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October 24, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-24

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Latest Deadline in the State


'Coeds Formulate Plans
To Seek Later Hours
House President Association To Submit
Proposal--Late Upperclass Permission
Junior and senior women may get week-day late permissions-if .plans
drawn up by the Association of House Presidents go through.
Representatives of the 1,500 girls in the dormitory system announced
yesterday that they are planning to ask the Office of the Dean of Women
for upperclass privileges.
The proposal, as tentatively set up, would give seniors 11:30 permissions
during the week and on Sunday night. Juniors would receive one 11:30 per-


OPA Abolishes Nearly All Food, Beverage
Price Controls; Restaurant Ceilings Lifted;

r-IftMan Decries

'Unusti~fied' War



Atomic Power
Jolts Scientists
Into Politics
AFS Forced Civilian'
Control Bill-Stumpf
Speaking before the Association
of University of Michigan Scientists
last night, Dr. Paul K. Stumpf said
that atomic power had brought sci-
entists out of their ivory .towers and
showed their obligation to take an
active part in governmental prob-
lems related to scientific affairs.
It was mainly the effort of the
American Federation of Scientists,
he said, which forced the evolution
of the McMahon bill for civilian
control of atomic energy. In view
of this work scientists have finally
realized their potential power, he
In discussion after D. Stumpf's
speech, the grop criticized the
slowness of the administration's
work, which to this date has failed
to appoint members to the five-man
commission. When the group is set
up, Dr. Stumpf pointed out, the re-
striction and flow of information
on atomic energy will be determined
by this comjmission. If scientists fail
to exert pressure on the commission,
they will be digging their own graves
a they will lose influence and be
unable to counteract any misuse of
power, should it occur, he said.
Pointing out situations in which
pressure from scientific groups could
be. exerted, Dr. Stumpf, instructor in
epidemiology in the School of Pub-
lic Health, referred to the Science
Research Foundation Bill, S1850,
which died a quiet death in the
House Committee on Interstate and
Foreign Commerce last summer. The
bill failed passage, he said, mainly
because the committee lacked suf-
ficient evidence to pass a bill as im-
portant and complicated as it was.
Coeds 'Survive'
After Flu Shots
Inoculation Program
Will Continue Monday
Almost 24 hours after the inocu-
lation of approximately 390 Stock-
well coeds, Dr. Margaret Bell an-
nounced that no serious reactions had
been reported.
Stockwell coeds were given influ-
enza immunization shots on Tuesday
night and Mosher-Jordan residents
were inoculated last night in the
first step of the Health Service's pro-
gram for 100 per cent immunization
of University students, faculty and
The following schedule has been set
up for students in the regular pro-
gram which will begin Monday in
Waterman Gymnasium:
Monday, Oct. 28, 8 a.m. to noon-A
through Bz and 1 to 6 p.m. - C
through Er; Tuesday, Oct. 29, 8 a.m.
to noon-Es through Haz and 1 to 6'
p.m.-He through Lap; Wednesday,
Oct. 30, 8 a.m. to noon-Lar through
Mun and 1 to 6 p.m.-Mur through
Roz, Thursday, Oct. 31, 8 a.m. to
noon-Ru through To and 1 to 6 p.m.
-Tr throughZ.
Nimitz Will Address
Students Tomorrow
Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
will address the student body at 11
a.m. tomorrow on the steps of the
general library:
Instructors are authorized to dis-
miss 10 a.m classes at 10:50 a.m and
to delay the convening of 11 a .a.

classes until 11:15 in order to per-
mit attendance to the speech.
The Admiral will be visiting Dr.
Esson W. Gale, director of the Uni-
versity International Center. He is
expected to make a brief appearance
at 5 p.m. today at the International{

