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October 30, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-30

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THE MICRV5. I =AN £5 J.i...~.D A .34

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AVC To Present Record Dance
Tomorrow in League Ballroom

Earn Awards
Thirty-one independent women
were honored at Assembly's annual
Recognition Night yesterday, and four
coeds were tapped for membership in
Senior Society.
Activity awards were preen ted to
the following Ior outstanding extra-
curricula wt k duing the past yea:
Seniors: Franes Paine, Mosuer; ad
Betty Lou Bidwcll, Betsy Barbour.
Juniors: Phyllis Kaye, Stockwell;
and Patricia Brener, MoI or. Soph-
mores: Joan Bulln, 518 South Di-
vi2ion; ai Linnea J'Ihia, Betsy Br-u
Senior Women Honored
Honorable mention for activity
records were given to seniors: Renee
Lichenstein, 1412 Cambridge; Mary
Battle, Martha Cook; Jane Lamnuert
Michigan League Dormitory; Ann
Wallerstein, Helen Newberry; and
Harriet Risk, Martha Cook.
Juniors are Catheline Corson,
Mosher; Carol Lieberman, Mart a
Cook; Mary Ruth Levy, Mosher; Bet-
ty Hahnernan, Betsy Barbour; dnd
Barbara Hitelcock, Betsy Barbou r.
Sophomores: Norma Swinney, Mieli -
gan League Dorritory, and Helen
Gould, Michigan League Dormitory.
Scholarship Awards.
Awards for outtanding scholar-
ship were prent edto seniors: Helen
Perry, Martha Cook; Barbara Haas,
Helen Newberry; and Marjorie Van
Eenam, Helen Newberry. Juniors
were: Gretel Schinnerer, Martha
Cook; and Shirley Schwartz, Stock-
well. Sophomores: Nancy Ringland,
Mosher; Joyce Gendzwell, Stockwell;
and Betty Ann Leemon, Stockwell.
Senior Society tapped for member-
ship the following: Jeanne Clare,
Martha Cook; Joan Fiske, Stockwell;
Janice Carter, Martha Cook; and
Frances Paine, Mosher.
WAA Hockey Club
To Hold Meetings
On Palmer Field
The WAA Hockey Club plays at
4:45 p.m. each Tuesday and Thurs-.
day on Palmer Field.
Hockey activities are open to both
beginners and experienced players.
At the beginning of each meeting,
practice periods are held in which
drill in strokes and technique is em-
phasized. Under the coaching of Miss
Mildred Anderson, members gain
skill in hockey form.
The major part of each meeting is
devoted to team play, where each
woman receives the opportunity to
cooperate with others in attacks and
defensive play. Twenty-three women
make up the present membership of
the Hockey Club, and places are still
open for those interested.
Special features of the hockey sea-
son include challenge games with
University High School and Ypsilanti
Normal. The University High game
will be played at 5 p.m. tomorrow on
Palmer Field. Highligited by the tra-
ditional rivalry between teams, the
tilt will test the results of several
weeks' preparation.
Dues of fifty cents per person are
charged by the Hockey Club, to cover
the cost of refreshments after the
challenge games. The club also holds
an allied membership In the United
States Field Hockey Association, and
has planned movies on offensive
and defensive play to be shown later
in the fall.
Usually regarded as a rough and
tumble sport, field hockey has yield-
ed a minimum of injuries this year.
One dislocated knee, suffered during
the first week of practice, has proved
to be the only casualty thus far.

Hockey Club play continues as long as
weather perima_:is, usually until e-
cember L
Putting Tourney
The r of , Li WAA putting
tournament in golf were ties for the
two prizes awarded.
Joan Crichal and Jan Pease came
out even in low score for putting,
while both Judy Diggs and Nancy
Sayre managed to increase their
scores ten points, thereby receiving
the improvement prize.
The Golf Club is still open to any-
one interested, and lessons, under the
direction of Mrs. Hanley, start in
three weeks. Coeds interested in
club activities may call Betsy Moore
at 4879.
F _

OED AIDE-Barbara Laurn, a student valunteer at University Ilospi-
tal, entertains Mlichael M and Na iey N inley While Uw' nu Sre
lat e their ilnch.
u t S ,
Stuent Sgn T"o Wore As Aides
For Various Duties at U Hospital

