited reserve of power. Further pyrotechnics were unloosed in the gaudy Chopin grande polonaise brillante. But he was distinctly uncomfortable in the Schubert sonata, almost pedestrian in the Bach numbers and quite dead on the Brahms inter- mezzo. I don't think it was because Mr. Istomin is unable to play otherwise; I think he likes to play that way. Perhaps that gives a note of hope to the entire proceedings. Much of it might be attributed to his youthful vigor and vitality. -Harry Levine cCettp Metth e6cltor Progressive Views To the Editor: IN REPLY to the querulous Mr. Davis, let me say that it is a pleasure to read sincere, un- diluted opinions if only in a college daily. If the honest, considered opinions of The Daily writers happen to result in liberal, progressive views Mr. Davis must respect them even if he disagrees. If he is so intent on seeing the other side of the picture he has only to read any of the 99% of the unbiased, impartial, honest U. S. papers, which range from conservative to re- actionary. I have a dark suspicion that his judgment of 'the New Republic is based on the scrupulously thorough perusal of no less than three editions. And I have a still darker and more gruesome suspicion as to whom his personal choice would be as an opposition columnist to Samuel Graf- ton.' -Eli G. Schleifs S* * * Public Address System To the Editor: O MR. DAWSON'S letter in yesterday's Daily should be added the story of that lecture in the Rackham Amphitheater two years ago in the midst of which the Custodian brought in various pieces of a public address system and laid them at the feet of the distinguished guest- speaker. I was present, and so I know that the University does possess a public address system; and a speaker of course can use it if he knows how to put it together and make it work. This is a considerable advance over the situation three summers ago when a lecturer in the Natural Science Auditorium paced back and forth shout- ing like a lighthouse keeper to a tender in the fog. I heard what he said, but what he said was not what he wanted to say; he said what he thought would carry. As his successor in the series I had to provide my own public address system. The public address system recently em- ployed seems to have been a booby trap. -W. H. Worrell * * * Anti-Communismi To the Editor: IT IS unfortunate that Walt Hoffman has chosen to misunderstand a recent letter to the Editor regarding Communists in liberal organi- zations. By a trick of pseudo-logic he deduces: 1. That Mr. Tomkins is anti-communist. 2. That the Hearst press. is anti-communist. Ergo; the Hearst press and Mr. Tomkins are in complete accord. By this same reasoning we can say: monkeys have tails, therefore anything with a tail is a monkey. Hence we have the corollary used by communists, stating that all reactionaries are anti-communists. Derivation- if you are an anti-communist, you are a reac- tionary. Q.E.D. It is also unfortunate that he chose to pass over, in typical Ciceroian "praeteritio" the ex- treme perfection in allegory of a Ciceroian quo- tation. In this analogy, Catiline, who, as a member of the Senate and by its statutes entitled to free- dom of speech and all other adjunctive freedoms, has used his position and prerogatives to con- spire to overthrow the Senate and all its tradi- tions, and to purge the senators. Unbridled and audacious, he even planned to murder Cicero. The plan was well known to Cicero for a long time before its proposed hour of execution, but thinking this merely a tempest in the teapot, and quite innocuous, he let the revolutionary go un- challenged. When he found his own name on the list of those proscribed ad mortem, he held forth his renowned exposition. Is it liberal to wait till the last moment, until the proscription, to take action? O Tempora, 0 Mores! -Richard 0. Crystal DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 33 Notices Attention All University Teaching Staff: Would appreciate your an- nouncing to all your classes the fact that the Health Service is vaccinat- ing, without charge and voluntarily, all students against influenza. This virus vaccine is supposed to give 100 per cent protection against influenza. This will be done in Waterman Gym- nasium according to the following schedule: Thurs., Oct. 31, 8:00 to noon, Ru through To, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m., Tr through Z. If for any reason students cannot report with their groups, they may be vaccinated from 8:00 to noon and from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Fri., Nov. 1, or at any time when the lines are not crowded. -University Health Service L. S. & A. Freshman Five-week Progress Reports will be given out in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall, in the following order: Thurs., Oct. 31, G through L; Fri., Nov. 1, M through S; Sat., Nov. 2, T through Z. