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October 11, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-11

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Student Parking Spaces
To the Editor:
STUDENTS DO NOT mind being forced to find
parking space outside of campus parking
lots, but when the professors and instructors
refuse to park in their own lots and take up
student space ... that does it!
For the past few mornings the parking lot
at East Medical Building has held from 12 to 15
cars while several of the professors and instruc-
tors have been seen parking beside students'
Democracy is swell. We need it. But, if the
faculty is to have its required special parking
lots (as it should), then how about using the
privilege and let us students have our own park-
ing space?
-L. I. Scott, Jr.
* * * *
Bestsellers at the Library
To the Editor:
HE UNIVERSITY Library has Boston and
its "banning policy" beaten all-hollow. I
went to the library the other day to ask for
Taylor Caldwell's This Side of Innocence, a book
that has been on the best-seller list for some
four months, and was topping the list for two
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
THIS FIRST PEACE-TIME school and college
enrollment in five years has brought to light
some appalling discrepancies inAmerica's "high-
ly progressive" education system.
Some of the facts, as presented in recent
publications, make us wonder if our school sys-
tem is as "highly progressive" as we would like
to believe. Letters from indignant teachers and
citizens throughout the country, pouring forth
the same tales of woe, which appear with in-
creasing regularity in the "Letters to the Editor"
columns of the press and magazines, indicate
the urgency for adequate improvements in the
teaching field.
The low rate of pay is given as the reason
for there being 30,000 more teachers in 1945
than there were in 1930, although the coun-
try's population has increased nearly nine mil-
lion in the same time span. The national pay
average for teachers and principals in 1943-44
was $1,755. The variance by states show 18
states above this average and 30 below, with
Mississippi averaging $790 per teacher.
In comparison with other industries, the
teacher receives $500 less per year than the fac-
tory wage earner received in 1944-45. When the
factory worker's wages increased 56 per cent
during the war years, the teachers received pay
hikes amounting to just 11 per cent. Their sal-
aries adjusted to today's buying power would
purchase goods equivalent to what $1,350 would
have bought in 1940, not very much.
The wage scale for teachers and educators
is not the only complaint heard. Superinten-
dents and secretaries of state and municipal
educational systems have added their voices by
attacking the number of unqualified teachers
employed to bridge the gap made by the war
and low salaries.
The South Dakota Educational Association
reports that more than four-fifths of their
teachers have not progressed beyond the first
year of college. In Wisconsin the State Depart-
ment of Public Instruction will have to issue
3,500 special permits to unqualified persons in
order to meet their teaching staff needs evei
though salaries have been nearly doubled dur-
ing the war.
Some facts on the enrollment in schools
throughout the country will further illustrate
the inadequacy of the present school system.
Total nationwide enrollment (primary, secon-

At the State-...
In Old Sacramento (Republic); Constance
Moore, William Elliott.
There was a time when I journeyed downtown
to catch "Wild Bill" Eliott's westerns. Now
they're spending a little (very little) more on
his pictures, have changed his name to William,
and moved the boy uptown. He looks right nice
in them clean clothes. That Bogart smile he af-
fects is also nice, only he seems to have about
twice as many teeth as Mr. Bacall. As soon as
he graduates from dramatic school, he'll pro-
bably do alright on his lines, too. Outside of
Wm., there are some mighty picturesque back-
drops, Eugene Pallette shaking his jowls jovially,
and Connie Moore singing and swinging as
usual. If you like westerns this'll be just your
* * * *
At the Michigan...
The Searching Wind (Paramount) ; Ro-
bert Young, Sylvia Sydney.
There are two lines spoken in this picture

months running. When I asked
was informed that "the library
that kind of book."

