PAGE FOURt THEIMICHIGAN lDAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1946 _____________________________I - ciet3ttp to the &ito BILL MAULDIN ---- , A ! o iothiin_ Proofreader's Error To The Editor: I have endured your music critics for two years-I have remained silent when they have unjustly criticized fine artists and offered a sophisticated sneer at almost everything. I know, I know. They have a right to their opinion as to what is and is not fine music, but this time I really must object vehemently. Please, the least you can, do, Mr. Levine, is to give Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein credit for "Soliloquy." Gershwin isn't the only song writer, you know. -Mary Grider Harrison EDITOR'S NOTE: Levine's original criticism read, "Two of these, Gershwin's 'Bess, Where is my Bess?' and Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Soliloquy" from "Two of these, Gershwin's 'Bess, where is my Bess?" Carousel were sung with all the excellence of one close to the modern American theatre." The proof- reader's error brought unsophisticated vehemence from our critic as well as sneers from three of our readers. * * * * We Found Our Voice To the Editor: Even though we lost last Saturday, every one of the Michigan students really had the old spirit; it sounded wonderful. An emergency brought out all the noise; now that we've found our voice, let's use it against Northwestern and everyone else that gets in our way. Good going, and keep it up! -Bill MacGowan for The Cheerleaders University's Policies To the Editor: ALL THIS FROTH about the football tickets on the part of the Student Legislature seems just as futile as tying a string around the bag after the cat's been let out. The cause of all the turmoil, or so it is pop- ularly believed, began with the University's con- verted policies and not with the shennanigans of the students who are, after all, no more dis- honest now than they've ever been. Why not demand a policy .reconversion from the Uni- versity rather than withdraw tickets from the petty larcenists? Modern invention is wonderful and you'd probably know a lot more about the game if you stayed at home and listened to the radio, but even Section 33 with the goal post right smack between one's eyes is preferable to the radio. Even if you can't see the game from Section 33 you can always see Shaeffer's Cul- turized Potato Bread. If the Student Legislature is so eager for action why don't they concern themselves with something worthwhile like recommending to the educational policies committee, if one exists, that education is supposed to be rational and not emotional. When a sociology prof denies a student a satisfactory grade because the -student refuses to conform to the opinions of the pro- fessor, then it seems to me that the purpose of NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. education, which is to make a person think, is being defeated. I don't object to being informed about the merits of Communism and the merits of capitalism if I am allowed to draw my own conclusions as to which is the better form of' government; but when I am expected to accept blindly the prejudices of the professor then I decide that it's more profitable to read the "Daily Worker" in class. --Rosalyn Lang Veterans as Voters To the Editor: SATURDAY'S DAILY editorial page carried an excellent article by Stu Finlayson on the "52-20 Club." The particular group of young Americans this concerns makes it a far more important issue than a mere political football. The fact that 60% of the Michigan student body is made up of veterans would lead us to believe that somewhere near a like ratio exists in other schools across the country. And don't think for an instant that those who manipulate the strings which control political power areogoing to overlook such a sure bet for exploitation. Just a few days ago there was an article on the Daily editorial page plumping for enfran- chisement of 18-year-olds. Now, the only battle cry this group of agitators has ever had is "old enough to fight . . . old enough to vote." Fin- layson put the spotlight on the crux of the situation when he pointed out that "it didn't take inductees long to learn that initiative and hard work don't pay off in the Army." They learned to do what they were told-no more, no less. What frame of mind could be better adaptable for pawns on the chessboard of the American political scene? Who do you think is behind this move to gain the right to vote for 18-year-old "men" and "women?" This business of considering the veteran as' a species apart from other citizens of the coun- try is all wrong. Sure the soldier rendered our country a service that could never be repaid in money . . . probably not in services. But of the 12 million men in service at the peak of induc- tion, only slightly more than 1% were volun- teers. And