'A WORLD SECURITY See PACE '4 Y h &%w. UnZ E uti4 PARTLY CLOUDY AND COLD Amputees To See Army Tilt Today Generous Students, Faculty, Alumni Give Their Seats to Soldier Patients The University student body, facul- ty and alumni proved yester- day that World War II heroism has not been forgotten. In answer to the appeal issued by The Daily and the University chapter of the American Veterans Committee, they turned over 65 Army game tickets for use by sol- dier amputees at Percy Jones Hos- pital in Battle Creek. Added pledges of tickets received by The Daily last night assured that an even greater number of GI pa- tients will be in the stadium at kick- off time today. The men from Percy Jones will ar- Gala Greeting Planned for West Pointers Cadets, 314 Arrive This Strong, Morning, The presidents of five student or- ganizations will represent the campus in an official welcome to the 314 West Point oadets, 73tmembers of the Academy Band and ten officers who will arrive at 10:45 a.m. today at the New York Central Station. Upon arrival, the cadets will form ranks to receive welcomes from Ray Davis, Dick Roeder, Harry Jackson, Jean Clare and Margaret Gage, re- spectively of Student Legislature, the Union, Inter-Fraternity Council, As- sembly and Pan-Hellenic Association. Cadet Brigade Commander W. J. Shunder will acknowledge the greet- ings for the Academy members. Maj. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, com- mandant of the Academy, has invited President Alexander G. Ruthven to review a pre-game precision drill by the cadets from his box in thesta- dium. The cadets will acknowledge their reception by an honor salute to President Ruthven. Several points on the cadets' sched- ule have been changed slightly. The drill will start at 1 p.m., ten minutes e'rlier than originally planned, so that the field can be cleared by 1:40. Two hundred of the cadets will take luncheon at 11:30 a.m. in the West Quadrangle and 150 will eat dinner there. All band members will take both meals at the East Quadrangle. Officers and their wives will have lunch at the Union. The University Marching Band will pay tribute to the late Fielding H. Yost during half time with the pre- sentation of a new arrangement of "Varsity" prepared by Conductor William D. Revelli. In addition to a pre-garne appearance during the cadet drill, the Academy Band will join with the Marching Band for the flag-raising ceremony. State Sales Tax Diversion Hit Constitutional Limits Are Wrong-Bromage Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the political science department, pointed out that the diversion of the one per cent sales tax to local units and schools is "wrong in principle," in a speech yesterday before the Detroit League of Women Voters. Michigan is at present proposing a constitutional amendment effect- ing such diversion. Prof. Bromage believes it would limit legislative con- trol over appropriations and create new problems of financial adminis- tration. "Writing detailed limitations into state constitutions is wrong in prin- ciple and creates real problemsin practical administration," he de- clared. "In the field of finance such constitutional provisions restrict the development of fiscal policy by the legislature. If the trend toward lim- itations is continued, we shall reach the point where the legislature will have lost an effective control over ap- propriations." Some of our cities have real finan- cial problems, Prof. Bromage pointed out, but the solution should be found by legislative determination as to ad- ditional state aid or new local sources of revenue. 1 rive here by bus at noon and will be taken directly to the stadium. The busses will pull up next to the gates to aid the patients in getting to their seats. As the pace of ticket turn-ins slackened late yesterday, the editors of The Daily were convinced that the great majority of donors relin- quished their tickets at a personal sacrifice. "I'd like to see the game myself but I think one of the boys out there would enjoy it more" was typical of their remarks. Several said they hoped the weath- er would be good so that the battle- scarred veterans would get maximum enjoyment from the game. Student tickets received by The Daily will be returned to their own- ers upon presentation of receipts from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday at the cashier's desk in the Student Publi- cations Building. Students who will be unable to call for their tickets are asked to notify The Daily editors. Tickets owned by these students will be returned to them by registered mail. Pigskin Fever Rages Among Arriving Mob Football fever ran high today with thousands of fans descending upon Ann Arbor from all points of the compass, via special trains, busses, private auto and airplane. Anticipating an overflow of hun- gry fans, local restaurateurs have taken precautions to secure extra food stocks. Post-game get-to-geth- ers will also place a strain on facili- ties, according to local innkeepers. Virtually all. local police, rein- forced by sheriff's deputies and 25 state troopers, will be on hand to handle traffic. The recently reor- ganized parking scheme