PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1946 PAGE FOU FRIDAY-OCTOBER------- ,i etteri to ie &/itor r Existentialism To the Editor: SAMUEL GRAFTON in a review, which con- tains sharp and penetrating social criticism, of "The Iceman Cometh" links s Mr. O'Neill's play with "several other pessimistic plays lately produced in Paris by the new, negative philo- sophical movement known as "Existentialism." It is a very common misapprehension that Existentialism is a negative movement. Profes- sor Douglas Bush, the distinguished Harvard scholar, who ought to have known better, at a recent convention at Kenyon College labelled it such. It is very easy and labor-saving to af- fix such a label, and people in general, who are lazy anyway, are absolved from any further inquiry into Existentialism, for why should they trouble to inquire into a movement that is negative?I But for all those who like to keep their minds open, I suggest a reading of the short and vigorous "What Is Existentialism?" by Jean- Paul Sartre in Foreground for Spring-Summer, 1946. Existentialism, is a philosophy which says that man's existence is not absolutely prede- termined beforehand, but that man is a creature in process of becoming, and what he becomes is, iii part, at any rate, determined by his own de- termining, Is that negative? Existentialism seems pessimistic or negative to many because of its honest facing of man's limitations and absurdities. It refuses to have truck with illusions, but perhaps no more posi- tive thinking is being done in the world today than by the Existentialism Movement in Paris or will you claim that Ann Arbor is a center of more vigorous intellectual radiation? -James V. Baker . * Michigamua To the Editor: AY I BE permitted to correct two statements in the Michigamua Rope Day article ap- pearing in your Oct. 16th issue? Michigamua was founded by members of the Literary and Engineering - class of 1902 in the spring of 1901. This, you know, was prior to Mr. Yost's coming to Ann Arbor. He was not made an Honarary Sachem in Michigamua for a good many years after it was founded. After he was taken into Michigamua he was very active and very much interested in Michigamua. -J. W. Woodhams, '02 * * * +; Standing in. Line To the Editor THE ENTIRE student body is faced with the very tiring and aggravating situation of standing in lines, of varied lengths, to secure their meals. Some students who have successive eleven and one o'clock classes must forego their lunch if their class is held past the noon hour. The situation is somewhat similar at supper- time, although the diner usually faces a longer and slower moving line. There is very little that the University can do about the situation in private restaurants, but it can take steps to ameliorate conditions at both the Union and the League. It seems advisable to have the University ask the League and the Union to take the fol- lowing steps: 1: Only students, faculty, and employes of the University should be allowed to eat in the Union and League cafeterias, during the lunch hour. 2. Only students and faculty members should be allowed to eat in the Union and League cafeterias during the dinner hour. 3. Families residing with the student, such as spouse and children, should be allowed to eat in the cafeterias. It is of course taken for granted that employes of the cafeteria will not have any restrictions placed upon their dining in the cafeterias. Both cafeterias deserve the commendations of the students for the fine way they have handled the situation in the past, but the un- dersigned believes the meal situation can be immeasurably improved, for the student body, if the above procedure is followed. -Alvin Hamburg ril NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by mnembers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Nuernberg ACQUITTAL at Nuernberg of Schacht, Von Papen and Fritsche brought amazement and questions from all sections of the broad, heter- 6geneous group which defeated the Nazis. Some say they were acquitted as a demon- stration of fairness, proving that nothing was prejudged. In the light of the records of these three, that argument sounds a little superficial. Schacht is probably one of the cleverest foxes the Nazis had. To his discredit is the conversion of the entire German financial system for re- armament and war. Schacht is the man who organized the German industrialists and bank- ers in support of the Nazi program,. Schacht helped Hitler gain power. Apparently the jury at Nuernberg were deceived by his role of de- tachment, or maybe they credited his plea: "My mistake was not realizing the extent of Adolf Hitler's criminal nature at an early enough" time. .. My head is upright." Schacht's tardi- ness should not have won him an acquittal. Von Papen's acquittal was ludicrous. Not