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October 16, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-16

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Iruman in Decoy Role

PRESIDENT Truman's latest is a pathetic
little speech.
It shows an administration at its sorriest
and an inept though conscientious little man
struggling with a gigantic office.
"I have tried honestly and sincerely to ad-
minister this feeble law," says the President
referring to the OPA. "All the government
agencies have made the same vigorous effort.
From the outset, however, the very forces re-
sponsible for the weakening of the law in
Congress have demanded the lifting of even
the inadequate controls which the Congress
had enacted."
It's almost funny, isn't it? It's a national
joke. If there's anything people will agree on
these days it is that Harry Truman is having
one hell of a time of it.
Truman's ineptness is a decoy. The simplest
way to blame the nation's ills is to point to the
President. Everybody agrees that he is inept:
It must be his fault. Let's get a new President.
It's like the baseball team that used to get a
new manager every year instead of some players.
CONSIDER the meat shortage. The Admini-
Atration introduces price control: no meat.
The Administration relaxes control temporar-

ily: meat. The Administration imposes price
control again: no meat.
President Truman has stated one side of it:
"The responsibility rests squarely on a few men
in the Congress who, in the service of selfish in-
terests, have been determined for some time to
wreck price controls no matter what the cost
might be to our people."
The whole thing is tied up in a very ugly
little package: Some of the strongest industrial
interests have done everything they could to
bring about a situation where the only solution
for a shortage is inflation. Furthermore, Presi-
dent Truman is forced to follow their lead in
order to get results and at the same time be-
comes the butt.
This also furnishes his opposition ammuni-
tion for the next election, which opposition
is represented, incidentally, by the same people
who have forced the inflation.
Here we have the decoy again.
With all his shortcomings Truman is a per-
fect target.
Meanwhile, his opposition capitalizes at the
expense of the entire nation, perhaps the entire

Philosophy of Evasion

H ARRY TRUMAN reminds me of the folk-tale
related about the European keeper of a small
shop who made a profit on the large turnover of
deficits in his business. The shop-keeper worked
conscientiously and dutifully, but he always
seemed ,to manage to make the wrong decisions.
Mr. Truman has an equal talent for making
wrong decisions but I do not think he is realiz-
ing many profits for the nation.
Until yesterday, many of us were willing to
smile at Mr. Truman's blunders and hope that
he would do better next time. Some of us nearly
liked the fellow, or at least respected him for his
apparent sincerity. But with the addition of his
coup de grace to meat price controls, Mr. Tru-
man's accumulation of faux pas has become too
heavy to bear, even when accompanied by his
cheerful and benign smile.
The action on meat controls is evidently im-
portant in many ways: it is one of the keystones
to the tottering arch of our economic stabili-
zation program; it is politically significant; it
will have its effect on the health of the nation.
But above and beyond these factors, the hand-
ling of the whole situation reveals a dangerous
philosophical change in our concept of dem-
ocracy. -The tendency has been developing at
an accelerated rate in recent years and has now
become ominous.
One of my professors, discussing price con-
trols Friday, said that regardless of how poor
or excellent a law may be, the decisionon its

passage or continued enforcement should ulti-
mately depend on the reactions of the public
towards it. That expression perfectly epitomizes
the evasion-philosophy which our government
displays today. The philosophy makes possible
the avoidance of responsibilities and attempts
to justify a lack of convictions. Some persons
may consider this democracy; I call it cowardice.
Several months ago Mr. Truman and his ad-
ministration undertook an all-out campaign to
extend the price-control program. I believe that
Ir. Truman and those of his advisers who are
conscientious (as opposed to those who are ad-
mittedly only politicians or representatives of
business powers) still believe in the necessity
for a strong price-control policy, even though
they have now eliminated all possibility of ef-
fecting such a policy and show no intention to
do so. The decontrol action is a product of this
popularly accepted evasion;philosophy, in spite
of numerous rationalizations which have been
and will be made. Several valid explanations for
the action are possible, but they lose their po-
tency when they are used merely as excuses for
conduct taken for other reasons.
All of which leaves us where? The nation's
businessmen can increase the tempo of their
hell-bent drive to make a catastrophe out of our
prosperity. Moreover, in our enthusiasm for the
evasion-philosophy of pseudo-democracy, we are
traveling the road away from the precious, true
democracy which we want for America.
-Mal Roemer

