I'D RATHER BE RIGHT See Page 4 (foe L aitest Deadline in the State Daii4 PARTLY CLOUDY AND MILD VOL. LVi, No. 2 ANN4i!{)WIxi'IUCGAN, RE R ,q7: OCTOBER 22, 1i46 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lef t Trend Seen * I .7-A i ene With Coal Strike In, German Vote * * * * * * * * * Social Democrats Are Viwtorious ui First Free Election Since Hitler By The Associated Press BERLIN, Oct. 21-Shattered, hun- gry Berlin, still looked upon as Ger- many's political barometer, decisively rejected Communism in yesterday's elections but took a stand farther to the left than in prewar years, com- plete unofficial returns showed to- night. Residents of the one-time capital, participating in their first free elec- tions since Adolf Hitler's rise to power gave the left-of-center Social Democrats a wide plurality in the voting for city and borough councils. Other Parties The Communist - dominated, Rus- sian-supported Socialist Unity Party ran a poor third to the middle-of- the-road Christian Democrats. The Liberal Democrats were fourth. ---U- ---ist Activit 111 .S To Be robed Committee Orders Subpoena for Eisler WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 - (P) - The House Committee on Un-Amer- ican Activities moved today for a full-dress investigation of Commun- ist activities in this country. It ordered a subpoena for Gerhard Eisler of New York, identified by Louis F. Budenz as the director of Communist activity in the United States. Eisler has disavowed that role. Budenz, former. editor of the Daily Worker, Communist newspaper, re- nounced Communism to rejoin the Catholic Church and now is an eco- nomics instructor at Fordham Uni- versity. Chairman Wood (D., Ga.) said the date for Eisler's appearance will be decided later. Rep. Ra'ikin (D., Miss.) , a committee member, indicated Eisler may be called about Nov. 19, the date he said Budenz is to testify. "We ae going to the very bottom of this," Rankin told reporters. "This is a big thing and there are big peo- ple involved." Budenz told reporters in New York last week that he took orders from Eisler while editing the Daily Work- er. Eisler was to have left the United States earlier this month for Leipzig but his exit permit was cancelled just before his scheduled departure. Announcement of the decision to subpoena Eisler followed a day in which the committee questioned offi- cials of the Unitarian Service Com-. mittee, Boston, and inquired into the Pittsburgh power strike. V.A. Policies Are Assailed By Universities The Veterans Administration was criticized yesterday by representa - tives of seven midwestern universities who charged that the lack of flexi- bility in VA directives which prohibit regional offices from dealing with local problems is hindering the work of university veteans service bureaus. At a conference of veterans service bureau representatives here, officials from Illinois, Minnesota, Northwest- ern, Ohio State, Chicago, Wisconsin and Michigan also pointed out to a VA representative that the failure of the VA to send their directive to the schools had frequently resulted in unnecessary and difficult complica - tions which worked to the detriment of the veteran. Later in the conference, Provost James P. Adams presented the intro- ductory remarks for a round table discussion at which the University procedures for processing veterans were explained and compared with similar functions at other schools. The conference will continue today in the Rackham Building with a dis- cussion of veterans services at other universities and their relation to the rest of the university. 1/I Da m The final figures: Social Democrats 48.2 percent and 948,851 votes; Christian Democrats 21.7 percent and 432,016 votes; Soc- ialist Unity 19.3 percent and 383,269 votes; Liberal Democrats 9.1 percent and 181,875 votes. A small portion of the vote was invalid. The results indicated to the Rus- sians that their favored party had little chance of winning German- wide elections which presumably would be held when the country is united. Political observers predicted that the Russians would let the Socialist Unity Party slide into oblivion and would concentrate on a tightly knit Communist Party. Allies Pleased The Western Allies were openly jubilant about the results, and their feelings were expressed by the Ger- man newspaper Kurier, published in the French zone, which said "Berlin was not as far East as it seemed to be. Approximately 83.9 percent of the eligible voters participated. The elec- tion, held under four-power super- vision, was generally orderly. The vote was for parties and not for individuals. The city council will replace the "Magistrat" (city govern mnent) installed by the Russians in May, 1945, when they were the only power occupying Berlin. Union Wants More Student Office-Seekers Although 47 petitions were turned in Saturday for the Oct. 29 