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October 26, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-26

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Mic higan,Illinois

To Clash Before Sellout Crowd

* c *

*: *

Wolverines Aim at Seventh Straight
Triumph Over ChampaignEleven


* * *

* * *

Fired for a do-or-die struggle, the
legions of Michigan and Illinois will
renew their bitter 48-year-old rival-
ry at 2 p.m. today when they clash
head-on in a key Western Conference
scrap at Michigan Stadium.
A sell-out throng of 85,938 Home-
coming fans will jam their way into
the spacious Stadium to see the 32nd
meeting of the two ancient rivals.
Michigan's dominance over the Illini
which stands at 22 wins against
nine setbacks since 1898 will not be
threatened, but the Wolverines' as-
pirations for a Big Nine crown will
be seriously jeopardized.
Illini Arrives
Hailed as a potential national
champion at the beginning of the
campaign, the Illinois outfit has fin-
ally begun to match the advance
publicity. Spearheaded by the fleet
Buddy Young at wingback, the Illini

snapped out of their early season
lethargy to derail Wisconsin, 27-21,
last Saturday after an uphill fight
which saw halfback Julie Rykovich
lead the Illini to a pair of fourth-
period touchdowns and the triumph.
In their other two conference tests
the Champaign lads smashed Purdue
43-7, and then were unexpectedly
upset by Indiana, 14-7. Michigan
also had a grueling battle last week
when its otherwise clean slate was
marred by an upstart Northwestern
eleven in a bruising 14-14 deadlock.
But the Maize and Blue record shows
a pair of Big Nine wins over Indiana
and Iowa.
Title at Stake*
A win for the Illini today would
keep them in the thick of the Con-
ference race. A loss would just about
end their hopes. Michigan needs a
victory to take over the sole leader-

ship of the Big Nine. But should Il-
linois win, it will take a combination
of good luck and clear sailing the
rest of the way to put the Wolver-
ines in the top slot.
Today's contest shapes up as an-
other test for the Wolverines' well-
fortified line and strong defensive
backfield. Illinois runs out of the
T-formation and boasts a corps of
speedy backs. In addition to Young
and Rykovich, there are such run-
ners as Paul Patterson, Dwight Ed-
dleman, Art Dufelmeier and Russ
Backs A-plenty
Dufelmeier is the leading Illini
ball carrier. The fast tailback, who
started his first intercollegiate game
last week against Wisconsin, has
carried the pigskin 170 yards on 25
carries for a 6.8-yard average per
See LOSS, Page 3

FINAL INSTRUCTIONS . . . Coach Ray Eliot talks things over with
Illinois team captain, Mac Wenskunas. Wenskunas, an all-conference
center last season, has been out of action for the last two weeks, but he
is ready for full time duty against Michigan.

LAST WORDS .. . Michigan's captain, Art Renner, goes over final in-
structions with Coach Fritz Crisler. Renner will share the thankless task
of stopping Buddy Young's end sweeps and the horde of other fine
Illini backs.

Ste Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t I]y






To reet

Returning Alumni


Soviet Agrees
To Discuss
veto Question
Conciliatory Spirit
Cheers Members
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 25-Soviet Rus-
sia, displaying a new spirit of agree-
ment, abandoned today a bitter bat-
tle to prevent a complete airing of the
politically-hot veto question in the
United Nations Assembly.
Shortly afterwaitds, the United
Kingdom, first of the great powers
to speak out since the general debate
began yesterday, attacked Russia for
her "reckless use" of the veto in the
security council.
Developments in the action-packed
U. N. day were:.
1. Soviet Russia withdrew all op-
position in the assembly's steering
committee to five items proposed for
the agenda, three of them affecting
the veto right of the five great
2. The United States backed down
from its demand that the veto ques-
tion be given top priority in the as-
sembly debate.
3. The United Kingdom warned
that if the "reckless use" of the veto
is continued the United Nations se-
curity council "very soon" will be dis-
4. Argentina demanded that the
veto- be discarded; India spoke for
the unity of the great powers, and
Venezuela urged restriction of the
veto power.
The assembly will convene again
tomorrow at 10 a.m. (C.S.T.) with
Chile, Norway, Lebanon and Turkey
scheduled to be heard in the general
The members of the powerful 14-
man steering committee obviously
were cheered by the attitude of .con-
ciliation taken by Russia and the
United States in the committee. They
quickly voted to recommend that
the assembly place the items affect-
ing the veto on the agenda,
Credit Controls
To Be Removed
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25- (1P) -
Marriner S. Eccles, chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board, disclosed to-
day that wartime controls on charge
accounts and some installment buy-
ing may be removed soon.
This decontrol action in the cre-
dit field is planned for much the
same reason that the OPA has been
decontrolling prices-the threat that
the new Congress meeting in Janu-
ary might sweep away all controls.
The agencies hope to salvage those
they consider still essential.

