C STATE FIANCE S See Page 4 Adallow Li Latest Deadline in the State Daii4 CLOUDY, VOL. LVII, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS League House Mothers Hit Later Hours Threaten To Let Contracts Lapse Protesting a proposal which would give upper-class women week-day late permissions, a large number of League House mothers have threat- ened not to renew existing contracts if the new hours are adopted. In interviews with The Daily yes- terday, house mothers said that they do not want to sit up to 11:30 every night and make sure that the girls sign in. "I'll take men instead," one of them declared, adding that she might consider accepting only fresh- man and sophomore women. Pointing out that "it's bad enough to have to wait up on week-end nights now," the house mothers interviewed said that they had informed both the Dean of Women's office and their house presidents of their stand. The proposal, now under consider- ation, would give senior women 11:30 permissions on week nights and Sun- day, while juniors would have one 11:30 permission a week. Small Protests Talk of Possible Business Slump WASHINGTON, Oct. 29-(P)-Ci- vilian production chief John D. Small today cautioned the nation against talking itself into a business' recession. He declared an industrial de- cline "is not inevitable" if labor and management use common sense, rea- sonableness and restraint. Taking cognizance of predictions from some quarters that a recession may start within the next few months, Small told a news confer- ence: "It looks like an atmosphere is be- ing built up in thinking that way, but, a recession is not inevitable if we keep going as we are now. All this talk creates fears. If repeated enough times, people will begin cutting down, retrenching and won't go ahead with their plans and we will have a recession." Although saying he does not ex- pect a drop inproduction and em- ployment, Small added that "even if it cores, I don't think it will amount to much." In support of his optimistic views, Small pointed to CPA's production report for September, which showed continued peak output of most con- sumer goods. For example, shipments of sewing machines increased 21 percent over the previous month; vacuum clea- ers 12 per cent. While production continued high during September, Small's report saw little hope for further increases the rest of the year. This is due partly to the stabilization of steel produc- tion at 90 per cent of capacity, thus allowing no erpansion in outpue of machinery and equipment, the report said. Rogge Scores Sen Wheeler PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 29-(A3)- C. John Rogge, former Assistant U. S. Attorney General, said here today his dismissal last Friday was "strictly a Burton K. Wheeler job." Rogge, removed from office by At- torney General Tom C. Clark after he had outlined Nazi propaganda methods in this country in a Swarth- more College speech, said today in a Kiwanis Club luncheon talk that the Montana Senator had intervened. He said that in a report to Clark, Wheeler's name was mentioned, "then the pressure began. Wheeler con- ferred with President Truman Thurs- day, and Friday I got the phone call giving me the boot." 'Ensian To Extend Picture Deadline Seniors who missed the senior pic- ture deadline will have another chance, 'Ensian officials announced today. All those who still want their pic- tures in the 'Ensian must call the office between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to- day for the new appointments. Choral Union Presents Istomin Recital Today Molotov Challenges UN Assembly To Presenting his first Ann Arbor re- cital, Eugene Istomin, pianist, will give his second performance of the current Choral Union Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Beginning With Bach's "Prelude and Fugue in D minor," he will play Adopt World Disarmament, EUGENE ISTOMIN numbers by Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Debussy and Chopin. Istomin, now 21, attracted nation- wide attention when he was 17 years old by winning the Youth Contest of the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Leventritt Prize during the same month. Although his musical talents were known when he was two years old, Durable Goods Fall from OPA Price Control WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 - (P) - OPA greatly expanded its decontrol program tonight by removing price ceilings from radios, lamps, small electrical appliances, kitchenware, glassware and many other consumer durable goods. Previously the agency abolished ceilings on fats and oils used in soaps, paints and varnishes, decon- trolled the $260,000,000 ice business, and opened the way for