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October 15, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-15

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Latest Deadline in the State

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'U' Students Offered
Free Influenza Shots

Foreseeing the seriousness of a
possible influenza epidemic hitting
the most crowded campus in Michi-
gan's history. Health Service yes-
terday announced plans for volun-
tary, free innoculation of University
students, faculty and personnel dur-
ing the week of Oct. 28.
Proven Effective1
"The A and B vaccine, which will
be used here, proved very effective in
Army use in 1945," Dr. Margaret Bell,
Molotov Assails
Portions of Five
Peace Treaties
PARIS, Oct. 14-(P)-The Parisj
conference completed tonight its
task of writing peace treaties for five
former Nazi satellite nations after
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molo-
tov assailed portions of the pacts as
Accuses U.S.
Molotov accused the United States1
of attempting to dominate the con-
ference, and said he would insist f
that the Big Four foreign ministers,
who will meet in New York, Nov. 4,
reconsider parts of the treaties, with
Italy, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria,(
and Hungary. The ministers also will
take up the treaty with Germany.
A French spokesman said the
ministers would devote two weeks to7
completing work on the satellite
treaties, then would start considera-1
tion of the German pact.
Tackled in New York1
He added that the fundamental
aspects of the German problem'
would not be tackled in New York,
but that the ministers would try to'
discover whether there was enough
grounds for agreement to justify the1
holding of a later meeting in Europe.1
Mootov's attack on the work of'
the conference was deliveredrat a
plenary session on the eve of the ad-
journment of the 21-nation parley.]
The issues he raised suggested a pos-I
sible showdown between the east and
the west at the New York meeting.
Supreme Court
Denies Appeals
In Army Cases
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-( )-The
Supreme Court refused today to over-
ride military justice in a series of
cases including that of the WAC
Captain convicted of helping steal
$1,500,000 in Hesse crown jewels from
a German castle.
The WAC Captain, Kathleen Nash
Durant, had asked the court to re-
lease her on a writ of habeas corpus.
Her attorney argued that she had
been discharged from service and
as a civilian was illegally taken to
Frankfurt, Germany, for a military
Mrs. Durant was convicted at
Frankfurt, the sentence carrying a
dishonorable discharge and five years
in prison. The Supreme Court de-
clined today to interfere with that
Also, the court refused to order the
release of Ralph K. Betz of Willough-
by, O., a former GI arrested by mili-
tary police for allegedly illegal entry
into Germany.
Further, the Court held it has no
jurisdiction in the cases of three
other military prisoners whose attor-
neys asked for release on writs of
habeas corpus.
Tickets Available
Tickets for the special concert
which Dorothy Maynor will present
Oct. 28 are still available at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-

ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
The concert, will be the first in a
series of special concerts planned by
the society because of the large stu-
dent enrollment.
I ' n '-

acting director of the Health Service,
said. "The innoculation program is
essential in view of the crowded liv-
ing conditions this year and," she
continued, "we were very pleased by
the administration's enthusiastic re-
sponse to the plan which enables us
to offer the needed protection to
Michigan students."
Tentative plans are set up to spear-
head the campaign by a 100 per cent
innoculation of Stockwell and Mosh-
er-Jordan residents next week, which
would take in approximately 1,000
Perfected in 1941
The A and B vaccine was perfected
in work done at the School of Public
Health in 1941 under the direction of
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., sponsored by
the Commission of Influenza set up
by the Army Surgeon General's Of-
fice. Dr. Francis and Dr. Jones E.
Salk, both of the department of epi-
demiology in the School of Public
Health and Dr. A. C. Furstenburg,
dean of the Medical School and ad-
visor to Health Service, will cooper-
ate with Health Service in setting up
and carrying out the plan.
Immunity is acquired within seven
to 10 days after vaccination with the
A and B vaccine, Dr. Francis said, and
endures at its height between seven
months and a year.
Working like any other vaccine, re-
action occurs in from 10 to 15 per
cent of those immunized, and a local
reaction at the site of the reactions
such as chilliness and mild fever
sometimes occur.
Not for Everyone
Not everyone will need or be able to
be immunized, Dr. Bellsaid, as some
may have been vaccinated by private
physicians. Others who have asthma.
or severe sensitivity especially to
chickens or chicken eggs, will not be
able to be immunized because of the
danger of severe reactions.
The program here will probably be
the largest innoculation campaign in
history, including 18,513 students and
4,500 faculty and personnel.
Plans Set Up.
Plans are set up for the vaccination
program to be carried out in Water-
man Gymnasium from 8 a.m. to noon
and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. each day and will
continue through Fridy, Nov;. 1.
Identification and immunization data
will be carried on a card to be used
at the time of vaccination. The data
will be compiled under the direction
of Dr. Francis for further research
work on influenza.
Michigan State College, Yale Uni-
versity and the University of Chi-
cago have already conducted mass
immunization programs with from 90
to 95 per cent of the students par-
ticipating, Dr. Bell said and North-
western University is considering
plans for a similar program.
Control Council
Issues Order
Additional Nazis Are
Subject to Prosecution
BERLIN, Oct. 14-(P)-The Allied
Control Council's coordinating com-
mittee promulgated today a direc-
tive for all Germany which means
that hundreds of thousands of Ger-
man war criminals, militarists and
Nazis now can be arrested and pun-
lished according to a common set of
The directive, aimed at the "com-
plete and lasting destruction of Nazi-
ism and militarism," is patterned af-
ter the denazification law which has
been in effect since June in the
American zone.
Actual implementation of the di-
rective is left to each zonal com
The object of the directive, the
Control Council said, was to estab-
lish a common policy covering:

"The punishment of war criminals,
Nazis, militarists and industrialists
who encouraged and supported the
Nazi regime.
"The complete and lasting des-
truction of Nazism and militarism
by imprisoning and restrictng the
activities of important participants
or adherents to these creeds.

President Assaiils
'Selfish' Politicians
Decontrol Program I'o Be Speeded
As Administration Does About Face
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14-Angrily assailing "selfish" politicians, Presi-
dent Truman tonight abandoned price controls on meat and announced that
the whole decontrol program will be speeded up.
Thus, three weeks before the Congressional elections, the President al-
tered the course he previously had set, removed the administration's hand
from the meat situation completely and for good, and put it up to the in-
dustry to restock the housewife's icebox. He said it was the "only remedy"
for the shortage.
The action had been urged by many within his own party. And as he
castigated congressmen and candidates whom he blamed for the meat
shortage and failure of controls, he *
made no attempt to pin responsibility
solefy to Republicans. aj or Packers
"The responsibility rests squarely
on a few men in the Congress who, in P i',diet G radual
the service of selfish interests, have
been determined for some time to R of M eat
wreck price controlsnocmatter what Reo metgrbtofpe
the cost might be to our people," he

STEAKS ON THE HOOF-Here is a sample of what awaits the American dinner table now that price con-
trols on meat have been lifted, by President Truman. The cattle pictured above stretch to the horizon in the
feeding pens of the Nebraska Feed Lot Company near Omaha, Neb., where the animals are held for fattening.

Slav Officials
Banished from
Catholic Church
VATICAN CITY, Oct. 14-(P)-
The Roman Catholic Church de-
clared today that all Yugoslav gov-
ernment officials of that faith res-
ponsible for the trial and conviction
in Zagreb of Archbishop Alojzijc
Stepinac had incurred the grave
penalty of excommunication.
Council Announces
The announcement was made by
the Congregation of the Council,
which said that the trial of the
Archbishop, head of the Catholic
Church in Yugoslavia, "had made a
profound impression in all the Cath-
olic world and in civilized society it-
self." ,
Archbishop Stepinac was sen-
tenced to 16 years at hard labor fol-
lowing his conviction on charges of
collaborating with the Axis and the
Ustachi of the Croatian puppet re-
gime, and of forcing Yugoslavs to be-
come Roman Catholics.
Tito Excommunicated
Several Italian newspapers inter-
preted the announcement to mean
that Marshal Tito, head of the Yu-
goslav government,hhad been ex-
communicated, and announced this
in bold headlines.
Authoritative Vatican quarters,
said, however, that Tito's "exact sta-
tus is not known," and added that
"the Vatican has made no announce-
ment of this kind." A Catholic Pre-
late said last week that the Vatican
had no information that Tito was,
or ever had been, a Catholic.
Some observers speculated that the
excommunication might be followed
by rupture of diplomatic relations
between the Vatican and Yugoslavia.
Ball and Chain
Now Offictal
Evidently, the gals believe in
calling a spade a spade. So now
the women who formuerly bid be-
hMd the prosaic front of the Vet-
erans Wives club, quite frankly
call themselves the Ball and Chain
Mrs. Haskell Conlin, president of
the Club, claiiehowever, that
not too much significance is to be
-attached to the new title. She said,
"We were tired of being designated
as a "veterans" group. We wanted
something a little more punchy
and we thought that the Ball and
Chain Club sounded cute."

