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Carver Urges
Passage of City
Pensio Plan
Passage of the charter arneniment
in the Nov. 5 election adding a pen
sion and retirement plan for city em-
ployees was urged yesterday by Prof.
Harry C. Carver of the mathematics
Prof. Carver, in addition to being
president of the Police and Fire-
men's Pension and Retirement Board,
has acted as adviser to the city coun-
cil's pension committee and has aid-
ed materially in working out the pio-
posed plan.
In pointing out that this plan
would cost taxpayer.} less money and
provide them withs etter servics,
Prof. Carver said most people are un-
aware ' that city employees do not
come under the provisions of the So-
cial Security Act.
"Without a visible pension plan,"
he added, "one may be sure that a
city is forced to have an invisible
plan which raises costs and lowers
the quality of the services performed
by the city."
"This occurs since a city has no
other way to reward an old faithful
employee except by allowing the em~
ployee to remain on the payroll p~ast
the years of his maximrlusr ueful-
ness," Prof. Carver explained.
Although it will take a few years
before the ,full effects of 1-his plan
will be felt, Prof. Carver added that
it is a necessary step forward toward
better government.
Veterans May Enlist
Il Naval Reserve
Navy or Coast Guard veterans who
wish to join the U. S. Navy Organ-
ized Reserve may enroll at the Naval
Armory in Detroit.
Veterans who enroll in the Organ-
ized Reserve will retain the rate or
rank they had when discharged. They
will be required to attend one meet-
ing a week, and to take a two week
summer cruise. Optional week-end
cruises will be offered in the spring.
The Naval Armory in Detroit is
located at Jefferson and Grand Blvd.
Veterans who wish to join must pre-
sent their honorable discharge cer-
Myers Leaves for Europe
Col. Maurice C. Myers, '11 Lit., '14
Law, is now en route to Germany
where he will serve as chief counsel
of a new war crimes trial commission,
according to T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-
Prof. John A. Perkins, secretary of
the Institute of Public Adininistra-
dion, is in New York City tte'd g
the National Civil Service Assembly
3f United States an (!Canaoa.
Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the law
school, is acting as one of the state's
commissioners at a National Confer-
ence of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws 'which began yesterday
continuing through Nov. 1 in Atlan-
tic City. He will also attend a meet-
ing of the American Bar Association
at that time.
Dr Walter D Block, assistant pro-
fessor of biological chemistry, vill
attend a meeting of the
F-ederalion for C''iical Research and
a meetinw of the Central Society for
Clinical Research Oct. 30 through
Nov. 1 in Chicago.
Franklin H. Littell, director of the
Student Religious Association, will
attend a Conference of World Stu-
dent Service Fund and a meeting of
the National Intercollegiate Council
Conference Oct. 28 through 30 in
New York Cit
JoiCn . Caig. oevl1 appointed
program diieegtur of IIhe ;tudeim tie-
ligio"s A^soca" P"14, wl at tend tie
annual mneting of th State Council
of Churches Oct. 29 and 30 in Royal
Hol Your Bonds
My if f i11WM1 RM6iiN111
VETERANS' HOMES 'MONSTROSITIES'- Superior Judge M. T. Phelps termed these frame dwellings
"monstrosities" unworthy of ex-servicemen in ordering abandonment of the half-completed city veterans
housing project in Phoenix, Arizona. Officials said an estimated $150,000 already had been spent on the
temporary structures, designed for 156 veterans and their families.
Faculty Members To Speak at Meetings
Rabbi Prawises
U.S. Treatment
Of Homeless
(Coiinued from Page 1)
Variety of A cts To Be Offered
Friday al Band Varsity Night
2 aAV edcx
fomt Germany, Dr. Wise
that they would be returning
to "ceineteries." He cited the exam-
ple f ttie 80 to 100,000 Jews remain-
ing in Poland, out of the 3 million
who once lived there.
Stating that the partition plan for
Palestine will probably be utilized,
Dr. Wise asserted that Jews must ac-
cept this decision for the present since
no other choice is open to them,.
Wise Hits At Schools
For Discrimination
Discrimination in admissions to
professional schools is a "nationwide
practice, in one guise or another,"
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president of
the American Jewish Congress, as-
serted here yesterday.
Dr. Wise, who last spring brought
action to cancel Columbia Univer-
sity's tax exemption on grounds of
discriminatory practices, reported
that "it has been interesting to ob-
serve that the number of Jewish
students admitted to the Columbia
medical school has been increasing
since the institution of the suit."
University musicians will be in the
limelight at 8:30 pr. Friday in Hill
Auditorium when the University
Concert Band presents Varsity Night,
traditionally popular variety show.
Frank Elsass, music school faculty
member, will be starred as a cornet
soloist. Elsass formerly was featured
in the Goldman Band, a summer
group acclaimed as the country's
finest concert band. Prof. Andrew B.
White, of the music school, who was
associated with Fred Waring for two
and one-half years, will offer a bari-
tone solo of "De Glory Road." A
hand-balancing act will be performed
by Glenn Neff and Newt Laken,
physical education instructors.
Soprano Rose Derderian, music
school senior, will sing the aria with
which she recently won a scholarship
with the Philadelphia La Scala Opera
Company. Don Moore, grad student,
will conduct the Concert Band in
one of his own compositions,
"Rhythmetic." In addition, Chico
Kennedy, a Michigan cheerleader
from Cuba, will execute a Russian
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