FAG! 7Porn THE MICHIGAN FATLY FRIDAY. O(,T()RFP. 2 55; 199 THE MICHICA 1./ibAT P1111l fll I ,~1 ~~ ,~. ,a,~w ~ II. _ s ._...s ... _ e _ K"WJL"ZW.L3 V41VVLIL J 11 a I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Self-Pampering By SAMUEL GRAFTON. A PHILOSOPHER (or a moralist) might, I think, be a little worried about the nature of a good many of the campaign arguments being used today. Almost every election speech is an appeal to passion, and perhaps has to be, but some passions are higher than others. During the recent meat panic, for example, the shoutier Republicans made a straight appeal to the belly, and to human impatience, which is not a virtue; and certainly it is fair to say that their urgings were addressed to the lower, rather than the higher, centers of human motivation and con- duct. But what might most bother a philosopher (or a moralist) is that nobody on the Demo- cratic side took up the issue so raised, in straight moral terms. It could have been done, in a speech to the public, somewhat like this: "All right, you may be without meat for two or three months." But the Democrats were afraid to ask the public to make a sacrifice; they accepted the belly-level, established by the opposition, as the right level, and'they caved in. Nobody asked anybody to behave with grace, or to give up anything. There is here a strange, self-pampering something, almost unique, in the troubled world today. It started a year ago, when we dropped rationing about ten minutes after the war ended. Ever since the last gun was fired, our politicians have lived in terror, feeling that any American who had to do without anything, would immediately go into a mad dervish whirl, and come out screaming. Why should he? What right has anyone to resent a shortage? Shortages and dislocations are part of the price to be paid for winning a war. But the administration has acted as if the economic consequences of the war were a kind of scandal, to be hushed up; while the oppo- sition has treated our impatience as a political gold mine, and has worked on it, to make im- patience more impatient. Our press has been filled with pictures of juicy cuts of meat being served in Canada (which has never dropped rationing) and the upshot is that for the last month we have all been living, emotionally, in a butcher shop, amid the blood and slobber, either licking bare hooks or drooling over sides of beef; and perhaps it is time to get out into the air again, and add a higher value or two to the list of things by which we live. (Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate) UP FOR RE-ELECTION: Michigan Record in Congress THE FOLLOWING TABULATION presents a summary of the voting of Michigan's representatives in Congress on some significant issues: 1. Senate BILL MAULDIN Lend-Lease OPA Taft Taft amendment (2) amendment (1) Full - Employ- ment bill Case Hickenlooper bill (3) amendment (4) Cloture Cloture on on FEPC (5) Poll Tax (5) Vandenberg, Rep. Yes Yes ° Yes Yes Yes Yes 1) The Taft. amendment to the legislation ren ewing Lend-Lease in April 1945 would have pre- vented the use of the funds for relief, rehabilitation or reconstruction. 2) The Taft amendment to the original price control extension bill (vetoed by President Truman) would have allowed manufacturers price ceilings which would reflect prices charged during October 1941 plus reasonable increases. 3) The Case bill would have placed numerous restrictions on the activities of labor unions. 4) The Hickenlooper amendment to the Full- Employment bill declared that the government "should not engage in commercial activity" in competition with free enterprise or private capital. It would have prevented the govern ment from engaging in numerous activities in which it is already engaged, such as 5) A cloture rule was sought in both of1 filibuster. II. House of Representatives TVA, irrigation and operation of Senate these c ases to force a vote and forestall The British Loan Blackney, Rep. Bradley, Rep. Crawford, Rep. Dingell, Dem. Dondero, Rep. Engel, Rep. Hoffman, Rep. Hook, Dem. Jonkman, Rep. Lesinski, Dem. Michener, Rep. O'Brien, Dem. Rabaut, Dem. Sadowski, Dem. Shafer, Rep. Wolcott, Rep. Woodruff, Rep. No No 0 Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No OPA Walcott amend- ment (1) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes To override President's veto of Case bill Yes Yes 0 No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Veterans' Housing lifting ceilings on old houses (2) Yes Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Anti-Poll Tax bill' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes restaurants. or prevent Veterans' Housing Spence amend- ment (3) No No No Yes* No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No y - 4 Y * sCopr1946 by Un:ted Feature Syndicate Inc.": A1 tom m Rag U S Pat Off All rights reserved " "Just happened to' be passing through." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 0-absent, not voting, or generally pair ed. *-Paired for. 1) The Walcott amendment to OPA required ceiling prices to reflect the cost of production plus a reasonable profit on every item. 2) This was an amendment to the Patman emergency-housing bill which eliminated the pro- vision in the original bill to provide for price ceilings on existing houses. 