campus elections, there were no candidates for the position of the Union vice- president representing the dental school and only two candidates for the three senior class offices for the engineering school. '4 Terrell Whitsitt, chairman of the election committee, said that stu- dents desiring to run f)hr these positions should inquire at the Un- ion Student Offices before 10 p.m. today. Candidates who have already pe- titioned must submit statements of their qualifications for publicity pur- poses tomorrow, Whitsitt said. State- ments may not exceed 50 words. Candidates whose eligibility cards have not been checked must present them between 3 and 5 p.m. today in the Union Student Offices. The election for Union vice-presi- dents, senior class officers and chair- men of the class dances will be conducted by the Student Legisla- ture. et Pilo0ts Seeki Raises; Peatie Company Offickial ihnkg of Seizure By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 21-Pilots of Trans World Airline, striking for higher pay, paralyzed its operations at home and abroad tonight with no prospect of an immediate settlement in sight. Some 3,000 passengers and tons of cargo were stranded as the company was compelled to cancel all fights of 115 planes, including eight now in foreign countries, for 24 hours after the sudden walkout. A second 24- hour cancellation was in prospect for tomorrow, and others after that. Jack Frye, TWA president, said government seizure of the line "might" le a solution. But no in- mediate move in that direction was apparent. Pickets took up a march in Kansas City and at LaGuardia Field in New York. Involved in the strike are 1,400 pilots and co-pilots, members of the AFL Air Line Pilots Association. Their earnings now are calculatedj by the union at $7,600 to $9,100 a year. The company said they range as high as $12,598. The'company said that if the demands were granted, highest paid pilots would get $15,300 a year. The union said its proposals range from 930.31 to $1,187.43 monthly, depending upon the flights and planes a pilot flies. Passengers and mail ;vee being diverted to otfier airlines anid to railroads. AV C Survey Is Continued The campus-wide cost-of-living survey being conducted by the Amer- ican Veterans Committee will be con- tinued through today, Lorne Cook, chairman of the University chapter said yesterday. Due to the immediate response to the first 1,000 questionnaires cireu- lated, the AVC decided to poll an ad- ditional 1,000 veterans in order to obtain a greater percentage of ac- curacy in the 'results of the survey. ",+()ln-lt1nue5 To cancel F lights VETS TAKE OVER STATE SENATE-One of about 75 World War II veterans who took over the New York Senate has his say as the group resolved to remain in the upper house meeting place in Albany, N.Y., until Governor Dewey met their demands to call a special session of the Legislature to deal with the housing' shortage. The governor was at the Executive Mansion a few blocks away nursing a sore throat. The group was part of 900 who marched on the capital. SHADOW BOXING: Russia Hits American Plan For Free Bulgarian Elections r i; c f 1. x a t Q t t I£ c. Y' t t E Z f c I World News at a Glance By the Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 21-The Agriculture Department announced to- night that the nation's distilling industry will be granted about 16 per cent more grain for making whiskey and distilled spirits in October and subse- quent months until further notice. It also granted brewers about six per cent more grain and lifted .estric- tions upon the use of wheat by breakfast food and other food maniu- facturers. * *-* NEW DELHI, Oct. 21-Tension hightened in Bombay today as news spread of attacks on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in the northwest fron- tier country by hostile Moslems and violence erupted in Calcutta as refugees from eastern Bengal continued io pour into the city. Three persons were killed and 12 injured in knifing in different parts of Bombay today, a communique said. Eight persons were wound- ed, one fatally, when police opened fire on rioters in Calcutta. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21-The Supreme Court declined today to review a circuit court order that the Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company pay costs of distributing $25,000,000 in impounded funds to its gas customers. * * * * JERUSALEM, Oct. 21-Agents -of the Stern Gang, Jewish under- ground organization, posted leaflets throughout Tel Aviv tonight threatening death to "every soldier carryingor wearing a gun in Pales- tine. The posters also warned of other measures "to combat our British enemies." * * * * LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21-Because Tokyo Rose was a "composite per- son with at least a dozen voices," The Federal Government dropped its plan to prosecute