See Page 41
3w t ~ta
Latest Deadline in the State
Bomb Secret Must
Be Kept -Sawyer
Bikini Technician Asserts Necessity
For Absolute International Control
Not until absolute international control measures are set up, should the
United States share the atomic bopb or divulge any of its secrets, Dr.
Ralph A. Sawyer, dean of the Graduate School, declared yesterday.
Dean Sawyer, who was technical director of the Bikini Atoll atomic
bomb experiment, spoke informally be
in his office.
Dr. Thomas,
Will Lecture
On Electronics
Wartime Radar To Bet
Theme of Talk Today
Dr. Phillips Thomas, research engi-
neer of the Westinghouse Electric
Corporation, will present a demon-f
stration of wartime radar at 7:40 p.m.t
today in Rackham Auditorium.
Sponsored by the electrical engi-
neering department and the com-
bined student chapters of the Ameri-
can Institute of Electrical Engineers
and the Institute of Radio Engineers,t
the lecture is designed to explain, in
non-technical language, the applica-
tions of electronics.-
Dr. Thomas will not limit his lec-v
ture to the wartime uses of electronicsc
but will also discuss various applica-a
tions in the industrial and medical1
Dr. Thomas will include in his lec-c
ture a demonstration of how the hu-t
man voice is transmitted on a beamV
of light and how the stroboscopea
makes a moving propeller "stand
A member of the staff of the West-k
inghouse Research Laboratories fors
over 30 years, Dr. Thomas is credit-
ed with the invention of the ultra-
audible microphone and the glow-dis-
charge microphone.t
The public has been invited to at-t
tend the lecture-demonstration. Ad-a
mission is free.V
Amendment Tox
Be Put Beforee
Student Body
The Student Legislature voted last
night to place an amendment alter-
ing the manner of its election be-J
fore the student body in the election
which it will conduct Oct. 29.
The amendment, which must be
approved by two-thirds of the stu-
dents voting on it, would set the
number of legislators elected each
semester at one for every 800 stu-
dents, plus one for every vacancyt
that has occured since the preceding
Ray Davis, Legislature president,.
said last night that the purpose ofF
the amendment is to stabilize ther
basis on which the number of legis-c
lators to be elected each semester is
calculated. It would not decrease theI
over-all size of the Legislature, he
The disadvantages of the presentt
systems, he explained, are that an
abrupt change in enrollment causesx
an abrupt change in the size of thec
Legislature and that a sharp increasec
in enrollment makes the fall andI
spring elections unbalanced.t
The new amendment would mean
that the size of enrollment would de-t
termine only the size of that half of
the Legislature which is being elect-
ed in any particular semester, he
explained. Under the proposed
amendment, 26 members will bel
elected this fall and 23 in the spring.-
Candidates To
Be Nominated
Nominations for student member-
ship on the Board in Control of Stu~
dent Publications will be made by the
student members of the Student Af-
fairs Committee at 4 p.m. tomorrow
;n the Senior Editorial Offices of The
Three vacancies on the Board will
be filled in the election to be con-
ducted by the Student Legislature
Oct. 29.
fore a group of press correspondents
He pointed out that while at pre-
sent we do not have a strong Army
or Navy, "the bomb is one of the
effective things we do have. Just be-
cause it is one thousand times more
powerful than any other weapon is
no reason why we should share our
It is possible, he asserted, to make
available to other nations informa-
tion concerning atomic energy with-
out disclosing the bomb's secrets of
assembly and construction.
The dean pointed out that he did
not consider smuggling of the bomb
into this country possible because
fissionable materials could be de-
tected, even if other parts of the
bomb could not.
"Permanent peace," he declared,
"does not imply we should give away
all our information concerning our
weapons." We are headed for "one
world," but other nations will have
to meet us halfway.
When questioned concerning
atomic energy research, Dean Saw-
yer indicated that the atomic bomb
was the result of the "progress that
comes from war." He does not believe
a nation would spend two billion dol-
lars on "something like this" in
peacetime. However, wartime devel-
opments stimulate peacetime scien-
tific research. International control
will not hamper such research on
atomic energy.
The "sort of effort" that was put
into the bomb would bring use of
atomic energy in two or three years,
but in peacetime it will develop more
slowly, he -explained.
The Bikini tests, which he stressed
as being of a purely scientific na-
ture, provided invaluable informa-
tion as to the effects of radio ac-
tivity on animals. Those bombs used
at Bikini were as identical as possible
with that used on Nagasaki, Dean
Sawyer observed, but the one
dropped on Hiroshima was less
powerful. He compared one bomb as
equal to a raid of 100 bombers.
