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October 13, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-13

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To Pay Dues
For Cabaret
Committee Members Chosen;
Tryouts for Dancing Chorus,
Singing To Be Held in League
Members of the finance committee
of Soph Cabaret will start the collec-
tion of sophomore dues Tuesday.
The dues drive will last one week,
and committee members will person-
ally contact all sophomore women on
campus. They will visit all dormi-
tories, league houses, sorority houses
and private homes where sophomore
women are living.
Joanne Bromm, dance chairman
of the Cabaret, announced that
tryouts will be held at 7 p. m. to-
morrow in the League. Coeds re-
quested to appear at these tryouts
are Ruth Livingston, Mary Long,
Marty Wilkinson, Eleanor Hoffmas-
ter, Wilma Lyons, Virginia. Cosfins,
Beverly Ballantine, Betts Rettew,
Ellen Crowly, Edith Worksman,
Barb Whiting, Pat McKenna and
Marge Sutfin.
Any other women who wish to try
out for the dance chorus are urged
to come, according to Miss Bromm.
Betty Estes, singing chairman, will
hold singing tryouts from 5 to 6 p. m.
tomorrow in the League. The rooms
in which the tryouts will be held will
be posted on the bulletin board at
the main desk.
Women working on the finance
committee of the Cabaret are Mary
Robinson, Joanne Blinn, Joan
Lince, Helen Soskin, Marjorie
Schlenger, Rae King, Eileen Scan-
Ion, Dorothea Wallace, Anita Gru-
met, Suzanne Kuivinen, Carol Ann
Rivkin, Audrey Allen, Dorothy An-
drews, Patricia Robson, Faith Sa-
dowski, Margaret Gray, Carol Van-
derkloot, Ilona Fietze and Marjor-
ie Protiva, according to Mickey
Wilson, finance chairman.
Ruth Sights, stage manager, an-
nounced that the following women
are on the stage committee: Marjor-
ie Sutfin, Penny Newhall, Donna
Brown, Peggy Rathke, Joanne Hill,
Jeanne Hunt, Patricia Peter, Joan
Bean, Virginia Nyde, Suzanne Krech,
Grace Wyman, Joyce Cavinsh, Els-
peth Stuart, Nancy Phillips, Carol
Castricum and Nancy Hess.
The Central Committee of Soph
Cabaret will meet at 5 p. m. Tuesday
in the Garden Room of the League.
There will be a meeting of the Pro-
duction Unit of the Cabaret at 5 p. m.
Wednesday in the ABC Rooms.

AVC To Hold
Regular Weekly
Record Dances
The first in a series of afternoon
dances to be sponsored by the Am-
erican Veterans Committee from 2
to 5 p. m. every Wednesday in the
League Ballroom will be held Oct. 16.
Students may drop in after class-
es and dance to records, and an ef-
fort will be made to have hosts and
hostesses at the first dances to in-
troduce women students and veter-
Decorations will be the same as
those of the Campus Casbah, and al-
though refreshments will not be
served because of League restrictions,
the League coke bar will be open.
The AVC hopes to make these
dances a campus institution as an
informal place where veterans and
coeds may meet during the week.
Art Kaplan is the AVC dance com-
mittee chairman.
According to Kaplan, "The need
for a place on campus where veter-
ans and coeds may meet in an in-
formal atmosphere has been made
more apparent this term than ever
before. We are initiating this ser-
ies of Wednesday afternoon record
hops in order to give both sides of
campus the opportunity to know each
other better."

