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October 23, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-23

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Friendly Firmness

MR. BYRNES made a speech last Friday which
received so little reaction that we are al-
most inclined to feel sorry for him. The fact
that the report on the Paris Peace Conference
by our major delegate, the Secretary of State,
went almost unnoticed in the nation's press is
At a time when our foreign policy is sup-
posed to be a major issue of controversial dis-
cussion, this utterance was not considered as
bearing any light upon the controversy, and
therefore not even worthy of serious press
comment. What was supposed to have been
an important statement of policy turned out
to be merely an ineffectual denial of 'charges
that our policy is "tough."
That the denial was ineffectual is almost
The crux of Mr. Byrnes' address was the
statement that our policy is one of "friendly
firmness," not of "toughness" toward Russia.
With tremendous self-righteousness he attempt-
ed to point out all the concessions which have
been made by the Allies to that obnoxious
Soviet nation. Closer scrutiny of the long list
will reveal, however, that these were not con-
cessions. The fact that Russia has regained
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ruthenia, Bessarabia
and Port Arthur is not evidence of concession.
These lands have either always belonged to
Russia, or were hers by agreement with Germany
or by plebescite conducted in each country con-
cerned. Or is Mr. Byrnes indirectly inferring
that our recognition of these facts is a con-
What else but "tough" can our action be
called as regards the refusal of a loan to Czech-
oslovakia, undeniably the only country in Eur-
ope today which is conscientiously striving to
achieve real democracy, both political and ec-
onomic? Czechoslovakia is simply being punished
for sticking with the Russian bloc, a fact freely
admitted by all concerned.
No word was said by Mr. Byrnes of the

most important issue confronting the Con-
ference - Russia's claim to the Dardanelles.
The reason for the omission is obvious - we
intend to be tough about the straits which
mean life or death to Russia.
"Firmness," then, is just another word in-
tended to appease those persons who are slowly
beginning to realize that such acts as our show
of strength in the Mediterranean are su'nerfluous
and will get us nowhere. If we were really
strong, there would be no need of such shows.
A strong man does not need to flex his muscles
for the public, continuously.
The word "firmness" carries with it the
connotation of ideals. But there are no ideals
in our foreign policy. A determination to, stick
by a status quo in regard to every country
except those in which we have no influence
can hardly be exemplified as ideals. The dem-
ocratic ideal is supposed to be our moving
force. So the United States refuses a loan to
Czechoslovakia but grants one to Greece!
Mr. Byrnes is to be commended for his state-
ment regarding the press, the truth of which,
however, must be taken on his own word. That
is, that the public has been misinformed through
day-by-day reports emphasizing the difficulties
encountered by the conferees rather than their
achievements. But Mr. Byrnes did nothing to
correct that situation, since his so-called re-
port gave no definite account of action, item
by item, either.
It all adds up to this. The statement was
all it should have been, had it stated the truth,
which it didn't. Mr. Byrnes is not a statesman.
Ile has taken the attitude that toughness can
only be met by toughness, not bothering to con-
sider the basic reason for the distrust and dis-
cord. Mr. Byrnes is acting in the world arena
as if he were still in the Senate cloak-room. It
is only a matter of time before Russia's enor-
mous patience and forbearance gives out, "ob-
noxious" though they may seem at present.
-Natalie Bagrow