possible shoe price increases by raising ceilings on calfskin leather. The decontrol action on the dura- ble goods was made effective at mid- night tonight. OPA said the durable goods price lids were removed because the arti- cles "have been found to be unimpor- tant in business or living costs or supply has been found to be in ap- proximate balance with demand." The agency pointed out that a large number of consumer goods still remained under ceilings, including "all major electrical appliances such as household mechanical refrigera- tors, washing machines, electric ranges and vacuum cleaners; cooking and heating stoves; floor covering; bedding products such as springs and mattresses; and all major items of household furniture." Radios and electric phonographs were decontrolled, the agency said, because the supply of model that make up the bulk of production-such as table radios, table model radio combinations and radio consoles- "is in approximate balance with de- mand." Other items freed on the ground that the supply about equals demand included: Small electrical appliances such as heaters, non-automatic toasters, irons, hot plates, electric heating pads and electric shavers. Library Study Halls Stay Open at Noon Due to the unprecedented demand for campus study facilities, library officials have announced that four study halls will remain open during the noon hour beginning this week. Those branches affected are Angell Hall Study Hall, the Math-Economics Study Hall, the General Library's first floor study hall, and the Music Library. his parents followed teachers' advice in not allowing him to be exploited as a child prodigy. Istomin did not appear in recital until he had completed his training at the Curtis Institute of Music, un- der Rudolph Serkin. Since that time he has appeared with practically all of the major symphony orchestras and in recitals in the principal music centers. Istomin will appear in place of Egon Petri, who has concelled his concert tours because of illness. Churchill Hits Stalin. Estimate As Incomplete Suggests InVestigation Of Red Army Strength LONDON, Oct. 20-(P)-Winston Churchill, singled out by Prime Min- ister Stalin as a war "instigator," questioned today whether Stalin had disclosed fully the extent of Russian military might in occupied Europe, and suggested that the United Na- tions clear up the matter. "Nothing sweeps away suspicions like facts and I consider it my duty to continue to press for facts," Churchill said in a statement reply- ing to Stalin's new declaration on in- ternational affairs. He also called for a full report on "all military forces that may cause concern" to any of the war-victorious nations. Divisions NotedI Britain's war time leader, who had intimated in the House of Commons last week that Russia had 200 di- visions under arms in occupied Eu- rope, took note of Stalin's statement yesterday that the correct figure was only 60 divisions. "Even 60 divisions on a war foot- ing would, of course, greatly exceed the British and American forces in enemy-occupied territory," Church- ill said in a statement. Stalin's declaration, meanwhile, evoked mixed reaction around the world. Lincoln White, U. S. Depart- ment press officer, said in Washing- ton the Russian Prime Minister "echoed" statements made previous- ly by Secretary of State James F. Byrnes. Britains Decline Comment The British government declined all comment, but there was no ap- parent disposition in the Foreign Office to accept Churchill's figures in preference to those given by Stal- in. Some French officials said Stalin's statements urging international con- trol of atomic energy and asserting that there was no increasing tension between Russia and the United States were "encouraging." Others, how- ever, said that Stalin's assertion that Germany must be granted political and economic unity conflicted with his statement that democracy was not sufficiently advanced in the Reich. Pretitons Due For Legislature ZERO HOUR-James R. Denning, '50 Lit, is out of the Army now but the shots still go on. Denning Joins 4,400 other students in flu innoculation. Standing by for moral support are Mrs. Howard Schreiber on the right and nurse Mrs. Bette Metcalf and Mrs. Bradley Patten, chairman of the the nurses' aides. Urges Abolition of Atomic Bomb -. Senior Posts Go to Courtright, Walters; Other Returns Uncertain By STUART FINLAYSON The names of the newly-elected officers of the senior classes of the literary and engineering colleges and the vice-presidents of the Union were announced late last night by Terry Whitsitt, chairman of the elections committee Hof the Student Legislature. Approximately one-third of the votes for the