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October 27, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-27

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Say Goering
Had Poison
When Seized
Vial Was Hidden in
Alimentary Tract
By The Associated Press
NUERNBERG, Oct. 26-Hermann
Goering had the vial of poison with
which he committed suicide from the
time he was captured, and may have
hidden it in his navel, a report by
the four-power commission investi-
gating his death said today.
Vial Hidden
At some time the vial was in his
alimentary tract, and it could have
been hidden for a time in the toilet
of his cell, the report added.
Prison authorities have said the
cartridge-like container for the glass
poison capsule, which was found in
Goering's cell after he committed
suicide less than two hours before he
was to have faced the hangman on
Oct. 16, was about twoinches long
and half an inch thick.
Hazy Details
Still leaving hazy details as to
how Goering cheated the gallows to
which he had been condemned by the
international military tribunal, the
report said:
"There is evidence to support the
view that at one time Goering could
have carried the poison secreted in
the cavity of his umbilical. There is
evidence to prove conclusively it was
not there throughout his imprison-
ment, and at some stage it was in his
alimentary tract."
A similar vial containing poison
was taken from Goering when he was
Obscure Recess
The report added that "an obscure
recess in the inside of the toilet un-
der the overhanging rim could have
concealed the container for a time
without detection except by an
extraordinary search."
The commission completely ab-
solved American soldier guards of
any "dereliction of duty" in permit-
ting Goering to escape the noose at
the final hour, and declared its com-
plete satisfaction with the handling
of prison security by the American
Army. It said there was no evidence
involving German workers in the
Nuernberg prison.
Play Producton
Will Present
Political Satire
"Both Your Houses," Play Produc-
tion's first presentation of the year,
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday through Saturday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Maxwell Anderson Pulitzer
Price play is a satire on national poli-
tics in which an idealistic Congress-
man finds himself suddenly up
against a group of old-time politi-
cians who are at work on a big ap-
propriations bill..
The young idealist tries to draw up
a relatively honest bill, but realiz-
ing the futility of this, he makes the
bill so ridiculously dishonest that it
will be killed instantly. Both parties
are so pleased with it, however, that
it goes through both houses.
Dr. William Halstead is directing
the play. Settings are by Robert
Mellencamp. The leading roles will
be played by John Babington, Rich-
ard Stewart, and Charles Benjamin.
Record Crowd

Hears Nimitz
The audience of approximately
8,000 students and faculty members
who heard the address by Fleet Ad-
miral Chester W. Nimitz Friday was
estimated as the largest crowd ever
to convene before the General Li-
The University's predominately
veteran population was praised by
Admiral Nimitz for its war record
and post-war accomplishments in
the academic world.
Shortly after the address, the chief
of naval operations embarked for In-
diananolis by special plane from

Polls To Open Tuesday
In All Campus Election
Publications Board, Union Vice-Presidents,
Senior Class, J-Hop Officers Will Be Chosen

85,938 Fans See
Wolverines Bow
Homceoming Defeat Marked by Dizzy
Ball..Handling, Misdirected Throws
Michigan now knows how Northwestern felt a week ago - only worse.
The Wildcats rolled over the Maize and Blue but wound up with a
14-14 tie. Yesterday Michigan dominated Illinois on the ground and in the
air and still lost, 13-9.
A homecoming throng of '85,938 fans saw some of the dizziest ball-
handling of this or any other year as no less than a dozen fumbles, a couple
of misdirected laterals and a pass that strayed from its ,course to become
Illinois' winning score all proved too much for the Wolverines.
Illini Recovers