Eig ty-five student volunteers have
signed up to work as Hospital Aides
according to Olive Chernow, chair-
man of the Hospital Service Commit-
The tasks of these coeds is varied,
and each volunteer is bound by the
same rules and regulations as a sal-
aried professional worker. Special
uniforms are worn and rules of pro-
fessional ethics must be adhered to
by these aides.
Upon conclusion of 100 hours'
servicb in the hospital a pin is award-
ed, and after 200 hours a strip is
added to the uniform jackets.
Volunteers may work in either
the men's women's or children's
wards, according to their individ-
ual preferences. The most popular
choice is pediatrics. The duties
include taking care of the bedrid-
den children who require more at-
tention and care than adults.
Because the nurses do not have a
chance to spend extra time with the
youngsters, the volunteers read, tell
stories, and play with them. If a
child is able to be moved, ie is often
taken to the sunporch off the ward
where special games are set up for his
These young patients are in turn
grateful for the care and considera-
tion shown them. They remember
t:o;e ste'ady workers who come
each week to amuse and cheer
them, and often call them by pet
names. They are eager to 'show
off' their letters and toys, and tell
stories concerning their parents
and friends.
In the men's and women's wards
the jobs of the volunteer consist of
directing visitors, answering lights,
reading to the patients, taking care
of flowers, and distributing the mail.
She also runs errands to various parts
of the Hospital for those who can't
get around themselves, buying
stamps, writing paper, magazines or
candy at the Hospital Galen's Stand
or Social Service. This task also in-
cludes running important errands for
the nurses and doctors.

The Hospital has established a li-
brary, and vounteers often wheel
carts of books to the wards, helping
the patients select something of in-
Other duties in the adult wards
include transporting patients to
the X-ray Room, clinics, or helping
those discharged prepare to leave
the Hospital.. It is her duty at this
time to see that all personal be-
longings have been taken, and no
hospital equipment is included.
The volunteer may be in charge
of linen, seeing that it is stacked and
sorted properly, and also make any
beds that are necessary. At meal
times her duties consist of passing
trays, feeding those who are unable
to help themselves, and collecting
the trays.
The volunteers may aid in the
cleaning of instruments, washing
medicine glasses and refilling sup-
ply jars, 'and they do filing work
in various departments. A new
service for aides is helping out in
the Blood Bank, especially impor-
tant in the evenings and on week-
The general obligation of each
worker is to do all she is able to make
the patient more comfortable both
mentally and physically, and to assist
the nurses in every way possible.
For students interested in lab-
oratory work, special an m
have been made. After special in-
terviews, these volunteers may as-
sist in the various tasks in the lab
including measuring ingredients
for medicines, staining and label-
ling slides.
Miss Chernow has stated that it
was "encouraging to see so many
students volunteer for this hospital
duty. The work they do is excellent,
very much in demand, and greatly
appreciated by both the patients and
hospital staff."
It's fall again and, as Ann Ar-
bor weather pours from the sky,
coeds are blossoming out in brightly
colored raincoats.

Se mi-Formal
Dance Tickets
To GO On Sale
Tickets will go on sale from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. today in Room 2, University
Hall for "Time Out," first all-cam-
pus semi-formal dance of the year,
to be held from 8:30 to midnight,
Saturday, November 9, in the In-
tramural Building.
Phyllis Petit and Sue Smith, co-
chairmen of the affair, urge men to
purchase tickets as soon as possible,
since a limited number of couples
may attend. All men and out-of-town
women will not be required to dress
formally for the benefit dance, which
is being presented by Assembly As-
sociation in order to raise funds for
their Fresh Air Camp project.
Weems' Music To Be Featured
The event will feature the music of
Ted Weems and his orchestra, and
will culminate the activities of the
Michigan game week-end.
Recently discharged from the Unit-
ed States Maritime Service, Weems
has reorganized his band, still main-
taining the old combination of four
brass, four saxophones, and three
rythmn players He features Shirley
Richards and Larry Noble as vocal-
ists, and Tiny Martin on bass and
Fresh Air Camp Benefit
Dance proceeds will be contributed
towards badly needed equipment and
improved facilities for the Fresh Air
camp. It is Assembly's plan to
utilize the camp during the school
year as a place of recreation for Uni-
versity students, as well as to make
it more fully equipped as a summer
camp for underprivileged boys.
Members of the central committee
for the affair include: Jeanne Clare,
music; Allene Golinken, building and
grounds; Audrey Weston, patrons;
Sarah Simons, programs; Pamela
Wrinch, finance; Marilyn Ahlstrom,
tickets; and Phyllis Carlson, public-
Tinker's Orchestra
To Furnish Music
At Black Cat'Ball
Frank Tinker and his orchestra
will play for the Black Cat Ball to be
presented from 9 p.m. to midnight,
Friday in the Union Ballroom and
sponsored by the Veterans Organi-
Tickets will be available this week
at the League, Union, local bookstores
and Willow Run and will also be sold
at 11 a.m. tomorrow on the Diagonal
as long as they last. Sales will be
limited to 500 to avoid overcrowding
the ball. Members of the V.O. will
pay the full price for tickets, $1.50,
and will receive a 50% discont at
the door.
Skirts and sweaters will be in or-
der for this informal dance. The
ballroom will be decorated with skele-
tons, black cats and balloons to car-
ry out the general Hallowe'en theme.
The committee has also planned
novel programs which will be dis-
tributed to coeds.
During intermission door prizes,
donated by various stores, will be
awarded. The prizes include a brush
set, sports shirt, stuffed Michigan
animals and a $20 lamp.

