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October 29, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-29

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Sound Truck Needed
To the Editor:

WHEN CLASSES were dismissed eary so that
a large portion of the student body could
hear the top man in our Navy give an address,
there seemed to be a good deal of bitter irony
in the situation that existed this morning. I
won't tell who was insulted. Everyone knows
that both the Admiral and the students were.
But here is one idea for a solution.
The University should nave a completely
equipped truck carrying equipment for Public
Address systems at remote points, for such
things as pep-rallies, and on-campus events
such as what was planned this morning. The
days of the Greek Protagonist are long since
dead. We need the most modern in amplifica-
tion equipment. Makeshift will no longer do.
The University must get the correct equipment,
and get it now.
-Walter Bohn
* * *
Football Whoopee
To the Editor:
WhTOOPEE! RAH! RAH! Let's have a football
pep rally; get all the students together
and soak 'em 50 cents apiece.
Where-in the working of this great institu-
tion-is the 50 cents the students are paying to
attend Varsity Night needed? Seven home foot-
ball games and close to 500,000 total attendance
pours a lot of money into the coffers. The 'M'
club makes a small pile selling programs at the
games but who the devil needs the dough so bad
that they have to charge the students when they
get together on Homecoming Weekend to cheer
for the football team?
-Dean MClusky
* * *
Name Confusion
To the Editor:
PERHAPS THE DAILY will assist me in dis-
sipating the confusion raised in some per-
sons' minds by the similarity between my name
and that of a certain John Houston whom I
ANN ARBOR had the great privilege of hear-
ing Miss Dorothy Maynor again last night,
and the results were magnificent.
Rarely is any one artist able to exhibit the
virtuosity, power and control which she dis-
played. Particularly by the wonderful taste in
her selection was Miss Maynor able to demon-
strate her virtuosity.
She was in complete control throughout and
with apparent efortlessness was able to al-
ternately open all stops or reduce her voice to a
mere whisper.
The greater part of her program was made up
of the lieder of Mahler, Schumann, Mendelssohn
and Wolf. Especially in the Mahler and Schu-
mann selections. Miss Maynor sang with in-
finite delicacy, understanding and restraint.
In her presentation of Donna Elvira's aria
from "Don Giovanni," she gave a fine display of
her unbelievable range and emotional change
of pace.
In the Dvorak aria from "Russalka" and in
the showier "As I Ride" by Rathaus, she un-
leashed her breadth and power.
But it was in the tremendously moving Negro
spiritual, "I'm a Trav'lin to the Grave," and*in
the encore "Jeannie With the Light Brown
Hair," that Miss Maynor achieved her most pro-
found effect.
I have a suspicion that I will never hear eith-
er of them sung so beautifully again.
-Harry Levine
Later Hours
1THE QUESTION of more liberal hours for
undergraduate women has been the subject
of coed gripes for many semesters. Finally, a
plan has been put forward by dormitory house
presidents which will be voted on today.
However, the plan that has been suggested
has several disadvantages. Primarily, there is
the problem of the housemother who may be

reluctant to wait up an extra hour for a few
junior and senior women. This is especially
pertinent in league houses where there may
be only one or two upperclassmen.
Secondly, the proposal creates a definite bar-
rier between underclassmen and juniors and
seniors. The groups will tend to split up more
if different classes means different hours. A
freshman has enough trouble without adding
a discriminating curfew. Many freshman wo-
men are equally, or more mature than some
These factors and the inconveniences of ad-
ministrating the plan in regard to different
groups may cause the Dean of Women to
withold their approval.
There is a more moderate plan of extending
women's hours that could easily be instituted,
since it has proven its effectiveness and.
workability here during the summer - 11
o'clock permission Sunday through Thursday
for every undergraduate coed.
Any coed who has been here in the summer
will support the advantages of consistent 11
o'clock permission.
An extra half-hour would not, perhaps, be
so objectionable to housemothers and, if uni-