Iva Ikuke Toguri on charges of dispensing subversive propa- ganda in the South Pacific during the war.' * * * * WASHINGTON, Oct. 21-A broad order lifting price controls from wheat flour, bread and other bakery products is still under considera- tion, informed officials said tonight, despite formal rejection today of a WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 - (A') - Russia sharply rebuffed today an American plan for Allied action to insure free elections in Bulgaria, de- ciaring the plap would constitute "rude interference" in Bulgarian af- fairs. The State Department, obviously irate, made public an exchange of mnessages on the development and served notice it would keep a sharip eye on the coming elections. The State Department made public an exchange of correspondence be- tween Secretary of State Byrnes and Kimon Georgiev, president of the Bul- garian Council of Ministers, and be- tween Major General Robertson of the United States and Colonel Gen- eral Biryusov, both members of the control commission. In a letter from Biryusov to Maj. Gen. Walter M. Robertson, the Soviet representative declared: "It should be known to you that the guarantee of free 'elections is the prerogative of the Bulgarian gov- ernment which has done everything necessary. 'Therefore the discussion of ques- tions raised by you in the commis- sion and even more, the taking of any N j o N ew 'Seating Plan Sought L 4egislature Works for Better Student Tickets The Student Legislature an- nounced yesterday that it is now working on plans for better stu- dent football tickets. In a statement signed by Ray Da- vis, president, and Bob Taylor, vice- president, the Legislature said that athletic authorities have given it reason to believe that an adjustment can be made for next fall. "The impression that the redis- tribution of upperclass tickets held by underclassmen is the extent of the Legislature's interest is mistaken," the statement said, adding that sev- eral of its members 11ave been work- ing on the problem since the begin- ning of the semester. Stating that it concentrated first on the redistribution because the situation required immediate ac- tion, the Legislature said that "the student body is in a stronger bar- gaining position now that its own housg is in order." ui'Inoeulation Flan Needs Nurses Aides The Red Cross has issued an appeal frn, mvnman who ho ave use's Aidea kind of measures by the commission would be in violation of these prerog- atives and a rude interference in the internal affairs of Bulgaria." "On the other hand the commission cannot consider these questions, as they do not come under its jurisdic- tion, as determined by the armistice agreement with Bulgaria." Robertson then replied to Biryu- sov that he disagreed with the lat- ter's conclusions, and notified him that he was forwarding them to Sec- retary Byrnes "with the request that he take such steps in the circum- stances as he may consider neces- sary." , U.S. Tropers Ii ant Terrorists In German City STUTTGART, Germany, Oct. 21- (AP)-American constabulary troopers, equipped with tanks and machine- guns and aided by German police, took 55 Germans into custody tonight in two lightning raids in search of anti-denazification terrorists who exploded three bombs here Saturday. The first raid, lasting two hours in an area four blocks square, netted 30 suspects. The second raid was directed against residentsof air raid bunkers in another section of this war-dam- aged city. Meanwhile, an American security official here disclosed that six an- munition caches, buried by the Nazis in the closing stages of the war, had been uncovered in southern Ger- many. He added that thy had no ap- parent connection with the bombing. U Legislature Needs Students ToFill Gatps Petitions for membership on the Student Legislatire will be due Oct. 29. Candidates will be required to sub- mit eligibility cards, statements of qualifications and policy in 100 words or less and to pay a registration fee of $1 when they turn in their peti- tions. One hundred and fifty signa- tures will be required for each peti- tion. Terrell Whitsitt, election commit- tee chairman, said last night that students may sign more than one pe- tition. The number of legislators to be chosen will depend on the ratification of the amendment on which the stu- dent body will vote Oct. 29. The amendment provides that one legislator will be chosen for every 800 students and one for every vacancy that has occured since the last elec- tion. Assuming a registration of 18,- 100 for the next semester, this would mean that 26 legislators would be chosen this fall and 23 more in the spring semester. Under the present system the size of the Legislature is set at one legis- lator for every 400 students and enough legislators are chosen each se- mester to bring the Legislature up to full size. If the amendment is