League Houses
To Hold Mixers
Women who are interested in join-
ing the committees for League House
Dances may sign up today, tomorrow,
and Friday on the sheets posted in
the Undergraduate Office of the
The League House Dances are mix-
ers given by women residents of
league houses, and will be held on
Saturday afternoons in the League

i ah t 40?

The American Veterans Committee
will present the third in their series
of weekly mixer dances from 2 to 5
p.m. today in the League Ballroom.
Dancing will be to records, and the
League coke bar will be open for re-
freshments. Students are urged to
drop in after classes. The dances pro-
vide an opportunity for veterans and
women students to meet in an infor-
mal atmosphere, and also provide a
mid-week activity which the cam-
pus formerly lacked.
More than 500 students attended
the dance last week, and these mix-
ers are expected to become a campus

ft 0



Group IT of Crop and Saddle
Riding Club will ride at 7 p.m. to-
day. Group I will meet at 7 p.m.
tomorrow, and Group III at 4
p.m. Friday. Those who cannot
ride with their class are asked to
calle Karen Larson at 2-4514 be-
faore the, time of the meeting.

institution, according to Art Kaplan,
dance chairman of the AVC. "Today
the AVC will be equipped to meet all
song requests made in previous weeks.
We have a new collection of both old
and new records," Kaplan said.

Connie leather moccies
are slated for sehool .,
antiqued dark brown leather lo-heelers..
smooth, yet rugged, they'll take you smartly
to school, for your active campus life.

Jacok on>L

Early Fall Clearance of desirable merchandise . . . prices cut drastically
on broken assortments to make way for new shipments ... take advantage of the
extraordinary savings when you have all of Fall and Winter ahead.

Early, Fall Styles in checks, stripes and
solid colors.


K r
This superb lic
rich dairy cre,


wool crepes, wool jersey and gab-
... pastels, high shades, browns,
greys and black.

suits orig. 25.50.. .
suits orig. 39.95...
suits orig. 45.00... .

.. now
.. now
.. now

'8 .

/ , ;
. '1


suits orig. 49.95 and 55.00.now
suits orig. 59.95 ........now

dresses orig. 22.95 . ....now,
dresses orig. 22.95 to 29.95 now
dresses orig. 29.95.......now
dresses orig. 35.00 to 39.95 now
dresses orig. 45.00 to 59.95 now


2-piece dresses orig. 14.95.now 10.

Budget Dresses
gbardines, wool jerseys, sheer wools and
crepes . . . pastels, high shades, greys
and browns.


2-piece dresses orig. 22.95. now
2-piece dresses orig. 25.00.now
jumpers orig. 14.95 ...... now
jumpers orig 16.95.......now
jackets orig. 17.95 .......now
pedal pushers orig 5.95. . . .now
pedal pushers orig. 12.95. .now


dresses orig. 12.95 .......now
dresses orig. 14.95 ........now



~.~ L 4I1Vtr I

required) 1 with paints, 1 with

" .

quid cleanser has the consistency of
am. Works the moment it touches your skin.

,_ 5 FFAHEk

1/.S rff

bras orig. 1.00........ow .50
bras orig. 1.25 ..... now .75
bras orig. 1.50 to 1.75 ...now 1.00
pantie girdles orig. 3.50. .now 2.00
pantie girdles orig 5.00. .now 3.00


11- --y v


{ I


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