hmission a week.
The approval of the Pan-Hellenic
Association and League House presi-
dents will be sought before the' plan
is submitted to the dean's office,
Audrey Weston, Assembly vice-presi-
dent in charge of dormitories, said
last night.
"Because of the widespread nature
of the demand for later hours, I
think it is probable that they will
back the proposal," she added.
Asked if women veterans had
played a large part in formulating
the plans, Jean Louise Hole, presi-
dent of the Judiciary Council, point-
ed out that most women veterans live
at Willow Run and therefore do not
have to keep hours. Women veterans
recently staged a successful cam-
paign for late permission at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
was unavailable for comment on the
proposal last night.
Facult yRating
Plan Approved
Biy Legislature
The outline of a faculty grading
system to determine "teacher ap-
peal" was approved by the Student
Legislature last night.
The plan, which must receive Uni-
versity approval before going into
operation, provides for anonymous
student grading of teaching quali-
ties at the end of each semester. This
information, after tabulation by a
faculty-student committee, will be
given to the heads of the respe'ctive
departments and to 'the individual
The results of the survey will noti
be made public, Mary Lloyd Ben-
son, chairman of the academic com-
mittee, pointed out, but will be used
as a basis for promotion policies and
internal improvements.
Miss Benson reported that faculty
comment on the proposal has been
Setting up rules for the campus
elections to be held Tuesday and
Nov. 12 and 13, the Legislature ex-
tended the deadline for turning in
Student Legislature petitions until
Nov. 2 and limited qualification
statements to 50 words.
Voting will be conducted from.8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday for Union
vice-presidents, senior class officers,
chairmen of class dances and stu-
dent members of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Pep Rally Will
Oper Weekend
Homecoming Weekend will be
launched at 7:30 p.m. with a Friday
night pep rally at Ferry Field, imme-
diately preceding Varsity Night in
Hill Auditorium.
Bob Grandy, emcee of the Cam-
pus Casbah, will also take the emcee
spotlight in the rally. Grandy is a
veteran, who before entering serv-
ice was well-known for his work in
campus rallies.
The biggest and best bonfire Mich-
igan has ever seen has been prom-
ised for Ferry Field and each house
on campus has been asked to make a
banner and an effigy for the parade.
Effigies will be burned on the bonfire
at the field.
The rally will be organized on thej
steps of the Union at 7:30 p.m. and
will precede from there to Ferry
Field in a torchlight parade.

UN Assembly
Is Welcomed
By President
U.S. Stands Behind
Veto Right of Powers
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 23-President
Truman welcomed the United Na-
tions General Assembly today with a
firm declaration that fears of a third
world war are "unwarranted and un-
justified" and a stern warning that
war rumors must be checked lest they
impede world recovery.
The President in a 2,600-word ad..
dress broadly restated American pol-
icy to the delegates of 51 nations as
the Assembly launched its first meet-
ing in this temporary world diplo-
matic capital in an elaborately-dec-
orated hall on the site of the 1939
World's Fair.
Full U. S. Support
Mr. Truman told the Assembly--
and through it all peoples-that the
United States would back the United
Nations "with all the resources that
we possess."
Mr. Truman, introduced by Paul-
Henri Spaak, Belgian foreign minister
and Assembly president, agreed with
Prime Minister Stalin in deploring
talk of a new war.
"Lately we have all heard talk
about the possibility of another world
war," he said. "Fears have been
aroused all overthe world.
"These fears are unwarranted and
Rumors Will Continue
"However, rumors of war still find
willing listeners in certain places. If
these rumors are not checked they
See TRUMAN, Page 2
Sen. Pepper To
Discuss FEPC

WHALE STRANDED ON BEACH-Crowds gather on beach and in rowboats to get a look at 60 foot whale
which ventured too close to shore and was left stranded and helpless in shallow Long Island waters near
Huntington, N.Y. at ebb tide. The whale died in the afternoon and was pulled free by an Army crash boat
and a Coast Guard cutter when the tide came in.


Groups Will
Rally Today

"The Fair Employment Practices
Commission" will be the subject of
an address by Sen. Claude Pepper
(Dem., Fla.) at a public rally at 9
p.m. today in the Masoiic Temple,
327 N. Fourth Avenue.
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Wo-
men, has announced that late per-
mission, until 11:15 p.m., will be
granted to all University women who
attend the rally.
Bob Slaff, of the campus chapter
of the American Veterans Commit-
tee, will outline briefly the purposes
of the AVC, IRA, and MYDA, the
three student groups sponsoring the
Prof. Theodore Newcomb, of the
sociology department, who is chair-
man of the Independent Citizens
Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and
Professions, which is co-sponsoring
the meeting, will discuss the object-
ives of that group.
' In his address on the FEPC. Sen.
Pepper will discuss the need for, and
difficulties involved in securing state
FEPC legislation. He is expected to
explain the plans of the Michigan
Citizens' Committee, of Detroit,
whichwill sponsor a petition cam-
paign for state FEPC legislation im-
mediately after the Nov. 5 election.
Monthly Palestine Quota
For Immigration Is 1,500
The Daily erred yesterday in plac-
ing the monthly immigration quota
into Palestine at 150,000.
The quota is 1,500 per month un-
der present British controls.