which proved effective during preceding games, will be enforced, according to police officials. An adequate supply of refresh- ments has been secured for the esti- mated throng of 87,993, conces- sionaires report. It is expected that coffee will replace soft drinks in the fans favor, with 50 degree ivercoat weather promised by the weather- man. Athletic Ticket Manager Andrew Baker, pointed out that today's throng will be the largest normal capacity crowd ever to witness a grid classic in the stadium. The 1943, Notre Dame-Michigan clash, drew several hundred more spectators, be- cause fans were seated in the aisles and on the playing field, Baker said. Game Plugged on Radio Program Hailed as the grid clash of the week, the Army-Michigan tilt re- ceived a nation-wide plug over a coast-to-coast radio hook-up last night. The playing of the Michi- gan Alma Mater and Victor songs was featured. Pep Rally Yells 'Kill The Mule' Seven thousand students last night massed inside Yost Field House to demand a Michigan victory over the highly rated Army squad in today's grid classic. In spite of reports by the radio, pressrand "so-called experts" Wally Weber, Coach of the "B" team, told the pep rally crowd that Michigan has never been better prepared for suh a challenge. "Fielding Yost created a Michigan tradition for winning," Weber assert- ed, "and we'll carry on in that tra- dition. We won't concede an inch to the West Point team; we're going to win-and be gentlemen about it." 17 Year-olds Used in '45 "Last year," he continued, "we had to send seventeen year old- into the game. This time we'll match Army's 'big guns' with men-threedeep. Chappuis will be a keynote in our at- tack." Plans for the pep rally, originally scheduled to be held at Ferry Field, were changed in the afternoon after rain soaked the wood-pile and field, Bruce Rogatz, chairman of the pep rally committee, commented. A large percentage of the students brought wood for fire which was expected to be the largest ever had at a Michi- gan rally. Yell Contest continued The winning yell in the Varsity Committee contest was to be present- ed to the crowd last night, but it has been decided to continue the contest for another ten days. Stalling State Street traffic for half an hour, the throng gathered in front of the Union at 7:30 p.m. Led by five cheerleaders and "rooter king" Bill MacGowan, the 7,000 stu- udents shouted in the streets and at the Field House. The 104-piece Mich- igan band provided the background for "Varsity" and "Yellow and Blue." The next day will be held at Ferry Field, weather permitting, the night before the Home-Coming game. Stu- dents will be urged to bring wood for the fire. Prelate Found Guilty of Aiding Slav Terrorists ZAGREB, Yugoslav, Oct. 11-()- Archbishop Alojzijc Stepinac, head of the Roman Catholic church in Yugoslavia was convicted by a peo- ples court today of sponsoring or- ganization of Ustashi terrorists and was sentenced to 16 years imprison- ment at hard labor. The balding, 48-year-old arch- bishop, described by Bishop Joseph P. Hurley, the American regent of the Apostolic Nunciature in Belgrade, as "the mercier of our time," received the verdict without emotion, looking straight at the court. In Washington, Undersecretary of State Acheson said that the United States feels "concern and deep wor- ry" about the possible unfairness of the Yugoslav trial of Archbishop Stepinac. Acheson told a news conference that the United States has not re- ceived any request from the Vatican for intervention in the prelate's con- vicition, and that his comment was not based on any official evidence of any violation of civil liberty in the conduct of the trial. Truman May Raise Volunteers Fill Service Quota For This Year Calls Expected To Be Renewed in January By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 - With nearly 1,000,000 volunteers in uni- form, the Army today declared a draft holiday for the rest of 1946. Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, selec- tive service director, was notified by the War Department that some 20,000 men who already had been called up for induction the last half of October, and 15,000 men in the November quota, need not report. No Promises For January For December there will be no quota, but no promises were made be- yond the first of the year. The War Department said the suspension did not prejudice its right to renew calls if future volunteer enlistments fail to maintain adequate military strength. The holiday was the second this year; there were no calls in July and August. Congress Expected To Debate Today's action promised to figure in Congressional debate if the War Department should ask a further ex- tension of the Selective Service Act beyond next March 31, its present ex- piration date. Foes of the draft argued vainly when the issue was up last spring thatnwith the Army in the process of reducing from 1,550,000 to 1,070,000 this fiscal year, volunteers alone would meet the need for replace- ments. One argument on the other side was that the draft law was neces- sary to spur enlistments. The War Department's action will halt the draft machinery entirely