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, cours- es dropped after Sat., Nov. 2, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of "E". Mentor Reports, College of Engin- eering: Five-week grades for all Freshman Engineers are due in Dean Crawford's Office on Nov. 2. Report blanks will be furnished through department secretaries, or by campus mail direct to instructors. Bus Schedule: Beginning Nov. 1, one schedule will be added at 12:15 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights from Ann Arbor to Willow Run Vil- lage and will be maintained for two weeks to see if it is actually needed. Women's Housing Applications for the Spring Semester, 1947: 1. Women students now living in dormitories are reminded that their present contracts extend through the spring semester, 1947. Requests for release will be considered by the Of- fice of the Dean of Women only until Jan. 10, 1947. 2. Women students wishing to re- main in the same League Houses they now occupy may request the house- mothers for spring contracts imme- diately. Women students now living in League Houses who wish to move to other League Houses for the spring semester may secure application Forms from the Office of the Dean of Women beginning Nov. 1, 1946. Between Nov. 1 and 15, those appli- cants will be referred to the first va- -ancies available for the sprihg se- mester. 4. New women students not now on campus admitted to the University for the spring semester will be givn the opportunity to apply for housing through the Office of the Dean of Women, beginning Nov. 15, 1946. Job Registration material may be obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, during office hours(9:00 to 12:00and 2:00 to 4:00) on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday and Tues- day of next week. This applies to February, June and August gradu- ates, also to graduate students or staff members whowish to register and who will be available for posi- tions within the next year. The Bu- reau has two placement divisions: Teacher Placement and General Placement. The General Division in- cludes service to people seeking po- sitions in business, industry and pro- fessions other than education. It is important to register NOW because employers are already asking for February and June graduates. There is no fee for registration at this time. WILLOW RUN VILLAGE West Court Community Building: Thurs., Oct. 31, 2:00 p.m., Open class in Prenatal Care. Speaker, Miss Fisher. Discussion of personal hy- giene with emphasis on nutrition needs of the mother. 8:00 p. m., Ex- tension Class in Psychology. Stu- dents still accepted for enrollment. 8:00 p. m. Bridge session for every- body. Fri., Nov. 1, 8:00 p. m., Classical Recordings, Rm. 9. 8:00 p.m., FPHA Staff Party, Rm. 3. West Lodge: Fri., Nov. 1, 8:30 p. m., Students' Dance with Jerry Edwards and his orchestra. Sun., Nov. 3, 6:45 p. m., Official Football Pictures, Michigan vs. Illi- nois. Lecture Dr. Erwin Panofsky, Professor of history of art in the Institute for Ad- vanced Studies, Princeton. N.J., will lecture on Wed., Nov 6, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. His subject will be "Et in Arcadia Ego." The public is cordial- ly invited. The Mayo Lecture: Dr. John M. Waugh of the Mayo Clinic will give the annual Mayo Lecture Nov. 13, in the main amphitheater of University Hospital at 8:00 p.m. His subject is "Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid with Special Reference toResection with Preservation of the Sphinc- ters." Medical students, faculty, and anyone interested may attend. Academic Notices The preliminary doctoral examina- tion in Physical Chemistry will be held Nov. 1. Algebra Seminar at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov 1, in 3201 AngellHall. Mr. Cos- tello will continue his talk on Val- uation Theory. Mathematics Seminar on Stochas- tic Processes 'will meet at 3:00 today in 3018 Angell Hall. The, purpose of the meeting is to organie the sem- inar and review the literature. Concerts Salvatore Baccaloni Basso Buffo of the Metropolitan Opera Associa- tion, will present the second extra concert program at 8:30 p.m., Thurs. Dec. 5, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets ",ai ha - .ir a Qf"f} a n ,- ac o / 3 /i\ The wise men bring their gifts. Events Today Sigma Xi: The Michigan Chapter of Sigma Xi holds its first meeting' this evening at 8:00 in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer will speak on the topic, "Technical Aspects of the Bikini Bomb Experiment." Following the lecture, refreshments will be served. The public is cordially invited. A Social Seminar for Institute of Public Administration Students is be- ing held at 7:30 tonight in the W. Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Mr. John Huss, director of the Michigan Municipal League, will speak on "Leagues of Municipalities and Their Work." Prof. Jose R. Ortiz, of Puerto Rico, will speak on the subject, "La Poesia negroide en las Antillas," at 8:00 to- night in Rmn. D of Alumni Memorial Hall; presented by Sociedad Hispan- ica. Members of Sociedad Hispanica will be admitted free. A.I.Ch.E.: The Student branch of the A.I.Ch.E. will meet in Rm. 348, W. Engineering Bldg, at 7:30 tonight. Two films on plastics will be shown: "The Formica Story," and "The Shape of Things to Come,"with com- ments by Prof. McCready. Included in the business of the meeting are the plant trip schedules, the Philadelphia Convention, and in- formation on the purchase of A.I. Ch.E. pins and keys. All Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineers are invited to attend. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert sponsored by the Graduate School will include Haydn's Quartet in D Major, Bach's Goldberg Variations, and Dvorak's Slavonic Dances. All graduate students are cordially invited. The Graduate Outing Club is spon- soring a class in square-dancing at 8:00 tonight in the Women's Ath- letic Bldg. A small fee will be charged. The Kappa Nu Fraternity will hold a regular meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. S.R.A. departmental meetings are scheduled for 7:30 tonight in Lane Hall. Committee on Cooperation will meet at 8:00 tonight in Lane Hall. -International Center: Those at- tending the International Center Halloween Party tonight at 7:30 are requested to wear costumes or old clothes. The Modern Poetry Club will meet at 7:15 tonight in Rm. 323 Michigan Unioh. Sonnets of Stephen Spender, Hart Crane and E. E. Cummings will be discussed. The Inter-Faith Seminar Comit- tee will meet at 7:30 tonight at Lane Hall. Final plans for the seminar will be made and publicity will be released. If unable to attend, con- tact Allene Golinkin, 2-4471. MYDA meeting at 4:00 today in the Union. A movie on the recent student strike in Argentina will be shown. Coming Events Visitors' Night will be held at the Angell Hall Observatory Fri., Nov. 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The moon will be shown if the night is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. If the sky is cloudy, the Ob- servatory will not be open. Students, faculty, and members of the Michigan Academy of Science are cordially invited to the educa- tional portion of the Convention of the Michigan Junior Academy of of Science, at.2:00 p.m., Nov. 2, Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Technicol- or movies and a liquid air demon- stration will be presented. The busi- (Continued on Page 6) DRAMA P LAY Production last night staged "Both Your Houses," Mr. Maxwell Anderson's somewhat vague interpretation of the early 30's. "Both Your Houses," we're told, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1933-a notoriously tough year for almost everyone. Despite the quality of the opus, a group of new faces in the Speech Department kept the audi- ence interested throughout. Charles Benjamin, fresh out of the Marine Corps, proved to be a competent if not at times .stirring protagonist, playing Allan McClean. John Babington, was outstanding as Solomon Fitzmaurice, as was Beth Laikin, who portrayed the wily secretary, Bus. Richard Stewart did admirably with the most difficult character in the play, Simeon Gray. Al- bert Mellen, and Strother Martin added good supporting roles, while Nancy Webb displayed an interesting walk. Credit director William P. Halstead for taking Mr. Anderson's footlight politicians and making them look and sound real. -Robert Goldman 1 F Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under thesauthor- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz................ Associate Editor Paul Harsha............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Des Howarth........Associate Sports Edtor Jack Martin.........Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk............... Women's Editor Lynne Ford...... Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter........Business Manager Evelyn Mills...Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other.matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5,00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY I I was thinking of writing a few lines to each member of the School Board ... Expressing my ro~ean n ..#i i : a ...t r # n a n# {st n n e yv.. Thenrecalling that your r o father is a member of the / nn-- i: ca....L .m. aCrv f Unfortunately, I have a date a! the Little Men's Chowder and Marching Society- :.. n-. n f 3 n. rb wih nt r.,.. fhpr fl Ii