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October 10, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-10

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Nern berg Sentence

S ENATOR. ROBERT A. TAFT deplores the
death sentences imposed on the eleven Nazis
at Nuernberg.
The Senator proposes that we simply lock up
the boys for life. He says that the death de-
cisions "violate that fundamental principle of
American law that a man cannot be tried under
an ex-post facto statute."
Prof. Harold Laski has bothered to explain
that it is just as much a violation of that prin-
ciple to sentence a man for life as it is to sen-
tence him to death.
Elsewhere in today's paper, there appears a
more important reason advanced by Prof. Law-
rence Preuss of the University.
"The crimes these men committed are high
crimes in any civilized nation in the world,"
he says. "Merely because a man commits mur-
der between 1933 and 1945 is no reason why
Editorials published in- The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

he should be granted immunity, now that his
government is no longer in existence."
Now the Senator is shocked by all this. He
doesn't like this killing which he says only
clothes "vengeance in the form of legal pro-
Just what can be gained by killing these men
is quite a poser. Of course, there's always the
point that they won't be around to bother any-
body anymore, but the Senator sees no moral
basis for this.
The fact that these men have been given a
trial with due process of law and by the intro-
duction of documentary evidence have been
proven guilty of crimes that would appall the
average every-day murderer has apparently note
even been considered by Mr. Taft.
If the Senator will subscribe to the right of
the law to take any man's life, we see no rea-
son why these men should be exceptions. In
fact, the Senator's entire stand appears ludi-
We think that Senator Taft exhibits not only
a striking ignorance of international law for a
man of his position, but a shocking indfference
to criminal activities which reached mass pro-
duction proportions at Dachau and Buchenwald.
-Harry Levine

ii -- ,/

cLetteri to the (61 tor

A Gilded Cage?
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is written merely to obtain in-
formation. I am one of the very few at
Willow Run who has been fortunate enough to
find a room in Ann Arbor. I' was told to apply
at the Dean of Students Office for permission
to effect this move. Of fifty-three who have
sought such permission, only three were granted
I have no contract with either the F.P.H.A.
or the University. The only document I have
signed in connection with my room here is a
lease which can be broken with three days' no-
tice. I would like to know from what source the
Dean's Office derives its power to dictate to us
whether we shall be able to move or not. Is this
another case of campus politics, or is there a
legitimatereason for the disapproval of our ap-
plications? A number of us at Willow Run would
like a definite statement of policy on this issue.
-Herb Rosenberg
Editor's Note: A statement on Willow Run
housing policy is expected from the University
today. See tomorrow's Daily for further in-
* * * *
Statement Needed
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN often stated that many students
here sit in relatively poor seats in the stadium
that has no poor seats. That many students to-
day consider them poor seats is obvious. What
has never occurred, to my knowledge, is the ap-
pearance of a clear cut statement by the ath-
letic department on their policy in allotting seat-
ing sections. I think the students are entitled
to an explanation which has been often demand-
ed, but never given. I can think of no better
time than now. The most important informa-
tion that this statement should contain is the
reason many people who just want to see a
good football game get excellent seats, while
students grace the end zone.
Another gone but not forgotten institution is
the practice of allowing a student a ticket ad-
joining his seat. My parents and some friends
of mine come up for an occasional game, but I
do not have the pleasure of their company. I am
willing to sit in a poor section to be with them
occasionally, as in the past. Also I could get
these adjacent seats as I wanted them, for each
game, under the old system of getting seats
for each game instead of the season. The old
system would have prevented the current mess
from becoming more than a temporary affair,
-James V. Grady, Jr.
P.S.: Through some absurd mistake I got a
good seat.
Constant Reader
To the Editor:
NOTE with considerable dismay the letter
appearing in the other morning's Daily from
a Mr. Kenneth J. O'Morrow. Let me be the
first to rush to the defense of Clark Baker, the
sports editor of The Daily. His statements con-
cerning Ted Williams, which have caused Mr.
O'lMkorrow to erupt in the righteous rage of a
"true American baseball fan really are not worth
'Teachers' Pay
NEW YORK CITY took a step in the direction
of more competent, better-paid teachers last
week when it raised the yearly salary of all
teachers $250.
Recognizing that many teachers have left the
profession, and that young people are discour-
aged from entering it because of the low salar-
ies, New York City's Board of Education has
taken a necessary step to attract able people into
With an increasing number of school age
children, a sufficient number of qualified teach-
ers are more important than ever before if a
whole generation of children are not to grow
up without the benefits of proper school train-
Before the increase was voted last week, the
salary for beginning elementary school teachers