Elections for the three student
members of the Board in Control of
Student Publications, Union vice-
presidents, senior class officers and
the chairman of J-Hop will be held
Open All Day
Polls will be open from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at the engineering arch, on
the diagonal, in the Angell Hall lob-
by and in front of the economics
building and Barbour Gymnasium.
Ballot boxes will also be stationed
in the Law Quadrangle from 8:30
a.m. to 2 p.m. and on the ground
floor of the University Hospital from
2 to 4 p.m.
The student body will also vote on
an amendment proposed by the Stu-
dent Legislature to change the meth-
od of determining the number of leg-
islatbrs. If the amendment is rati-
fied one legislator will be elected for
World News
By The Associated Press
CALCUTTA, Oct. 26-Additional
British troops were moved into the
Calcutta area tonight and others
were placed on the alert as continued
rioting in the city between Hindus
and Moslems brought death to at
least 26 persons and injuries at least
* * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26-Attor-
ney General Clark was reported
planning to handle the mass sedi-
ti-on cases personally today follow-
ing his summary dismissal of
Prosecutor O. John Rogge in a pol-
icy row.
* * *
LONDON, Oct. 26-Scotland Yard's
general staff, already without a trace
of the stolen $80,000 jewels of the
Duchess of Windsor, was confronted
with three more mysteries today-
the disappearance or theft of $63,200
in gems and furs from St. James
Palace and the boudoirs of two Amer-
ican-born titled women.
BERLIN, Oct. 26-A reliable in-
formant said today that approxi-
mately 40 Army officers, including
a former general, have been named
in an inspector general's report
dealing with alleged cases of black
marketing and other illegal activi-
ties among military and civilian
personnel in U. S. occupation forces.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26-Five
days after John L. Lewis' demand
for reopening of the soft coal con-
tract, the administration has not
yet decided how to deal with the
threatened strike, a cabinet mem-
ber disclosed tonight.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26-The end
of OPA's intervention in electric,
gas, telephone, streetcar and other
utility rate cases was foreshadowed
tonight in the resignation of Harry
R. Booth,

every 800 students each semester,
plus one for every vacancy that has
occurred since the preceding election.
Stabilize Number
The purpose of the amendment,
Rya Davis, Student Legislature pres-
ident, explained, is to stabilize the
number of legislators elected each se-
mester. Under the present system
the size of the Legislature is set at
one for each 400 students and enough
new candidates are elected each se-
mester to" bring the Legislature up
to its full size.
An abrupt change in the enroll-
ment with this system, Davis said,
means an abrupt change in the size
of the Legislature. The amendment
would mean that enrollment would
determine only the size of the half of
the Legislature being elected in any
one semester.
If the amendment is ratified, 26
legislators will be elected in the Nov.
12 and 13 elections and 23 more in
the spring. Under the present sys-
tem 30 legislators will be elected this
fall and 15 more next semester.
... To sing here
Ma ynor Will
Present Special
Concert Here
Making her fouith appearance in
Ann Arbor, Dorothy Maynor, so-
prano, will present a special, con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Miss Maynor's program will in-
clude numbers by Bach, Schubert,
Dvorak and Schumann, as well as
several Negro spirituals. She will be
accompanied by Ludwig Bergmann
at the piano.
Tickets for the performance will
be on sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to-
morrow in the University Musical
Society's offices, Burton Memorial
Acclaimed as one of the leading
concert sopranos of her time, Miss
Maynor is especially well known for
her singing of spirituals.

among the United Nations delegates at a session of the General (Steer-
ing) Committee in New York were (left to right): former Senator War-
ren R. Austin, U. S.; Sir Hartley Shaweross, Great Britain, and Dr.
Wellington Koo, China. The meeting was featured by Russia's with-
drawal from opposition to the General Assembly veto discussion in the
face of strong resistance led by the United States and Britain.
Veto Issue Still Pending As
Assemnbly Ends First Week