those men who volunteered are not the drones who seek to drain the economy of our country by yelling for "security benefit pay- ments"' while jobs go begging. Since the majority of soldiers were drafted, how can you put a higher value on their ser" vices than on those of the men (and women) who worked night and day to supply them with food, clothing and ammunition? The soldier was just working for a different branch of the same] enterprise. To be sure, he received less cash remuneration. But for the rest of his life he will be a member of an honored organization to which millions of others, through no fault of their own, were unable to gain admittance. The war is over. We should not leave our- selves open to the exploitation of unscrupulous politicians who will not hesitate to rub salt in any open wound they can find, if it will help gain their ends. Wake up, young people of Amer- ica! Don't trade your birthright for a mess of porridge! Consider these words of A. E. Houseman from "To An Athlete Dying Young:" "Now you will not swell the rout Of lads that wore their honours out, Runners whom renown outran And the name died before the man." -Sherman Poteet Furnish Moral Leadership To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL CLAMOUR of our free press I I has subsided almost as quickly as it arose and Mr. Wallace has left the Cabinet. Are we acutely aware of the state of affairs that per- mits such internal dissension to reach inter- national proportions? Do we realize to what extent a great portion of the world hangs on every public word spoken here? Seemingly not, for our actions belie any intelligent reasoning. It is not to us to decide upon, or evaluate the worth of, our responsibility, it already exists. We have the responsibility to run a man's er- rand for the world; furnish the moral leader- ship requisite to world peace. This is a job for a man, not a boy. Therefore, let us act like a grown-up, rather than a child. Our task is clear and well defined, though to read the editorial pages of the nation one could be doubtful. We must furnish the world with the moral leadership of which we self- righteously proclaim ourselves to be the proto- type. We have publicly oft espoused ourselves to the furtherance of democratic principles and it is hoped, practices. This is the intent of our subscription to the Atlantic Charter and the United Nations. At this early date, with the memories of the recent past hardly begun to dim, isolationism. is again rearing its ugly head. Now, of course it goes under a different banner-but with the same purpose. Instead of our "two oceans" fur- nishing protection we have substituted a new explosive, long-distance bomber flights, public demonstrations of atomic experiments, and "good-will" tours of the seven seas. Instead of "America First" it's "Keep the A-Bomb" Yes, we support the UN, but the A-Bomb is our "Sword of Damocles." "Do not as I do, but as I say," is our expression of the double standard of morality that we preach. Condemn war but be- gin a narmaments race. Condemn economic im- perialism, but support our industrialists in their grab for world trade. Let us further the course of world peace by a mature approach. We can never achieve our ultimate goal by these two armed camps, but to purge ourselves of irrational actions, an actively assume the moral leadership of the world. The United States must be a man on a man's errand. -R. P. Slaff CURRENT MOVIES At the Michigan .. . "Courage of Lassie" (MGM); Elizabeth Tay- lor, Tom Drake, Lassie. ACTORS are either scarce or tempermental these days, for the animals have taken over. The change is for the better. In this latest dog epic Lassie turns in a performance that touches Ray Milland's in "Lost Week-end." How one dog can go through so much with such pathos and expression is a mystery to me. The human ele- ment in the cast is definitely overshadowed. Eli- zabeth Taylor would be much better without that overwhelming girlishness she's acquired in the last year or so. Tom Drake is pleasantly cross-eyed and has practically nothing to say. Frank Morgan has a great deal to say and very little reason for it. This picture is recommended for nature lovers and children under ten - At the State.. .. "Caesar and Cleopatra" (GCF) Vivian Leigh, Claude Raines. THIS PICTURE has been so adversely criti- cized on the basis of the sizeable amount of moula spent for it, that anyone saying they en- joyed it just automatically asks for it. I hereby stick my neck out, for I enjoyed it. Taken from the historical angle, it is worth very little. Taken from the angle of dialogue, acting, and spectacle, it is worth the rage of my editors. (They claim I like too many movies.) The dialogue is by Shaw, the acting by a host of Englishmen who know how to read their lines, and the spectacle by Pascal. The latter makes DeMille look