understand is frequently mentioned in your
columns as the president of an organization
called "MYDA." My own name is John A. Hou-
ston; I am presently enrolled as a senior in the
Law School; I am wholly unacquainted with
MYDA, its purposes or any of its membership.
I would very much appreciate your publishing
this letter.
-John A. Houston
THE DISCUSSIONS and press reports coming
out of the UN Conference tell us that Russia
has used the veto power nine times, that this
is a flagrant violation of the spirit of the Char-
ter, hence, something must be done to curb that
power. But who is to say what constitutes too
excessive use of the veto? Obviously what
Byrnes and Bevin consider too often the Rus-
sians consider necessary.
Why does a veto power exist for the big
Powers? Was it incorporated as a compromise
measure to ensure passage of the Charter by our
Senate? Was it a protective measure for the
big Five? These are partial reasons; they an-
swer the negative aspect.-There is another and
more positive reason for its inclusion, namely,
to guarantee unity between the big Powers.
When Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met
at Yalta in February of 1945, they had to find
agreement on the one question which had
been left unsolved at Dumbarton Oaks, which
was the fulcrum upon which any peace organ-
ization would rest, namely voting procedure,
It was from the American delegation under
Mr. Roosevelt that the proposal came for a
full concurring vote on important matter.
As Churchill stated in his Yalta report, "It
is on the great Powers that the chief burden
of maintaining peace and security will fall.-
Somber indeed would be the fortunes of man-
kind if some awful schism arose between the
Western Democracies and Russia." Mr. Roose-
velt spoke in similar vein to our Congress, em-
phasizing the necessity of cooperation between
the major powers as the basis for any successful
peace organization. He specifically suggested
that meetings be held between the heads of the
states, and if that was impossible, at least be-
tween the foreign secretaries every three or
four months," in order that the unity achieved
at Yalta might be maintained.
As the Charter took form at San Francisco,
Article 27 incorporated the Yalta agreement on
voting, paragraph three reading, "Decisions of
the Security Council on all other matters shall
be made by an affirmative vote of seven mem-
bers including the concurring votes of the per-
manent members." ('On all other matters' here
refers to those questions directly affecting
peaceful relations. On procedural matters, only
a vote of any seven is required.)
HAD THE TRUMAN Administration main-
tained that unity which had been inaugur-
ated by Roosevelt, had Byrnes continued to
work within the framework of the five foreign
ministers, instead of resorting to bloc vote
methods by inviting sixteen other nations to
the peace conferences, there would have been a
far greater concurring vote within the Security
'Council. The use of the veto would have been
The considerations which are being advanced
by the smaller nations, as well as defining pro-
cedural questions as opposed to substantive ones
(which can be vetoed), are valid. But they are
necessarily secondary.-The sovereignty of the
smaller nations rests entirely upon the degree
of unity which exists between the big Powers,
especially the Big Three. As ironic as this may
sound, it is futile to speak of the sovereignty and
power which a small nation may exercise if
the world is divided into two armed camps.
If the Truman administration is sincere in
its desire to make the UN work as a peace
mechanism, then they must return to the Ro-
osevelt policy of Big Three unity. It means
striking at the cause, i.e., the drawing apart
of the big nations into blocs, rather than at the
effect, i.e., the use of the veto power by Russia.
Without this unity between the western powers

and Russia, the raison d'etre of the Charter
and the UN ceases to exist.
-E. E. Ellis
A N ACUTE shortage of draft animals and mo-
tor power on the world's farms is speeding
up the mechanization of agriculture on every
Europe's liberated countries, in which nearly
3 million draft animals were killed during the
war, are restoring their farm production on a
mechanized basis. South America is following
the same trend because inflation makes the old
methods unprofitable. Asia will begin using ma-
chinery'on 10 to 20 million acres that India and.
China hope to open up for agriculture in a few
The effect now is a severe shortage of trac-
tors and motor-drawn .equipment. The even-
tual result will be bigger harvests as mechaniza-
tion raises the yield per acre and brings more
land under cultivation.
-World Report