3) This amendment restored $400,000,000 of the original $600,000,000 subsidy for pre-fabricated housing, which had been removed earlier. . £ ttPJ tO the &ditOr Critics: Left Wing To the Editor: AS A MEMBER of the Communist party I heartily endorse the attitude of Walt Hoff- man in wishing to separate the position of lib- erals from the position of Communists. The Communist Party has always made every effort to present its independent philosophy and ultimate goal clear and distinct. It is fully aware, that, to paraphrase Mr. Hoffman, to allow the Communist program to be confused with the liberal program is to allow the Communist pro- gram to be defeated. However I challenge Mr. Hoffman's pre- sumption in presenting himself as an author- ity on what Communists believe. His editorial in yesterday's Daily, if we can assume he is honest, shows him to be very badly informed on the nature of Communism. To begin with, Communists do not support 'complete government control." In fact 'they frequently oppose government control. To a Communist it is absolutely essential to make a distinction in regard to what economic class controls the government, before advocating more government power. Communists oppose monopolies because they believe monopoly represents only a more ad- vanced stage of capitalistic control. Communists support the F.E.P.C. because passage of such a law would mean an advance of the working class and a defeat for the capi- talist class which profits in discrimination. The Communist Party considers itself an integral part of the working class, hence every advance for the working class is an advance for the Communist Party. Communists do not advocate a violent revolu- tion. They differ from liberals in that they realize that the class struggle in almost every case leads to a position where the capitalists use their last resort, armed violence, to suppress the rising power of the workers. Communists are willing to go to great lengths, short of dam- aging working class interests, to prevent such an occurrence, but if violence breaks out, Commun- ists do not shirk their duty but stand by the workers on the firing lines. Communists support the principle of free speech and press. However, they feel that like every other freedom it is subject to broad but definite moral limitations. . * * * The Communist Party also looks to great Americans 'for inspiration. Do you remember the Communists in the Abraham Lincoln Bri- gade? "Citizen Tom Paine" was written by a Communist.. . The fundamental conflict between liberals and Communists is this: Liberals believe that freedom from depres- sions, wars, racial intolerance, etc. can be won within the framework of capitalism. Communists believe that the capitalist sys- tem itself creates the conditions which makes it profitable and necessary to suppress the growth of democracy, and that even the most ideal capitalist economy, because of its funda- mental nature, would be faced with an ever faster cycle of hysterical "booms" and disastrous depressions. This would force the capitalists to take away the civil liberties of the people and deny the workers all the gains they have made, making room for the rise of fascism, or (the open terroristic rule of monopoly capital) in their des- perate attempt to remain in control of the econ- omy of the country over the rising strength of the working class. -Geneva J. Olmsted ,* ,k,* Critics: Right Wing To the Editor: 1 HAVE a question which has been giving me a little trouble in this last month, my first as a student at the University of Michigan, and I would like to put this question to you publicly so that the rest of the students around here, as well as I, might have the answer. My question is this: "Just what is the editorial policy of The Michigan Daily?" And to put it just a bit more bluntly, "Just what are your 'editors' driving at in your daily barrage?" Before you come back with the obvious, I wish to state that I have taken due note of the little squib you carefully insert into every issue, to the effect that the views expressed in the edi- torials are those of their authors and not those of The Daily. What I want to know is just what the views of The Daily are? I had the idea when I came to Michigan, that the University paper should be directed to the student body as a whole, and that it should pre-. sent material which in the aggregate would be acceptable to that whole and not to one group within the whole (be it the majority or the mi- nority) whose ideas and ideals happen to coin- cide with the ideas and ideals of the editorial writers of the paper. From all that I have been able to gather to date, that idea is not shared by The Daily. To be more specific, I noticed a big editorial the other day congratulating Mr. Henry Wal- lace upon his appointment as editor of the New Republic ard stating, in effect, that we here at Michigan would wait with a great deal of anticipation for the enlightened editorials which would soon appear in that publication. Honestly, Mr. Freudenheim, I don't think that I am alone by several thousand when I say that I don't like the editorial policy of the New Re- public and that I won't like it as well when it is being run by Mr. Wallace. That sort of article, I contend, you can't merely write