PAGE TWO, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1946 PRO AND CON: Reactions to Arnall Speech Good Administrator GOV. ARNALL came out of the South to Ann Arbor Thursday with a broad'program of reforms, but he was most effective in convincing us of the importance of good governmental ad- ministration. In his speech, Gov. Arnall recounted some of his experiences as a Georgia politician and ex- plained how governmental reforms in Georgia were effected. His explanation made it clear that a determined governor, or any state official, working in the interests of the people, can do something about existing evils in local govern- ment. What worked in Georgia can work else- where and Arnall is more than willing to show the way. Gov. Arnall is impatiently waiting for other states to follow his lead in doing things in a hur- ry. Look at his record:-in three years in Georgia he helped write a new constitution, abolish the poll tax, clean up the state debt, send 18-year olds to the polls, revamp the penal system and reestablish prestige "abroad." Needless to say, after this string of successes he has some defi- nite ideas about reforms for the whole country. He has proved, undoubtedly, that the state gov- ernment can make real contributions to its peo- ple. He knows that a governor can be more than a lucky lawyer. Gov. Arnall's real contribution to national welfare is his fine example of what a state administrator should be, rather than his work as a vagabond liberal. For Arnall cannot escape his southern section- alism, although it may not be' his fault. His stand on Negro problems, which was not ex- pressed Thursday night, fits in closely with the traditional southern attitude, an attitude which hinders his attempt to rise above the average southern politician. -Fred Schott NIGHT EDITOR: NATALIE BAGROW Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Arnall No Liberal ' E WENT to hear Gov. Arnall speak Thurs- day night with high hopes and expectations We went to hear a great Southern Liberal speak on the subject "The South Today." What we heard was a story-telling amiable southern politician talk in vague generalities. No one could quarrel with what Gov. Arnall ,aid or with the way he said it. It was what he left unsaid that bothered us. We heard him say that we should begin at home in our quest for a better world, that we snould start with the human equation. We heard him say that we could do anything we wanted to. And then we inched forward on our seats and waited. We hoped he would at least mention Talmadge's bigotry, the lynchings, and the race hatred found throughout America. But we hoped for something that never came. Perhaps we had expected too much. Gov. Arnall is a politician, we reasoned, and probably cannot speak out against race hatred even when he's in the north. But then we talked with The Daily reporter who interviewed Gov Arnall before the lecture and we learned that Gov. Arnall had got riled when the reporter had asked about FEPC. This amazed us. Arnall, a liberal, against FEPC? How can that be? Then some facts were brought to our atten- tion: that Gov. Arnall had opposed FEPC in Georgia; that he had disavowed the Texas Su- preme Court's decision giving Negroes the right to vote in primaries, calling it "a blow to liberal- ism"; that he upholds the traditional Southern system of segregation as "conducive to the wel- fare of both the white and colored races." Now our mistake is clear. Gov. Arnall is not and never was a liberal in the true national sense of the word. Arnall's liberalism is a relative lib- eralism. He is liberal only in comparison with the average southern statesman. His adminis- tration was a great step forward for Georgia and for the South. But if he has presidential aspira- tions, let it be clear that his election would not be much of a step forward for the nation. -Walt Hoffmann Zen rito the 6Y1 tor Criwded Cafeterias To the Editor: The suggestions given by Alvin Hamburg in the letter entitled "Standing in Line" are com- mendable. There are other considerations that should be explained in order that the entire problem may be understood. The Michigan League and the Michigan Union are clubs, and obviously club members cannot be excluded from the cafeterias. Reasonable efforts are made to exclude non-members who are not guests of the University. However, par- ents of students, people who are attending spe- cial conferences, and official guests of the Uni- versity as well as the parents of prospective stu- dents constitute the bulk of the non-members of the University family who use the cafeteria facilities. We believe that all students will agree that the above-named groups should be given the courtesy of using these facilities. The Union cafeteria is open from 11:15 to 2:00 for luncheon, and from 5:15 to 7:30 for din- ner. There is a period before 12:00 