SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27~ 19}46 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TEMEEE U - I I-, , rm '. . STICK OUT YOUR ARM: immunization Drive Begins Tomorrow Little aches will run rampant on campus this week to prevent big aches later on. The drive for 100 per cent imriun- zation of University students, facul- ty and personnel against influenza starts tomorrow in Waterman Gym- nasium. Perfected in 1941 The vaccine to be used here was perected in 1941 by Dr. Thomas Francis and Dr. Jonas E. Salk, of the School of Public Health, in work for the Army and was used in 1945 to inoculate 7,000,000 GI's across the country. In Ann Arbor, in Novem- ber 1945, 600 Army men were inocu- lated with the influenza A and B vaccine. Records were kept of the incidence of influenza among mem- bers of the vaccinated group in com- parison to the unvaccinated Navy unit. Health Service records show that the incidence of the disease in the unvaccinated group was approxi- mately 10 times greater than in the. vaccinated unit. Giles Will Give Carillon Recital Sidney F. Giles, assistant caril- lonneur, will present a carillon reci- tal at 3 p.m. today from the Bur- ton Tower. In response to a request, Giles' program will include "Anchors A- - weigh" in commemoiration of Navy Day. Selections by Vandengheyn, Ne- vin, Cherny, Ellmenreich, von Gluck, Lefevere, Timmermans and Emmett will also be included in the program. Giles will conclude the recital with the "star Spangled Banner." The drive was spearheaded last week by vaccination of about 800 coeds in Stockwell and Mosher-Jor- dan dormitories. No severe reactions were reported in that group. In case of reaction, Dr. Bell said, all that is necessary is to "take it easy"~ and take two aspirin tablets every four hours. The inoculation process will begin at the door of Barbour Gymnasium. Students will pick up the special cards prepared by the Sorting and Tabulation Station, fill them out, have them checked and go into Wat- erman Gymnasium for their vaccina- tion. Cards To Be Taken Cards will be picked up each day and sent to the Sorting and Tabula- tion station. There they will be mechanically sorted and put into categories set up by Dr. Francis and Dr. Salk for further study. The vaccination program to be carried out here is similar to cam- paigns on the Michigan State Col- lege, Yale and Chicago University campuses, which have reported as high as 90 to 95 per cent cooperation. Faculty Schedule The inoculation schedule for fa- culty and personnel was announced yesterday. Faculty members may be vaccinated at any time Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a. m. to noon. Personnel schedules will be staggered and will be anounced in individual' offices. The student schedule is set up for Monday through Thursday. Students are asked to appear with their sched- uled groups to spread the load for the workers and to avoid having to wait in line. However, if they can not appear at their' scheduled time they may be inoculated at any time the lines are not crowded or on Fri- day or Saturday. The student schedule is as follows: Monday, 8 a.m. to noon-A through Ba, and 1 to 6 p.m.-C through Er; Tuesday, 8 a.m. to noon-Es through Haz and 1 to 6 p.m.-He through Lap; Wednesday, 8 a.m. to noon- Lar, through Min and 1 to 6 p.m.- Mur through Roz; Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon-Ru through To and 1 to 6" p.m. Tr through Z. Accept Union Offer CHICAO, Oct. 26-()-James C. Petrillo, president of the AFL American Federation of Musicians, said today "all" of the representa- tives of the transcription industry concerned in negotiations for a 50 percent wage increase had agreed to the union's demands. Seniors, Grads May Register For Positions A job registration fieeting for sen- iors and graduate students will be held at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in the Nat- ural Science Auditorium, Dr. T. Luth- er Purdom, director of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation, announced yesterday. Students who will graduate in Feb- ruary or June and staff members who will be available for positions within the next year are urged by Dr. Purdom to attend the meeting. "It is important to register now be- cause employers are already asking for February and June graduates," Dr. Purdom said. Students who expect to receive their degrees in August should also register now because the best posi- tions are often filled by the end of the summer semester, he added. Campus Highlights IZFA Pro gram. A program including a technicolor movie, "Home Are the Hunted," group singing and a demonstration of