A report concerning the tests will
be submitted to the joint chiefs of
staffs next month.
Tickets on Sale
For Arnall Talk
Series To Be Opened
By Youngest Governor
Single admission tickets for the
first Oratorical Association lecture of
the 1946-47 season, Gov. Ellis Arnall
of Georgia, who will speak at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow on "The South Looks
Forward," will be placed on sale this
morning at the Hill Auditorium box
America's youngest state governor.
Arnall has been a prominent figure in
Southern politics since he took office
in 1943. He took the leadership in
the growing opposition to Eugene
Talmadge and his regime, and made
reform in state government the prin-
ciple plank in his platform. In his
campaign he was backed by President
Roosevelt and liberals in and out of
the state.
When the votes were counted in
the Democratic primary, Arnall had
won a decisive victory, with 162,889
votes to Talmadge's 177,731. Within
24 days after his inauguration in
January, 1943, the Georgia legislature
had unanimously adopted every cam-
paign promise he had made.
Under Arnall's influence education
in the state was removed from the
realm of politics.
Building by
U.S. Agency
The Federal Works Agency in
Washington announced yesterday
that a classroom-office-laboratory
building with 74,000 square feet of
floor space will be transferred to the
University from its present site in
Burns City, Ind.
Upon learning of this decision last
night, Vice President Robert P. Briggs
said that the temporary structure will
be erected on Washington between
Health Service and the University
laundry. It is expected to take the
overflow of students from the liter-
ary and engineering colleges.
Application for the building, which
has not yet been examined by Uni-
versity officials, was made to the
FWA several weeks ago, Briggs ex-
plained, in preparation for an ex-
pected increase in enrollment next
Under provisions of the Mead
Amendment passed in the closing
hours of the last session of Congress,
costs of transportation and construc-
tion of such surplus buildings will be
paid by the government. The build-
ing was granted to the University as
part of the government's program to
increase veteran enrollment in uni-
Briggs was not able to state when
transfer of the building will start
since he has not received official
word of the application's approval,
In addition to providing classroom
and laboratory space, the building
will help satisfy the University's need
for more office space until the Gen-
eral Service Building is completed.
Initiates 13
In Revival
Tapping and initiating 13 men,
Michigamua, senior all campus honor
society, had its big post-war revival
on campus yesterday.
Meeting on President Alexander
Ruthven's lawn the Tribe of Michi-
gamua dressed as Indians presented
the President with an Indian hunting
arrow symbolic of the close ties be-
tween Michigamua and the Univer-
sity since 1903.
President Ruthven smoked the
tribal peace pipe presented by Sachem
Bob Hume and told the organization
that the administration and faculty
would depend on them to help run
Michigan and continue to make it
the world's greatest University.
From the President's lawn, the
whooping Michigamua braves went
to historic Tappan Oak in front of
the library where approximately 2,000
students witnessed the tapping rites
of 13 leading campus activities men
being taken into the Tribe of '47.
The traditional Rope Day, as it is of-
ficially called, was started in 1903
and was today witnessed by two of the
original tribe members,
Approximately 60 old Michigamua
men returned to witness the revival of
Rope Day, absent on campus since
Fostered primarily by the late
Fielding Harris Yost, Michigamua
has functioned as a secret socity for
the services of Michigan,
'AunL Ruth' To Meet
War'Tiimie Pen Pals
"Aunt Ruth" Buchanan, the Uni-
versity's most prolific writer of let-
ters to serviceman, will meet at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Union with
some of her 2,230 war-time pen pals.
"Aunt Ruth" hopes as many as
possible of her correspondents will
show up to meet her personally. Dur-
ing the war she wrote letters to Uni-
versity of Michigan men and women
all over the world.
Jackson Seeks Additional
Places Guilt'
On Diplomats,
U.S. Asked To Take
Action in Own Zone
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-Justice
Robert H. Jackson said tonight there
are many industrialists, diplomats,
politicians and others "whose guilt
does not differ" from that of the 11
high Nazis given death sentences at
He recommended that the United
States proceed on its own to try those
within American-occupied Germany,
rather than putting their cases be-
fore international tribunal.
Industrialists and financiers could
be tried, Jackson said, on "such spe-
cific charges as the use of slave la-
bor." He called it "regrettable" that
the Nuernberg Tribunal acquitted
financier Hijalmar Schacht and diplo-
mat Franz von Papen.