only did he do a great deal to engineer World War II, but he has an ugly record in con- nection with World War I. It was Von Papen who induced Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor, who betrayed Austria to the Gerd mans, who is known throughout the world as an active' accomplice in everything the Nazis did. Von Papen's most impassioned ap- peal that "love for country is the only factor decisive for all my actions" should have held no sway over the court. Certainly this artful fox was guilty of perpetuating German war crimes. As for Fritsche, he admitted that he "believed in Hitler . . . (and) . . . strengthened the trust of the German people in the cleanliness of their leaders." That hardly makes him wor- thy of an acquittal. They say that in Germany, the ordinary cit- izen is not only bewildered by the acquittals, he disapproves of them. When the trio tried to leave the prison after the verdict, they found German police ready to rearrest them. They hurried back to the jail until, under the cover of darkness, U.S. guards took them to private resi- dences. It is a sad touch of irony that the Germans should realize these men are guilty and the War Crimes Tribunal set up by the Allies should free them. We can appreciate the wrath of the Russians over this fiasco. -Eunice Mintz MAN TO MAN: Columbia Justice By HAROLD L. ICKES AN ATTEMPT has been made to create the impression that "approximate .justice" was done when 23 of the 25 Negro defendants in the Columbia, Tennessee, race disorders were acquitted. The bare facts might seem, to warrant such a conclusion. But it will not stand careful analy- sis. Four police officers were shot in the Negro section of Columbia. Obviously someone shot them. But to adjudge all 25 of the defendants guilty would have been ridiculous. It was more persuasive to convict only two. But this is only a superficial way of looking at the trial. Ac- tually, the facts, if carefully considered, throw a somewhat different light on .this appraise- ment of "approximate justice." Starting from a fight between a white shop- keeper and a Negro woman and her sailor son, unrest spread through the usually quiet city of Columbia and by nightfall a mob of white men had gathered in the court house square, Shortly after dark, automobiles ran up and down through the Negro business section with the oc- cupants firing indiscriminately, The Negroes answered with a fusilade and later four police- men who entered the area were shot. Thus, in actuality, the Negroes thought they were firing in self defense. But there can be no such justification for the actions of Lynn Bomar the next day. Soldiers, and police under Bomar's command, were present "to keep order" when the whole Negro com- munity was vandalized, robbed, brutalized and beaten up. More than 100 Negroes were arrested and held incommunicado for from three to eight days while every obstacle was thrown in the way of attorneys seeking for them the minimum guarantees of the Con-. stitution. In the jail, the Negroes were beaten and in- timidated. Two were shot to death. In view of these facts, the title "Commissioner of Safety" seems to be something of a misnomer. MR. BOMAR, "Commissioner of Safety," tes- tified in court that he not only had no search warrant when he broke into Negro homes and business houses last February, but - in his defiant words - "I probably won't have one next time, either." Still under oath, he testified further that he put his foot on the neck of1 Napoleon Stewart, one of the defendants in the Columbia jail, and told him, "I'm going to kill you if you try to get up." The outrage here is that not even "approxi- mate justice" has been done to the Constitution of the United States. There exists today a Fed- eral law called the Civil Rights Statute, which subjects to federal punishment state, county and municipal authorities who wilfully deprive citi- zens of their Constitutional rights. This statute was recently applied to Chief of Police Lynwood L. Shull, of Batesburg, S. C., who is under in- dictment as having tortured and blinded Isaac Woodard, a Negro veteran. This is a clear prec- edent. "Commissioner of Safety" Lynn Bomar has testified, under oath, that he wilfully de- prived citizens of their Constitutional rights by indulging in intimidation and brutality in jail and by breaking into homes without war- rant. He has defied the Constitution by an- nouncing boldly that he intends to repeat such lawless actions. Never has there been a more clear-cut and flagrant violation of civil rights. It is to be hoped that Attorney General Tom Clark will instruct the Department of Justice to arrest Lynn Bomar and the other officials for the out- rages against the Constitution which occurred at Columbia, Tennessee. In view of his respon- sibility for the .upholding of Federal law, At- torney