for the book I
doesn't handle

I inquired further and found that the "big
guns" who run the fiction department decided
that "that kind of book" isn't suitable for the
Michigan student. We're here to read "good"
books and shouldn't be contaminated with "that
kind of book."
Isn't is about time that the people behind
this Boston philosophy realize that college stu-
dents are perfectly capable of judging the books
they want to read, and that the best seller list
is a pretty good basis for determining what
books we want to relax with in our spare time?
-Parker Cumings
EDITOR'S NOTE: Director of the Library Dr. W. G.
Rice told The Daily, "We do not automatically buy
books because they are bestsellers." Since the useful
life of these books in a general library is very short,
we buy them only when they are requested by sev-
eral people. According to Dr. Rice, Cumings was
asked to fill out such a request slip.
* * * *
Mad for Uniforms
A COMMENTARY on this coming weekend's
dating difficulties.
Don't know if there's anything to it, but
some of the University's couple of thousand ex-
Army, Navy and Marine officers are thinking
of wearing their uniforms this weekend to se-
cure salutes from the senior West Point cadet
class that will visit here with the Army team.
All this in reprisal for the Cadets' having tied
up about every Saturday date in sight. Ah, we
lucky bachelors.
-W. T. Hatch, Lit '47
dary and colleges) set a new peak of 26,750,000
students. This tremendous influx has created a
seating problem of amazing proportions since
little expansion of existing school facilities was
made for five years. For example, lunch time in
the Ed. S. Cook grade school in Atlanta, Ga.,
begins at 10:45 a.m. and continues in shifts un-
til 1:00 in the afternoon because the school has
three times as many students as it can accom-
The National Education Association esti-
mates $2,500 a year as the minimum pay for all
teachers. It is of the opinion that the present
crisis is sufficient to warrant federal aid and
minimum-salary legislation. To raise the pro-
portion of teachers to students from one to
every 176 to a minimum level of one to 100 will
require better salaries and improved working
conditions throughout the nation.
The Hill Bill (S. 181) as amended March
27, 1946, would make a minimum of $40 per
year per pupil available to all states by pro-
viding the difference between this amount
and amounts raised through state and local
funds. This constitutes a step in the right
The extreme need for legislation of this type
and additional laws to combat the evils of in-
sufficiently trained teachers, stereotyped text-
books, undersized, badly lit classrooms and in-
adequate health and welfare facilities is as im-
perative today as any issue before Congress.
-Bob Hartman
James Melton, a good man with a soft Irish
air, stepped out over his head in spots last
night, but all in all was able to emerge safely
with just a few minor cuts and bruises.
For about an hour Melton struggled through
some music he seemed none too happy about,
producing a slightly metallic and jarring effect.
Starting with the unimpressive "Thanks Be
to Thee," by Handel and continuing through
Hageman's "Don Juan Gomez," in which he en-
gaged in a mild contest with his accompanist,
Melton sang with constraint and little warmth.
Following with an aria from "Lakme" by
Delibes and earlier, in the lieder, "Mit einer
Wasserlilie" by Grieg and to a lesser extent
Brahms' "Meine Liebe is grun," Melton exerted
some control and direction.

But it was in the last portion of the program
and in the choice of encores that he finally de-
After the very pleasant and tender "She
Moved Thro' the Fair," and in his encores,
Melton continued a lighter vein.
His encores proved to be the most popular
part of the program. Two of these, Gershwin's
"Soliloquy" from "Carousel" were sung with ex-
cellence and all the ease and understanding of
one close to the modern American theatre.
Aside from any considerations of what a re-
cital of serious music should include, Melton's
personal choice of program seems most note-
It is regrettable that one so capable of giving
pleasure in the popular music field should de-
vote so little time to it.
-Harry Levine