Varsity Night
Will Feature
Radio Chorus
Bringing modern swing, old fav-
orite classical mselodies and comic
barbershop harmonizing to the tra-
ditional Homecoming campus show,
the Don Large' Chorus, of radio sta-
tion WJR in Detroit, will take one
of the major spotlights tomorrow in
Varsity Night.
The chorus, organized in 1937, has
become well-known across the coun-
try for its appearances on a number
of CBS network programs, including
"Anything Goes," "Motor City Mel-
odies," "F.O.B. Detroit" and "Vic-
tory F.O.B."
Ron Gamble, emcee for "Anything
Goes," will be announcer for the
group's part tomorrow night,
Other acts in the annual band-
sponsored varsity show will include,
Andrew White, baritone soloist, for-
merly with Fred Waring's orches-
tra; Frank Elsass, cornet soloists for-
merly with the Goldman Band; Rose
Derderian, senior voice student and
recent winner of the Philadelphia
La Scala Opera Award; Steve Fili-
piak, Master of Ceremonies; and
"The Three Trumpeters, Mark Kel-
ly, and Dorothy and Margaret Boss-
cawen. Others will be Chico Ken-
nedy, University cheerleader in a
Russian dance, "Crazy Ivan"; Earl
Gotberg, ventriloquist from Detroit;
and Newton Loken and Glen Neff.
physical education instructors in a
hand balancing act.
The University Concert Band will
appear in four numbers, one of
which was composed and will be
conducted by Don Moore.
Homecoming Dance
Is Complete Sel-out
Unprecedented enthusiasm for the
Homecoming Dance has resulted in
a complete sell-out of tickets.
The attendance for this dance wili
exceed that for any dance held dur-
ing the past year.
Tickets for Varsity Night may still
'be obtained from 9:00' a.m. to noon,
and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at booths in
the Union, League, and 'U' Hall.

Meat Available, Not Plentiful,
In City's Markets This Week

Meat is "available," not plentiful,
in Ann Arbor this week, a survey of
the city's markets revealed yesterday.
"We should have meat available at
all times within one week," one gro-
cer said. Another said that he be-
lieved prices would go down when
meat returned in quantity.
Some resistance to the high prices
on meat was noted by local grocers.
One said that almost everyone com-
mented about the prices, but very
few people walked away from the
counter without buying any meat.
Another one noted that people are
buying meat only in small quantities.
One grocer quoted a woman who
said "we've done without meat this
long, and at these prices we'll do
without it some more."
Prices Vary
One of the city's meat dealers said
that the prices on meat vary not
IDi Cards Will
lie Distributed
Vanity leads to cowardice, judging
from the large number of identifi-
cation cards which at least half of
the first group, scheduled to pick
them up yesterday, failed to claim.
Although it is commonly conceded
that only a cell number is missing
to make the picture look as if they
had been taken behind bars, they
must be presented for admission to
all athletic functions and at the li-
brary circulation desk in order to re-
ceive books.
Student whose last names begin
with the letters between M and Z
may pick up-their "ident cards" from
8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to
4:30 p.m. today at the booths out-
side of Rm. 2, University Hall. Those
in the first group who failed to pick
up their cards yesterday will have to
wait until further arrangements are