chairman of the J-Hop and for the student members of the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions were still not tabulated when the committee stopped counting at 11 p.m. yesterday. Bill Courtright was elected presi- dent of the senior class of the liter- ary college. Pat Hayes is vice-presi- dent and Joan Wilk and Jean Griese tied for the position of secretary- treasurer. Bob Taylor, vice-president of the Legislature, said that the posi- tion would be split; one candidate will become secretary and the other treasurer. In the engineering college, Harold Walters was elected president; Hal Fletcher, vice-president; and An- drew Poledor, secretary-treasurer. The new vice-presidents of the Union will be Tom Walsh represent- ing the literary college, Dick Ford from th a law school, Ross Hume from tht me~iical school, Ralph Ken.- Phuy (Opens At Letigu-ie Today f; i Your Houses," PlayProduc- tion' first presentation of the year, will pen at 8:30 p.m. today at Lydia Mei iclisohin Theatre. 7i ard Stewart will portray Simreo Gray, the congressman who tri"s 'o be honest but is forced to go wii s he crowd. Stewart was active in iampus productions before the wai H returned to the University this sinumer after being in the serv- ice and is concluding his work here. )thr leading roles will be played by John Babington and Charles Ben- jti 1n1 Dr. William Halstead is di- re, 'g the play; settings are by Rob- ert Mellencamp. yon from the engineering college and Charles Kerner from the combined schools. Incomplete returns in the election for student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications show Paul Sislin leading with 594 votes, followed by Ray Ginger with 543. John Shockley with 528, Lois Iverson with 491 and Homer Swander with 453. The election of the chairman of the J-Hop is still not settled. When tabulation was suspended last night Dennis Youngblood led with 218 votes, followed by Nancy Neumann with 195, Art DerDerian with 192, Chuck Lewis with 187, Pat Chaffee with 176, Camille Ayo with 174, Nan- cy Holt with 174 and Preston Tisch with 154. The proposed amendment to the constitution of the Student Legisla- ture has been approved by a vote of 1,237 to 194 with some 400 ballots yet to be tabulated. Wage Board End Is Hinted, Price Decontrol Plan Takes Effect Soon WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 - (P) - The Administration is considering. scrapping the Wage Stabilization Board when the OPA's master price decontrol program is released, a per- son close to government planning said tonight. The OPA plan is expected to be an- nounced on or about Friday, Novem- ber 1, although this is not definite, and the government's new wage state- ment is to accompany it, the official said. To avoid any label of politics, the decision may be withheld until after the November 5 election. Wage controls would be retained in at least a half-dozen major key in- dustries in which prices still remained under ceilings, probably including coal, this informant said. Other in- dustries might include steel and au- tomobiles, where new wage demands are in the making. U.S. Charges Election Curb In Rumania WASHINGTON, Oct. 29--VP)-The United States applying pressure anew in an area under Russian in- fluence, sharply accused the Ruman- ian government today of intimidat- ing political foes in violation of a free election pledge. Similar charges were made by Bri- tain in a separate note delivered in Bucharest. The language of the U.S. note to the Rumanian foreign ministry ap- peared to approximate at least a hint that this government may withdraw diplomatic recognition unless Ru- mania liberalizes the rules for its election Nov. 19. Note Expresses Concern The text of the note officially ex- pressing "concern" over the situa- tion, was made public by the State Department. It followed by only a few days publication of a similar exchange be- tween Secretary of State Byrnes and Bulgaria, one of Rumania's Balkan neighbors, over the failure to pro- vide similar guarantees for an elec- tion which was held Sunday. Free Election Assurances The American note to Rumania reminded that government of the assurances it offered in January that conditions would be provided for a free election. Those assurances serv- ed as the basis for Anglo-American recognition of Rumania. Specifically, the note to Rumania contended those assurances have been violated in these ways: 1. "By various acts of discrimina-, Lion involvingurestrictions on regis- trations and by the intimidation of individuals" in the case of political parties outside the government elec- toral bloc. 2. Denial of radio broadcasting facilities to those political parties "although