Student Housing Facilities
To the Editor:
THE LETTER to the Editor of The Michigan
Daily asked the "source from which the Dean
of Students derives his authority to handle stu-
dent housing problems. The direct answer to
this question is that the Board of Regents of
the University of Michigan has delegated the
responsibility for administration of student
housing to the Office of the Dean of Students
for men students and to the Office of the Dean
of Women for women students.
In view of the fact that the letter refers to
Willow Run dormitory housing, it seems ap-
propriate to set forth in some detail the situ-
ation there and the policies applicable thereto.
When plans were made for the handling of
18,500 students for the fall of 1946, a request
was made to the Federal Public Housing Au-
thority for the assignment of additional dormi-
tory accommodations at Willow Village. Through
their cooperation, housing for 1,575 male single
students and 128 female single students was re-
tained at Willow Village for the use of Univer-
sity of Michigan students. The new students
who were admitted to the University of Michi-
gan this fall were limited o the number for
which the University had been able to locate; or
anticipate the location of, reasonably satisfac-
tory housing accommodations. Thousands of
applicants were denied admission because ade-
quate housing, among other things, was not
known to be available.
In spite of a large number of requests for
the removal of dormitory units to other com-
munities, the Federal Public Housing Authority
retained this substantial block of accommoda-
tions at Willow Village for the benefit of the
University. Reasonable efforts must be made
to keep the housing project filled, and, of course,
occupancy must be on a semester basis. There
still are many communities that seek to have
the accommodations moved.
If the University is to house more veterans
next semester, all reasonable efforts must be
made to retain at Willow Village the existing
housing accommodations now assigned to the
University for the benefit of the students
to be enrolled next semester. Plans are being
made to handle a larger number of students
next semester than are being accommodated
this semester. This means more veterans are
to be served next semester than now. The
present student body will recognize that the
University has an obligation to those veter-
ans who are coming next semester, hence
must retain all possible housing units.
The quality of housing available at Willow
Village is recognized nationally as being far su-
perior to the temporary housing in most of the
emergency educational housing programs. To
add to the life of Willow Village, the University
is carrying on an extensive extra-curricular
program covering a broad range of cultural sub-
jects as well as in social and athletic activities.
In short, Willow Village today constitutes an
important part of the campus of the University
of Michigan. Students who are living at Wil-
low Village are in fact living on the campus of
the University. Obviously it is not fair to the
Federal Government, which has made housing
available, to the students who were denied ad-
mission in order that the present occupants
could live at Willow Village, nor to the students
who desire to come to the University of Michi-
gan in February, to permit the present residents
of Willow Village to move, except under emer-
gency conditions, and thus jeopardize the re-
tention of our dormitory housing facilities in
the Willow Village portion of the campus.
Sincerely yours,
" R. P. Briggs
Book Exchange
THE STUDENT Legislature, in sponsoring the
Book Exchange, performed an outstanding
service for the student body this fall.
Operated by a small group of volunteer work-
ers who gave generously of their time, the Book

Exchange enabled students to save approxi-
mately $1,000 on textbook purchases and to earn
a reasonable return on used books, which untilo
this time had been practically worthless, as far
as their redemption value was concerned. The
success of the enterprise has been due to the
efforts of these students and to the coo'perative,
non-profit basis on which the Exchange was
organized. And in the spring, the savings af-
forded students can amount to five times as
much, according to Dick Burton, manager of
the project, if the Legislature makes an early
start in encouraging- students to turn in their
used texts for resale.
In operating the Book Exchange, our repre-
sentatives have proved that they can organize
a cooperative project that is of real and im-
mediate value to the students. This achieve-
ment is an encouraging beginning.
-Gloria Bendet

PROUD VALLEY with Paul Ro-
FOR THOSE who are always
pleased with Robeson, or who set
their standards by Hollywood, Proud
Valley will be reasonably entertain-
ing. For one thing, the out-of-town-
ers who invariably Fake their places
behind reviewers of Robeson per-
formances (I had it at Othello) have
no opportunity for their perennial
"When does he sing."
Proud Valley is the standard story
of the mining town after the mine
shuts down,. replete with ohe love
interest, one noble wife, and mother
of a mining family, and two acci-
dents in the mine. How, you ask,
does a singing Robeson fit into that
picture? This is a British film (a
fact I've suppressed because it indi-
cates a misleading standard) and the
mining town is in Wales. As far 'as
the British are concerned, all Welsh-
nen sing, and these are no excep-
tion. Robeson plays a tramp who is
taken in by a poor mining family
just before the inevitable first acci-
dent. The town's social life is shown
centering around a male choir; the
rest is easy. Believe me, one never
gives a secondthought to the (to
Hollywood.) incongruity of a Negrc,
actor a part that doesn't have a
uniform to go with it.
-Milt Freudenheim




"MY patient!"