General Clark's duty is clearly marked. He is undoubtedly also familiar with the legal axiom that "justice delayed is justice denied." Let us not be supine under this peculiar variety of lynching called "Southern justice." A Federal law has been violated and Federal justice is called for, (Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate) Gerntan Commurniuiism COMMUNISM is making little headway toward winning over the German people. Election results now available from all parts of the country reveal a strong conservative trend throughout Germany. Anti-Marxist parties are showing substantial strength even in the Soviet zone. Communists there have been able to win only with the aid of firm support from. the Russian occupation government and after absorbing their principal rival, the Socialist Party. In the Western zones, Communists have received less than seven per cent of the popular vote. The one party with substantial strength in all four occupation zones is the Christian Demo- crats, conservative and anti-Marxist. The Chris- tian Democrats led in the U. S. and French zones, came close to winning in the British zone and were strong even in the Russian zone. The German elections show that in the U.S. zone the Communists got only seven per cent of the popular vote in elections for State legisla- tures. A massive plurality went to Christian Democratic Union. Catholic Bavaria, now the largest state in Germany, gave the Christian Democrats a majority. Another anti-Commun- ist party, the Social Democrats. got one-third of the votes. The Social Democrats are left of center and have the same point of view as the British Labor Party. -World Report "You was quite a' upstart in yore day, too, sonny." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ILL MAULDIN i - ' IJ Current Movies, At the State ... FAITHFUL IN MY FASHION (MGM) Donna Reed, Tom Drake. This practical vehicle for young starlets can be endured. It might have been enjoyed if a little more care had been taken with it. As it is, it runs to the superfluous in dialogue, whim- sical characters, and romantic goo. As a friend. so aptly put it, it's a bunch of whacked-up fluff. Dona Reed is pleasant to look at, pretty enough in fact to excuse her obvious inability to ex- press emotion of any kind. Tom Drake, without Lassie at his heels, has much more to say than usual. If you're in love and together you'll en- joy yourself sighing through this. If you're bit- ter and alone, you can catch up on your ba'ck sleep. At the Michigan... IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN TO A DOG; Allyn Joslyn, Carol Landis, Rodney. History has almost repeated itself in the short span of a week. This time it's a Dober- man, and while Rodney doesn't quite touch Las- sie in the dramatic, he sure does beat him from here to Monroe where comedy is concerned. This is a flimsy piece that gets laughs on next to nothing. That it gets the laughs is due to a good cast, nice direction, Allyn Joslyn's ade- quacy as an actor, and the dog-Rodney. It's not the biggest thing to hit Ann Arbor, but it's well worth the price of admission to get out of the rain. -Joan Fiske (ConiLhted from Page 3) tion will be given on Mon., Oct. 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 1139 N.S. Students eligible for the examination must have their records checked before Monday by Prof. Jones in 1005 N.S.1 Makeup examinations in German I) and II are scheduled for Mon., Oct. 21, from 2-4 p.m., in Rm. 204 Univer- sity Hall. Students who have not yet handed in their names should do so1 at once at 204 U. H. Veterans' Tutorial Program: The following change has been made in the schedule: Chemistry4--The Sat- urday section will now meet from1 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Rm. 165 Chem.). Algebra Seminar today at 4:15 p.m.,z 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Rabson will1 continue his talk on Lattice Theory.- Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg., today at 3:00 p.m. The Subject to be discussed will be "The Excretiont of Creatine and Creatinine." All in- terested are invited.] The Mathematics Seminar on Dynamical Systems will meet Mon., Oct. 21, at 3 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Falkoff will speak on Variational1 Principles.f Concerts, Wind Instrument Recital: Harris Hall today at 1 p.m. Program:' Allegro movement from Concerto II by Williams, Mary Kelly, cornet; Concertino by Guilhaud, Edwin Kruth, clarinet; Drumming it Three- fold by Buggert, Edward Reilly,' George Cavender and Harry Grims- ley, drums; Solo de Copcours by Ra- baud, Daniel Kyser, clarinet; Adagio from original Woodwind Octet by Beethoven, Menuet from Piano Sona- tina by Ravel, Variations on a Corsi- can Theme by Tomasi, Nelson Hauen- stein, flute, Bernard Poland, oboe, Earl Bates, clarinet, Charles