for the rest of the year; the Navy has re- ceived no men by induction since last May. Selective Service officials said the last 1946 draftees would be inducted next Tuesday. Those under induction orders for that date will be required to report but telegrams to local boards directed the cancellation of "Presidential Greetings" for induc- tion on Oct. 16 or later. Truman Stand Unchanged on Palestine Issue LONDON, Oct. 11-()-An au- thoritative source said today Presi- dent Truman in his latest letter to Prime Minister Attlee stood pat on his call for immediate Jewish immi- gration into Palestine and had re- jected Britain's assertion that the re- quest "jeopardized" Holy Land nego- tiations. The same source disclosed that Prime Minister Attlee, in a pointed letter to Truman had "traced the rec- ord of the President's advice" on Pal- estine "against the background of British action and difficulties" there The disclosure pointed up a general British feeling, expressed in govern- ment circles as well as the press, that the United States was free with ad- vice but stingy with constructive help in a problem of more direct concern to Britain than to the Truman ad- ministration. Truman's latest letter to Attlee, an informant said, renewed a plea for a .program of immediate" action on immigration, now at a standstill, and recalled that the President had been urging such action since September, 1945. The President was said to have em- phasized that Europe's Jews had gone through a "terrible ordeal" before and during the war and that virtually "nothing" had been done to alleviate their condition since the war. Ticket Probe Clears Students of Fraud Eight of the 16 students summoned to the Judiciary Committee hearing ,ncifn..av nr rn'nrn rcA -Pf +ha -e a r MEAT FROM ARGENTINA-Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. An- derson and Argentine Ambassador Oscar Ivanissevich discuss Argen- tine offer of shipments of canned meat to help relieve the current short- age. President Truman and his cabinet are at present considering lift- ing the ban on fresh meat imports from Argentina as a further relief measure. NEW NOTE TO MOSCOW: U.S. Restates Opposition to Soviet BVases in Dardane lies Meat Prices As Means to Overcome Shortage, Draft Holiday Declared Till 1947 WASHINGTON, Oct. 11-(IP)-The United States today firmly restated its oppositipn to Soviet bases in the Dardanelles and warned Russia that this country does not intend to be shouldered out of the negotiations over the vital straits. The American position was set forth in a note delivered in Moscow by Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith. The note was dated October 9 but re- leased only today by the State De- partment. Russo-Turk Parley Foreseen From Istanbul, meanwhile, came dispatches predicting that Turkey, assured of continued American and British opposition to Russia's main demand, might agree to a Soviet re- quest for direct Ankara-Moscow talks. Britain sent a note to Turkey sev- eral days ago. Persons familiar with it said it also supported Turkey in opposition to any Russian military expansion into the straits. The United States newest commun- cation, which was circulated yester- day among the signers of the 1936 Montreux Treaty governing the Dar- danelles made these main points: U. S. Refuses To Be Cut Out 1. Declared that when the United States, Russia and Britain agreed at Potsdam to propose changes in the Montreux Treaty they recognized each other's interests in the straits and no one ofuthem has a right to cut the others out. 2. Favored greater rights for Soviet ships in the waterway but opposed joint control by the so-called Black Get Your 'Ensian Today Students who have not picked up their 1946 'Ensians are urged to do so immediately, as they will be distributed to those on the waiting list next week. Sea powers, chiefly Russia and Tur- key. 3. Reaffirmed that Turkey should be .primarily responsible for defend- ing the straits but in case they were threatened with attack "the resulting situation would be a matter for ac- tion on the part of the Security Coun- cil of the United Nations." "Free Danube" ArticleAdded To Bulgar- Pact PARIS, Saturday, Oct. 12-(AP)- The 21-nation Peace Conference early today wrote into the Bulgarian peace treaty provisions to internationalize the Danube River, matching the ac- tion taken early yesterday in the Romanian treatey. The action was sealed by a 15 to 6 East-West split vote, the same ra- tio that has marked most of the votes on controversial commercial and mili- tary issues. Early in the session that began at 9:50 p.m. Friday night, the confer- ence failed to agree on frontiers for Bulgaria, apparently throwing the problem of the border between Greece and Bulgaria back to the Foreign Ministers' Council for final decision. The Danube question is to come up again in handling of the Hungar- ian treaty, scheduled to be discussed in sessions later today. The upset came after the United States had pledged to join in United Nations defense of Greece against any aggressor, arguing that United NatiOns action was a better security for the Hellenic kingdom than the strategic frontiers