FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1946 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVZ ________________________________________________________________________ Assembly Fortnight To Feature Merry-Go-Round Decorations Assembly Recognition N i g h t, which will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the League Ballroom, will continue the merry-go-round theme which was adopted for -this year at Assembly Fortnight, accord- ing to Margaret Thompson, general chairman. On the basis of the slogan, "Hop on the Assembly Merry-Go-Round," room decorations, table favors, and place'cardswill carry out the carnival idea. Refreshments will be served, and waitresses will be dressed in keeping with the central theme. Speaker for the affair will be Mrs. Virginia Chase Perkins, au- thoress and lecturer, and at present a member of the University's Eng- lish Department. Mrs. Perkins will discuss, "Women in a Chang- ing World," and will speak about the difficulties women have en- countered in obtaining the posi- tion which they enjoy today, and of the problems which have to be met by college graduates. The purpose of the event is to recognize the outstanding achieve- Bell System Reports Busy Phone Wires The influx of such a large number of students this year has had a tre- mendous effect on various services in Ann Arbor, not the least of which is the telephone system, as reports from the Michigan Bell Telephone System aptly illustrate. The number of outgoing calls alone, has mounted continually since the commencement of the fall session. 7 to 9 p.m. seems to be the busiest time for that call home (explaining the difficulty in keeping the budget down, perhaps?), and this .time finds the dormitory lines rather full. Consequently, as the Telephone Company director points out, the op- erator's patience is constantly on trial, and if students will comply with rules and regulations, it would, be pleasanter for both parties. mnents of independent women, schol- astically, and in extra-curricula ac- tivities. Scholarship awards will be presented by Ira M. Smith, Registrar )f the University, and activity honors will be given by Ellen Hill, president Af the League. Th. names of coeds who receive these awards will be in- 3cribed on the plaque which lists women who have received honors in the past. A limited number of tickets are Still available, and may be obtained from house presidents of the vari- ,us dormitories and league houses, or at a booth in the League, today, Monday, and Tuesday afternoons. Townsend's Band Will Play Allan Townsend and his 11-piece orchestra will play for the Campus Casbah from 9 p.m. to midnight to- day and tomorrow in the League Ballroom, but there will be no floor- show this week because of Home- coming activities. Tickets for the Casbah, all-campus night club sponsored by the League "ouncil, are sold at the main desk of the League. Tables will surround the large dance floor, and soft drinks will be sold at the coke bar. Deco- rations are in an Algerian theme. Any students interested in gain- ing experience in stage work are urged to try out for future Casbah loorshows. Tryouts are held at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in the League, and the room will be posted at the main desk. Doris Smith was recently chosen decorations chairman, and her com- mittee is planning new decorations for the night club. A good recipe for a clear mind dur- ing "coming bluebooks" consists of at least 8 hours sleep, and three well- balanced meals. The results are cer- tain to be brighter for the coed. Social Picture At 'U' Changes Plans Will Be Made To Relieve Lack of Recreation Facilities "I do not think there has been a fundamental change in the young people, but rather a change in the campus," stated Dean Alice Lloyd, when asked to comment on the changing attitude of the students on campus. "There has been a tremendous change of social life first due to the war, and now to the tremendous en- rollments and age differences. We now have a large group of married and single veterans, which makes a complicated social picture. There has been a challenge for younger students in meeting older ones in the class- rooms," commented Miss Lloyd. She further indicated that the present situation had brought to light the most interesting year the University has ever faced, that which involved the overcrowded classrooms and lack of recreational facilities. "We are very eager to increase recre- ational facilities as soon as possible, and are now taking steps to relieve the situation," Miss Lloyd added. Miss Lloyd commented that social dancing has always been one of the most popular social activities of col- lege students. The use of cars for these affairs on campus was per- mitted until 1927, when the privilege was discontinued for a number of reasonscone being the large number of accidents. Slacks, Toppers, Furs, Helmets To Ward Off Shivers at Games HYMNS IN SIGN LANGUAGE - Shirley Ray Alexander, 11, leads delegates to the national convention of the Christian Deaf Fellowship in sign language hymns at Tulsa, Okla, Proper Knowledge o Football By JUDITH ROBBINS Now that October's bright blue weather has turned tangy, the Mich-, igan coed has initiated many new ideas for keeping out of the cold. If dressing for the weather isn't given enough thought, she is liable to appear at the colder games