Yancich, French horn, and William Weichlein, bassoon. Mildred Andrews and Beat- rice Gaal, pianists. Open to the pub- lie without charge. Events Today Visitors' Night will be held at the main Observatory tonight from 7:30 to 9:30. The Star Clusters will be shown if the night is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. If the sky is cloudy, the Observatory will not be open. The faculty and graduate students of the chemistry department are cor- dially invited to attend a mixer to- night at Rackham. Dr. C. B. Slaw- son will speak on "Diamonds" in the Amphitheater at 8:00 and there will be dancing, food and cards in the Assembly Hall from 9:00-12:00. Coffee Hour will be held this after- noon from 4:30 to 6:00 in the Lane Hall Library. Alpha Lambda Delta: There will be a brief but important meeting in the League at 5:00 today for all members. Please inquire at main desk for room location. Willow Run Dances: Any League House girl from Zones I or II, who would like to go to a dance at Willow Run Friday night, please sign up in the Undergraduate Office of the League, or contact Allene Golinkin. A hayride is planned for Methodist students and friends tonight at 8:30. Make reservations by calling the stu- dent office or by signing the bulletin board. The Roger Williams Guild will hold a Work Party at the Guild House to- night at 8:30. Come in old clothes prepared for fun and work together. Hindustan Association: General meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Inter- national Center, to discuss plans for Divali celebrations and affiliation with Hindustan Students' Association of America. Members and all others interested are inivited. Soph Cabaret: Meeting of fortune- tellers today in the League. See bul- letin above main desk for location. If possible, bring deck of cards. The Armenian Students' Associa tion will meet tonight at 7:30 in the League. The room number will be posted. All students of Armenian par- entage are cordially invited. The.U. of M. chapter of the Inter- collegiate Zionist Federation of Amer- ica will present an OnegShabbat this evening at 7:45 at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Program: Friday evening worship, dramatic readings, songs, and Palestinian dancing, and a social will follow the program. Everyone is cordially invit- ed to attend. Hillel News Staff: Meeting of all staffs today at 4:00 p.m. Members are reminded that all copy is due at that time. People are particularly needed for the business staff. All those interested are asked to attend this meeting. The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Library Committee will hold its first meeting today at 4:00. Former mem- bers and all those interested are re- quested to attend. Coming Events Institute of the Aeronautical Scien- ces: The second meeting of the I.A.S. will be held at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 23, in Michigan Union. The member- ship drive for the current semester will close with this meeting. Member- ship applications may be obtained from Mrs. S. Baker in the Aero de- partment, E. Eng. Bldg. The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a hike and supper for Sunday, Oct. 20. All graduate students, fac- ulty members, and veterans are in- vited. Sign up at the check desk in the Rackham Bldg., before noon Sat. Meet at the Outing Club rooms in the 'Rackham Bldg. at 2:30 p.m., Sunday. Use the northwest entrance. Le Cercle Francais will hold a meet- ing on Mon., Oct. 21, at 8:00 p.m. in Rm. 305 of the Michigan Union. Prof. Ren6 Talamon, of the Romance Lan- guage Dept., will offer a dramatic I' Rather Be Rght By Samuel Grafton By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE LIBERAL movement in Amer- ica has been in a bad way, but one must never despair; the Republi- can party can always be trusted to re- vive it. By forcing the President's hand on meat, the G.O.P. has pre- sented liberals with an issue, almost with a program. Itncouldn't have done more if it had chafed liberal- ism's wrists, and patted its forehead with cool tippy-tips. Up to now we have been a crisis on meat, but it has been a kind of uni- versal crisis; it has applied to almost everybody. Now there will be meat in every shop, but not for those who cannot pay big prices. At least be- fore, when you couldn't get it, you couldn't see it; now there will be a meat famine accompanied by drool effects. The meat shortage has been solved down to a certain income level; be- low that a kind of line has been drawn and the question of whether you get meat or don't get meat now depends on how much money you have, to a far greater degree than was true in the worst black market days. That the G.O.P. is shudderingly aware of the issue it has created is shown by the sudden emphasis placed by its speakers, and by pub- lications