PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1946 WON= I . . etteri to the &ditor .. r BILL MAULDIN CINEM f (Starting Today) New Republic To the Editor: CRAIG H. WILSON'S letter on the prospect of Henry Wallace's taking over The New Republic as editor contained one considerable inaccuracy. Mr. Wilson's letter implied that in the Lit- erary College all English 2 classes are using The New Republic. Actually, during the first four or five weeks of the semester, about twenty-five per cent of these classes are using The New Republic. The other seventy-five per cent of our English 2 classes are using either Harper's Mag- azine or The American Mercury. -Carlton F. Wells, Chairman of Freshman English, L. S. & A. H. isunderstood To the Editor: LIKE MOST of the other contributors whose articles have been criticized, find that I am misunderstood. Miss Thea La Budde has assumed from my article that I'm the one with the strong preju- dices rather than the professor. I'm not ob- jecting to being expected to understand and to show that I've understood his ideas, but I do object to not being permitted to exercise my ' own intelligence and power of discrimination upon them. It seems to me that sociology was not meant to be taught by rote. C-a-t may spell cat, but neither C-o-m-m-u-n-i-s-m nor C-a-pi-t-a-l-i-s-m necessarily spell Perfection. -Rosalyn Long * * * * ComnCommunist Penetration To the Editor: IN ONE of his recent editorials, Walt Hoffmann perpetuates a rather unfortunate misconcep- tion that is doubtless shared by many of his readers. According to his exposition he feels that liberals are compelled to permit Com- munist penetration of any liberal organization on the grounds that to bar them would be un- democratic. Normally I would agree with him on that point, but it is my opinion that the Communists present far from a normal case. Trying to fight according to the rules in a street brawl usually results in your getting the worst of it, since the opposition just doesn't use the same rules you use. The same is true for the Communists; they don't use the same rules as a liberal does, even though they might seew to on the surface. They believe in "expediency" above all else. For them the end justifies the means in any situa- tion. To apply democratic rules to such people is fantastic. A parallel situation exists in Paris where diplomats wonder -why they can't get anywhere with the Soviets. One look would be enough to show even the most naive that the Soviets al- ways mean what it suits their convenience to say. By their peculiar logic, painting every issue white or black, the Communists would have one believe that the party line is the only line for a liberal to have - all else is reactionary or fascist. Of course they do not bring it to your attention that there are many anti-communist parties and groups which, though not in agree- ment with Byrnes, do not agree with Moscow either. In all their "discussions" this middle policy never exists. "This way to peace," they shout, "you don't want to fight another war, do you?" All not with them are against them. Quo usque tandem abutere communistae, patientia nostra? -John Tompkins IT SO HAPPENS * After Centuries of Culture Picture Magazine? ONE OF OUR lower paid staff men who claims he's pre-atomic unhappily reports this one. Walking across the Law Quad last Sunday, he found himself right behind a stroller who had one of the newer, smaller portable radios slung over his shoulder. The radio was on and it was broadcasting the last movement of Beethoven's ninth sym- phony, complete with all 300 voices and full symphony orchestra. The man carrying the radio was reading a magazine as he walked. Joy to Mankind, Westinghouse, GE and all the stockholders. * * * * R. S.V.P. iJBLICITY MAN Les Etter of the athletics office reports another one of those ques- tions-from-alumni. It seems that the office got a telegram asking about Homecoming Saturday.A "Is it at Ann Arbor or Champaign?" it asked. Local Color: Pathos AT LAST Saturday's football game we were sitting next to an underclassman who seemed very poorly. He twitched spasmodically, and as he bent over his program, his eyes were as those of a soul in torment. The reason for his indisposition did not become apparent until late in the first quarter when the cheerleaders counted the score. Thirsty Complaimzant To The Editor: COMPLAINTS seem to be the order of the day; in keeping with the tradition I shall voice mine. At the moment there are some 18,000 stu- dents-brave ones at that, they would have to be to attend this mis-be-gotten university-en- veloped in confusion of one form or another; crowded class rooms, dingy living quarters, and over-run masticating abodes. Adding to this situation we have an order-an unconstitutional order at that--which demands that all indul- gers must possess a liquor card. This liquor card by the way happens to be outlawed by the authorities of one Wayne County, home of the motor capital of the world. Now I ask you. What about the people who happen to journey to the metropolis and stay a few days-football en- thusiasts, no less? They probably do not have liquor cards. What about the individuals who do not possess the pecuniary to pay the indemnity? The obvious retort-brilliant of course-would be "go on the wagon." Pardon me while I have a beer. Why should a man pay one-fifth of a "fin" to enjoy a privilege endowed by society when he attains the 21st year? I have a suspicion that some one is making a little bit of folding money on the side. Not saying who. The crime lies in the fact that the city of Ann Arbor and the Uni- versity of Michigan condones this skullduggery. -J. Henderson * * * * On MichiWn Band To the Editor: There were many things about