only from day to day, but from hour
to hour.
Prices on some cuts of meats varied
from store to store yesterday. Sirloin
steak was selling at anywhere from
88 cents a pound to $1.16 a pound in
city stores yesterday. The OPA ceil-
ing price on Grade A sirloin before
President Truman removed the con-
trQls October 14 was 54 cents a
Hamburger was selling at 58 cents
a pound in one store yesterday. The
OPA ceiling on hamburger was 29
cents a pound.
Other Prices Rise
Other meats on sale in city stores
yesterday were pot roast. at 69 cents
a pound, pork shops at 73 cents a
pound, beef liver at 69 cents a pound,
loin lamb shops at 86 cents a pound,
and T-Bone steak at $1.10 a pound.
The top OPA ceilings on these
meats had been pot roast, 37 cents a
pound; pork chops: 46 cents a
pound; beef liver: 41 cents a pound;
loin lamb chops: 75 cents a pound;
and T-bone steap: 59 cents a pound.
Although roasts were almost com-
pletely unavailable, one butcher said,
that he had some beef rump roast at
89 cents a pound, and pork loin at
73 , cents a pound, OPA ceilings on
these meat cuts had been 54 cents a
pound for the beef and 41 cents a
pound for the pork.
No grocers reported that they had
ham, bacon, or veal. One commented
that these meats would be slow
coming in.
Bartlett Speaks
Ont East ndes
People of the East Indies are riot
yet ready for democratic govern-
ment, Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the
botany department said last night in'
a lecture at Willow Village,
"Regardless of our desire to see
the East Indies emerge as an inde-
pendent state," he said, "a Dutch-na-
tive government would probably
serve most satisfactorily at present."
A member of an expedition to Su~-
matra before the war, Prof. Bartlett
declared that lack of uniformity of
language and lack of trained lead-
ership are the two greatest difficul-
ties facing the people in their strug-
gle for political independence.
Ecowmy Drive Will
--/ Oi Af TM -

Decontrol Move
Will Release
Wage Ceilings
Sugar, Syrups, Rice
Remain Under Lids
By The Associated Press.
day abolished price restraints on
practically everything the nation
eats and drinks.
In the most sweeping decontrol
action of its career, the agency lifted
ceilings from all foods and bever-
ages except sugar, syrups and rice.
Also wiped out were ceilings on ev-
erything served, in restaurants.
The decontrols are effective at
midnight tonight,
Many Wages Freed
The action meant that hundreds
of thousands of workers are freed
from wage controls. These controls
apply only in industries subject to
price ceilings.
Before to d a y's announcement,
OPA estimated that about 20 per
cent of the average family's order
was under ceilings. Now less than 3
per cent will remain.
Freed by the order were bread,
flour baked goods, oranges, bananas,
whiskey, beer, soft drinks, canned
tomatoes, and a long list of similar
Porter Not Msentioned
Paul Porter, OPA chief who has
been fighting a losing battle to main-
tain price ceilings, was not unen-
tioned in the OPA announcement.
Instead the agency explained that
because so many food and feed con-
trols already had been lifted "it was
not feasible or practicable to mnain-
tain price controls on the remaining
few food products except in a few
cases where special reasons exist for
retaining controls."
Such an effort, the agency added,
"would not make a sufficient con-
tribution to stabilization" to war-
rant it.
Sugar and rice were retained un-
der ceilings, it was explained, be-
cause they are "critically short' and
subject to rationing and set-aside
Ask All (Campus'
Help Pickeing
Michigan Youth for Democracy
and the Inter-Racial Association last
night asked all campus organizations
for active support of a mass picketing
demonstration scheduled to start at
noon Saturday before the Barlum
Hotel on Cadillac Square, Detroit.
AYD headquarters in Detroit has
charged the hotel management with
discriminatory service in its coffee
The decision to stage a mass pic-
keting demonstration, according to
a local spokesman, was the result of
physical violence inflicted upon AYD
representatives Monday as they at-
tempted to leave a conference to
which they had been invited by the
hotel management.
The hotel management called the
conference after AYD members had
picketed Saturday in protest against
discriminatory practices i serving
their mixed group. AYD spokesmen
asserted that waitresses had refused
to remove dishes from the table be-
cause they "had been contaminated
by Negroes."
The local chapters of MYDA and
IRA announced that they will at-
tempt to secure trucks for transpor-
tation Saturday.

Bicycle Tags
Will Be Sold
Bicycle owners will have their only
opportunity to obtain licenses with-
out the inconvenience of a trip to
the City Hall when a deputy of the
city clerk will he stationed from 2 tn 5

Wanted: Volunteer


Test Liquor Law

Washtenaw county prosecutor John
W. Rea yesterday proffered the glove
to anyone who wishes to make a "test
case" over the constitutionality of

Rea announced that his office
would "prosecute any person be-
tween the ages of 21 and 26 ap-
prehended purchasing or consum-
ing alcoholic beverages who does

Rea said that a violation of this
law occtfrred "about a year and a
half ago." The case went to court
but was postponed for "some reason,,

De Hate for refusing to issue them
an identification card.
Prior to the case Wilber F. Held,
Macomb county prosecutor, had
called the law unconstitutional and

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