Housing Lumber Tariffs
Suspended by Truman
Wyatt Asks Federal Loan for Manufacturers
To Hurry Prefabricated Homes Production

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 - In twin
moves to relieve the housing short-
age, President Truman today au-
thorized importation of lumber duty-
free, and Wilson Wyatt recommended
$54,000,000 in federal loans for mak-
ers of prefabricated homes.
The actions came as it became
clear that Housing Expediter Wyatt
would fall slightly short of his 1946
goal of 1,200,000 new dwellings start-
ed. Officials said, however, a major
Students Open
Weekend With
Spirited Rallies
Once Steve Filipiak "rolled 'em up"
in response to audience demand last
night, the 1946 edition of Varsity
Night got underway with a parade
of student and professional acts ful-
ly equal to the task of opening
Homecoming Weekend.
The show in Hill Auditorium was
immediately preceded by a pep rally
at Ferry Field. In spite of the band's
absence, the spirit of the group was
evidenced by the program of singing,
cheers and impromptu speeches.
Ann Achoonmaker, of Stockwell
Hall, was announced at the rally as
winner of the Michigan Yell contest.
The Don Large Choir, which ap-
peared through the courtesy of
radio station WJR, took over the
latter part of the Varsity Night pro-
gram. Its novel treatment of old
and new tunes was received with

effort would be made to get a fly-
ing start on the 1947 target of 1,500,-
Called Political Move
But Republican National Chair-
man Carroll Reece saw Mr. Tru-
man's move as a political one. In
a statement, Reece said:
"Considering the fact that the
building season in many parts of
the country has about ended for the
winter, it may be that Mr. Truman's
order is designed to have more ef-
fect upon the construction of polit-
ical fences than the construction of
Wyatt announced a "premium pay-
ment" subsidy of $20 a ton for extra
production of nails, a prime building
bottleneck. Nail producers had
pledged, he said, to boost their out-
put nearly 25 per cent by December.
Truman Proclamation
The President issued a proclama-
tion authorizing Secretary of the
Treasury Snyder to permit "the im-
portation free of duty of any ar-
ticles" which Housing Expediter Wil-
son Wyatt "designates and certifies
as timber, lumber, or lumber pro-
ducts suitable for the constructionj
or completion of housing accommo-
The waiver will apply to any such
products certified by Wyatt'. A Na-
tional Housing Agency spokesman
said the housing chief would send
a list of specified forest products
to Snyder at once.
Wyatt ran into a brick wall of
opposition, however, from the War
Assets Administration in his effort
to get the huge, government-owned
Dodge plant in Chicago turned over
as surplus to the Lustron Corpora-
tion, for the manufacture of assem-
bly line homes.

PASS THAT PAINT BRUSH - Members of Delta Delta Delta sorority put final touches on their house's
homecoming display. Workers are (from left to right) Audrey Buttery, Camille Ayo, Betty Dixon, Sue Gen-
the and Ann Follinger.

Displays Will
Be Featured
3,500 Students
ro Al etid Dance
Veritable shouts of welcome to
returning alumni will resound today
in every minute of the shows, parades
and parties set up for their 1946
The campus will get a taste of the
,good old days as thousands of alumni,
brimming over with tales of "when
I was at Michigan," descend on Ann
Arbor from every corner of the coun-
Some of the rigors of a 1946
football day in Ann Arbor will
probably come as a surprise to
them. In their time, they may
have become used to a jam on the
day of a game. But the present
Michigan campus, where every
figure, particularly those on food
prices and enrollment, is going
up, should be something of a new
WJR interviews on the steps of the
Union this morning will be tran-
scribed and broadcast over WJR at
4:45 p.m., just after the game. The
WPAG interviews will be emceed by
Bill Mazur.
Traditional Homecoming house
displays will dress the campus in
its Sunday best and the four resi-
dences which put on the highest
and best shows will be awarded
trophies at half-time of the Wel-
verine-Illini clash this afternoon.
All the Alumni have some spot on
campus which was at one time their
particular home and every one of
those homes will be open to them
today. Special parties for them are
announced in a story on Page 5.
Color spotlight of the game will
be turned on the University March-
ing Band which will share its pre-
game ceremonies with 20 Navy fight-
er planes. putting on a show in hon-
or of Navy Day tomorrow. At half-
time the band will present its inter-
pretation of thousands of Michigan
romances and their "Boy Meets
Girl" experiences.
The biggest dance held at Michi-
gan in mrany years will feature El-
lot Lawrence at 8:30 p.m. tonight
in the Intramural Building as some
3,509 students wind up their Home-
coming Weekend.
Judges of the house displays will
tour Ann Arbor in the Navy's station
wagon from 9 a.m. to noon, consid-
ering more than 80 entries. Sarah
Stephenson, chairman of the com-
mittee on displays, reported that
every sorority and fraternity and
almost all dormitories and league
houses on campus have entered the
The judging committee is made
up of Dean Erich A. Walter, Ethel
A. Walter, Ethel A. McCormick,
scnnia I Arnrnr the 41,ai.Pan rnn bn-