the game with Army that will be long remembered, not the least of which was the fine performance by our Var- sity Band. The marching, of course, was splen- did, but when the baton was given to the officer who was the director of the visiting Army Band to conduct the Star Spangled Banner the playing was superb. Here was an organization under the direction of 'a strange conductor, asked to play in a totally different style. Did it respond? Beau- tifully! Such shading and decisiveness! I'll bet that Army director had a thrill he'll long re- member. The only thing that might have been desired was to have had the Army and Varsity Bands massed for this performance. --Walter P. Staebler, '13 StatementfRequired A PROTEST against discrimination prac- ticed by professional schools throughout the nation "in one guise or another" was raised Tuesday by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, pres- ident of the American Jewish Congress. Dr. Wise indicated that the congress in- tends to take action toward stamping out discrimination in admissions to the coun- try's universities. Some progress along this line has already been achieved at the Colum- bia medical school, he reported. There, the number of Jewish students admitted has been increased following Dr. Wise's suit to cancel, on grounds of discrimination, the university's tax exemption. Such action is merited on two scores. First, the obvious injustice of a system which restricts a student's entrance into a profes- sion on the basis of his race or religion clearly calls for elimination in a country which claims to be a democracy. Second, system is guilty of wasting potential ability in the professions when it fails to select stu- dents for training on the basis of their capa- bilities alone. At the Unversity, a "quota" system of education, under which members of minority groups are allowed to enter only in limited numbers, is officially denied. Yet the University of Michigan Medical School application blank requires statements of both "religion" and "nationality." (Ques- tion No. 7). It is made explicit on the blank that "Every question is to be answered." Why? -Mary Brush Alpha Phi Omega ALPHA PHI OMEGA, national service fratern- ity, looks beyond the benefits of the regular social fraternity to the more self-satisfying benefits arising from service to the campus and to the University. Alpha Phi Omega is starting in- again this semester to try to equal their past record of service and needs more men to carry out pro- jects. Any man on campus, who was formerly a scout or scouter, is welcome to attend a meet- ing and find out more about the fraternity. Social and service prejects are arranged so that a member may spend as much or as little time as he desires in helping. Members of social fra- ternities are eligible for membership. Meetings are held in the Union every other Thursday. Today at 7:30 p.m., Ferdinand Dier- kens of Belgium will discuss scouting in his country and at the University of Brussels. --Bill DeGrace No Hope for Future To the Editor: I AM SENDING you a copy of the letter I have just sent to the Athletic Director, and I hope that you may be able to find some use for it. Athletic Director University of Michigan Dear Sir: I have a complaint to make and I feel that I am justified in doing so. In the middle of May I ordered two tickets for the Army game. I graduated from the University in June. I feel that by ordering the tickets five months early and because I was an alumnus, we would be entitled to fairly good seats. I am enclosing our ticket stubs. I_ hardly feel that a seat in section twenty-nine three rows up on the bleachers would be called a good seat. If I had ordered the tickets at the last minute, I would iot mind, but when I ordered them the first week they could be ordered I feel they should have been a great deal better than they were. I ordered two tickets for the Michigan State game four weeks ago, six weeks before the game I am sending back those tickets. Please send me better tickets or refund my money. I do not want to be at another football game in a seat from which I cannot distinguish numbers on the players' jerseys. After taking poor seats during my college years because outsiders got the choice seats I won't accept poor seats now that I am no longer a student. I am sending a copy of this letter to The Daily, -Madelon Hawes Dixon (frs. Robert Dixon) T IS TIME that Byrnes and Vandenberg be- gan telling us the truth about what they have been accomplishing at the Peace Confer- ence, an why a real understanding has not been found with the Soviet Union and the Dan- ubian states. Each time they return from one of the sessions, we hear the same Bi-partisan reports to -the effect that-a great deal was accomplished; perhaps it is Russian fear which is responsible for their intransigence; the road is difficult. Out of the recent eleven week ses- sion they claim to have brought home treaties which are acceptable to all parties by virtue of the fact that they were generally passed by a fifteen to six vote.