when imme- diate service is available, and there usually is no line after 12:40. Immediate service is usually available after 6:45 in the evening. Service at the Michigan League is available fromi 11:30 to 1:30 for luncheon, and from 5:30 to 7:30 for dinner. Normally, immediate service is available after 6:45 in the evening. Those students who can adjust their eating schedules to take advantage of the less popularj eating periods would render a service not only to themselves but to their fellow students who cannot avoid eating at the more popular hours because of University obligations. -R. P. Briggs, Vice President Negro Prejudice To the Editor: Concerning Mr. James V. Grady's defense of restrictive covenants in Thursday's Daily on the ground that Negroes depreciate property, and therefore whites in the swank areas tend to lose money, I should like to ask this question. Are you, Mr. Grady, one of those individuals who. would commit any sin for a price? I am ex- tremely interested in just where you would draw the. line. Ten Nazis have just been sent to the gallows for violations of what is known as "hu- man rights." It is amazing now little conception many of us in this country have of this inviolate heritage. Prejudice, I will admit, is something which is acquired in the early, formative years and which is not very easily eradicated on the adult level. We are not, however, trying to eradicate preju- dice as such, but we can, as Walt Hoffman pointed out, fight and end discrimination. There is one thing Mr. Grady overlooked with all of his real estate experience. The Negroes who occupy areas such as West Adams Heights are as well or better off than the average white in the same area. So, physically, there could be no depreciation of property. Psychologically there might be a slight decline in values because in the face and still expect him to be "rational" and look at long range views for obtaining those rights with which he should have been born? Your sentiment and understanding of the prob- lem are very noble, but your means of solving it are much too circuitous. Change is inevitable, and it is coming much sooner than you think! -Carroll Little * * * *. Policy to Russia To the Editor: Saturday Capt. Olfiesh in a letter set forth five points that must be recognized by all who have an intelligent foreign policy." The reader can not miss the implication that those advo- cating steadfast resistance to Russia have not recognized these five "basic" points. Capt. Olfiesh is right. We have not recognized all of his points. We ao agree that a firm policy is dangerous, that war must be prevented by every possible means, that we must try to un- derstand Russia. Here we part company. You, sir, believe in the peace of a "one world" of mutually respectful friends without spheres of influence. We believed in that possibility until shortly before the death of President Roosevelt. Soviet Socialism, Captain, is a virile, crusad- ing movement spreading the "brotherhood of man" by the Soviet army, the clenched and the internal strife created to clear the way for Soviet "democracy" and the army. Any prolonged expansionist movement of ne- cessity results in war. Here lies the base of the argument for resistance to Russia. It makes the assumption that expansion pressures grow with increasing size. Thus the way to avoid war is to stop expansion early. We have seen our mis- takes in merely frowning at Japan in Man- churia, Italy in Ethiopia, Germany in the Rhine- land. Learning from experience we intend to stop that kind of thing in the beginning. War is a certainty, we believe, if this is not done. There- fore we would draw an imaginary line along the borders of Sweden, China, India, Turkey, Greece, through Trieste and Germany. Beyond this line the Soviet Army is not to penetrate. Our hope for peace lies in the belief that the Russians will realize we are not bluffing. Any retreat from this position makes war that much more cer- tain. Peace is the all important thing in the world today and this limit 'to the advancing Soviet Armies becomes of frightening impor- tance. Captain, you are afraid of the results of this resistance. So am I, but the first retreat will bring me far more fear. Sir, you and Henry Wallace will eventually set a line as did the British after Munich. Although you may not be- lieve it now, your line will be east of the British Isles and west of the Philippines. It differs from ours only in locality. Which, Captain, is the least dangerous line? -Ronald S. Johnson I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Bip artsan Line By SAMUEL GRAFTON Our foreign policy has been bi-partisan for more than a year; now our domestic policy is becoming bipartisan also. When Mr. Truman muttered into the radio that he was dropping controls on meat, he enunciated a bipartisan line; true, he did not do