Oust IBilbo
A NATION-WIDE campaign has been under-
taken to exclude the Bilbo man of Mississ-
ippi from the United States Senate. (Bilbo also
means "fetter".) The curtain raising will be at a
dinner tomorrow night at the Hotel Pennsyl-
vania in New York City with George Marshall,
Paul Robeson, Dashiell Hammett, Quentin Rey-
nolds, Vincent Sheean, William Jay Schieffelin
and others taking the lead. Bilbo should have
been regurgitated long before this. But an em-
etic will not now be necessary. The Senate is in
a position to do an act of self-purging that
would be greatly becoming. If, as alleged, this
product from the cane-brakes of Mississippi was
elected Senator by "fraud and violence" and
other unconstitutional methods, he can simply
be denied the right to take the oath of office.
The acceptance of money by members of
Congress for influence brought to bear in ob-
taining contracts does not seem to worry some
members of Congress even when they are
caught. To what extent this immoral prac-
tice has been going on no one knows for sure.
But there has been enough nauseating gas es-
caping to arouse suspicion in the minds of
many. So far as "Chanticleer" Bilbo is con-
cerned, the charge has been made that he
accepted $25,000 for obtaining a contrac for
a constituent. This allegation was openly
made by Ross A. Collins, for many years a
respected and reputable member of the House.
On the authority of Mr. Collins and the
this accusation in my column. Apparently
Senator Bilbo regards the charge as too triv-
ial for his attention.
And yet I remember that William Lorimer of
Illinois, even after he had taken his seat in the
United States Senate, was expelled when it was
proved that he had been elected by corrupt
means. I remember that, subsequently, Frank,
L. Smith of Illinois was not allowed to take his
seat because of an improper sluicing of money
in his behalf, particularly by Samuel Insull, the
corrupt and corrupting private utility magnate.
I remember that a man by the name of New-
berry, of Michigan, who spent more money than
was permissible under the law, was persuaded
to resign from the exclusive club that now takes
pride in Bilbo and O'Daniel and McCarran and
Now these four men were Republicans who
were sternly frowned upon by a Republican
Senate. I wonder if a Democratic Senate
wants to go down in history as having fewer
scruples a d lower moral standards than was
the case ith a Republican Senate? This is
no time for the Senate merely to yawn before
turning over on its other side and going sound-
ly to sleep again.
Probably it would have a more salutary ef-
fect on the country if Bilbo were denied his seat
in the United States Senate because of his scorn-
ful uouting of the rights guaranteed to Negroes
under the Constitution of the United States.
Of course a Bilbo could do this without a qualm
of his atrophied conscience but certainly no man
even a little higher up in the scale of civilization
could raise his right hand as a United States
Senator and swear with his tongue in his cheek
to uphold and defend the laws and the Consti-
tution of the United States when he would not
be there at all if he had not flouted the laws
and Constitution of the United States. Perhaps
it is better to raise the issue against Bilbo on
this clear Constitutional and moral issue. How-
ever, it should not be overlooked that previous
Republican Senates excluded Republican moral
misfits from membership in that body on account
of the illegal and immoral use of money, dam-
aging charges with respect to which have also
been brought against Senator Bilbo.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
rrHE ARMY'S new military training plan is
- clearly preferable to the one which was al-
lowed to die in committee at the last session
of Congress for lack of popular support. In
cutting the training period to six months and
permitting the trainees to choose any one of

seven alternative programs in lieu of another
six months training, the Army has recognized
at least some of the implications of atomic war-
fare. The kind of military training that was
given to our soldiers in World War II is likely
to be utterly irrelevant to the needs of national
defense ten years hence. Six months would seem
to be the maximum time for the cultural and
scientific education of the country's youth.
But it is doubtful whether the time, effort,
and money demanded by this kind of training
represent the wisest use of our resources for
national defense. It is estimated that the new
universal-training program will cost about
$2,000,000,000 annually. If this amount were spent
improving scientific training in our schools and
colleges and in enabling tens of thousands of
young men to obtain a higher education, our
potentialities for defense might be strengthened
to a far greater extent than is possible under
any program of military training.
-The Nation
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


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"Bottle fatigue."