-But the facts tell a dif- ferent story. Trieste has been left as a sore spot. The Anglo-Americans suggest it be made an Inter- national City, directly supervised by the Se- curity Council. This is an attempt to retain a military foothold on the Adriatic as a direct challenge to Yugoslavia. - Where is the plebi- scite which was first recommended? Bulgaria has been left without a southern boundary. Not because the border is ethno- logically or historically incorrect. But be- cause the British armed monarchists in Greece are attempting to solidify their expansion into the mountainous area that divides the two countries. THE ECONOMIC clauses of the treaties, es- pecially the question of the Danube, are entirely unacceptable to the Riparian states. The. Anglo-American bloc is attempting to open the river to "free" trade. This is no other than an attempt to protect American and British vested interests in these small countries, and to recapture these old markets for our Monopoly interests. - Byrnes and Vandenberg are cer- tainly aware that this would mean economic annihilation for each of these nations. There is no country in the world which can compete with American capital and productivity today. This is the conflict which lies at the bottom of the so-called intransigence. When Byrnes speaks of the "fear" of these countries and of Russia, he misinterprets. It is a grim determi- nation, rather, that they shall develop their own economies. And the Soviet Union is right- fully adamant in her insistence that these bor- der countries shall not fall prey to the pre- war governments. This is what our representatives have failed to tell the American people. They plead in- stead their own created myth of Russian ex- pansion, thus attempting to inculcate fear in our own people that they might carry out their imperialistic designs. They' consistently criticize these small nations as being un- democratic. But this is just a little more of that same myth. They have proved time and time again how little weight these considera- tions actually carry; they have forced the monarchy upon the Greek people by the use of terror; they continue to carry on relations with Franco and Peron. Now that their efforts to intimidate the So- viet Union by calling sixteen other nations to the peace conferences have failed, they intend to destroy the right to veto. They have already directed General Romulo of the Philippines to introduce a resolution into the General As- sembly that the veto right be eliminated. I shall discuss the implications of the veto ques- tion in my next column. --E. E. Ellis e N O ,,s I-. , Ye Capr. 196 6Unted Feature Synidica .I~a c.~ ' 3 Im: Reg U. S, Pa. Off.--AII ri~t esre "Speaking of "party lines.". DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Hello Moscow (Artkino) Stravinskaya, Nikolai Leonov. Anya THIS ASSEMBLY of what looks like the healthiest kids in Russia is good entertainment, although it tends to run to superfluity. It is not deep, it is not intellectual, it is not particularly liberal, radical, or revo- lutionary. Is is amusing. It is the usual kid-sho«-trying-to-make-it-to- the-big-city story, shot this time with a Soviet Trade School back- ground instead of the Hollywood in- fant dramatic factory. The plot is developed through a series of flash- backs, the story being told to an au- thor who looks for all the world like Brian Donlevy. In between flash- bakes there is much song and dance by various juveniles in the best Rus- sion style. Some of the excess enter- tainment is definitely excess. In fact, the writers must have had a sadistic streak, for right at the crucial mo- ment everything stops while a mob of Georgian students performs a rather wild dance. This I could have forgiven. In fact, I thoroughly en- joyed myself throughout. The end- ing, however, shattered me. --Joan Fiske ... Publication ,n The Daly Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the nulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel hal, by 3:30 pm. on the day preceding publication (1:00 a.m. Saturdays). I'll[lRSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 27 Notices Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Chief of Naval Operations, United Sates Navy, Commander of the Pa- cific Fleet during the World War, has consented to address the student body briefly at 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 25. He will speak from the General Library steps if the weather permits, otherwise in Hill Audito- rium. To permit students and facul- ty members to hear Admiral Nimitz's address, instructors are authorized to dismiss 10 o'clock classes at 10:50 a.m. and to delay, the convening of 11 o'clock classes until 11:15 a.m. Members of the University Band may be excused from 10 o'clock classes in order to participate in the assembly. The President The Parking Problem: The co- operation of all concerned, both stu- dents and faculty, is earnestly re- quested in the present parking emer- gency, so that all may benefit in so far as that is possible. The University Council has laid down certain rules which attempt to regulate parking in the restricted areas on the campus. These areas are plainly marked to indicate that only those cars bearing parking per- mit plates may park in these areas. The rules provide that those with the rank of instructor or above and those on the administrative staff to whom the privilege is accorded may obtain the proper plates at the Information Desk, Room 1, University Hall. To date 850 plates have been issued; the number of spaces available on the campus in the restricted areas is approximately one-half that number. This situation in itself creates one problem. When holders of permits park their cars carelessly, taking more room than is necessary, and park so as to prevent any possibility of exit, the problem is aggravated: and when those having no parking plates park in restricted areas, the whole system of control breaks down. The driving permits, issued to stu- dents by the Office of the Dean of Students, do not entitle the holder to park in any restricted parking area. except for those students who are physically incapacitated to whom campus permit plates have been is- sued. It is the sincere hope of the com- mittee, to which the University Coun- cil ha§ delegated the responsibility of administering the rules with respect to parking, that a thoughtful respect for the rights of the others may ease the problem for all. Robert C. Angell, Walter Roth, R. P. Briggs, Herbert C. Watkins University Committee on Parking Change in Examination Period. On recommendation of the Deans of the several schools and colleges, the ex- amination periods for the current academic year have been changed to the following dates: First semester, Monday, Jan. 20, through Friday, Jan. 31; second semester, Saturday, May 31, through Thursday, June 12. Principal - Freshman Conference: ,The annual Principal - Freshman Conference will take place on Thurs- day, Nov. 14. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are request- ed not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 14, in order that freshmen may be available for don- ferences with their high school prin- cipals. To All Chairmen of Departments: Please call Extension 437 in- the Business Office and order the num- ber of faculty directories needed in your department. Delivery will be made by campus mail when direc- tories are available, presumably about Oct. 23. Staff members may have a copy of the directory for use at home by ap- plying at the Information Desk in the Business Office, Room 1, Uni- versity Hall. Herbert C. Watkins, Secretary School of Education Faculty: The October meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, Oct. 23, at 4:15 in the University Elementary School Library. Student identification cards will be distributed from the booths out- side Room 2, University Hall in ac- cordance with the following schedule: A-L Wed., Oct. 23, 8:3 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-Z Thurs., Oct. 24, same hours as Wednesday. Students are requested to observe this arrangement by cllin on the days when their individual cards will be given out. After receiving identification cards, students must sign them promptly in order to make them official. Dean of Students Office Approved Organizations: The fol- lowing organizations have submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students a list of their officers for the aca- demic year 1946-47 and have been approved for that period. Those which have not registered with that office are presumed to be inactive for the year. Fraternities and soror- ities maintaining houses on the cam- pus, or thoseoperating temporarily without houses are not included in this list, Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, American Institute of Chem- ical Engineers, American Institute of Electric Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Veterans Committee, Assembly As- sociation, Ball and Chain Club, Chi- nese Students Club,' Congregational Disciples Guild, Delta Epsilon Pi. Delta Pi Epsilon, Deutscher Verein, Econcentrics, F. F. Fraternity, Gam- ma Delta, Graduate Outing Club, Hillel Foundation, Hindustan Assoc- iation, Intercollegiate Zionist Feder- ation of America, Inter-Guild, Ipter- Racial Association, International Re - lations Club, Kappa Phi Club, Le Cercle Francais, Lutheran Student Association, Methodist Wesley Foun- dation. Michigan Christian Fellowship, Michigan Sailing Club, Mortar Board, Michigan Youth for Demo- cratic Action, National Lawyers Guild, Newman Club, Omega Psi Phi, Pep Club, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Sigma, Presctt Club. Qui aterdiek Academic Counsleors, 108 Hall. Mason The Student Legislature Book Ex- change has assumed responsibility for all books and payments of Mich. Union Book Exchange. The Legisla- ture will return or effect settlement for both Union and Student Legis- lature books. Monday through Fri- day, Oct. 21 to 25, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Room 302 Michigan Union. All Union books not called for by Friday, Oct. 25, will become the property of Stu- dent Legislature. Your receipts must be presented. No settlement will be made without the surrender of your receipt. Checks for all books sold will be mailed to owners. Job registration will be held in the Natural Science Building Audi- torium on Tues.. Oct. 29, at 4:10 p. m. This applies to February, June and August graduates, also to grad- uate students or staff members who wish to register and who will be available for positions within the next year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teacher Place- ment and General Placement. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in business, industry and professions other than education. It is important to regis- ter NOW because employers are al- ready asking for February and June graduates. There is no fee for regis- tration at this time. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Bu- reau of Appointments: U.S. Civil Service Announcements have been received in this office for: Coal Mine Inspector, $3,397-$5,905, closing date Nov. 7; Stenographer and Typist, $1,954, no closing date; Automotive Engineer P-2 to P-8, $3,397-$9,975, closing date Oct. 29; Engineer P-2 to P-5 (Electrical, Ven- tilating,rand Refrigeration, Mechan- ical, Sanitary), $3,397-$5,905, closing date Oct. 29; Student Dietician, $1,470, no closing date. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Camp Davis Summer Session 1947: (Continued on Page 5) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of. the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........managing Editor Milton Freudenhelm..Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha.............Associate Edtor Clark Baker..............Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potte .......Business Manager Evelyn Mills. . .Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school BARNABY My secretary has me down- It's not that she's impertinent. But all day opy "1 1 P9, ,.00. She never stopped giggling :"" And. She looked at me as if ihad FGosh. Which one did she