Coeds Chosen
By Riding Club
Results of the Crop and Saddle try-
outs were announced yesterday by
Karin Larson, president.
Group I will ride at 7 p. m. Thurs-
day. This group includes: Felicia
Duvall, Mary Lou Gork, Pat Peter,
Jeanne Ackerman, Marie Post, Fay
Lorden, Betty Eaton, Doris Diekema,
Mary Morris, Colleen Flannery, Nan-
cy Tubbs, Grace Gendgwill, Joyce
Gendzwill, Esther Blauer, Elnora
Group II wil ride at 7 p. m. Wed-
nesday. Members of this group are:
Mar Patterson, Karla Walton,
Yvonne Allright, Virginia Coffin,
Peggy Dodson, Patricia Roboson,
Keeth Eberhardt, Pete Fleming, Bob-
bie Strunsky, Eula Brewster, Kate
Hearst, Eras Ellis, Collee Ide, Jean
Plain, Jean Whitney.
Group II will ride at 4 p. m. Fri-
day. Making up this group are: Nan-
cy Vedder, Gloria Bendet, Cynthia
Hope Yace, Rhoda Le Vine, Barbara
Thelan, Margaret Reiff, Margaret
Packer, Caroline Shore, Keeth Ger-
ber, Barbara Meir, Jetial Watkins,
Marilyn Mitchell, Dawn Saari, Wel-
ma Dawling, Verna Edgelers.
Crop and Saddle members will meet
at special times during the year for
lectures and movies on riding. The
WAA horse show, held during the
spring semester, has also been sched-
uled among the club's activities this

WAA Clubs To Meet This Week;
Volleyball Tournament Continues


ivMeetings of wA A cdiibs for- the
coming week have been sche-uled as
Archery Club will meet at 5 p. m.
Monday, downstairs in the WAB.
Hockey Club will meet at 4:45 p. m.
Tuesday and Thursday at the WAB
for practice and instruction.
Swimming Club will hold an or-
ganizational meeting at 10 a. m. Sat-
urday at the Union Pool.
Camp Counsellors' and Outing Clubs
will hold a breakfast cook-out at 7:30
a. m. Sunday. Members of both
groups will meet at the WAB.
Skating Club: All coeds interested
in participating in WAA ice skating
activities who did not attend the or-
ganizational meeting may call Joan
Smith, 2-5579, if they wish to join
the club. The group is open to be-
ginning and advanced skaters, and
the skating season will open in No-

Monday: Kappa Alpha Theta I vs.
Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta I vs. Del-
ta Gamma at 5:10 p. m.; Newberry I
vs. Stockwell I, Lester Coop vs. Chi
Omega at 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday: Jordan I vs. Alpha Gam-
ma Delta, Alpha Phi vs. Jordan II at
5:10 p. m.
Wednesday: Mosher I vs. Delta
Delta Delta II, Alpha Delta Pi II vs.
Alpha Xi Delta I at 5:10 p. i.; Jor-
dan VI vs. Mosher II, Markley vs.
Zone II at 7:30 p. m.
Thursday: Pi Beta Phi I vs. Alpha
Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma I
vs. Gamma Phi Beta at 5:10 p. m.;
Kappa Delta vs. Stockwell II, Zone
V vs. Zone VI at 7:30 p. m.
The WAA Dance Club for begin-
ners and intermediates will meet at
7:30 p. m. tomorow in the Dance
Recognition Night
There will be a meeting for all in-
dependent women who signed up for
work on the Publicity Committee for
Assembly Recognition Night at 5
p.m. tomorrow in the League.
The room will be posted at the
main desk, and all those who will
be unable to attend are requested to
contact Lillian Winquist, publicity
chairman, at 24471.





* * *

There will be a meeting for all
league house athletic managers at 5
p. m. Thursday at the Women's
Athletic Building. Managers from
all league houses are asked to attend,
according to Rae Keller, WAA league
house chairman.
* *
Games in the interhouse volleyball
tournament will be held this week as

6 V


To Sponsor

- - U

Breakfast Outing
Outing and Camp Counsellors'
Clubs will hold a breakfast hike at
7:30 a. m. Sunday, Oct. 20.
The group will meet at the WAB
and will proceed from there to the
underwater bridge. Those attending
are asked to bring their own break-
Outing and camp counsellors' ac-
tivities are largely out of doors.
With a combined membership of
thirty, there are still places open in
the group for interested coeds. Vir-
ginia Howe, head of the camp coun-
sellors' organization, emphasized that
women should join now in order to
be eligible for later activities.
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