_ .


(Continued from Page 2)
to other League Houses for the spring
semester may secure application
forms from the Office of the Dean of
Women beginning November 1, 1946.
Between Nov. 1 and 15, those appli-
cants will be referred to the first va-
cancies available for the spring se-
4. New women students not now on
campus admitted to the University
for the spring semester will be given
the opportunity to apply for supple-
mentary housing through the Office
of the Dean of Women, beginning
Nov. 15, 1946.
(It is not possible to accept new
dormitory applications for the spring
semester, 1947, either from women
now on campus or from women ad-
mitted to the University.)
Women's Housing Applications for
the Fall Semester, 1947:
1. Women students living in dormi-
tories in the spring semester, 1947,
who wish to remain in the dormitor-
ies for the fall and spring semesters
of 1947-48, must file renewal forms
with Housing Directors during the
week of Mar. 3, 1947. No renewals
will be' accepted after Mar. 10, 1947.
2. Women students on campus in
the spring semester, 1947, not living
in dormitories who would like to ap-
ply for dormitory accommodations
for the fall and spring semesters of
1947-48, may do so at the Office of
the Dean of Women on Apr. 1, 1947,
and will be accepted up to the number
of spaces reserved for non-freshmen.
3. Women tentatively admitted to
the University with advanced stand-
ing for the fall semester, 1947, may
apply for supplementary housing, be-
ginning Nov. 15, 1946, and will be re-
ferred for definite reservations after
Apr. 15, 1947.
4. Women tentatively admitted to
the University as freshmen for the
fall semester -1947, may apply for
dormitory accommodations beginning
Nov. 15, 1946, and will be accepted
up to the number of spaces reserved
for freshmen.
5. Women students on campus in
the spring semester, 1947, may apply
for supplementary housing for the
fall semester, 1947, at the Office of
the Dean of Women.
(Dormitory applications will be ac-
cepted only from those women stu-
dents whom the Office of the Dean
of Women expects to be able to ac-
commodate in dormitories. Others
will be instructed immediately to ap-
ply for supplementary housing. Stu-
dents may apply for only one type of
West Court Community Bldg., 1045
Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Oct. 11, Fri., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion; 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings,
Rm. 2, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commen-
University Lecture: G e o r g e s
Connes, Dean of the Faculty of Let-
ters, University of Dijon, France, will
speak on the subject, "A French City
under the Nazis," at 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 14, in the Rackhamn Amphithea-