silly. Claude Rains seems to enjoy his role as Caesar as much as I enjoyed watching him play it. Viv- ian Leigh is delightful as the kitten-queen. The only thing that bothered me slightly was Flora Robinson's hair-do. It's enough to make you swear off permanents. -Joan Fiske POLICIES that will guide the operations of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund through their first year of actual opera- tions are now being formulated in Washing- ton. Weeks will go by, however, before the Bank is ready to finance reconstruction loans for member countries, and it will be months before the world can judge the effectiveness of the two institutions created to strengthen and stabilize international finances. -World Report 7%\ a ' TRAVEL T YOURr RISK \ t1 'p "Just think, kid-some day YOU'LL be old enough to take the wheel!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ___ ---- Legion Ignores Young Vets Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should, be sent in typewritten formto the office of the Assistant tothe President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 19 Notices Group Hospitalization and Surgi- cal Service: During the period Oct. 5 through 15, the University Business Office (Rm. 9, University Hall), will accept new applications as well as re- quests for changes in contracts now in effect. 8hese new applications and changes become effective Dec. 5, with the first payroll deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct. 15, no new ap- plications or changes can be accepted until Oct., 1947. School of Business Administration Faculty Meeting will be held Thurs- day, Oct. 17, in Rm. 11 T,0appa HM day, Oct. 17, in Rm. 110 Tappan Hall at 4:00 p.m. Dormitories, Fraternities, Sorori- ties, and League Houses: Any student who is admitted to the University Health Service Infirmary is respon- sible for the notification to his or her House Head of such action. A pay phone is available on the 3rd floor corridor near the admitting desk. Ex- ceptions: In case of serious illness or accident, the Health Service will be responsible for notification. Margaret Bell Acting Director International Center:nAll foreign students, their friends, and interest- ed persons are cordially invited to at- tend the following activities: Wednes- day-Bridge Night-7:30 to 10:00 p. m. Thursday-Informal Tea-4 to 6 p.m. Friday-Informal Tea Dance- 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday-Orientation Pro- gram, Rms. 316-320 Union, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. Willow Run Village West Court Community Bldg Oct. 15, Tues.-Univ. of Mich. EX- TENSION CLASS in ELEMENTARY SPANISH-Mr. Donald MacQueen, Instructor, 8:00 p. m. Cooperative Nursery School Board Meeting, 8:00 p. m. Oct. 16, Wed.-WEDNESDAY NIGHT LECTURE SERIES. Dean Hayward Keniston will speak on "What is Hap- pening in Argentina?" (Northwestern University Alumnae acting as hos- tesses), 8:00 p. m. Oct. 17, Thurs.-Open class in CHILD CARE sponsored by the Washtenaw County Public Health Department. A movie will be shown. 2:00-4:00 p.m. Univ. of Mich. EX- TENSION CLASS in ELEMENTARY PSYCHOLOGY-Mr. Herbert Meyer, Instructor, 8:00 p. m Amateur Dra- matic Organization, 8:00 p. m. Oct. 18, Fri.-Classical Recordings. Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commentator, 8:00 p. in. West Lodge: Oct. 18, Fri.-Student Dance, Jerry Edwards' Orchestra, 8:30-11:30 p. m. Lectures Demonstration Lecture. Dr. Phil- ALTHOUGH the American Legion has been exposed countless times as a puppet of big business, dominated by corporation hired hands, and ever ready to embark on a pro-Fascist program, it remains by far the biggest, richest, most influential and reactionary of all service- men's organizations. Veterans of World War II who joined the Legion in the hope of ousting the arch-con- servative "Old Guard" from their dominant positions and liberalizing policies came away from the 28th national convention of the American Legion recently held in San Fran- cisco bearing a close resemblance to the man who tried to impede the progress of a steam roller. On the eve of the convention, the new Legion- naires, dissatisfied with a system which gave their 68 per cent majority membersfiip only 20 per cent of the delegates and indignant over inside manipulation which assured the election of Pennsylvania's reactionary Paul Griffith as the next National Commander, went into a rump caucus. Spearheaded by delegates from Cali- fornia, Nebraska and Idaho, the young insur- gents determined to embarrass the "powers that' be" in the Legion, by setting up a World War II candidate against Griffith and formulating a progressive platform. Gen. Barney Giles (ret.), war time commander of the 20th (B-29) Air Force was slated for the nomination, and ac- cording to leaders of the movement was willing to run. The revolt of the freshmen