A FEW MONTHS ago, if you had mentioned
the word "recession" anywhere in our busi-
ness community, men would have drawn back
from you in horror, their wives would have cut
your wife, and pretty soon, you would have be-
come known as the man who drinks alone. But
time changes everything. Now some of the best
people in downtown New York speak openly of
the coming recession.' What is more, they seem
not displeased that a recession is coming; they
expect great things of it.
They feel that it will readjust prices and
costs, meaning wages. Conning their form sheets,
stock market records, and dream books, they re-
call that there was a recession in 1920-21. after
which we had almost ten years of good times.
Now, like the baseball pitcher who once passed
an ice-wagon on his way to a no-hit game, they
look for the ice-wagon again. They pretty near-
ly come to the point of saying we must have a
recession in order to have good times.
How deeply have we managed to entangle
ourselves, that this and only this, should be
our way out! If rising prices have made a re-
cession unavoidable and necessary, then reces-
sion was really the issue, during those summer
days when we debated price control, and weak-
ened it. The coming disturbance can, with jus-
tice, be labeled the Taft Recession; and to the
Senator from Ohio should be reserved the honor
of breaking a bottle of stale champagne over the
first soup-kitchen. He and some of his con-
servative Democratic friends will be entitled to
remark that they planned it that way.
Only, the coming recession may well turn
out to be a disappointment to some of those
members of the business community who are
waiting for it. It may not be nearly as neat
as they expect. For one, the United States
may find itself enjoying the next recession
in solitary splendor. Most of Europe will be
too busy to have a recession, and Britain and
Canada have managed to keep prices down,
and to avoid inflation; they need not join in
our recession, any more than they joined in
our recent meat panic.
As to what it will do to American influence
in foreign affairs to have this country, corner-
stone of the West, bogged down in a private
recession, is just one of the questions thus
opened up. The world will lean on its elbow,
and regard us with curiosity, as the only naton
left on earth in which it is held, as a matter of
principle, to be wrong to come in when it rains.
A world which we have asked to accept our
leadership must hear with astonishment our
thin outcry for an economic decline to set us'
straight. To a humanity sick of disorder we
must seem strange indeed, pampered and pe-
culiar, begging for dirty weather as the only
way we know to clean our streets.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Inert Government
WE HAVE BEEN waiting more than three
months for the campus traffic survey which
this week produced some results which have
been quite obvious for a long time.
Last summer the Student Legislature pe-
titioned the Ann Arbor Common Council to
install a traffic light in front of the Union at
the corner of S. State ahd S. University, and
another at S. State and either N. University
or E. Liberty. In July it was pointed out to the
Common Council that the record enrollment of
the University this fall would produce a pedes-
trian traffic problem at these intersections which
only traffic lights which would break up the
flow of traffic on S. State could effectively solve.
The fall semester and great masses of stu-
dents have come to State Street and an AAA
survey has been conducted to inform the Com-
mon Council that they need to take the very
action that the Student Legislature recom-
mended this summer.
Presumably we will now get traffic lights
. . . sometime. For the present we poor pe-
destrians can only hope that there will be no
delay in procuring these lights which could have
and should have been ordered three months ago.
a --Tom Walsh

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-Drive begins to bar U.S. Communist Party from state ballots.
(News Item)
Scientists still unable to explain elephant's pathological dread of mice.
(News Item)

Liberals and Communism, II

IN AN EDITORIAL appearing in yesterday's
Daly, I pointed out that liberal organizations
were losing their effectiveness because they were
being labeled "communistic." Today I should
like to distinguish the basic differences between
the liberal and the Communistic programs.
First there is the difference in aims. The
liberal is working toward the improyement of
capitalistic democracy- while the Communist
is working to replace capitalistic democracy
with communist totalitarianism.
The liberal is opposed to a laissez faire,
hands-off-business policy. By instituting a cer-
tain amount of government regulation, he wish-
es to correct the evils of runaway capitalism
while still retaining the essential features of
our free enterprise system. The Communist, on
the other hand, wishes to do away with capi-
talism and institute complete government con-
Liberals and Communists often support
the same things, but for entirely different
reasons. The liberal, for example, wishes to
regulate monopolies because monopolies re-
strict free competition. The Communist wish-
es to regulate monopolies because he regards
regulation as a step toward government oper-
ation of all industry.
The liberal wants better working conditions
for labor because he wants to see both labor
and management get a square deal. The Com-
munist wants better working conditions be-
cause he regards this as a step toward labor's
domination and the elimination of manage-
The liberal supports FEPC because he wants
to help all minority groups. The Communist
supports FEPC because he knows he must have
a large following to overthrow capitalism and
has naturally singled out those groups which
have been mistreated most under capitalism.
This is not to say that the average Com-
munist has no sincere interest in minority