it willingly, his arm was being twisted, but the effect was that of bi- partisan agreement, since the Republicans have long been against meat controls. Both parties are now joined, in a tough line against Russia and consumers. But I find myself beginning to wonder about the virtues of bipartisan agreement. It sounds sweet as sugar candy, yet something always seems to go wrong. By a coincidence, the Paris Conference, at which we have been pur- suing our tough (bipartisan) foreign policy, with the help of Senator Vandenberg, Repub- lcan, was winding up at just about the time when Mr. Truman was announcing his bipar- tisan meat policy. Now with all this mellow bipartisanship around, we ought to be sailing into fair weather, everything should be hunkydory; both parties agree; what more could you want? What I can't understand is that within 48 hours, Yugoslavia left the peace conference, Walter Lippmann de- nounced it as a failure, and fat steers went to $35.25 a hundredweight at Chicago, $5 above the August top, foreshadowing inflation and $1.50 a pound for steak. Can it be that both parties are wrong, and that when they cling to- gether it is merely a case of two errors holding each other up? * ** Or can it be that what we are seeing is not genuine bipartisanship, but merely a rise to power of the old, familiar alliance between Northern Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats? That alliance is not truly bipartisan; it is as pure a faction as can be found in the country; it is not a two-headed body, but a two-bodied head. I feel a case could be made out to the effect that this an- cient grouping (which didn't look very bi- partisan when Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House) now runs the country and the President, and is engaged in a kind of holy war of extermination against the liberal majority of the Democratic party. For when our foreign policy was based on the doctrine of accord among the great powers, and when Franklin D. Roosevelt first tried to get Republican support for that policy, as in 1944, there were, if you remember, many reservations expressed by Republicans, from Dewey to Dulles. It is only since the conservative wing has begun to take over the framing of that policy, only since the Republican tail has begun to wag the Democratic dog, that the world "bipartisan" as applied to foreign policy, has become really popular in G.O.P. ranks. There has been a kind of revolution, in which "bipartisan" is one of the key, concealing words; and it means only that people who used to agree with each other, still do, while the huge, liberal Democratic majority finds itself suddenly with- out voice; almost, in this synthetically "biparti- san" era, without status. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) IT SO HAPPENS " Gone Forever? Good Old Days WE THOUGHT we were back in the dear old halcyon pre-Atomic age yesterday but it was only for an instant and then the feeling passed. . It was a unique little situation at that. One of our professors was lecturing and in the course of his lecture a coed in the front row dropped her pencil. With an instinctive courtliness that undoubt- edly dates back to a pre-Atomic youth, he stooped down and picked up her pencil, never missing one word of his talk. For a moment we had what must have been a warm glow at the graceful gallantry of the man. One look at the smug smiling expression of the coed who was looking to the entire class for approval, was enough to dispell it, though. It was like watching a church service in techni- color. * * * * Best in Town THE OTHER NIGHT the proprietor of one of the local taverns, which shall be nameless but not unrecognized, was standing guard near the door when two students entered, supporting be- tween their a third, who was pretty obviously looped. "Hey," said the proprietor, "You can't bring that fellow in here. He's drunk." "We know it," affirmed one of the vertica ones. "That's why we brought him here. Your beer will sober him up." Phi Beta Kappa AFRIEND OF OURS, who remained sleepless the other night in the interests of science credits and his first psychology 31 blue book, re- ceives our unanimous condolence for the follow- ing excerpt from his exam: "Practice makes perfect. True or false?" Contributions to this colunn are by all members of The Daily staff and are the responsibility of the editorial director. Publication .n The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin- should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30; p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1946 VOL. LVII, No. 19 Notices' The University Golf Course will be closed after Sunday, Oct. 20. Any person having equipment there please call for it by that time. Board in Control of Athletics Concert Tickets. Tickets for the Dorothy Maynor concert Oct. 28, the two performances