ter; auspices of the Department of
Romance Languages.
1946-47 Lecture Course of 8 out-
standing speakers presented by the
University Oratorical Association
will open Oct. 17, in Hill Auditorium
at 8:30 p.m. The schedule includes
Gov. Ellis Arnall, Oct. 17, "The South
Looks Forward"; Randolph Church-
ill, Oct. 29, "Socialism In England";
Louis P: Lochner, Nov. 7, "The Nur-
emberg Trials"; Brig General Roger
Ramey, Nov. 21, "Air Power in the
Atomic Age"; John Mason Brown,
Jan. 16, "Seeing Things"; Mrs. Ray-
mond Clapper, Feb. 20, "Behind the
Scenes in Washington"; Col. Melvin
Purvis, Feb. 27, "Can We Lessen
Crime in the U.S.?"; Margaret Web-j
ster, Mar. 22, "The Adventure of Act-
ing." Season tickets are now on sale
in the Auditorium box office which is
open from 10:00-1:00 and from 2:00-
5:00 daily except Saturday p.m. and
Academic Noticesl
Doctoral Examination for Law-7
rence William Hess, Education: the-
sis: "The Types and Effectiveness of
Occupational Information Services1
in the Rural High Schools of Michi-
gan," today at 3:00 p.m. in the East
Council Room, Rackham. Chairman,
H. C. Koch.
History Language Examination for
the M.A. Degree today at 3:00 p.m., in]
Rm. B. Haven Hall. Each student is
responsible for his own dictionary,
and must register at the History Dept.
Office before taking the examination.
German Departmental Library
Hours, Fall Term: 1:30-4:30 p.m.,
Mon. through Fri. 8:00-12:00 a.m.
Sat., 204 University Hall.
History Final Examination Make-
Up: Today at 4:00, Rm. C, Haven
Hall. Students must come with writ-
ten permission of instructor.
Algebra Seminar today at 4:15 p.m.,
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Jesse Wright
and Mr. Gustave Rabson will speak
on Lattice Theory.
Biological Chemistry3Seminar will
meet today in Rm. 310 W. Medical
Bldg. at 3:00 p.m. Subject, "Uniden-
tified Vitamins-Folic Acid and the
Antistiffness Factor." Allinterested
are invited.
Bus. Ad. 108 will meet today in Rm.
1022 U. High School.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Meeting of the Engineering Mechan-
ics Seminar tonight at 7:30 in Rm.
402, W. Eng. Bldg. Prof. H. M. Han-
sen will discuss "Complex Represen-
tation of Periodic Phenomena."
Faculty Recital: Andrew B. White,
baritone, Professor of Voice in the
School of Music, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Oct.
J5, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
'Program: Compositions by Richard
Strauss, a group of French songs, the
aria Salome! Salome! from Mas-
senet's "Herodiade," five English
songs by Rachmaninoff, Robert Mac-
Gimsey, Deems Taylor, and Maurice
Barow. The public is invited.
Events Today
The Art Cinema League presents

Association of Petroleum Geologists,
will be guest of honor. Tea will be
served. Please bring sandwiches.
Nu Chapter of Kappa Phi invites
all Methodist girls to a rushing din-
ner today at 5:30 in the First Meth-
odist Church.
Association Coffee Hour will be
held from 4:30 to 6:00 this afternoon
in the Lane Hall Library.
International Center: The infor-
mal, Friday afternoon tea dances will
continue until the end of the semes-
ter. The dances start at 4:00 p.m.
and music is furnished by means of
records. All foreign students, their
friends, and interested American stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.
The Roger Williams (Baptist)
Guild will meet at the Guild House,
502 E. Huron, tonight at 7:20 andgo
as a group to the Army-Michigan
Pep Rally. After the Rally there will
be fun and refreshments at the Guild
House. Come and bring your friends.
Note change in time.
Lutheran Student Association Hay
Ride: Meet at the Center, 1304 Hill
Street tonight at 7:30. Call 7622 for
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Inter-Faith Committee will meet
today at 4:00 p.m. at the Foundation.
Plans will be made for future Inter-
Faith discussions and all interested
students are invited to attend.
Coming Event
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike and fish-fry for Sunday
afternoon, Oct. 13. All graduate stu-
dents, faculty members, and veterans
are invited. Sign up and pay supper
fee at the check desk in the Rackham
Bldg. before noon Sat. Meet at~
the Outing Club rooms in the Rack-
ham Bldg. at 2:30 p.m. Sun. Use the
northwest entrance.
The Westminster Guild will meet
Sat. after the football game at the
First Presbyterian Church. Supper
will be served about 5:30 p.m.
Student Religious Association In-
sight Reading Group will meet 'on
Mon., Oct. 14, at 7:30.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
hold an open house Sat. after the
Army game.
Fifty-Seventh Year -
Editedand managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker.................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Maniager
Evelyn Mills ... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


Wait, Mr. O'Malley. Here's my
friend,Jane ... Maybe she'd
like to come with us. To the

If she's- interested in
analyzing problems of
on educational nature-


We'll begin, you see, with a round table
discussion. Providing Gus HAS a table-
Oh. there'll be much chaffer-Various

7 Rather confusion
than dictation-

Af* Ls..L.... $ 'rL... A.st.J D...c.

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