friendly to it, on the theme that there must be no de- mands now for higher wages, to meethigher food prices. There must, in other words, be no infla- tion to meet inflation. Mr. Taft and his friends, having opened the door to a monster, insist that half of him must remain outside. But let us return to the point about liberalism. There have been a thou- sand definitions of liberalism, but one of the best (which I have just found under my ash-tray) is that liberalism is a philosophy which holds that we must not solve our national prob- lems at the expense of our poorest. That's all, and that's it. What was Rooseveltism all about, except just that? Mr. Roosevelt believed quite simply, in an equitable distribution of the cost of catastrophe; that you don't solve farm surpluses by shaking out the smallest farmers, but by hav- ing everybody grow a little less; that you don't solve a bank crisis at the expense of depositors; that you don't solve over production by means of un- employment. That candle has burnt low during these last few prosperous years, but the meat crisis may set it glowing again. FOR THE SOLUTION of the meat crisis now forced upon us sets a style. It beats a return to the pre- Rooseveltian practice of solving the economic problems of one group at the expense of another. It is kin to the theory that we can stop inflation 'y having a little "shake-down" next near; that is, if a few million Amei- mans will only consent to remain luietly unemployed for a period, orices will come down, etc., and we ,an start again. Always there is a >rice, and the price is always passed lown the line. But always there is a reaction (sometimes its name is Roosevelt) and the Republicans have lone more to revive liberalism than f they had dashed cold water in its °ace, fed it hot coffee, and walked it firmly up and down the room. For, a week ago, any man who sug- ;ested that the government buy meat and give it away to the poor would lave been an idle dreamer; tomorrow he may seem quite a practical fellow, ind he may have customers. The ther side will have no answer, ex- vept its standard one about ending controls, and it is. has already used that one up. The great wheel turns, as American conservatism, the most primitive and unsophisticated con- servatism in the world, resolutely fol- lows that obscure destiny which forces it forever to solve one crisis at the elpense of a greater, to pay three for one, to buy a day of ease at the cost of a year of unrest. (Copyright, 1946 N.Y. Post Syndicate) Juvenile Delinquency ATTORNEY GENERAL Tom C. Clark, in a recent article, pointed out that the youth of today are much more serious and pessimis- tic concerning the future of the nation and the world than those of the "roaring twenties," but that they still presented a problem to their parents and the country as a whole. He classed them as "smoldering" rather than "flaming youth." Clark also explained the Department of Jus- tice campaign to combat juvenile delinquency. Pointing out that crime begins when boys are very young, he cited the example of the recent Alcatraz jail-break, where all the criminals in- volved had started their lawless careers in their teens. "Had we been wise enough to fight the crim- inal tendencies of these men at an early age," he said, "we might have been spared that tragic jailbreak and the gruesome trail of crime that led to it." mr vrc -t .. P 4,-.,rf ..l r, ralinnii+a in record. According to Attorney Gen. Clark, the results of the plan have justified the faith placed in it. The Brooklyn Plan is excellent for its pur- pose, but it reaches only the small percentage of teen-agers who actually commit crimes. Next week a National Conference on the Control of Juvenile Delinquency will meet in Washington, having as its purpose the discussion of the prob- lems of all youth of today, delinquent or not. There are many who are merely unhappy or difficult to handle, but present no actual legal problem. These must be reached by a more widespread program that will aid them and awaken their faith in the future. -Phyllis L. Kaye Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey...............City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha............Associate Editor Clark Baker ...............Sports Editor Joan Wilk................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Edit.or Business Staff Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills...Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 i BARNABY I'll have these notes typed. Then nn~ therm nt, to the nfh r F Still . . . There's no harm in ii Scstmuiti;n dis'cuion- And K How thoughtful of you, m'boy. Pop doesn't like ME to sit at his dek- Rut reading of several masterpieces of French literature. On the program also: Group singing and a social hour. Students interested in joining the