died a-borning Mrs. Luce Dis RETIRING REPRESENTATIVE Clare Boothe Luce (Rep., Conn.) has added her bit to the "Cry, War" groans rumbling through the coun- try. In addressing a group of women Republi- cans last week she termed Communism "topic A in every mind and heart in this second year of so-called peace." Lashing out at Communism in any form or however. What derailed the insurgents before they really started rolling was not entirely clear, but there were charges that their lead- ers had been wooed away by the "king- makers" with promises of a clear shot at the National Commander's job in 1947. Moreover, there were apparently well-founded reports that the Nebraska delegation, in spite of its backing of the rump session, had been pledged in advance to Griffith, and was willing to go the limit only in proposing and seconding resolutons. Aside from these explanations, it was certain that Paul Griffith, flanked by a substantial retinue, stalked into the rump caucus as it got under way. No sooner had one young Legion- naire arisen with the assertion that "Paul Grif- fith is not the man for National Commander" than motions for adjournment were offered and a general hubbub raised. This lent credence to the smug assertions by men inside the national organization that the entire revolt had been expertly stage-managed for the express purpose of knocking it down and out. Although the new Legionnaires' rebellion failed, it is to be hoped that they will absorb the political lessons impressed upon them at this convention and in company with the Na- tional Conference of Labor Union Legionnaires, continue to press for the democratization of an organization which presented its Distinguished Service Medal for Americanism to Wiliam Ran- dolph Hearst.'w -Joe Freirt. lips Thomas, of the Westinghouse Re-f earch Laboratories, will give a lec-r ture demonstration, "Adventures int Research," in Rackham Auditorium,v on Wed., Oct. 16, at 7:40 p. m., underc the auspices of the Electrical Engi-s neering Dept. and the Studentc Branch of A.I.E.E.-I.R.E. There willE be demonstrations of Radar equip-t ment and other electrical marvels, al-.. so two short reels of sound movies. The public is invited and admissionN is free. Gov. Ellis Arnall, liberal governor of Georgia, will be presented Thurs- day night at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the opening number on the 1946-1 47 Lecture Course. Gov. Arnall, rec-t ognized as one of the foremost polit- ical figures of today, will speak on the subject, "The South Looks For- ward." Tickets will be placed on sale tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in the audi- torium box office, which will be open from 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 5:00 to- morrow and from 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00c to 8:30 Thursday.v Academic Noticest The Concentration examination inv mathematics will be given today inv Rm. 3011 Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. Special arrangements may be madet by seeing Prof. Fischer, 3016 Angell Hall, prior to the above date. . History Final Examination Make- Up: Fri., Oct. 18, at 4:00 p.m. Rm. C, Haven Hall. Students must come1 with written permission of instructor. Makeup examinations in German I and IH are scheduled for Mon., Oct. 21 from 2-4 p.m. in Rm. 204 Univer- sity Hall. Students who have not yet handed in their names should do so at once at 204 U. H. Bacteriology Seminar will be held tonight at 7:30 in the E. Medical Bldg. Library. Thensubject, "The Use of the Warburg Respirometer in Bac- teriological Studies," and the discus- ion will be lead by Miss Louise Brough. Everyone invited to attend. Education B291: Members of the1 University staff and graduate stu- dents who are interested in college teaching are welcome to visit the class Education B291, Problems inl Higher. Education, which meets to-. night in Rm. 110, University Library, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The topic, "The Selection, Promotion and Appraisal of the College Teacher," will be pre- sented by Provost James P. Adams, followed by discussion. Special Functions Seminar: Wed., Oct. 16 at 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 340 W. Eng. Prof. Rainville will talk on Hy- pergeometric functions. Physical Chemistry Seminar will meet on Thurs., Oct. 17, in Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg at 4:15 p.m. Profes- sor D. M. Dennison will speak on "New Methods of Producing High Speed Particles." All interested are invited. Concerts Faculty Recital: Andrew B. White,j baritone, Assistant Professor of voice in the School of Music, will be heard tonight in the first faculty concert of the semester. The program will be- gin at 8:30 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, and will be open to the gen- eral public. Program: compositions by