of Handel's "Mes- siah," Dec. 14 and 15, the Chamber Music Festival Jan. 24 and 25, and a very limited number for several of the Choral Union concerts, are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. School of Music Students expecting degrees at the end of the current se- mester should fill out diploma appli- cations immediately, if they have not already done so. Secure applications from School of Music office or Regis- trar's office. Senior Aeronautical Engineers graduating in February and June of 1947 should report to the Lobby office of Eng. Bldg., as soon as possible to complete their personnel blanks. A volleyball league is being formed for faculty members, research assist- ants, and teaching fellows. Teams may be entered by departments or formed by members of different de- partments. Departments and indi- viduals who wish to play should call the Sports Bldg., 2-2101, before 6:00 p.m., Mon., Oct. 21. International Center: All foreign students, their friends, and interest- ed persons are cordially invited to at- tend the Orientation Program on Sun., from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m., in Rms. 316-320, Michigan Union. Academic Notices Botany I Make-Up final Examina- tion will be given on Mon., Oct. 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 1139 N.S. Students eligible for the examination must have their records checked before Monday by Prof. Jones in 1005 N.S. Makeup examinations in German I and II are scheduled for Mon., Oct. 21, from 2-4 p.m., in Rm. 204 Univer- sity Hall. Students who have not yet handed in their names should do so at once at 204 U. H. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The following change has been made in the schedule: Chemistry 4-The Sat- T TOOK three press conferences, . of two hours each, to explain it. His five-year plan, concluded Presi- dent Juan Peron breezily would af- feet "all aspects tornational life." Some features: a vast office-build- ing program, a $30 million scheme for improving public health, renova- tion of railways and construction of 5,300 miles of new roads, reduction of imports, streamlining of state gov- ernment, unification of national de- fense. The press was left dumb. But not Peron. He announced that Congress would get the plan-in 27 separate bills-next fortnight, warned: "Any- body who fights this plan will not be considered a mere oppositionist but a traitor . . ." urday section will now meet from 10:00-11 a.m. (Rm. 165 Chem.). Mathematics 300: The Orientation Seminar will meet Mon., Oct. 21, at 7:00 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Charles S. Buck will discuss a Geometric Theorem. The Mathematics Seminar on Dynamical Systems will meet Mon., Oct. 21, at 3 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Falkoff will speak on Variational Principles. Concerts Carillon Recital will be heard at 3:00 Sunday afternoon, Oct. 20, when Sidney Giles, Assistant Caril- lonneur, will play the following: Prelude No. 1 by Van den Gheyn; Flow Gently Sweet Afton, Beautiful Isle, and Whispering Hope; Menuet No. 1 by Lefevere, Impromptu by Timmermans; Allegretto by Heller, Gavotte by Gossec, Largo by Handel; Suite in C by Purcell. Events Today Student Religious Association Luncheon-Discussion group will meet today at 12:15. Mr. Craig will lead the discussion. For reservations call Lane Hall 4121 Ext. 2148 before 10:00. Methodist students and friends will meet in the Wesley Lounge for sup- per following the game. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundatioh will hold open house after the game to- day. Coming Events Institute of the Aeronautical Scien- ces: The second meeting of the I.A.S. will be held at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 23, in Michigan Union. The member- ship drive for the current semester will close with this meeting. Member- ship applications may be obtained from Mrs. S. Baker in the Aero de- partment, E. Eng. Bldg. The Graduate Student Council will meet Mon., Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Bldg. Newly elected members are urgently requested to be present. Program: Formation of the fall program, and nomination of new officers. Sigma Xi: 8:00 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 31, Rackham Amphitheater. Dean R. A. Sawyer, "Technical Aspects of the Bikini Bomb Experiment." The public is invited. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the lecture. Delta Sigma Pi informal initiation is postponed until Thurs, Oct. 24, at 7:30 p.m., in Rm. 323 of the Michi- gan Union. Mon., Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m., all actives and pledges are ex- pected to be present at the Union Ballroom to hear Mr. Robert J. Wil- son, vice-president of Pennsylvania Central Airlines, who will be present- ed under joint sponsorship. The Insight Reading group will met Mon. evening at 7:30 at Lane Hall. The Methodist Guild Fellowship willmeet at 5:30 Sunday to hear a Student Panel on the subject, "The Values of Campus Life." Worship, a social hour and supper will follow. The Wesley Choir will rehearse Sun- day afternoon. Those interested in joining the choir may phone Gene Rieckhoff, 7757. The Sociedad Hispanica invites you to meet for a coke and informal Spanish conversation on Mon., Oct. 21, at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the League. If you have a three o'clock, we'll see you at four. A meeting of the Russian Circle, Russky Kruzhok, will be held at 8:00 p.m. on Monday. in the International r ,, t ,All imipil-inv and interete~d K- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN MAN TO MAN: OPA Game By HAROLD L. ICKES I would never have thought that that nice childish game, Drop the Handkerchief, could be played in a political setting. And yet this is just the game that President Truman and Senator Taft, with enough of their associates to join hands and form the necessary ring, have been playing about OPA. The last hand- kerchief to flutter to the ground was from the hand of President Truman on last Monday. To change metaphors, Republicans as well as Democrats constituted playing a boy-scout government, so far as price control is concerned. The OPA act originally passed by the Congress was self limiting. Well be- fore the day that it would expire, President Truman asked ,the Con- gress to extend its life. This should have been done automatically. How- ever, some of the other politicians got busy. That self-sacrificing, idealistic organization, the National Association of Manufacturers, sent its "muscle orator" President Robert R. Wason, up and down the land de- manding the abolition of price con- trol. Very large sums of money were spent in display advertising of these views. Many of the newspapers joined in the hue and cry. Then the Congress passed.a bill that was plain- ly suffering from polioiyelitis at birth on account of the Taft amend- ments. With a vigorous pen, the Presi- dent vetoed this crippled bill. Chester Bowles wisely resigned as Director of OPA. Then the dis- couraged members of Congress set to work to patch up another bill. And they did. In my column printed on July 8, I said that this bill,which the President reluctantly signed, was a "fake"; that it was "a masterpiece of deceptive double talk." I added: "It will no more hold the price line than a colan- der will hold water." I was not impressed by Price Administrator Porter's statement that this new version was "workable," except perhaps in a political sense. I said: "The President is in a position where he can now go to the people in the November election ex- claiming 'I saved the OPA.' And so he did (save the OPA), but he did not save price control. He caught hold of a drowning man and hauled a corpse aboard the water-logged boat." That the OPA set up under the bill signed by President Truman was a corpse even the President himself admitted in his speech on October 14. There is not enough left of it to provide protein for a single chick- en. But meanwhile the game goes on, with the Republicans on one side of the net and the Democrats on the other, furiously hitting at the elu- sive shuttle-cock but with their minds distracted by the coming No- vember elections. It would .be an amusing sight if the result were not likely to be so tragic. I want to say that both parties deserve to lose on November 5 on this issue. A pretty spectacle the politicians have been making of themselves. While other coun- tries, some of them devastated by the Nazis, are making steady prog- ress toward economic recovery, our make-believe statesmen in this country are evoking the derisive laughter of those nations that re- gard their economy as somiething altogether too serious to turn over to pushing and gouging politicians who lack the intellectual capacity either to grasp the problem in- volved or to solve it. It is easy enough to see now, in fact it required no master-mind to discern at the time, that if President Truman was right in vetoing the bill that Senator Taft left on his doorstep he should, with equal firm- ness, have refused to take in the sub- sequent waif that a bipartisan com- bination of selfish politicians offered in their turn. If he was right in ve- toing the Taft bill, he had no logi- cal or political option except to veto its degenerate successor. (Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate) Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control 6f Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey................City Editor Mary Brush............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 BARNAY YOU're mixed yup, so. I em On 1he SdloolC Bu4tit , Pop, 1 717 - ,I carra nabs on00 euccfion. Your$petr, I Noriens" VvWhat r :rrtili E i