Effects on Health

THE REMOVAL of price controls from meat
will have at least one important effect that
may not be apparent for some time: the reper
cussions on the American standard of health.
Now that controls are no more, the meat
packers of course will be'at liberty to name their
own prices, and they will undoubtedly be pro-
hibitive to a very large number of consumers.
People who coudn't afford to eat meat regularly
until the war will find themselves in that posi-
tion once more. Meat will be a luxury as far
as price is concerned, instead of the commodity
within the reach of every family that it should
be. Workers whose diets do not include meat will
find themselves without the maximum amount
of energy that their jobs require. Children will
be threatened with malnutrition, and the health
standards of the nation will drop. This state of
affairs was sorrowfully in evidence during the
recent war when the American public was
shocked to discover the poor psysical condition
of its young people as shown by pre-induction

physical reports from Army medical authorities.
It has been argued by opponents of OPA
and friends of the meat industry that once tht
cattle are slaughtered and the supply hits the
market, prices will be forced down by that old
faithful, the law of supply and demand. The
capacities of this standby of many pseudo-econ-
omists has been drastically overrated. This is
evidenced by the behavior of prices of other
staple items, notably butter, milk and other
dairy products, and canned goods. Once con-
trols were removed, prices soared, and then re-
ceded somewhat, but not in a single case have
returned to anything approaching OPA levels,
according to the facts on file at the local price
control office.
The decontrol of meat is a victory for the
cattle ranchers and packers, but their success
will soon prove to be a heavy loss for the con-
suming public which has been deceived into
thinking it was a score for their side also.
Gloria Bendet

(Continued from Page 2)
International Center: All foreign
students, their friends, and interest-
ed persons are cordially invited to at-
tend the following activities: Wed.,
Bridge Night, 7:30 to 10:00. Thurs.,
Informal Tea, 4 to 6 p.m. Fri., Infor-
mal Tea Dance, 4 to 6 p.m. Sun., Ori-
entation Program, Rms. 316-320
Union, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.
Willow Run Village
West Court Community Bldg
Keniston will speak on "What is Hap-
pening in Argentina?" (Northwestern
University Alumnae acting as hos-
tesses), 8:00 p. m.
Oct. 17, Thurs.-Open class in
CHILD CARE sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Public Health
Dept. A movie will be shown,
2:00-4:00 p.m. Univ. of Mich. EX-
PSYCHOLOGY-Mr. Herbert Meyer,
Instructor, 8:00 p. m Amateur Dra-
matic Organization, 8:00 p. m.
Oct. 18, Fri.-Classical Recordings.
Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commentator,
8:00 p. M.
West Lodge:
Oct. 18, Fri.-Student Dance, Jerry
Edwards' Orchestra, 8:30-11:30 p. m.
Demonstration Lecture. Dr. Phil-
lips Thomas, of the Westinghouse Re-
earch Laboratories, will give a lec-
ture demonstration, "Adventures in
Research," in Rackham Auditorium,
on Wed., Oct. 16, at 7:40 p. in., under
the auspices of the Electrical Engi-
neering Dept. and the Student
Branch of A.I.E.E.-I.R.E. There will
be demonstrations of Radar equip-
ment and other electrical marvels, al-
so two short reels of sound movies.
The public is invited and admission
is free.
Gov. Ellis Arnall, noted for his lib-
eral reforms as governor of Georgia,
will be presented by- the University
Oratorical Association Lecture Course
tomorrow evening at 8:30 in Hill Au-
ditorium. Subject of lecture, "The
South Looks Forward." Tickets are
on sale today and tomorrow at the
auditorium box office which is open
today from 10:00-1:00, 2:00-5:00 and
tomorrow from 10:00-1:00, 2:00-8:30.
Academic Notices
History Final Examination Make-
Up: Fri., Oct. 18, at 4:00 p.m. Rm. C,
Haven Hall. Students must come
with written permission of instructor.
Makeup examinations in German I
and II are scheduled for Mon., Oct.
21 from 2-4 p.m. in Rm. 204 Univer-
sity Hall. Students who have not yet
handed in their names should do so
at once at 204 U. H.
Special Functions Seminar today
at 10:00 a.m. ih Rm. 340 W.
Eng. Prof. Rainville will talk on Hy-
pergeometric functions.
Math 347: Seminar in Applied
Mathematics meets today at 3:00 in
Rm. 317 W. Eng. Mr. Max A. Wood-
bury will speak on "The Exitation of
Peripheral Nerves." Visitors are wel-