she sought with her northern neighbor. President Will Reveal Plan in Radio Speech Rep. Celler Calls for Foreign Meat Imports By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 11-Relax- ation of the meat price controls was reported authoritatively today to be definitely under consideration by President Truman. While a final decision has not been made, the President hopes to find at least a partial solution for the meat shortage by the weekend and to an- nounce it to the nation by radio Sun- day night. The situation came to a head at a Cabinet meeting .today'which lasted one hour and 35 minutes, the longest Cabinet session Mr. Truman ever has held. President To Broadcast An official familiar with what took place in the meeting disclosed the President's tentative plan for a Sun- day night broadcast and reported the consideration given to the price ceil- ing question. The official also reported that the possibility of obtaining meat from overseas, principally Argentina, was another point considered. The statu- tory ban on fresh meat imports from Argentina which was imposed on the ground that there was a danger of spreading hoof and mouth disease, possibly could be overcome by execu- utive order for an emergency. But it was thought unlikely that sufficient supplies would be available from for- eign sources. Celler Asks Quarantine Removal Rep. Celler (D., NY), calling for removal of "the ridiculous quaran- tine" on Argentine meat, suggested in a statement that "the minute we bring in or threaten to bring in Ar- gentine beef, the daylights would be frightened out of the cattle bloc." Celler also proposed that the meat tariffs be suspended. Senator Taft (R., Ohio) in another statement called the proposal to im- port Argentine beef "shocking." He added with sarcasm that "the possi- ble destruction of the livestock busi- ness in the U, S. would be of little im- portance compared to losing an elec- tion." 18 Vets Given Right To Move Committee Rejects 47 Other Applications Eighteen of the 82 applications for permission to move from Willow Vil- lage have been approved to date. T h e administration committee which considered the requests was forced to disapprove 47 applications which did not show "emergency" need, the only "valid justification," according to University policy, for moving. Seventeen petitions will be reconsidered when they have been in- vestigated further. A member of the committee re- ported that information about rooms which have been found by personal solicitation and which will not be occupied this term will be kept on file until the beginning of the spring semester, when another, increase in enrollment is anticipated. He said that, as far as the committee knows, all students have now found perma- nent housing for the semester. Milan Convicts S till at Large MILAN, Mich., Oct. ll-(4)-A widespread search by the FBI, State police, prison guards and police in surrounding communities today turned up no trace of three Canad- ians who escaped from the Federal correctional institution here Thurs- World News at a Glance By the Associated Press NEW YORK, Oct. 11-The Coast Guard sought tonight to contact the 3,889-ton Swedsh motor ship Kristina Thorden which was reported com- bating, possibly in mid-Atlantic, a fire that had killed three persons aboard the United States-bound vessel. * * * * NANKING, Oct. 11-Chinese government troops captured Kalgan today, Chiang Kai-Shek's Ministry of National Defense claimed-an eventuality which the Chinese Communists warned would mean the last hope of a negotiated peace and the opening of a fratricidal war to the finish. DETROIT, Oct. 11-Henry Ford II, president of the Ford Motor Com- pany, today by-passed international officers of the CIO United Auto Work- ers and appealed directly to CIO President Philip Murray to aid in solving what Ford termed a "wildcat strike" at one of his plants. LONDON, Oct. 11-Winston Churchill told the House of Commons today that in respect to "the favorable influence exerted on tht for- tunes of mankind" Franklin D. Roosevelt ranks above Washington and Lincoln among the president of the United States. ** * * CHICAGO, Oct. 11-The American Federation of Labor today recom- mended establishing a new inter-American trade union association com- mitted to democratic ideals and opposed to communism. The AFL convention adopted a convention renort urging formation of FORBIDDEN PHOTOS: FBI Seizes Photographers Of Atom Equipment on Tinian BALTIMORE, Oct. 11-(P)-Six snapshots taken on Tinian Island of material and equipment relating to the atom bomb were in the hands of Federal agencies today after three men were taken into custody on a tip from alert Baltimore News-Post edi- tors. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and military intelligence terial and related equipment to the atomic bomb." One of the men, a former private in the Army Air Forces, explained his possession of the pictures by saying he and four other servicemen sur- reptitiously removed the covering of an atomic bomb and took a photo- graph on Tinian Island in the late summer of 1945, the FBI said in an- nouncing the arrests. Bt how, the private. Gore Wal-