not ratified, therefore, 30 legislators will be elected this semester and 15 more in the next election. Russian Shooting of U.S. Civilian Is Protested BERLIN, Oct. 21-(AP)--American Military Government officials tonight awaited a reply to a sharp protest sent to Russia authorities over the fatal shooting yesterday of an Ameri- can civilian by Russian military po- lice. Lewis Says Government Broke Pact Sec. Krug Denies Lewis' Charges By The Associated Press WASHINGTON Oct. 21-A new coal strike became a possibility to- night as John L. Lewis charged the government, now operating the mines, with breach of contract, and sought new negotiations on wages, hours and other items. Secretary of the Interior J. A. Krug, under whose jurisdiction the mines are operated, flatly denied Lewis' charges and said he had no desire to re-open the contract. In his statement issued at Amar- illo, Tex., Krug said that since Lewis and the United Workers have prided themselves on living up to binding contracts "I have confidence that this contract will stand, for the pe- riod of government operation." Re- opening the negotiations, Krug de- clared, would tend to prolong the period of government operation. The charge of contract violation, believed to be the first such accusa- tion ever leveled by a union against the Government as the operator of seized properties, arose from inter- pretations of the existing pact. Lewis said the Government's interpreta- tions had cost his United Mine Work- ers "millions of dollars." Unless the Government, which , has been operating the mines since last spring's strike, agrees to a new contract a new walkout could start Nov. 20. Citing "significant changes in gov- ernment wage policy," Lewis, recov- ered from his appendicitis operation, asked a conference with Secretary of the Interior Krug and Krug's ne- gotiators here Nov. 1 to negotiate "new arrangements affecting wages, hours, rules, practices, differentials, inequalities and all other pertinent matters." The Krug-Lewis contract of May 29, which ended the last strike, pro- vided, Lewis said, that either party could reopen it by giving ten days' notice of a new negotiating confer- ence. And Lewis, added, 15 days after that date (Nov. 1) either party can terminate the contract after five ad- ditional days. The miners traditionally do not work without a contract. Thus the way would be open for another walkout unless a'new agreement is reached before then. Lewis' notice to Krug did not speci- fy what wage and hour changes he seeks. In this he followed the strate- gy which he pursued in starting his last negotiations with the coal op- erators, where his chiefhemphasis was upon a demand for a health and welfare fund to be financed by the mine owners. VU'Residences Prepare for Homecoming Much hush-hush and undercover work is enveloping all campus resi- dences this week as hard-pressed committees labor in secluded base- ment rooms making Homecoming house displays, each of which must be the biggest and best ever seen on the Michigan campus. Upstairs, other committee mem- bers are working out slogans for banners and planning effigies which will be used in the pep rally Friday night. The effigies will be burned at Ferry Field on the bonfire which promises to be the biggest ever built for a Michigan pep rally. The rally will be organized at 7:30 p.m. on the steps of the Union and will proceed from there to Fer- ry Field for a program of singing cheering and speeches by prominent Michigan personalities. House displays have long been a traditional part of Michigan Home- rnmna enra rPa hiufnr e mm + hR GERMS AWAY! 'Brave' Stockwell Coeds Will Be First to Get Stuck' Proving again the fortitude of the female, between 500 and 600 Stock- well coeds will bare their arms to- night to receive the first vaccina- tions in the Health Service's drive for 100 per cent immunization against influenzaof University stu- dents, faculty and personnel. Vaccinating stations will be set up in the Stockwell dining hall. The innoculations should be completed by 9:30 p.m., according to Dr. Mar- garet Ball, acting director of Health Service. Data cards which will be carried, during the vaccination proceedings are at the dormitories and will be m aicr ,htpr h.rfli h s-- -~rne ens or eggs, will be checked before the person is vaccinated.kDr. Bue- naventura Jiminez, an allergy spe- cialist will be on hand throughout the proceedings tonight. Discussing possible reactions, Dr. Bell pointed out that, acting like any other vaccine, the influenza A and B vaccine may cause reactions in from 10 to 15 per cent of the cases. Reactions may be local-a sore arm, or systemic-a little chilliness and aching and perhaps a slight temperature. All that is necessary she said, is to "take it easy" and take two aspirin tablets every four hours. Reactions should occur with- in lfirst 94+ou nr-,A tr einnncla-