Richard Strauss, Augusta Holmes, Georges Hue, Renato Brogi, Gioa- chino Rossini, Massenet, Rachmani- L AST WEEK, Emmet Lavery, presi- dent of the Screen Writer's Guild, and Paul Robeson, were summoned to appear before the Tenney Com- mnittee of the California State Legis- lature. Each was accused of being a Communist. For some months now, the Hol- lywood Guilds, especially the Screen Writer's, have been under repeated attack by the Hollywood Reporter and the Hearst press. Mr. Robeson, as a member of the Screen Actor's Guild, was being in- vestigated because of his work with the National Committee to Win the Peace, an organization formed last spring in Washington to get the facts before the people on all issues re- lating to peace efforts. The press campaign to discredit Mr. Lavery and the Writer's Guild began when one of the members, John Cain, proposed the American Author's Authority. There was noth- ing unusual in the structure of his plan. It followed in framework the general outline of any representative organization, with elected boards from each of the Guilds, who, in turn, would select a directly respon- sible executive. On the whole, it was envisaged as an attempt to gain more equitable returns for writers on ma- terial sold, and to ensure them sole ownership. In this formative stage, the plan was sent to the four Guilds of the Authr's League for discussion. Yet, it was referred to as 'communist' inspired, and efforts were made to discredit the membership of the Writer's Guild. And, just recently, the Writer's Guild, in a letter to Eric Johnson, present head of the Hayes office, ex- pressed concern over the fate of the French film industry. The letter did no more than state facts pertaining to the subject, quoting pleas from various members of the French in- dustry to the effect that unless something is done to restrict Ameri- can economic pressure, French films are doomed to extinction. It went on to point out that under the provisions of the billion dollar loan, French cin- ema houses are 'guaranteed' but four weeks out of each thirteen for the showing of French films, the remain- ing nine weeks to be open to 'free competition,' which, in fact, means American films. Then the letter re- quested that the State Department look into the possibility of re-nego- tiating the loan, that the quota might be increased. Again the Guild was attacked by the Hearst press and the Holly- wood Reporter as being 'Commun- ist' Inspired. And Mr. Lavery was investigated as a result. It is ironic, indeed, that an earnest desire by a group of writers to de- velop an agency through which the creative efforts of all writers might be protected is called 'Communism;' that concern by that same group of writers over the fate of their fellow writers in France is considered sub- versive and that the president of their Guild must submit to the in- vestigation of a minor Rankin Com- mittee. And, too, that Paul Robeson, one of America' greatest artists, a man who has repeatedly fought for democratic principles, must be in- vestigated for subversive activities.- It is a measure of reaction's desper- ation in its attempt to do permanent damage to the progressive forces of this country. -E. E Ellis The government of Argentina now is moving into control of railways owned by the British, the largest sin- gle group of properties in Argentina belonging to outside interests. This shift of control is to take place under an agreement on economic is- sues that British and Argentine ne- gotiators have just reached. The decision on railway control follows closely the government's purchase of the country's biggest telephone sys- tem for $95,000,000 from a U. S. cor- poration, the International Telephone and Telegraph Co., and it points to- ward Argentine control of all other properties now owned by outside in- terests. The British-Argentine agreeement, reached after more than two months of haggling, covers also sterling, meat purchases and commercial relations. -World Report Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the Author- ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman........Managing Editor Milton F'reudenheim.....Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.................City Editor Mary Brush...............Associate Editor Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor Paul Harsha............Associate Editor Clark Baker..................Sports Editor Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor Business Staff. Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press cusses Russia ity movement for world trust and cooperation. -Cindy Reagan BARNABY Don't be stubborn, Atlas. Everyone knows that two times tfwo eauls orI..r . You've made an assumption, O'Malley. Why argue? When I rn . t,.chifali, 2 x 95 x 91 x log10 x 2 led k erroy Hmm. You were close. fed Ferro Tie nwer is 4.002.