In a report as U. S. Chief Prose-
cutor, Jackson told President Truman
the trial and the decision condemn-
ing 11 high Nazis to death "do more
than anything in our time to give to
international law what Woodrow Wil-
son described as 'the kind of vitality it
can only have if it is a real expres-
sion of moral judgment."
Jackson, resigning as U. S. chi.ef
counsel for the prosecution, said any
report would be incomplete which
failed to take account of the "general
war crimes work that remains un-
Jackson advised that Brig. Gen.
Telford Taylor,.his deputy on the
prosecution staff, is preparing a pro-
gram of prosecutions against repre-
sentatives of "all the important seg-
ments of their third Reich" includ-
ing a considerable number of indus-
trialists and financiers, leading cabi-
net ministers, top SS and police offi-
cials and militarists.
Goering Cheats
Noose, Other
Cirimiinals Hang
NUERNBERG, Wednesday, Oct.
16-(P)--Ten condemned Nazi ring-
leaders died on the gallows in the
Nuernberg jail yard early today but
Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler's No.
2 man,, cheated the noose by swal-
lowing poison in his cell before the
death sentence was read to him.
Col. B. C. Andrus, security chief
for the prison, made this announce-
ment relative to Goering:
"Goering was not hanged; he com-
rmitted suicide at 10:45 p.m. (4:45
p.m. EMT) last night by taking Cya-
nide of Potassium."
"He was discovered at once by the
sentinel who watched and heard him
make an odd noise and twitch," An-
drus continued. "The sentinel called
the doctor and chaplain who were in
the corridor and who found him
Dean Keiiton To Open
Village Lecture Series
Dean Hayward Keniston of the lit-
erary college will open the university
sponsored lecture series at Willow
Village with a talk on "What is Hap-
pening in Argentina" at 8 p.m. today
in the West Court Community Build-
NEWCOMER-Elliott Lawrence and his orchestra, recent arrivals in
the ranks of top-uight dance bands, will play for the Homecoming
Dance, October 26.
Lawrence Chosen To Play
At.Homecoming Celebration
end of Wage Controls Discussed
As Livestock, Market Prices Soar;
Elliot Lawrence, 21-year-old new-
comer to the top-flight dance band
world, has been chosen by student
demand to play for the Homecoming
Dance to be held from 8:30 p.m. to
midnight Oct. 26 in the Intramural
The young pianist and his 20-piece
orchestra featuring Jack Hunter
and Rosalyn Patton as vocalists,
placed second in the College Music
Poll this year and were given "odds"
in a July article of The Billboard to
be a "new top name before another
year goes by."
Advance Ticket Sale
An advance sale of tickets will get
underway tomorrow and continue
through Friday in the booth outside
Rm. 1, University Hall. Regular sales
will begin Monday in the Union and
League and on the Diagonal. All tick-
ets sales will be from 9 a.m. to noon
and from 1 to 4 p.m.
The Billboard article gave Law-
rence credit for achieving something
many leaders shoot for but never hit
in having his arrangements, which
blend popular styling with a sym-
phonic tone, interesting but never in-
tricate. He "plays much on the
sweet, smooth side, even late in the
evening," the article continued.
Began Career at Eleven
Lawrence began his dance band ca-
reer at the age of 11, directing the
14 "Bandbusters," all of whom were
under 15 years old, in Philadelphia.
From that inconspicuous start, work-
ing through years of technical train-
ing, directing a college band while at-
tending the University of Pennsyl-
vania, working as music director of
WCAU, Philadelphia, after gradua-
tion, and broadcasting his first radio
show, "Listen to Lawrence," in 1945,
the "young man with a band" has
risen to the upper realms of col-
legians' favorite bands.
The Homecoming Dance will wind
up Michigan's 1946 Homecoming
Weekend, centered around the Illi-
nois game. The Student Legislature
Varsity Committee is sponsoring the
entire weekend. Bill McConnell is
general chairman of the dance to Ken
Herring is in charge of ticket sales.
Students May
Enroll in New
V-6 Program
As a part of a program to enroll
veterans in the new V-6 program, a
U. S. Naval Reserve traveling recruit-
ing unit will be open from 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in the
lobby of the Vnion.
Students enrolled in the V-6 (inac-
tive duty) program remain civilians
and cannot be called to active duty
without their own consent, except in
the case of a national emergency.
Navy or Coast Guard veterans who
enroll in the program maintain their
ratings and are offered an opportun-
ity to raise them.
Benefits received under the GI Bill
of Rights are not offered by enroll-
ment in the V-6 program.