Wind Instrument Recital: Harris
Hall, Fri., Oct. 18, at 1 p.m. Program:
Allegro movement from Concerto II
by Williams, Mary Kelly, cornet;
Concertino by Guilhaud, Edwin
Kruth, clarinet; Drumming it Three-
fold by Buggert, Edward Reilly,
George Cavender and Harry Grims-
ley, drums; Solo de Concours by Ra-
baud, Daniel Kyser, clarinet; Adagio
from original Woodwind Octet by
Beethoven, Menuet from Piano Sona-
tina by Ravel, Variations on a Corsi-
can Theme by Tomasi, Nelson Hauen-
stein, flute, Bernard Poland, oboe,
Earl Bates, clarinet, Charles Yancich,
French horn, and William Weichlein,
bassoon. Mildred Andrews and Beat-
rice Gaal, pianists. Open to the pub-
lic without charge.
Events Today
Research Club meeting tonight at
8:00 in the Rackham Amphitheater.
"Electron Microscopy in Three Di-
mensions," by Prof. R. C. Williams,
and "Some Notes on the English Sen-
tence," by Prof. C. C. Fries.
U. of M. Flying Club meeting to-
night at 7:30 in Rm. 1042 E. Eng.
All members who have not notified
the club of a change of address must
do so immediately by calling Anne
Guinan, at 2-4516, or by signing the
sheet on the bulletin board.
The American Veteians' Commnittee
will hold its regular weekly meeting
tonight at 7;30 in Rm. 305 of the Un-
The Willow Village AVC chapter
will meet tonight at 7:30 at West
Lodge. There will be a discussion of
the issues provoked by Wallace's for-
eign policy stand.
Bowlers: There will be a meeting
tonight at 6:30 in Rm. 304 Michigan
Union, of all members of the Campus
Independent League for the purpose
of electing officers and drawing up a
National Lawyers' Guild: Officers
for the year will be elected at a meet-
ing of the University student chap-
ter to be held at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Union. All old members and
other law students wishing to af-
filiate with the group are urged to
Far Eastern Art Room, Alumni Me-
morial Hall. Open House for Far
Eastern Art students, new and old,
tonight from 7:00-9:00.
Student Religious Association: The
Association Singing Group will meet
tonight at 7:30 at Lane Hall.
The Recreational Workshop will
meet tonight at 8:45 at Lane Hall.
The Methodist Wesleyan Guild will
meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock for
the Wednesday refresher. Co-op
lunch organizational meeting at 5:30
for al who are interested. Supper at
6 o'clock. Call the student office for
reservations. The cell groups will
convene at 7 o'clock folowed by an in-
formal fireside vespers.
Inter Racial Association: There will
be a meeting of the Inter Racial As-
sociation at 7:15 p.m. in the Union.
Edward Swan, former regional direc-
tor of the FEPC and now executive
secretary of the Detroit Branch will
address the members following the
business meeting. All interested per-
sons are urged to attend.
TUnit:M- we~atak hMrom w.im

Coing Events
Michigan Chapter AAUP. A din-
ner meeting at the Michigan Union
on Thurs., Oct. 17, at 6:00 p.m. in
Rms. 101-3 will mark the beginning
of fall activities. Prof. C. L. Jami-
son will speak on "Standards of Aca-
demic Freedom." Make reservations
not later than Wednesday with D.
C. Long, 320 Haven Hall. A cordial
invitation is extended to all members
of the faculty.
The faculty and graduate students
of the chemistry department are cor-
dially invited to attend a mixer at
Raekham, Fri., Oct. 18. Dr. C. B.
Slawson will speak on "Diamonds" in
the Amphitheater at 8:00 and there
will be dancing, food and cards in
the Assembly Hall from 9:00-12:00.
Undergraduate Education C 1 u b
meeting will be held on Thurs., Oct.
17 at 4:15 p.m. in the Library of the
University Elementary School. The
topic for this meeting will be "The
English School System." Refresh-
ments will be served. All who are in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
Graduate Outing Club: 4 square
dancing class, sponsored by the
Graduate outing club, will be held in
the Women's Athletic Bldg., Thurs.,
Oct. 17, at 8:00 p.m. All interested
students are invited. There will be a
small fee.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include in its
program Schubert's Symphony in C
Major, Brahm's Piano Trio in B Ma-
jor, and Dvorak's Slavonic Dances. All
graduate student's are cordially in-
Alpha Phi Omega,. national service
fraternity, will hold a rushing smok-
er Thurs., Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m., at the
Union for all men who are or were
scouts or scouters, and are interested
in joining a campus service organi-
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
at 7:15 Thursday in the League. See
bulletin board for room. Those at-
tending are asked to bring sugges-
tions as to poets and subjects they
would like discussed during the se-
International Center: Dr. and Mrs.
Enrique L. Marshall will be special
guests of the International Center for
the inforinal tea on Thurs., Oct .17,
at 4:30 p.m. Dr. Marshall is the for-
mer Minister of Education of Chile
and the present Secretary General of
the University of Chile and Professor
of Political Economy in that institu-
tion. All Latin American students
are cordially invited to attend.
A hayride is planned for Methodist
students and friends for Friday night
at 8:30. Make reservations by caling
the student office or by signing the
bulletin board.
The Kappa Nu Fraternity will meet
Thursday evening at 7:30 in the
Michigan Union. All members are re-
quested to be present.
MYDA: Because of the lecture
Thursday, the time of the MYDA
meeting has been changed to Thurs-
day afternoon, Oct. 17, at 4:00 p.m.
in the Union. A report by the Edu-
cational committee will be given. Rec-
ords and singing are included on the
Agenda. All invited.
The Armenian Students' Associa-
tion will meet on Fri., Oct. 18, at 7:30
p.m. in the League. The room number
will be posted. All students of Ar-
menian parentage are cordially in-
vited. g
Suomynon re-organizational
meeting. There will be a meeting at