World News at a Glance
Rv T'Fh.o A cnrinfpd PP.

xy - e sso aten cress t
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25-A new obstacle to the administration's an-
nounced effort to balance the budget arose today as the War Department
estimated it would need $350,000,000 more for occupation and relief costs in
Europe and the Pacific.
NUERNBERG, Germany, Oct. 25-Indictnments charging murder of
"hundreds of thousands of human beings" by euthanasia and brutal
medical experiments were filed today against 23 German doctors held s
for action by special American military courts.
The medical experiments were performed upon inmates of Nazi
concentration camps. The euthanasia program was aimed at eliminat-
ing "useless eaters"-the crippled, the incurably ill and the insane-
among the German people.1
* * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25-A new American plan designed to prevent
any tampering with Bulgarian election returns was blocked today by al
Russian representative.a
The development brought a fresh cloud upon American relations with,

S tudents Want
Later flours
For, All Coeds
"It's a fine idea-but what about
the underclassmen?"
This was the general run of cam-
pus comment on the late permis-
sion proposal for upperelass women,
a Daily survey revealed yesterday.
Expressing a frequently heard
comment, Barbara McNeill, '49, said,
"I personally hope the plan goes
through, but I don't think it should
be restricted to juniors and seniors."
Junior Mary Ranger expressed full
approval of the proposal and Joan
Fiske, '47, said she thought co-eds
were capable of properly budgeting
their time.
"Juniors and seniors are adult
enough to be given later hours,"
sothomore Gloria Govan remarked.
Disagreement with the present set-
up was expressed by Delva Powell,
'48, who said, "I don't see any ad-
vantage in later hours during the
week. I would rather have week-end
late permissions."
Men students also expressed gen-
eral approval. "I'm all for it," Ray
Davis, president of the Student Leg-
islature, said.
Striking a sour note against the
_ _,n- 1 h %IN nI, pr mW lf

Gifts totalling $48,777 were ac-
cepted by the Board of Regents yes-
terday and six appointments and
three promotions to the faculty were
New contracts and other agree-
ments entered into by the Depart-3
ment on Engineering Research and
approved by the Regents amount to
over $28,000. One of the new con-
tracts is with the Boeing Airplane
Co. of Wichita, Kan., calling for two-
dimensional wing flap determination
on one of Boeing's newest type
Largest of the gifts accepted was
$27,500 from the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation fortheKellogg Dental Post-
graduate Fund. The John Harper
Seeley Foundation of Ann Arbor gave
$10,000 for its fellowship in surguery.
Gifts not in the form of money,
amounting in value to $10,420 also
were accepted for the engineering
college, including a precision gear
finishing machine from the National
Broach and Machine Co., Detroit, and
an M5-A-3 director from the Singer

'U' Accepts $48,777 for
Research, Post-Grad Work

Manufacturing Co., Elizabethport,
New Jersey.
Dr. Leo Goldberg was promoted to
associate professor of astronomy and
made chairman of the astronomy de-
partment and director of the Uni-
versity Observatory. Dr. Orren C.
Mohler was promoted to associate
professor of astronomy and assistant
director of the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory and Dr. Emmet T. Hooper
was promoted to assistant professor
of zoology,
Faculty appointments were made
in the psychology, astronomy and
sociology departments as well as in
the architecture college and in the
Institute of Social Work.
Deadline Today
For ID Cards
Slightly less than half of the stu-
dent body has neglected to face the
disillusioning facts depicted on iden-
tification cards now being distribut-
ed outside Rm. 2, University Hall,
In order to prove eligibilityto vote

Students To


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