NEW YORK, Oct. 26-(,P)-The
United Nations Assembly wound up
its first week of debate today with
the explosive issue of the veto still
the number one question and with
increasing signs that pressure might
force a sharp definition of the uses
of the voting poiver.'
Charter Revision
It was apparent after addresses by
the first 13 nations and several tense
committee sessions that there was
little possibility at this time for a
charter revision to eliminate the
veto. Rather the drive appeared aim-
ed at forcing Russia, which has used
the veto nine times in the security
council, to agree to some modifica-
tions in its use.
Norway, Chile and Turkey today
joined in the campaign for a limita-
tion of some sort. Previous speakers
have deplored "excessive" and "rack-
less" use of the veto.
Time Not Ripe
Halyard M. Lange of Norway said
the time was not ripe to revise the
charter, but he called on the big
powers to reach agreement among
pem ilves and "to exercise the
veto as it was planned to be-a safe-
guard to be used only in, the last re-
Turkish delegate Huseyin Ragip
Baydur said the will of the major-
ity always has prevailed for man-
kind and there was no reason to
make the veto an exception, but
"Nevertheless, if, for a period of
transition, it may not be found pos-
Charity Drive
Help Withheld
Student Board Cites
Campus "Saturation"
A suggestion that University stu-
dents actively participate in the Ann
Arbor Community Chest drive was
turned down by a representative stu-
dent committee.
Ray Davis, president of the Student
Legislature, explained last night that
the committee voted unanimously to
abstain from participation on the
grounds that the campus "has been
more than saturated recently by
charity drives." Students had been-
asked to participate by raising Ann
Arbor's quota for the National USO.
Other reasons given for the com-
mittee action were that many stu-
dents are supported by incomes in
other cities where contributions are
made locally and that the large
group of veterans on campus is in no

sible entirely to eliminate the veto,
we should at least consider means of
limiting the field of its application."
Alpha Xi Delta
Is Winner of
Display Honors
Alpha Xi Delta won first place for
women and Lambda Chi Alpha took
top honors for men in the homecom-
ing display contest yesterday.
Second place honors went to Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma for women and to
Trigon for men.
Delta Delta Delta. and Alpha Omi-
cron Pi among the women's houses
and Chi Psi, Fletcher Hall, and Al-
pha Tau Omega among the men's
houses received honorable mention.
The judging committee for the
contest consisted of Dean Erich A.
Walter of the literary college, Ethel
A. McCormick, social director of the
League, Prof. Donald G. Gooch, of
Architecture College, Dick Doeder,
president of the Union, Ray Davis,
president of the Student Legislature,
and Jo Simpson, vice-president of
the League.
Judges Forget
To See Display
A couple hundred residents of the
West Quad, most of them Lloyd
House dwellers are wondering today
whether georgraphical locationi
counts in judging homecoming dis-
Lloyd House's display, which was
in the West Quad's court, "simply
wasn't judged," Norris Domangue,
one of the House's residents said.
He claimed that his house had
registered with the proper authorities
in plenty of time.
"At any rate it hadn't been judged
by noon today (Saturday), and try-
ing to reach the judges was virtually
futile," he said.

Strangely enough, of the 12 Maize
and Blue miscues, only one was re-
covered by the Illini. And one of the
bobles even helped Michigan score
its lone touchdown. Just after the
second period started with Michigan
on the Illini 24, Bob Chappuis faded
to pass.
Finding no receivers and seeing a
broken field before him, the Maize
and Blue tailback burst down the
middle to the vicinity of the Illinois
10 where the ball squirted out of his
hands and high into the air. Howard
Yerges outraced the Illini safety man
deflecting the ball out of bounds on
the visitors' five-yard line.
Wiese Drives
It was still Michigan's ball and
Bob Wiese drove over in two plays
for the tally that put the Wolverines
in front. Jim Brieske came in and
made it nine out of ten conversions
for the season. Thebigreserve cen-
ter's only miss came in the Army
game when Jim Steffy blocked his
second attempt.
But the Wolverines weren't so
lucky on the other 11 fumbles. The
first in the opening stanza brought a
55-yard Wolverine drive to an abrupt
end. Wiese, a great fullback until
he was hurt at the start of the sec-
ond half, burst through the Illini
line for 12 yards to the 22 but lost
the ball to the Illini tackle, Bill
Franks, when he was hit hard there.
The next time Michigan had the
ball Bumps Elliott bobbled it on a
left-end run and was thrown for a
Fatal Touchdown.
Milton H. McCoy, 62, of Crete,
Illinois, died of a heart attack yes-
terday in the Michigan Stadium
when Illinois scored its first touch-
12-yard loss. Wiese made all but
two of the yards back on a dash
through center, but it was fourth
down and the Wolverines were forced
to boot.
Probably the costliest fumbles
came in the dying minutes of play
See ILLINOIS, Page 7
Sport Tickets
Rationed. Next
Basketball and hockey tickets may
be rationed this semester.
Hack Coplin, chairman of the Stu-
dent Legislature's athletic commit-
tee, announced yesterday that a dis-
tribution system is being planned
"to give everyone an equal chance
to see an equal number of games.",
Coplin said that an acute seating
situation is expected because of the
large student enrollment and the
limited seating capacities in Yost
Field House and in the ice skating
rink. There are 25,000 free admis-
sions to basketball games this semes-
ter, he pointed out, and 7,500 avail-
able seats in the Field House.
Coplin said that he would discuss
possible plans with interested stu-
dents from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union Student Offices.