4:00 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. -17,
at the League for all women living in
private homes on Campus. See Bul-
letin Board at the desk for Room.
D.R.A.S.: There will be a meeting
at 3:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 17, at the
League for women from Detroit hold-
ing Regents-Alumni Scholarships.
See Bulletin Board at the desk for
Room. If you cannot be there, phone
Pat Ball 5663 and leave your Ann Ar-
bor address and phone ',number.
%w r-
£ter41 Ba U U te
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey...............City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker......... ...... Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.............. Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mils... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-



otietteri to the &Gditor'

Ticket Racket
To The Editor:
N SPITE OF all warnings against the sale of
student football tickets to the Army game
and others, it is a well known fact that such
warnings might just as hell have remained un-
said. Tickets which are given to the studert,
upon his admission to the University at cost or
probably below cost, are now sold for as high as
$20-$50. The sale of these tickets is not a ques-
tion of business any longer. It has reached all-
the proportions of a racket.
Football tickets are paid out of the students
tuition. Even assuring that such ticket sales are
legal, there seems to me the moral obligation of
the student to his government which should
prevent him from profiteering of the Federal
government, who pays the veteran's tuition,
and the government of Michigan, who pays the
civilian's tuition to the largest extent.
-D. E. Strauss
--'- * '
Negro Trial
To the Editor:
AS MANY of you know, 25 Negroes were on
trial at Columbia and Lawrenceburg, Tenn.,
for defending themselves against the outrages
of a Klan-led mob in Columbia last spring. Of
the 25, 23 were acquitted by a verdict that sur-
prised the entire nation. However, two defen-
dants were convicted on heresay evidence and

for the acquittal goes to the defense counsel,
supported by the N.A.A.C.P., the progressive
groups and individuals throughout the nation.
We cannot forget that two are still not free,
that victory as yet is only partial. The defense
counsel is appealing the case of the two con-
victed to a higher court. There can be no let-uR
until they are cleared.
This issue is not merely one of suppression
of Negro rights: it is one of violation of human
rights. As such it is of direct significance to
every one of you of such concern that, your
freedom is as much endangered as is that of the
two men who are being persecuted for daring
to defend themselves against organized oppres-
The Inter-Racial Association is planning, iti
conjunction with MYDA and other local and
national progressive organizations, a program
to aid the fight for the freedom of these two
men. At tonight's meeting in the Union at 7:15
the IBA will discuss the steps to be taken in
this campaign. It is urgent that you give us
your support.
-Terrell Whitsitt, President
Inter-Racial Association


Two times two equals
4.002. This is your
final word, Atlas?

-7 711 1 1


I'd be happy, McSnoyd, to
recheck my calculations-
2 2x95x97 xloa 70 x2

Very interesting. This time I
get 3.998- Also correct. But
observe that 4.002 and 3.998
averages four. . . The answer


My! My! What a relief- Imagine the
repercussions! On a world-wide scale
had we learned that two times two-
But- THAT dizzy moment of despair ,

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