looking a little rotund-having donned sev- eral shirts, sweaters, sox and boots for the occasion. But the gal who plans her wardrobe beforehand can look smooth and still be warm. Well-tailored slacks of men's wear flannel are always practical and smart. Gray is attractive and still slenderizing, while for the woman Before the war women were per- mitted 1:30 a.m. late permis§ion on Fridays, but this was changed as a war measure. Due to the present lack of adequate housing facilities, wom'- ens closing hours have remained to insure the students' health. "There is a tendency to let 'side shows' de- tract from the 'big tent'" she said. "We don't need more social life, but need to protect the academic life." Miss Lloyd does not agree with the statement frequently made that the coeds' primary purpose of attending a university was to find a husband. "I choose to believe that the major- ity of women sincerely want an edu- cation and are in college for that purpose," she stated. with slim hips, there are bright gay plaids to be topped with a solid color coat. These coats; plaid and plain, will have the broad shoulders that every one loves. They will have coachman's collars to turn up against the icy blasts, and the backs will be full and ripple from a yoke. When the cold becomes cloth-cut- ting, mouton coats will begin to ap- pear. Mouton is youthful and perfect for college. It has a beaver-like beau- ty and a processed durability. For the coed with yardbird yearnings, there are the fur lined field jackets and pea jacket her brother brought home with his discharge button. They are amazingly warm and com- fortable. To protect her ears from frostbite, earmuffs have given away to smooth- er gear. Helmets are simple to con- ceive for anyone who has a way with a knitting needle or crochet hook, and similarly toasty warm mittens can be concocted in no time, to match and finish a smart ensemble. The Hostess committee and the Decorations committee of Soph Cabaret will meet at 5 p.m. to- day in the League. The rooms in which these meetings will be held will be posted on the bulletin board at the League Main Desk. Science Shown By By JOYCE JOHNSON The over casts, potato bread signs take wing and the crowds hustle down to the stadium to look for friends, to add another program to their collections and to partake of forbidden refreshments. Many peq- ple also go to see the football game. The fairer variety of students have often been accused of not under- standing and therefore not being able to appreciate fully the science of the game, but the coed in the next row who inquires hysterically at the end of every play, "Is that a first down?" is indicative of the keen interest women have in football. Keen interest they also have in football players. Many's the coed who, so excited at the prospect of seeing "Mr. Muscles" in action, can't get her binoculars focused on him in time for the big play. And the women may be counted on to groan appropriately as the grid-" iron hits each hero. U' Women Football is easy to understand. The players of both teams line up for a few minutes, then tear madly to- ward each other and in the mad scramble that follows the fans are supposed to guess who has the ball. But as one analytic coed remarked, a lot of this confusion could be elimi- nated if the team would line up with their backs to each other to avoid bumping into one another. This much of the game is readily comprehended. The mystifying part is why twenty-two red-blooded American boys are buffaloed by only three men in black and white who are allowed to hover over each play and intermittedly move the whole bunch to a different part of the field. At the half the teams change goal posts again and it starts to rain. Farewell is said to wavy locks-but no, that varsity committee thinks of everything and coeds may spend the between-halves period putting up their hair on the lovely colored paper streamers provided. When the gun is fired and the battle won women know as well as the men who won the game ... for the final score is clearly printed in great big light bulbs. Tryouts To Be Held Final tryouts for the WAA Swim- ming Club will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Union Pool. This is the last opportunity for women to join the club, and the list of members will be announced next week. The club will meet regularly at 10 a.m. Saturdays, beginning Nov. (2. 6 ..U SH OP 'Round the Corner on State fL DR S ~~- h lvyo Casual worsted in trim good taste0.s. you'll like the sweeping shoulders, bracelet length sleeves, saddle-bag pockets and wide leather belt. . . David Crystal tailored in brown or gold pure worsted checks .. sizes 10 to 18. 29.95 j24A (" '/'3 7 / -- q Better ~ jDresses in lt'eCircle Roomn GIVE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY FUND MONTH-END CLEARANCE Junior Suits 11.00 A LARGE GROUP of good-looking suits from our Fall stocks... suitable for now and into i Craftsmanship in autumn hued calfskin . rich, ruddy feather buffed to gleaming brightness . . . another bright-styled, light-on-your-feet Paramount shoe designed by Kalmon . . . mellow brown with Spring. All of them from a maker famous for perfect tailoring, expert workmanship, and good wool fabrics. Checks, and plain colors such as black, red, brown, green and blue. Classic . . . . softly tailored styles. 100% wool and wool jersey. Sizes 9 to 15. I