Fal DitY, (.?'CTMER 25, 1946 TilE MICHIGAN DAILY ' PAGE TP FRThAY, OCTOI~ER 25, 1946 PAGE TUI~EE Tomorrow's Struggle Smashes Old Attendance Records I-M Schedule Has Expanded Fall Program Nears Successful Completion, The tremendous increase in the male student enrollment has taken its effect on the greatly expanded I-M program which finds over two thousand sports enthusiasts entered in the various intramural tournament thus far. T h e twenty-eight fraternities, which were divided into seven leagues for the speedball tourney, have now been trimmed down to the victors of each leaguefor theinitial play-off contests slated to take place next Tuesday. At 4:15 Sigma Phi Epsilon bumps into Kappa Sigma, while the boys from Delta Tau Delta battle the speedballers of Psi Upsilon. While Lambda Chi Alpha comes up against Theta Chi at 5:15, three squads in the seventh league, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, and Zeta Psi will be battling for the title of its group in order to meet one of the other champions. The final playoff game is scheduled for sometime next week under the bright lights of Wines Field.- Thuqnbiny TAN Time With MURRAY GRANT THE LAST WEEK of October usually marks the midway point in Michi- gan's football season and this particular October week of years ago saw the Wolverines rapidly earning the title of "Champions of the West." The Maize and Blue eleven of 1940 led by the masterful Tommy Har- mon and numbering among its stars such Wolverine greats as Al Wistert and "Bullet Bob" Westfall continued to tear through its opponents as Harmon and Company smashed a powerful Pennsylvania squad 14-0. "Terrible Tommy" scored one marker on a nineteen yard run and then later threw another pass to another All-American, Ed Frutig, for the other score. Michigan's line proved again that it could stop the best their opponents had as they successfully bottled Francis Reagan, one of the best backs in the country at that time. And in 1931, fifteen years ago, another Wolverine back, Bill Hewitt, gained 104 of the 210 yards gained through rushing as Michigan crushed Illinois 35-0 to win their fourth out of five games and atone for the 20-7 defeat administered the week previously by Ohio State. The Wolverines scored once in each of the first two periods and in the final quarter they exploded to cross the double markers three times. Harry Newman scooted 35 yards for one touchdown and Stan Fay scored twice more to pace the scoring attack. BUT IT WAS a different story twenty-five years ago this last week in October as the Wolverines and the Fighting Illini again met at Cham- paign. After smashing through three opponents and amassing 139 points, the Michigan scoring punch was throttled almost to impotency. However, through the educated toe of All-American Fullback Frank Steketee, Michi- gan managed to pull this one out of the fire. With less than two minutes to go in the first half, Steketee dropped back to the Illini 15-yard line and booted one squarely through the uprights to give Michigan a 3-0 victory. And in 1896 with football at Michigan only 17 years old, the bone- crushing tactics of the Wolverines of fifty years ago aided in notching Michigan's fifth consecutive win of the season against "an old and form- idable rival"-Purdue. Hogg, Villa and Caley each scored touchdowns for Michigan in the days when touchdowns counted only four points, and Ferbert added four more points by placing two extra, points through the cross- bars. Thus the total for the Wolverine$ in 1896 read: Michigan 172, Opponents 0'. The Maize and Blue of fifty years ago continued the torrid pace throughout the remainder of the season, as they added four more victor- ies before losing to Chicago in the last game of the season. Yes, football through the years has changed considerably here at Michigan as the deceptive "T", single-wing and razzle-dazzle types of offense have replaced the bone-crushing days of yesteryear. Sii. SeltWout Throng Will See Wolverine"llini Con test Maize and Blue Squad To Be at Full Strength As George Burg Returns to Position in Lineup By CLARK BAKER There's a sell-out crowd of 85,938 fans at Michigan Stadium tomor- row to see the Wolverines battle Illinois, it was announced last night by An- drew S. Baker, Maize and Blue ticket manager. At noon yesterday the last ticket was sold assuring Michigan of its second sell-out crowd of the season. Just two weeks ago a capacity throng jammed its way into the Stadium to see the Wolverine-Army clash. At the same time attendance figures for the Wolverines' five home games to date rocketed to an all-time high with two home contests still to go. When tomorrow's game with Illinoishis over, a total of some 376,176 fans will have seen the 1946 Michigan eleven in action. The previous high for home at- Richmond Open Field Paced by Herman Keiser RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 24-(1)- Herman Keiser of Akron, Ohio, win- ner of the Augusta Masters and Knoxville Invitation tournaments, today put together rounds of 35-34- 69, three under par for the tough Hermitage Country Club course, to lead a field of 160 golfers by a stroke at the end of the first 18 holes of Richmond's 72-hole $10,000 Open Golf Tournament. Keiser's 69, which included four birdies, one bogey and 14 pars, was one stroke better than the 37-33-70 posted by Jmi Ferrier of Chicago. Five golfers, including Defending Champion Ben Hogan, were tied for third place with 71's while nine had par equalling 72's. The latter group included Sam Snead, the Hot Springs, Va., slammer and British Open Champion. Darkness caught the late starters in the big field today