Petitions for Student Elections
Must Meet Saurday Deadline

In order to run for the positions
of senior class officers, Union vice-
presidents and co-chairmen of the
freshman, sophomore and junior
dances, students must turn in elec-
tion petitions before noon Saturday.
Board Election
The election for these offices and
for three student members of the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations will be held Oct. 29.
Petition blanks may be obtained
froin 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow through
Friday in the Union Student Offices.
Candidates for all positons must pre-
sent eligibility cards.
No Petitions
Candidates for Board membership
Signed Truce
Ends Warfare
In Inidonesia
BATAVIA, Oct. 14--()-The Neth-
erlands Government and the Repub-
lic of Indonesia today signed a truce
agreement calling for an end to 14
months of bloody warfare in Java
and nearby islands.
It was hoped the truce would es-
tablish peaceful conditions for con-
tinuing political negotiations on In-
donesian demands for independence.
Three Part Truce
A third party to the truce was
Britain's special commissioner for
Southeast Asia, Lord Killearn, gen-
erally credited here with bringing the
warring sides together.
No "cease fire" order has been
issued, and informed sources said
some local Indonesian colnmands,
particularly on the island of Su-
matra. might refuse to obey orders
from the government of Premier
Sutan Sjahrir.
Called in Leaders
Sjahrir had taken the precaution
to call in his top military leaders and
make them party to the truce, but
one element considered dubious was
the leftwing "People's Army," which
maintains only tenuoi s links with
the government.
Lt.-Gen. S. B. Spoor, conimander-
-in-chief of the Netherlands forces
in the Indies, declared Dutch troops
would "loyally" obey th-' truce and
he expressed the hope that the In-
donesian Army would do likewise.

are not required to present petitions.
Students desiring to run for these
positions may contact Terrell Whit-
sitt, chairman of the election com-
mittee, from 3 to 4 p.m. tomorrow
through Friday in the Union Student
Of ices. A member of the Board may
not hold any position of the staff of
any student publication.
Because senior officers will be
chosen for both the literary end en-
gineering colleges, petitions for these
positions must be signed by members
of the candidate's college. Fifty sig-
natures are required for all petitions.
Signed Petitions
Union vice-presidents will be chos-
en for the literary and engineering
colleges, law, dental and medical
schools and for all other schools. Pe-
titions must therefore be signed by
members of the candidate's school.
Candidates must plan to attend
school here for two more terms.
Petitions for the dance chairman-
ships must also be signed by mem-
bers of the candidate's school.
The Student Legislature, which is
conducting the elections, will meet
at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Union
to discuss election procedures.
U.S. Says No
Atom Bombs
Sent Abroad
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14-(P)-The
White House assured the atomic-
worried world today that this country
has sent no atom bombs to England
or any other place abroad.
The statement was an apparent
step to squelch fears that the United
States is picking partners for' possi-
ble future use of the dread weapon.
Eben Ayers, assistant White House
press secretary, told reporters:
"The only atomic bombs that ever
got out of the United States were
those used in the Bikini test and
those dropped on Japan"
Ayers said he was speaking "on the
authority of the President.'
Only last Thursday, at a news con-
ference, Mr. Truman stated categori-
cally that Great Britain did not have
any atomic bombs.
He made his statement in denial
of what a newsman said was a report
that the British were stockpiling them
or had some in their possession.

And again: "The real blame lies at
the door of the reckless group ofI
selfish men who, in the hope of gain-
Republican To Answer
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14-()-
The Columbia Broadcasting Sys-1
tenannounced tonight that a Re--
publican party spokesman wouldl
be given an opportunity tomorrow
night from 10 to 10:15 p.m. to reply
to President Truman's talk on
meat tonight.j
ing political advantage, have encour-
aged sellers to gamble on the de-
struction of price control."
The ceilings on livestock and the
food and feed derived from it go off
tomorrow. That will mean, Mr. Tru-
man announced, that the decontrol
of all other items "will have to be ac-
celerated under existing legal stand-
Included in the hastened decontrol
process will be the wage controls, the
President made clear-"we all rec-
ognize the close relationship between
wages and prices." But he refused to
abolish the wage controls simultane-
ously with the' meat ceilings, as those
labor leaders favoring meat decon-
trol have insisted.
Slaughtering quotas now imposed
on the packers are covered by separ-
ate OPA orders. These quotas were
removed temporarily at the time price
controls lapsed in mid-summer and
presumably they will be abolished
"Moreover," he said that "this does
not mean the end of controls now."
"Some items, like rent, will make
to be controlled for a long time to
come," he continued. "Other items,
consisting of certain basic materials
and other commodities of which there
is now a grave shortage, will have to
remain under control until produc-
tion of them has been greatly in-
The price control act expires June
30. But Mr. Truman's statement on
rent appeared to foreshadow a fight
to extend that control, at least, be-
yond the deadline.
yon e n.