they are subjected to con- stant attack by the bloc parties" over the government-controlled radio. No WaitmingList For Flu Shots "Don't let a blue book or two keep you from getting an influenza inocu- lation this week." That is the advice of Dr. Margaret Bell who announced yesterday that out of 4,400 students who have al- ready been inoculated with the vac- cine, not more than 20 have reported any serious reaction and they were Asks Accounting Of Troops Still On Alen Soil Debate on Proposal Postponed Until Today By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Oct. 29-Soviet Rus- sia, for the second time in history, called tonight for universal disar- mament and hurled a fighting chal- lenge to the United Nations Assem- bly to take up the new proposal im- mediately--tonight. However, the Russian delegation failed to get the other delegates to sound off in a night session and con- tented itself with a demand that those delegations wishing to discuss the disarmament proposal be given the opportunity. Britain Objects The moments were tense as Vy- acheslav Molotov, Russian foreign minister, sought todprevail on the Assembly to begin discussion of his new four-point idea immediately. Great Britain objected that long spekches tonight would not be de- sirable and Molotov finally admitted it was too late to settle the point. The Assembly then adjourned, at 7:07 p.m. EST, until tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST for continuation of the general debate. But all the delega- tions talked excitedly of the Molotov proposals. Molotov called for an accounting of the forces of Allied Nations sta- tioned in alien, non-enemy coun- tries, which could include British sol- diers in Greece, the Middle East and Indonesia as well as the American troops. Molotov also warned the United Nations that its war-born structure would collapse if the veto system is eliminated. He said the campoign among the small nations against the veto was aimed definitely at the Soviet Union. Specific Plan Molotov put this specific plan be- fore the Assembly: 1. In connection with the, aims and principles of the world organi- zation, the General Assembly should accept a universal reduction of ar- maments. 2. This reduction should include as a primary aim the abolition of atomic energy in war. 3. The General Assembly should recommend to the Security Council that it find ways and means of car- rying out these objectives. 4. The Assembly should ask all affiliated governments to help the United Nations in this undertaking. This, he declared, would be in the interest of the people who are car- rying the heavy burden of armament expenditures. g e *) Speech Called 'Constructive' NEW YORK, Oct. 29,-(IP)-The world's diplomats here tonight de- scribed Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov's 68-minute speech to the United Nations Assembly as "tough," "smart," "aggressive," "construc- tive," and "disappointing." Warren R. Austin, chief of the American delegation, declared that the speech was "smart and tough," but he declined to answer at this time Molotov's charges against the United States. L. D. Wilgress, Canadian Ambassa- dor to Moscow, described it as the "cleverest speech that 'Molotov has ever made," but added that it was "aggressive." The British delegation expressed a feeling of disappointment "just when we felt were were about to enter a new phase of cooperation" Poland's foreign minister, Wicenty Rzymowski, said that from the Polish viewpoint the speech was "clear and impressive." A Peruvian delegate said he consid- ered Molotov's remarks "construc- tive." He expressed the belief that it would do much to set the stage for clearing "the atmosphere in general." Many delegates, who declined to be identified or quoted directly, ex- Saturday For ALL Deadline Candidates Petitions for membership on the Student Legislature will be due Sat- urday." One hundred and fifty signatures are required for each petition. Ac- cording to Terrell Whitsitt, election chairman, students may sign any number of petitions. As candidates turn in their peti-, tions they will be required to pay a; registration fee of $1 and to submit a qualification statement of 50 words.j The statements will be used for pub-! licity purposes. Candidates will also be required to present identification cards. The Student Legislature elections will be held Nov. 12 and 13. The num- ber of legislators to be chosen will be! determined by student action on the constitutional amendment today. WORLD WAR III INE VITABLE? Randolph Churchill Dee ri/s; Soviet Obstructionism By FRANCES PAINE ain, America, and Western Europe- Stalin's recognition of the neces- have not touched the central prob-