groups or the working class. It is only to point
out that his primary aim is the overthrow of
A SECOND difference is in method. The Com-
munist will resort to armed revolution to
gain his program. The liberal will rely only
on peaceful persuasion and the ballot box to
gain his.
The liberal wants economic security and
racial equality under a system of political
freedom. The Communist intends to enforce
economic security and racial equality by sac-
rificing political freedom.
The Communist shouts about free speech
only when he himself is denied free speech. The
liberal stands for free speech no matter who
is speaking. If the Communist gets into power
he will try to suppress all opposition. The lib-
eral welcomes opposition as a necessary part
of democracy.
A third difference lies in the source of in-
spiration. While realizing that a great deal of
improvement is needed, the liberal still believes
in America and derives his main inspiration
from Jefferson, Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt.
The Communist derives his main inspiration
from Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.
In this connection, many liberals support
Wallace because they believe the United States
can keep out of war only by trying to meet Rus-
sia halfway. Communists support Wallace be-
cause adoption of his views would give Russia
a freer hand.
In this very brief space, I have tried to point
out main differences in the liberal and Com-
munist programs. Though they are basic, the
liberal dare not take the knowledge of them
for granted.
To allow the liberal program to be confused
with the Communist program is to allow the
liberal program to be defeated.
-Walt Hoffmann

(Continued from Page 2)
Board, Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action, National Lawyers
Guild, Newman Club, Omega Psi Phi,
Pep Club, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi
Sigma, Prescott Club, Quarterdeck
Society, Rifle Club, Roger Williams
Guild, Society of Women Engineers,
Spanish Club, Sphinx, Undergrad-
ate Education Club, University Wo-
men Veterans Association, Westmin-
ster Guild, Women's Athletic Assoc-
iation,. Women's Glee Club, World
Student Service Fund, Zeta Phi Eta.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The freshman
five-week progress reports will be
due Sat., Oct. 26, in the office of the
Academic Counsleors, 108 Mason
Camp Davis Summer Session 1947:
Because of limited facilities at Camp
Davis it is imperative that all stu-
dents expecting to elect courses in
surveying at Camp Davis report im-
mediately to Prof. Harry Bouchard,
209 W. Eng. Bldg.
Michigan State Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
Public Health Laboratory Scien-
tist III, $300-$360; Unemployment
Compensation Hearing Referee IV,
$380-$440; Prison Academic Schools
Supervisor I, $200-$240; Public
Health Physician IV and VI, $380-
$690; Nurses Training Supervisor III,
$300-$360; Sanatorium Thoracic
Consulting Surgeon VI, $620-$720;
Nutritionist I, II, and III, $200-$360;
Library Assistant B and A, $145-$190;
Bridge Engineer II, III, and VI, $250-
$690; Game Research Ecologist A,
$170-$190; Airport Mechanic A2, II,
and IV, $160-$440; Electrician Help-
er B, $155-$175; Electrician AI, I,
and II, $205-$290; Nurses Training
Supervisor III, $300-$360.
Closing date is Nov. 6.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
8:30-11:30 p.m., Fri., Oct 25, Stu-
dent Dance, Jerry Edwards' Orches-
8:00 p.m., Wed., Oct. 23, Wednes-
day Night Lecture Series, Harley H.
Bartlett, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Botany, "Jungle Episodes"
Univ. of Wisconsin Alumnae, Host-
2:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 24. Open
class in Child Care, sponsored by
the Washtenaw County- Health D -
8:00 p.m. University of Michigan
Extension Class in Elementary Psy-
chology. Mr. Herbert Meyer, Instruc-
:00 p.m. Little Theatre Group.
8:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 25, Classical
Recordings, Mr. Weldon Wilson
Academic Notices
Debaters: Important meeting to-
night at 7:30 in 4208 Angell Hall.

Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Fri., Oct. 25, at 3:00 p.m., in
Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg. The sub-
ject to be discussed will be "the Pro-
teins of Muscle-Myosin." All inter-
ested are invited.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
will meet today in Rm. 317 W. Eng.
Mr. Max A. Woodbury will continue
his talk on "Excitation of Peripheral
Nerves." Visitors are welcome.
Special Functions Seminar today
at 10100 a.m. in Rm. 340, W. Eng.
Bldg. Prof. Rainville will talk on
Hypergeometric functions.
Student Recital: Audrey Unger,
violinist, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music, at 8:30 Thursday evening,
Oct. 24, in the Assembly Hall of the
Rackham Bldg. Program: Handel's
Sonata in D Major, Brahms' Con-
certo in D major, DeBussy's La plus
que lente, Nigun by Bloch and Danse
Espagnole by de Falla. Miss Unger is
a pupil of Gilbert Ross. The public
is invited.
The Museum of Art presents water
colors by Doug Kingsman and De
Hirsh Margules from Oct. 4-Oct. 27,
Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, includ-
ing Sunday, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Wed.
3:00-5:00 p.m. Mondays closed. The
public is cordially invited.
Art Exhibit: Non-objective, color
mono-types by Jeanne de Wolfe, Cal-
ifornia artist, and an extensive col-
lection of textiles from Guatemala
are now on exhibition in the ground
floor corridor of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design. The exhibit will
be current until Oct. 31.
Events Today
Association of University of Mich-
igan Scientists will meet tonight at
8 o'clock in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. Dr. P. K. Stumpf, of
the New York Association of Scien-
tists, will speak on a program of ac-
tivities for an association of scien-
tists. The public is invited.
A.S.M.E. The second meeting of
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers will be held tonight
at 7:30 in the Union. The
speaker will be Mr. Ernest J. Abbott,
President and General Manager of
Phycists Research Co., Ann Arbor.
Mr. Abbott's subject will be, "Produc-
tion Engineering for Profilometer
Manufacture." The program will be
illustrated with slides and demon-
stration of profilometer equipment.
All mechanical engineering students
are cordially invited.
The Student Branch of the Am-
erican Pharmaceutical Association
will hold its regular meeting to-
night at 7:30 in the E. Conference
Room of the Rackham Bldg.
There will be a discussion on the
merits of an independent Pharmacy,
as opposed to Chain Pharmacy Af-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon presents
Mr. G. A. Eddy, Michigan State Geol-
ogist, in a discussion of the Michigan
State Geological Survey at 8 o'clock

today in the Union. Promotion of
the FEPC bill will be among the
projects discussed.
Der deutsche Verein will hold ,its
second meeting of the semester at
7:30 tonight in the Henderson Room
(third floor of the Michigan League).
Dr. Thomas of the German Depart-
ment will present a talk entitled
"German Influence in New Eng-
All students interested in the so-
cial and cultural activities of the
Verein will be most cordially wel-
come to this meeting. All interested
faculty members and visitors are also
Student Religious Association:
Seminar on the Sociology of Relig-
ion will meet today at 3:10 p.m., at
Lane Hall.
The Singing Groupawill meet at
7:30 tonight in Lane Hall.
Association Recreational Work-
shop will meet at 8:45 tonight in
Lane Hall.
Dancing Classes: The schedule for
the Dancing Classes is now 7:30 to
8:30 on Tuesday for Beginners, 7:00
to 8:00 on Wednesday for the first
Intermediate Class, and 8:00 to 9:00
on Wednesday for the new Interme-
diate Class. The Classes are held in
the League Ballroom. More co-ed
assistant teachers are needed and
urged to report for both nights.
Russian Conversation Group will
meet at the League Grill at 3:30 this
Unity: Mid-week Study Group will
meet in Unity Reading Rooms, 310
So. State St., at 7:30 tonight. Sub-
ject: "In his Name."
Coming Events
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 3055, Naturay Science
Bldg., at 12 noon, Fri., Oct. 25. At
12:20 the Club will adjourn to Rm.
2054, Natural Science Bldg., where
the program, "A Review of Research
Work at Camp Davis," will be led by
Dr. A. J. Eardley and will be partici-
pated in by students who attended
the camp the past summer. Tea will
be served; bring your own sand-
Sehator Claude Pepper, outspoken
Florida Democrat, will address a
public rally at 9:00 p.m., Thurs., in
the local Masonic Temple. He will
speak on a subject of national and
international significance. The lec-
ture is jointly sponsored by the In-
dependent Citizens' Committee of
the Arts, Sciences, and Professions;
the campus chapter of AVC; IRA;
and MYDA. The meeting is open to
the general public.
Xi Chapter, Delta Sigma Pi, will
meet at 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 24, in
Rms. 323 and 325 of the Union to
hold informal initiation ceremonies
for eleven pledges.
Phi Delta Kappa organizational
coffee hour--Thurs., 4:00 p.m., W.
Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include Mo-
zart's "Hunt" Quartet, Chopin's Pi-
ano Concerto in F, Moussorgsky's
"Boris Godounoff, and Smetena's
"Bohemia's Meadows and Forests. All
graduate students are cordially in-
Cass Tech Alumi: There will be a
reunions of all Cass Tech Alumni
after the football game Saturday at
the large fireplace at Island Park.
Bring own hotdogs, etc.
The Sociedad Hispanica will hold a
meeting on Thurs., Oct. 24, at 8:00
p.m. in Rm. 318 of the Michigan Un-