Palestinian dances will be pre- sented by IZFA at 7:45 p. m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Narrated by Ralph Bellamy, the movie portrays the Jordan and tech- nical upbuilding in Palestine. A short speech will be given by Rabbi Gershen Rosenstock. Singing by a chorus and Palestinian dances will conclude the program. Chemical Society.., Members of Phi Lambda Upsilon, National chemical honorary so- ciety, will meet at 7:30' p. m. to- Polonia Club morrow in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. * * * Speech Students Tfea ... The speech department will spon- sor a tea for speech concentrates from 4:30 to 5:30 p. m., tomorrow at Rackham Assembly Hall. Members of Zeta Phi Eta associa- tion will serve as hostesses * * - Haber Lecture*... Prof. William Haber of the economics department will dis- cuss "The American Labor Scene" at 7:30 p. m. today in the social rooms of the International Center. Will Give Party For Halloween Cider and doughnuts, games and dancing will be on the program of the Halloween party to be given b~y Polonia Society at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day in the International Center. Slacks and blue jeans are the sug- gested attire for those attending the party, which is open to all students of Polish descent and their friends. Organized to promote greater un- derstanding of Polish culture, Pol- onia Society's plans for the year in- clude the discussion of Polish art, music, history, literature and tradi- tion, picnics, Polish folk dancing, and singing of Polish songs and Christmas carols. Prof. Carlton F. Wells of the Eng- lish department is sponsor. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN il) Publication .n The Daily Official Bul- tetin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 30 Notices The Parking Problem: The co- operation of all concerned, both stu- dents and faculty, is earnestly re- quested in the present parking emer- gency, so that all may benefit in so far as that is possible. The University Council has laid down certain rules which attempt to regulate parking in the restricted areas on the campus. These areas are plainly marked to indicate that only those cars bearing parking per- mit plates may park in these areas. The rules provide that those with the rank of instructor or above and those on the administrative staff to whom the privilege is accorded may obtain the proper plates at the Information Desk, Room 1, University Hall. To date 850 plates have been issued; the number of spaces available on the campus in the restricted areas is approximately one-half that number. This situation in itself creates one problem. When holders of permits park their cars carelessly, taking more room than is necessary, and park so as to prevent any possibility of exit, the problem is aggravated: and when those having no parking plates park in restricted areas, the whole system of control breaks down. The driving permits, issued to stu- dents by the Office of the Dean of Students, do not entitle the holder to park in any restricted parking area, except for those students who are physically incapacitated to whom campus permit plates have been is- sued. It is the sincere hope of the com- mittee, to which the University Coun- cil has delegated the responsibility of administering the rules with respect to parking, that a thoughtful respect for the rights of the' others may ease the problem for all. Robert C. Angell, Walter Roth, R. P. Briggs, Herbert C. Watkins University Committee on Parking Change in Examination Period. On recommendation of the Deans of the several schools and colleges, the ex- amination periods for the current academic year have been changed to the following dates: First semester, Monday, Jan. 20,. through Friday, Jan. 31; second semester, Saturday, May 31, through Thursday, June 12. Principal - Freshman Conference: The annual Principal - Freshman Conference will take place on Thurs- day, Nov. 14. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are request- ed not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 14, in order that freshmen may be available for con- ferences with their high school prin- cipals. School of Education Faculty: The October meeting of the Faculty will be held on Mon., Oct. 28, at 4:15 p.m. in the University Elementary School Library. Choral Union Ushers please report Mon., Oct. 28, at 7:40 p.m. for the Dorothy Maynor concert. Influenza Prevention Schedule: Mon., Oct. 28, 8:00-noon, A through Bz, 1:00 to 6:00 p. m., C through Er; Tues., Oct. 29, 8:00 to noon, Es through Haz, 1:00 to 6:00 p. in., He through Lap; Wed., Oct. 30, 8:00 to noon, Lar through Mun, 1:00 to 6:00- p. in., Mur through Roz; Thurs., Oct. 31, 8:00 to noon, Ru through To, 1:00 to 6:00 p. m., Tr through Z. If for any reason, students can- not report with their groups they may be vaccinated from 8:00 to noon and from 1:00 to 6:00 p. m. on Fri., Nov. 1, or at any time when the lines are not crowded. The vac- cinations will be given in Waterman Gym at the above times. Students, College of Literature,, Science and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, cours- es dropped after Sat., Nov. 2, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of "E". Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Applications for scholarships for the year, 1947- 48, should be made before Nov. 23. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and sliould be filed at that office. Mentor Reports, College of Engin- eering: Five-week grades for all Freshman Engineers are due in Dean Carwfords Office on Nov. 2. Report blanks will be furnished through department secretaries, or by campus mail direct to instructors. Identification Cards: Due to many identification cards not being called for last week, they will be distributed on Mon., Tues., and Wed., Oct. 28, 29, and 30, outside Rm. 2, University Hall. Those students who have not as yet had their pictures taken must do so on the above days. Students who have had pictures taken during the past three weeks will be able to pick up their identification cards at a future date to be announced in the D.O.B. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, Mu- sic and Public Health: Students who expect to receive degrees at the end of the Fall Semester from the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, Music, or Public Health must file a diploma application in Rm. 4, University Hall, by Nov. 1, if they have not already done so. Job registration will be held in the Natural Science Building Auditorium on Tues., Oct. 29, at 4:10 p. m. This applies to February, June and Au- gust graduates, also to graduate stu- dents or staff members who wish to register and who will be available for positions within the next year. The Bureau has two placement divi- sions: Teacher Placement and Gen- eral Placement. The General Divi- sion includes service to pleople seek- ing positions in business, industry, and professions other than teaching. It is important to register now be- cause employers are already asking for February and June graduates. There is no fee for registration at this time. Bureau of Appointments: Wayne County Civil Service Commission an- nouncements have been received in this office for: Medical Technolo- gist I; Medical Technologist II (Bac- teriology and Serology) ; Medical Technologist II (Biochemistry); Medical Technologist II (Hematol- ogy); Medical Technologist III (Bac- teriology). Salary range is from $2340 to 2820 for a 40 hour week and $2691 to $4830. Closing date is Nov. 6. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. WILLOW RUN VILLAGE West Court Community Building: Mon., Oct. 28, 8:00 p. m., Coffee Hour for Stephens College Alumnae. Tues., Oct. 29, 8:00 p. m., Exten- (Continued on Page 4) WARD "4 STA-U P-TOP 12.50 You know how many girdles have become an- noying when they roll and grip the waist, well here is one with a Sta- Up-Top waist band that won't roll over or dig in! It keeps you comfortable and' well molded always. NER'S Sizes 27 to 29 ilihe VANIBURENs 8 NICKELS. ARCADE laden o: U 01 s ;' Success Story " ..,'n III Ii' . _____ A f .. . v'r < , Z . , Huge Savings For Coeds- Two Days - October 30-31 ANNISF I The very Annis FUrs you've seen advcrtised in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Good Housekeeping . . . mouton, muskrat, squirrel, beaver, Persian paw and Persian Lamb well as coney. Mr. Jack Norgared the special Annis representativc will be right here at Hutzel's to help you in mraking your NEW PANTIE GIRDLE, Just slip into'em-then sprin into action! They'll hug tho curves of yours just enough smooth them out the way y want them-yet let you scur around like mad without hi: dering or hampering yov movements one single bi Nothing like them for bu S se> to au -ry sy n-2 three parts I The couturier touch! When a master puts the needle to America's fa- mous fabric . . . 100% wool gabardine .. , look at the change in styling . . . deeper arm- holes . . . shoulder inter- est . . . single button closings . . . in-curved waistlines . . . 1 s f £. e 1 N N women! $8.5 4 ALSO and over it all . . . a matching ... - faultlessly tailored topcoat . SUITS $49.95 COATS $54.95 selection. K - - - - TAILORED -TO -FIT BRAS, GIRDLES, ALL-IN-ONES by I I I I e v Kv - . --- I . I