'On The Warpath'
THE WEATHER (speaking globally) has not
been favorable for conservatism these past
few years; but of all the conservatism in the
world, American conservatism has certainly
been the luckiest. In a world in which social-
ism is increasingly a fact, it is nt, in America,
even an issue. It is as if a high wind, racing
across the planet, had parted to sweep around
America; and in these circumstances one might
expect that American conservatism would sit
quietly on its little chair, good as gold, hoping
to continue not to be noticed.
But political dynamism does not work out in
that way. It is precisely in America, where
conservatism has been least challenged, that it
is most actively on the warpath. It has just
won a tremendous victory against price control,
and here again, one might expect it to relax for
a bit, and let its victory cool off, and try to en-
joy it.
But no; it is mobilizing once more, this time
for an attack on the Wagner labor relations
act; and Washington gossip has it that this
will be the next point of pressure against Mr.
Truman. The President is being told that un-
less we can in some way limit strikes, we shall
have a depression; and he may go along, be-
cause of his well-known habit of saying no,
no, no, no, louder and louder, then suddenly
ending with a weak little yes.
Whatever the arguments, the drive could
hardly be timied more tactlessly. The American
workman sees prices going up, as inflation
makes almost every seller (willingly or un-
willingly) a master of the disappearing coin
trick. The workman also sees the beginnings
of an attack on rent ceilings. He hears, too,
that there is going to be a recession. In these
circumstances his labor union becomes his last
resource, and when he sees a campaign opened
against that, also, he must really have the feel-
ing that little men are after him.
HEN AGAIN, business has won its victory
against price control on the simple and
austere ground of freedom. How canit turn
around, and, in speaking to labor, alter the
slogan to read.: "more freedom for us, more
controls for you," without creating a vast moral
confusion, and starting ideological Roman can-
dles popping in all directions?
But the drive is on, and one has a feeling that
it is part of a picture which must be painted
in dark colors. It is as if American conservatism
had absorbed into its body all the aches and
sorrows suffered by its fellow-conservatisms
abroad, and was fighting back for them, here.
Listening to conservative speeches, and noting
the strong conservative tendency to relate the
most innocent developments in social progress
to the world revolution, one hs the feeling that
conservatism murmurs, as it advances: "Take
that, for what happened in Russia! Take that,
for what is happening in France and England!"
But this isn't Russia, or France, or Britain;
and it is somehow tragic to see America becom-
ing the citadel of a world conservatism, fighting
here, mainly because it has no other arena, the
battles of its lost brothers; mounting a kind of
counter-revolution, rather irrelevantly, against
a people which has never made a revolution.
Conservatism is trying to win back its own, in
the one place in all the wold where it has never
lost it.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Current Movies
"The Kid from Brooklyn" (Sam Goldwyn),
Danny Kaye, et al.
DANNY KAYE is at his best doing Sylvia Fine
numbers. Unfortunately there is only one
of these in this picture. It is called "Pavlova"
and to th'ose connoisseurs of Mr. Kaye's madder

moments may well be worth the price of admis-
sion. The rest of the musical numbers have the
usual average Hollywood lavishness about them
-beautiful girls, huge sets, expensive costumes,
and beautiful girls. The comedy is carried by
Danny Kaye, Walter Abel, Eve Arden, and Li-
onel Stander. A better foursome for hysteria
couldn't be assembled. The net effect is that
the average movie goer knocks himself out, at
the same time wondering what's so darn funny.


Famine Relief
REMEMBER those touching pic-
tures of emaciated children with
their protruding bellies and sunken
eyes, those gaunt skeletons whose
pictures were used last spring to in-
duce you to contribute to the famine
Those pictures and those people
are justdas real and just as much in
need today as they were last spring.
We have not solved the problems of
the world. We are kidding ourselves
if we sit back and refuse to see the
spector of famine still running ram-
pant. Thousands of people are starv-
ing to death daily.
To combat this tragedy a "Heifers
for Europe" program is now being
established on the campus. To pro-
vide milk for undernourished, starv-
ing children and to restock the bar-
ren farms of war devastated Europe
is perhaps the most constructive step
which we as individuals over here
in the land of the meat surplus can
The Fanine Relief Committee
meets at 5 p.m. today in Lane Hall
to set up plans for this project. Its
chairman, Seymour Goldstein, has
asked all interested students to
attend this meeting.
Our horizons extend beyond the
ivy covered walls of Ann Arbor. Our
responsibilities are world wide. Here
is an opportunity for you to help,
-Tom Walsh

"I see the F.B.I. cleared up another big postage stamp robbery."