ion. All members and others inter-
ested in Spanish are cordially invit-
ed to attend.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed, by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorail Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..A. ssociate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


O. CL'ftet the CclitO/

Nails and Coffins
To the Editor:
BOB HARTMAN'S delightful little dissertation
on the disastrous effect of inflation, where
war-weary vets have to supplement their $65
gratuity with a little work, was read with no
small amount of amusement. His philosophy
well reflects the inherent illness that afflicts
modern America. The fact that healthy young
men have to work to partially support them-
selves while attending school is certainly to
be decried! There aredstudents on the campus
who remember the day when they welcomed
jobs gathering leaves and breaking concrete at
35 cents per hour; and self-supporting, put
themselves through school. Such work was not
beneath the dignity of former college students.
He attacks inflation, yet advocates increased
governmental subsidies to vets. This would
only tend to aggravate the inflation he con-
demns. War veterans returning with the idea
the government owes them a living, or a higher
education, as represented by the prevalent
"something-for-nothing" philosophy, will be
rudely awakened some day to learn that the
wealth of a nation springs from the work of
its citizens. A few months drafted service does

idealism should be expected from university
veterans than from the union racketeers, the
profiteers of big business, and the unscrupulous
politicians. Don't drive another nail into the
coffin of our democratic way of life. Let's fight
to keep the veterans' record clean.
-Warren C. White
David Young
* * * *
Progressive Congress
To the Editor:
FOREMOST IN THE 79th Congress' fights
against reaction, Senator Claude Pepper
has emerged as the leader of the liberal bloc
in the Senate. A fighter in the tradition of the
late Sen. Norris, the outspoken Florida Demo-
crat has taken a consistently progressive stand
on all domestic and international issues.
He is in Michigan for the next few weeks
to take the stump for progressive Democratic

candidates in the Nov. 5 election. University
faculty and students, Willow Village vets, and
townspeople will have the opportunity to hear
this outspoken senator speak on a subject of
national and international significance this
Thursday at 9 p.m. in the local Masonic Temple.
A recent campus survey indicated that at
least 13,000 students 9,667 of them veterans,
at the University, are of voting age. The im-
portance of electing a progressive Congress
this fall canot be overemphasized, for the rep-
resentatives of the people must decide OUR
Sen. Pepper will be brought here under the
joint sponsorship of the newly-organized chap-
ter of Independent Citizens' Committee of the
Arts, Sciences and Professions, which repre-
sents many faculty and townspeople; the cam-
pus chapter of AVC, IRA and MYDA members.
His address is for every citizen of voting age.
Let's give the good Senator a hand!
-Charlotte M. Bobrocker


Most friendly of your father. To have my
observations on education typed at his
ffe. Rut I'll h firm on one point. I

Confidentially, m'boy- Although it's
human not to want to give credit to,
the other fellow- Did he comment on


He just stuffed the papers in his
brief case, Mr. O'Malley. Yours
and his- He said he wasn't going


- _.
_. _






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