Mass Picketing
Called Success
150 Join in Protest
Against Hotel Action
The mass picketing demonstration
yesterday before the Barlum Hotel,
Detroit, in which University students
joined, was declared a "definite
success" by Harriet Ratner, member
of MYDA.
There were approximately 150 on
the picket lines, she said, each of
whom carried leaflets or signs such
as "Jim Crow Must Go," "It's
Against the Law To Discriminate,"
"Fight Together, Eat Together," and
an eight foot poster of Hitler in-
scribed "Discrimination Carries On
My Work."
Sponsored by the American Youth
for Democracy, the picket lines
formed two circles, one on each side
of the Barlum Hotel entrance, and
a smaller circle by the door of the
Coffee Shop whose waitresses have
been accused by MYDA of discrim-
inating against colored members of
their group.
Students from the campus and
Willow Village hitch-hiked to Detroit
early Saturday morning to join the
group made up of representatives of
the Detroit chapter of AYD, stu-
dents from Wayne University, Michi-
gan State College, NMU sailors and
members of the Peoples Church of
Applied Religion, Miss Ratner said.
She described the picketing pro-
cession, which lasted from noon un-
til 2:00 p.m., as very quiet. "We at-
tracted lots of attention from the
crowds, but the large number of
police stationed about the Hotel pre-
vented interference."
The decision to throw a picket line
about the hotel resulted from the
alleged discrimination of the hotel
management plus the physical vio-
lence inflicted upon AYD members
last week. AYD has since filed a
suit for assault and battery against
the Barium Hotel management.
FWA Proposal
Refused by U
Structure Offered Will
Not Fill Present Needs
University officials have decided to
refuse an offer by the Federal Works
Agency to have a building with 74,000
square feet of floornspace trans-
ferred from Burns City, Ind., to Ann
Official announcement of the offer
and descriptions of the building were
received here this week. Although
additional classrooms, offices and
laboratories would be a great con-
tribution towards alleviating the
present overcrowding of University
facilities, the refusal decision was
made because the building would be
unsuitable for such uses. It is a one-
story barrack-type structure.
Marching Band Will
Follow Wolverines
The University's Marching Band
will make both road trips for away
games with the football team, it was
announced last night.
About 125 members of the band
will accompany the squad for both

Republican Majority in House
Predicted by Slosson, Lederle

The Republican Party will emerge
from the impending election with a
larger representation in both houses
of Congress, Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son of the history department pre-
dicted yesterday.
Although Prof. Slosson believes
the Republican Party stands an "even
chance of winning control of the
House of Representatives," he consid-
ers the possibility of a Republican
majority in the Senate improbable,
since only one-third of the seats in
the upper chamber will be in conten-
Presideptial Campaign
When Congressional elections are



It is "very likely" that there will be
a Republican House of Representa-
tives as a result of next month's
elections, in the opinion of Prof.
John W. Lederle, of the political sci-
ence department.
However, he pointed out that there
are not a sufficient number of "un-
certain" seats in the upper house to
give the Republicans a victory there.
"Things are picking up, but they are
unlikely to take the Senate."
Law of Pendulum
Prof. Lederle indicated that the
"law of the pendulum," which oper-
ates in off-year elections as well as
over longer periods, will be partially


Identification Requirements
In Liquor Law Stir Up Talk

Campus opinion of the constitu-
tionality of the Liquor Identifica-
tion card law has been considerably
stirred up by Prosecutor Rae's stated
d1eire for a test case.

ege of purchasing or drinking al-
coholic liquor.
Some campus women have ex-
pressed a similar view. It is es-
pecialiy irritating to them to have
to naw through their noures ant the

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