and it was an- nounced that nine would have to complete their rounds tomorrow. Rexall products are guar- anteed unconditionally by YOUR Rexall Drug Store and by the United-Rexall. Drug Company to give you satisfaction or the purchase price will be refunded. Writers Choose All-Star Team World Series Players Dominate Selections NEW YORK, Oct. 24-(P)-World Series performers dominated the 1946 Major League all-star team chosen for the Associated Press by 122 baseball writers on the big league circuit. Seven of the 10 players selected were members either of the Boston Red Sox or St. Louis Cardinals. The Red Sox were represented by four men; the Cards ranked next with three, and there was one each from Detroit, Cleveland and the New York Yankees, giving the American League a 7-3 majority. Voting on the players was started before the World Series but was not completed until late yesterday. About half the tallies arrived since the Ser- ies ended. The All-Star Team: Outfielders-Ted Willialms and Dom DiMaggio, Red Sox; Enos, Slaughter, Cardinals. First Base-Stan Musial, Cardi- nals Second Base-Bobby Doerr, Red Sox Third Base-George Kurowski, Cardinals Shortstop-Johnny Pesky, Red Sox Catcher-Aaron Robinson, Yan- kees. Pitchers-Hal Newhouser, Tigers and Bob Feller, Indians No player was chosen unanimously. But Ted Williams was named in all but two of the 122 ballots. JULIE RYKOVICH --one of the many fine Illini backs that will be seen in action tomnorow, IllinoisCare Explosires -in Mainy %BW's-gir n Young, Rykovich Duo Ready To unite Spark By DICK KRAUS If Illinois sticks to the script Satur- day, Michigan will be plagued with four pesky ground gainers. Each of Michigan's four opponents to date has offered one more dan- gerous running threat than its prede- cessor and the Illini have a host of potentially potent backs from which to draw an offensive quartet. In the season's opener, Indiana, blessed with Ben Raimondi's golden arm, couldn't come up with a single consistent runner to supplement its deadly passing attack. Only Dick Deranek gave the Wolverine forward wall any sort of difficulty, but he didn't see enough action to consti- tute a real threat. Iowa Had Hoerner Iowa brought along an adequate supply of hard running ball carriers, but Dick Hoerner, currently acknowl- edged as one of the best fullbacks in the land, was just about the whole Hawkeye show as he blasted through and around Michigan to throw an awful second half scare into Crisler and Co. The Army game, while essentially a Davis soliloquoy, subjected Michi- gan to a double-barrelled running attack. Doc Blanchard may not have been his,All-American self that day, but he did roll for the deciding touchdown. Mr. Inside & Mr. Outside Arnold Tucker, the Cadet field general, got loose for a few nice runs, but for the most part the ground work was left to Mr. Outside Davis, with at least diversionary assistance from Mr. Inside Blanchard. Pappy Waldorf's ground attack was divided into three almost equal portions. Vic Schwall, Frank Aschen- brenner, and Art Murakowski shared the running chores and moved so successfully against Michigan's de- fensive line that the Wildcats all but disregarded Michigan's early season weakness on pass defense. If the Illini follow this early sea- son pattern, Buddy Young will have three man support on the ground. With a cast including Rykovich, Pat- terson, Maggioli, Dufelmeier, Kwas- neiwski, Steger, Eddleman and Flo- rek, Illinois has the material to stick to the script. Read and Use The Daily Classified Directory tendance was 309,506 set in a half- dozen home contests last year. And with sell-out crowds already assured for the Wolverines' two away battles with Minnesota next week and Ohio State Nov. 23, it appears certain that Michigan's season attendance mark will surpass the 1945 high of 516,121. Squad Rounds into Shape But, blissfully unworried about the attendance figures, the Michigan and Illinois squads rounded out their practice sessions for the big scrap which will go a long way toward deciding the Western Conference championship. Michigan and Northwestern are currently perched atop the 'Big Nine race, but a defeat for the Wolverines tomorrow would put the Illini in the driver's seat along with the Wildcats who will forsake Conference action to play host to the College of the Pacific. two weeks ago in the Army game. The Illini, bruised and battered from their grueling 27-21 triumph over Wisconsin last Saturday, may be minus the services of their three top tackles, Make kasap, John Genis and Lou Agase. All three will probably see limited action but Coach Ray Elliott, pre- paring for the worst, has shifted end Frank Bauman to tackle to back up his injured trio. Only the paddleball, squash and swimnning facilities will be open to the vets and their wives for recreational purposes tonight at the I-M Building, since the Decorations Committee will be working on the gym for the Homecoming dance. { i i b'orn 'to ti a de Men, here's a thoroughbred! Genuine, California Saddle Leather's back again, sleek and smooth as ever and fashioned into handsome billfolds by Prince Gardner. The famous Registrar photo-pass case tucked inside is one of the slim- mest billfolds you ever saw! ~lne& Ganr~ $750 i i' Wild 's S t a t e Street a&-TM WARMTH .. . RUGGEES... RUGGEDNESS i EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:00 till 12:00 WOOL SHIRTS CAMPUS WEAR In all kinds of weather complete comfort is to be had in these coats. All have water-repellent outer finish with pure down or alpaca lining. Three-quarter and waist lengths Plain anal Plid 4 . All sizes $22.00 - $62.50 II7.95 ilIII.~. 11 i I