Enrollment in V-6 lasts for a period
of four years, at the end of which the
student is eligible for the organized
Persons interested in joining the
V-6 program have been asked to visit
the recruiting booth in the Union, and
to bring honorable discharge certifi-
cates. Former Army personnel should
also bring the following discharge
certificates: 615-360; 615-362; and
615-365. Former Navy personnel
should bring Form 553 received upon
AVC Groups To
Hold Meetings
Richard Wolpe, chairman of the
state executive council of AVC, will
speak on. the national aspects and
problems of AVC at 7:30 p.m. today
at the regular meeting of the Uni-
versity chapter to be held on the third
floor of the Union.
OPA To Keep
Some Ceilings
On Goods
Gates To Be Opened
For Mexican Cattle
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-While
livestock prices and the stock mar-
ket soared in swift reaction to last
night's decontrol of meat prices,
President Truman and his top ad-
visers pressed White House discus-
sions on how rapidly to drop wage
One official predicted a swift tap-
ering off-and that soon-of most
remaining controls. Meanwhile, the
American Federation of Labor is-
sued a call for the elimination of all
controls except those on rents.
Porter States Policy
However, Price Administrator Paul
Porter issued a statement of policy
that OPA intends to keep ceilings on
"important" commodities and ser-
vices until supply balances demand.
He said ceilings will stay on such
things as automobiles, furniture,
building materials and household
appliances as long as they are scarce.
On the first day of a free live-
stock market, hog and cattle prices
jumped in all markets reporting. The
New York Stock Exchange rang up
gains as high as $12 per share and
stock market averages recorded their
sharpest rise in more than seven
Mexican Cattle
In a follow-up to his speech, Tru.
man announced that an investigation
of health conditions has made it
possible to remove the quarantine
against imports of Mexican cattle
On the political sidelines, in a
speech tonight GOP chairman Car-
roll Reece branded Democratic
handling of the meat problem as a
good argument for a Republican con-
gress. He contended that Truman's
veto of the original OPA extension
bill last June was responsible for
letting controls lapse and that the
blame for the meat shortage, there-
fore, rests on the administration.
The meat-eating public faced the
prospect of getting more meat fairly
soon-perhaps within ten days-but
at prices that are bound to refelect
today's first burst upward on live-
stock markets.
Meat Decontrol
Held To Be Only
Possible Ation
The abolition of price ceilings on
meat was probably the only course
of action open to the administration,
Prof. Garner Ackley of the econom-
ics department said yesterday.
Drawing from his experience as
Assistant Director of Consumer
Goods in OPA, Prof. Ackley attrib-
uted the reasons for the meat short-
age to the two month "vacation"
from controls, plus the hope for fur-
ther increases or eventual decon-
The OPA's experience last summer
before the reenactment of OPA was
that many of those products whose
prices soared during the "vacation"
period were almost completely with-
drawn after the new bill was passed,
Prof. Ackley stated. As an example,
he cited the case of raw hides, priced
by OPA at fifteen-and-a-half cents
per pound, raised to twenty-seven
cents during the control-free period,
and finally withheld from the mar-
ket when Congress revived price con-
trol. It was only through drastic
threats of requisitioning, and anti-
trust action that the government
was able to get hides on the market
?n the textile field, there were
several instances in which shipments
of goods were held up for as much as
two months, when price increases
were expected. A taste of high prices,
Prof. Ackley declared, or the expec-
tation of higher prices rarely failed
to produce withholding.
Col. ilsonClarifies
Bonus Requirements
Mass Vaccination for Influenza To Begin October 28
Students will "get the needle" in the voluntary
influenza immunization program according. to a
schedule set up yesterday.
Aiming to vaccinate students at the rate of 600
an hour, the schedule will distribute the load
alphabetically from Oct. 28 to Oct. 31.
Discussing the possibility of reactions to the
A and B influenza virus, Dr. Margaret Bell,
acting director of Health Service, pointed out
gies will not be able to be immunized because of
the danger of a severe reaction, she said. At the
time students are innoculated there will be a
check on any allergies and in cases where there
is any question, students may consult with Dr.
Buenaventura Jiminez, an allergies specialist,
who will be available throughout the immuniza-
tion program.
The schedule set up for the imf-Miniatiofl
scheduled for their particular group, but in case
they are unable to go through with their group
they may be vaccinated from 8 a.m. to 12 noon
or 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, or at any time
when the lines are not crowded,
The drive will be spearheaded by a program
to innoculate all residents of Stockwell and
Mosher-Jordan dormitories on Oct. 23 and 24.
The program was set up by the Health Service