(Continued from Page 3)
Placement and General Placement.
The General Division includes ser-
vice to people seeking positions in
business, industry,and professions
other than teaching. Employers are
now asking for February and June
graduates. There is no fee for regis-
tration at this time.
The War Department is selecting
well qualified personnel to staff our
occupation forces in Japan. Indivi-
duals chosen for these assignments
should have a minimum of three
years teaching or school administra-
tion experience and should have a
Master's degree. Duties will- involve
the actual guidance of the Japanese
in carrying out the policies estab-
lished by the Supreme Commander
for thebrehabilitation and democrat-
ization of Japanese education. These
positions will be established at Civil
Service ratings of CAF-10 and CAF-
11. Further information is available
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments: Wayne
County Civil Service Commission an-
nouncements have been received in
this office for: Medical Technolo-
gist I; Medical Technologist II (Bac-
teriology and Serology); Medical
Technologist II (Biochemistry).;
Medical Technologist II (Hematol-
ogy); Medical Technologist III (Bac-
teriology). Salary range is from
$2340 to 2820 for a 40 hour week
and $2691 to $4830. Closing date is
Nov. 6. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
Debaters: There will be no meet-
ing Wednesday. All debaters are
urged to attend the Western Reserve-
Michigan debate on Friday, 3:30 p.m.
in the Ann Arbor High School.
West Court Community Building:
Tues., Oct. 29, 8:00 p.m., Exten-
sion Class in Spanish meeting at
Ross School. Students still accept-
ed for enrollment.
Wed., Oct. 30, 8:00 p.m., Wednes-
day Night Lecture Series, Professor
Preston W. Slosson, "International
issues in the current election." Ste-
phensrCollege Alumnae, hostesses.
Thurs., Oct. 31, 2:00 p.m., Open
class in Prenatal Care. Speaker, Miss
Fisher. Discussion of personal hy-
giene with emphasis on nutrition
needs of the mother. 8:00 p. m., Ex-
tension Class in Psychology. Stu-
dents still accepted for enrollment.
8:00 p. m. Bridge session for every-
Fri., Nov. 1, 8:00 p. m., Classical
Recordings, Rm. 9. 8:00 p.m., FPHA
Staff Party, Rm. 3.
West Lodge:
Fri., Nov. 1, 8:30 p. m., Students'
Dance with Jerry Edwards and his
Sun., Nov. 3, 6:45 p. m., Official
Football Pictures, Michigan vs. Illi-
Dr. Erwin Panofsky, Professor of
history of art in the Institute for Ad-
vanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., will
lecture on Wed., Nov 6, at 4:15 p.m,,

in the Rackham Amphitheatre under
the auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. His subject will be "Et in
Arcadia Ego." The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Academic Notices
The preliminary doctoral examina-
tion in chemistry will be held at the
following times: Organic Chemistry,
today; Physical Chemistry, Nov. 1.
Anyone wishing to take these ex-
aminations should consult with a
member of the Graduate Committee
in Chemistry.
Education B291: At the class
meeting today the topic, "The Col-
lege Teacher and Student Counsel-
ing," will be presented by Erich A.
Walter, Associate Dean of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Visitors will be welcome. Class meets
in Rm. 110, University Library, from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m..
The Botanical Seminar will meet
Wed., Oct. 30,. at 4:00 p.m. in Rm.
1139 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. L. E.
Wehmeyer will discuss "Studies in
the Genus Pleospora." All interest-
ed are invited.
Special Functions Seminar: Wed.,
Oct. 30, 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 340 W.
Eng. Prof. Rainvill will talk on Con-
tiguous Functions Relations and on
Kummer's Transformations.
Mathematics Seminar on Stochas-
tic Processes will meet at 3:00 p.m.,
Thurs., Oct. 31, in 3018 Angell Hall.
The purpose of the meeting is to or-
ganize the seminar and review the
Choral Union Concert: Eugene
Istomin, pianist, will give the second
concert in the Choral Union Series
on Wed., Oct. 30, at 8:30 p. in., tak-
ing the place of Egon Petri; who is
ill. Program: compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Busch,
Debussy and -Chopin. Tickets are on
sale at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower.
Art Exhibit: Non-objective, color
mono-types by Jeanne de Wolfe, Cal-
ifornia artist, and an extensive col-
lection of textiles from Guatemala
are now on exhibition in the ground
floor corridor of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design. The exhibit will
be current until Oct. 31.
Events Today
ASCE will meet tonight at 7:30
in the Union. Prof. Bouchard, Dept.
of Civil Engineering, will speak on
the activities at Camp Davis Survey-
ing and Geology Camp. Movies will
be shown in conjunction with the
topic. Anyone interested in attend-
ing this camp during the summer is
invited to attend. Membership dues'
will be collected.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, will hold a meeting
at 7:15 tonight in Rm. 311,
W. Engineer-ing Bldg. There will be
a demonstration impromptu speech,
a demonstration debate on the ques-
tion, "Should the Large Eastern
Railroads Adopt Deisel Power for
Passenger Locomotives?", and circle
Famine Relief Committee: All for-
mer members of the Committee and
all interested in participating in the