off as the sole opinion of the editorial's author. If that's all it is, then let him keep it to himself. If The Daily, on the other hand, thinks the student body ought to hear it, then let The Daily acknowledge that responsibility. Then there is the little matter of Mr. Samuel Grafton's column. The Daily undoubtedly pays good money for that column, and I would have no objection to it if The Daily would put out a little more cash to buy somebody else's views in opposition to Mr. Grafton's. * . * * The implication, you see Mr. Freudenheim, is that The Daily seeks to be a sort-of Little New Republic, or perhaps PM. Correst me if I'm wrong, will you please? -Gaines Davis Publication .n The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- ber ,of the university. Notices for the Bu letin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 28, Notices Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy, Commander of the Pa- cific Fleet during the World War, has consented to address the student body briefly at 11:00 a.m. today. He will speak from the General Library steps if the weather permits, oher- wise in Hill Auditorium. To permit students and faculty members to hear Admiral Nimitz' address, in- structors are authorized to, dismiss 10 o'clock classes at 10:50 a.m. and to delay the convening of 11 o'clock classes until 11:15 a.m. Members of the University Band may be excused from 10 o'clock classes in order to participate in the assembly. The President Change in Examination Period. On recommendation of the Deans of the several schools and colleges, the ex- amination periods for the current academic year have been changed to the following dates: First semester, Monday, Jan. 20, through Friday, Jan. 31; second semester, Saturday, May 31, through Thursday, June 12. Principal - Freshman Conference: The annual Principal - Freshman Conference will take place on Thurs- day, Nov. 14. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are request- ed not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 14, in order that At the State.. .. Black Beauty, (20th Century), Mona Freeman, Richard Denning. THE statement is made at the be- ginning of this that it is a free adaptation of the novel. A better adjective could not have been used. The horse is all that is left over from the original. It turns in an excellent performance. The way it underplays its part makes Miss Freeman's overacting all the more noticeable. There are some good- looking horses in this picture but altogether too many humans. At- the Michigan .. . Waltz Time (Four Continents), Carol Raye, Richard Tauber. THIS has the uniforms of Prisoner of Zenda and the sentimentality of Student Prince. It is strictly light opera put on film. Every one bursts into song on the slightest provoca- tion. I am a sucker for a waltz. Any- one similarly afflicted may be able to sit through this. -Joan Fiske freshmen may be available for con- ferences with their high school prin- cipals. Students who have not yet called for their identification cards must do so on Friday or Saturday of this week. These are the last two days they will be distributed outside Rm. 2, University Hall. Hours of distri- bution are: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students who have not had their pictures taken as yet, please report to Rm. 7, Angell Hall, and have this taken care of before Tues., Oct. 29. Office of the Dean of Students. Approved Organizations: The fol- lowing organizations have submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students a list of their officers for the aca- demic year 1946-47 and have been approved for that period. Those which have not registered with that office are presumed to be inactive for the year. Fraternities and soror- ities maintaining houses on the cam- pus, or those operating temporarily without houses are not included in this list. Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, American Institute of Chem- ical Engineers, American Institute of Electric Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Veterans Committee, Assembly As- sociation, Ball and Chain Club, Chi- nese Students Club, Congregational Disciples Guild, Delta Epsilon Pi. Delta Pi Epsilon, Deutscher Verein, Econcentrics, F. F. Fraternity, Gam- ma Delta, Graduate Outing Club, Hillel Foundation, Hindustan Assoc- iation, Intercollegiate Zionist Feder- ation of America, Inter-Guild, Inter- Racial Association, International Re- lations Club, kappa Phi Club, Le Cerie Francais.aLutheran Student Association, Methodist Wesley Foun- dation. Michigan Christian Fellowship, Michigan Sailing Club, Mortar Board, Michigan Youth for Demo- cratic Action, National Lawyers Guild, Newman Club, Omega Psi Phi, Pep Club, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Sigma, Prescott Club, Quarterdeck Society, Rifle Club, Roger Williams Guild, Society of Women Engineers, Spanish Club, Sphinx, Undergrad- ate Education Club, University Wo- men Veterans Association, Westmin- ster Guild, Women's Athletic Assoc- iation, Women's Glee Club, World Student Service Fund, Zeta Phi Eta. School of Education Faculty: The October meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, Oct. 28, at 4:15 in the University Elementary School Library. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports will be due Sat., Oct. 26, in the office of the Academic Counsleors, 108 Mason Hall. Job registration will be held in the Natural Science Building Audi- torium on Tues.. Oct. 29, at 4:10 p. m. This applies to February, June and August graduates, also to grad- uate students or staff members who wish to register and who will be available for positions within the next year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teacher Place- ment and General Placement. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in business, industry and professions other than education. It is important to regis- books not called for by Friday, Oct. 25, will become the property of Stu- dent Legislature. Your receipts must be presented. No settlement will be made without the surrender of your receipt. Checks for all books sold will be mailed to owners. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Bu- reau of Appointments: U.S. Civil Service Announcements have been received in this office for: Coal Mine Inspector, $3 ,397-$5,905, closing date Nov. 7; Stenographer and Typist, $1,954, no closing date; Automotive Engineer P-2 to P-8, $3,397-$9,975, closing date Oct. 29; Engineer P-2 to P-5 (Electrical, Ven- tilating, and Refrigeration, Mechan- ical, Sanitary), $3,397-$5,905, closing date Oct. 29; Sthdent Dietician, $1,470, no closing date. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. WILLOW RUN VILLAGE: WEST LODGE: 8:30-11:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 25, Stu- dent Dance, Jerry Edwards' Orches- tra. 8:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 25, Classical Recordings, Mr. Weldon Wilson commentator. Lecture Randolph Churchill, son of Win- ston Churchill, Member of Parlia- ment and a notedeEnglish journal- ist, will be presented Tuesday night by the University Oratorical Associa- tion as the second number on the 1946-47 Lecture Course. Mr. Church- ill will speak in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. on the subject "Socialism in England." Tickets will be placed on sale Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the auditorium box office, which will be open Monday from 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 5:00, and Tuesday from 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 8:30. Academic Notices Psychology 63 will not meet today. The preliminary doctoral examina- tion in chemistry will be held at the following times: Analytical Chemis- try, today; Orgonic Chemistry, Oct. 29; Physical Chemistry, Nov.n 1 Anyone wishing to take one or more of these examinations should consult with a member of the Grad- uate Committee in Chemistry. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 3:00 p.m. today in Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg. The subject to be discussed will be "the Proteins of Muscle-My~sin." All interested are invited. Mathematics Seminar on Dynam- ical Systems will meet Mon., Oct. 28, at 3:00 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. Rainich will speak on Integral Invariants. Concerts Dorothy Maynor, Soprano, will ap- pear in an extra concert Mon., Oct. 28, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Prrogram: numbers by Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Wolf, Du- parc, Dvorak, Schumann and Mahl- er, as well as several Negro spirituals. Tickets, at popular prices, are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Events Today The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg., today at 12 noon. At 12:20 the Club will adjourn to Rn 2054, Natural Science Bldg., where the program, "A Review of Research Work at Camp Davis," will be led by Dr. A. J. Eardley and will be partici- pated in by students who attended the camp the past summer. Tea will be served. Bring your own sand- wiches. The Art Cinema League presents "HELLO, MOSCOW," a post-war Soviet musical film. Russian dialog; (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regrular school 'Healthy Effect' of Reparatins GREAT MANY of Japan's heavy industries, which will be redistributed to other coun- tries as reparations, are actually economic bur- dens and contribute nothing to the welfare of the people of Japan, according to a recent report. At present the reparations program is in the process of organization and once preparations are completed, it is estimated that two years will be necessary to effect the transfer of industries to other Asiatic countries. CGhina is expected to receive the largest chunk of economic reparations from Japan, while the Philippines and Australia and New Zealand will fall in second and third cat- eeories. economic development. It is also possible that transfer of the industries may have to be effected in a more indirect way, since a long period of inoperation lessens the value of machinery and other equipment. Whatever the actual method decided upon, it is encouraging to see that reparations may have a healthy effect on a country's economy rather than crippling it further. -Phyllis L. Kaye BARNABY ' I say it's not enough to teach the child Latin and algebra- That's the essence of my report. Whether the other members of the -A Part of Baxter's analysis is serious. Part frivolous. ed -e r,. ' nor 1.r. h M , PM Re. U. 5.Pot off. Pop doesn't believe he Ii I I ii i