By The Associated Press
The meat industry acclaimed im-
mediate removal of price controls
from meat and livestock Monday
night and spokesmen predicted a
gradual return of meat to the nation's
dinner tables.
Some said meat prices immediately
would be higher than OPA retail ceil-
ings but that they gradually would
become lower.
The American Meat Institute,
spokesman for major packers, said
there wouldn't be "muh more meat
for consumers in the immediate fu-
ture" but asserted the industry "now
can go to work to provide meat just
as quickly as possible."
It said meat stocks are at a record
low and "the distribution pipelines
are completely empty." Because the
national meat "scarcity is even more
acute" than prior to temporary de-
control last July, the Institute said,
"a longer period will be required now
than was necessary then to get meat
back into satisfactory quantity to
normal distribution."
The Institute statement did not
comment on price effects of the Presi-
dent's announcement.
Meat Decontrol
Wins Chorus
Of Approval
By The Associated Press
Lifting of meat controls won a
general chorus of approval last
night, but the nature of congres-
sional comment split largely along
party lines.
Republicans called President Tru-
man's action a "confession of fail-
ure" and "locking the barn after
the horse has been taken to the
butcher shop."
Democrats stressed the President's
declaration that responsibility for
the situation lies with those in Con-
gress "in the service of selfish inter-
Along that line, Senator Lucas
(Dem., 111) told a reporter, "I saw
throughout the war repeated efforts
to wreck price controls by those with
selfish reasons. That was particularly
true of the cattle barons."
Senator Brewster (Rep., Maine)
commented, "it is better late than
never. I think it has been conclu-
sively demonstrated that the Ameri-
can people are ready for this step."
On the Democratic side, Rep.
Harris (Ark) remarked the "con-
trols on meat have been a complete
failure since they were reimposed"
and "I don't see that the President
could have taken any other course."
Senator Elbert D. Thomas (Dem.,
Utah) said that "I trust President
Truman's action will bring the re-
sult he expects and that it will
turn out for the benefit of the whole
country "
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) com-
mented that removal of the meat
ceilings is "what I've been urging all
Draftee Induction
Will End Tuesday
LANSING, Oct. 14-(iP)-State Se-
lective Service headuarters today
directed local draft boards not to
forward any more registrants for in-
duction or preinduction physical

Roundup of World Events

Strike News
By The Associated Press
MARITIME: Atlantic and Gulf
Coast ship owners were urged by Sec-
retary of Labor Schwellenbach to re-
sume negotiations with striking CIO
marine engineers and AFL masters,
mates and pilots in Washington to-
day, and negotiators for the CIO
union called in Harry Bridges and
Joseph Curran, co-chairmen of the
Committee for Maritime Unity, for
a special strategy meeting in a 14-
day-old strike. The engineers seek a
35 per cent wage increase and the
deck officers a 30 per cent boost, with
both asking preferential hiring.
FILMS: Technicians of the AFL In-
ternational Alliance of Theatrical
Stage Employees (IATSE) declined
to respect picket lines set up at nine
major movie studios by a rival, the
AFL conference of studio unions; 200
pickets were arrested at the main
gates of Columbia Studio because, po-

By The Associated Press
BERLIN, Oct. 14-German news-
papers and politicians in all four
zones of occupation are forbidden to
criticize the decisions of Potsdam
and any future conferences of the
Allied powers on Germany in a new
directive published today by the Al-
lied Control Authority,
The new code also prohibits spread-
ing of nationalistic and pan-Ger-
manic ideas and the dissemination of
rumors aimed at disrupting unity
among the occupying powers.

weapon "until the Red Army is
ready once again to get on the
DETROIT, Oct. 14-Two of three
prisoners who escaped Thursday from
the Federal Correctional Institution
at Milan, Mich., were re-captured
this afternoon after an all-day man-
hunt through the woods and swamps
of Grosse Ile.
A party of marines from the Grosse
Ile Naval Air Station who had been
called into the search by the FBI and

Speaking at Massachusetts Gen-
eral Hospital's Ether Centenary
Celebration, Br. Bittner revealed a
"simple, effective method" of pre-
venting mammary cancer in mice-
immediate foster nursing of litters
born to females of cancerous
* * *
NUERNBERG, Germany, Oct. 14-
Prison officials responsible for the 11
condemned German war leaders said
today the hangings would take place
Wednesday morning, but beyond
that refused to confirm or deny that
the exeitins would h in Nie'n-

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