tion at the University will 'meet at
8:15 tonight in th Chapel of the
Michigan League. Students, faculty,
and friends are cordially Invited.
The U. of M. Chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation of Am-
erica will hold its weekly study group
at 7:45 tonight at the B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation. The topic: "Zion-
ism during the period of World War
I and the breaking up of the Otto-
man Empire." All who are inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
There will be a meeting of the social
committee at 4:30 today at the Foun-
dation. Please bring eligibility cards.
Russian Conversation Group will
meet at the League Grill at 5:30 ta-
day and tomorrow.
The A.I.E.S.-I.R.E. will hold a
meeting at 7:30 tonight in Rm. 348
W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Charles
Tieman of the Engineering Research
Dept. will present a talk, "Electrical
Equipment Associated with V-2
Rocket Tests." Slides will also be
shown. All Electrical Engineering
students are invited.
Coming Events
AfC: University chapter will meet
on Wed., at 7:30 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union. All members and persons
interested are urged to attend.
The Psychology Club will sponsor
an open meeting on Nov. 7, at 8:00
p.m. in the Amphitheater of the
Rackham Bldg. The address will be
given by Dr. Milton H. Erickson, Di-
rector of the Psychiatric Research
and Training at the Eloise Hospital
on the subject, "Hypnosis-Its Med-
ical and Experimental Applications."
A Social Seminar for Institute of
Public Administration Students is be-
ing held Thurs., Oct. 31, at 7:30 in
the W. Conference Room of the
Rackham Bldg. Mr. John Huss, di-
rector of the Michigan Municipal
League, will speak on "Leagues of
Municipalities and Their Work."
Your attendance is invited.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..............Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter........Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, ,$5.00, by mail, $6.00.

"Thrill of Brazil" (Columbia),
Wynn, Ann Miller, Allyn Joslyn.


THIS MUSICAL gets off to a flying start, but
somewhere along the line it bogs down. It
may 'be that my life of sitting in front of the
silver screen is making me restless. At any rate,
I found myself squirming before the finish. The
finale seemed to run a little slow. But the be-
ginning is something else again, what with
Keenan Wynn carrying on in his own weird way
and Ann Miller singing and dancing in an ex-
ceptionally sultry style. That Miller kid has
grown up. The plot is nebulous, the comedy
borders on the raucous at times, the numbers
aren't too bad. The whole thing stacks up to
not too bad, not too good. It depends on your
mood and point of view.
-Joan Fiske


It's our times, m'boy. People are
skiftish. Rather than THINK they-
But imagine! Your Fairy Godfather
spends many weeks preparing a new

And what happens? The report
finds its way into a trash basket!
I don't mind for myself- It's your
poor father I'm thinking of...

Why ...? If MY findings
were discarded, what
must have happened to
his feeble effort.. ?-

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HIS were accepted,
Mr. O'MalyJ...

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