going to pieces over. Mr. Baker is merely one
of a great many other-and-better-known sports
writers who have been putting into print of
late theirropinion that some of the enthusiastic
early season blurbs that Williams was the great-
est hitter of all time were a bit premature in the
light of "The Kid's" somewhat less potent past-
ing in the latter part of the season. Whether this
grup of non-Williams devotees is correct or not
is not important. What is important is that Mr.
Baker and, anyone else on The Daily staff has
a perfect and indeed constitutional right 'to state
his opinion.
Mr. O'Marrow also has a right to disagree
and I suppose he has a right to write to the
paper about the matter, but the point is: are we
going to have a paper again this year as in past
years which has a Letters to the Editor column
that is continually cluttered up with trivial de-
bates over points of opinion or are we going to
have a column which serves a useful purpose?
The last half of Mr. O'Morrow's letter does
serve a useful misrepresentation of fact in a
recent Veterans Notes column. What a pity
he had to square off with the unsuspecting
Mr. Baker - whom, I assure you, I do not
know from Adam, - before getting to the only
part of the letter that might serve a beneficial
I remain, like Mr. O'Morrow, a constant
-George S. May
* *. *
School Songs
To the Editor:
AT THE FOOTBALL games recently, it has
been noticed by myself and others that very
few know the words of the school songs. This is
especially true of the "Yellow and the Blue."
Therefore I think it would be appropriate for
The Daily to print them in time for the Army
game. And while on the subject, how about get-
ting the cheer leaders on the ball? With Army's
cheering section out in strength, we'll look sad
without leadership.
-G. WV. hague
* * *. *
Student Legislature
To the Editor:
IT WAS NOT exactly my intention to start a
personal feud with The Daily or any of its
unattached writers. However, since the person
referred to in John Campbell's editorial of Oc-
tober 4 is obviously me, and emphatically so,
I wish to be heard again else people think I were
throttled by such a rabid denunciation.
My original point seems to have been by-
passed entirely. I have never been opposed to.
criticism, nor will I ever be. Nevertheless, I am
definitely disappointed with criticism unfairly
arrived at. I continue to assert that The Daily
has not shared equally with the Legislature in
being the real voice of the students.
That the issue has been hedged is obvious in
Campbell's attitude that my letter was a request
to "lay off" the Legislature. That is decidedly
not the case. Rather than "lay off," do the very
opposite, but stand ready to say that the most
has been done to aid a fellow organization. Or
isn't that the function of a student newspaper?
Since I am not writing an editorial, and be-
ing limited in space, I must leave a few of Mr.
Campbell's editorial supports untouched. And
since I am not composing a dissertation on the
relation of action to words, I will not expound
the subject except to say that action does not
always supersede words. In most cases a good
combination gives the best results.
The views and opinions in my letters are
entirely my own. They are not given with con-
junction with any other Legislator or group of
same. Not being one of writer Campbell's apolo-
gists, I close with no apologies.
-Lou Orlin
EDITORS NOTE: No letter to the editor will be
printed unless signed and written in good taste.
Leters over 300 words in length will be shortened or

* Only a Paper Moon
All This and Ace Comics Too
ONE MEMBER of the faculty who circulates
quite a bit in legal circles brought this one
to our attention. A concern which has published
a famous journal of international law since 1907
is attempting to break its contract, on grounds
of the paper shortage.
Coincidentally, according to our informant,
this company has recently secured publication of
another learned journal. The latter, which may
have a future, calls itself The Readers Digest.
* * *
'Our Own Lunatic Fringe
Following are excerpts from letters we never
finished reading.,
From Phyllis Nullius, "Dear Ed: Now see here,
From Perry Logan, "I note with interest that
you have a new movie reviewer. Tell me, what
is a Fiske?"
* * *' *
Please Don't Feed the Grads
PERMISSION to grace the hallowed graduate
reading room atop the General Library build-
ing was recently extended to a large class of
undergraduates. Library authorities must have
felt qualms about the idea, however, because the
professor concerned accompanied his announce-
ment to the class with a warning.
"Don't go up there and flirt," he said bluntly,
adding that grad students won't stand for that
sort of thing.
(Items appearing in this column are written
by members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
by the Editorial Director.) 1
W7E HEAR AN OLD political term being used
with ever greater frequency in the higher
circles these days, a term to which has been
appended an aura of the holy. When the Re-
publicans wish to impress upon us their un-
bounded cooperation with the Administration's
foreign policy, they point to Mr. Vandenberg at
Paris and cry-Bi-partisanism. And, too, those
Democrats who apologize for that other oft-
used epithet, "get tough with Russia," dig into
the political wordbag and come up shouting-
Bi-partisanism.-And, lo and behold, we have
peace between the two parties.
Nor do these men forget to mention the
name of Franklin Roosevelt, for it was he,
they say, who instituted this policy by his
appointment of Vandenberg as a delegate' to
San Francisco in his desire to avoid the error
which Wilson made, that of failing to come
to terms with his opposition before going to
Paris. Thus, say the Bi-partisans, we. don't
want to make the same mistake. We want to
develop a foreign policy which is acceptable to
both parties, that no matter what party takes
office, we shall maintain unity of action
abroad.-All well and good this, and a most
worthy objective.
But the historical parallel no longer exists
between the Wilson administration of 1918 and
the present one.Today we have a totally dif-
ferent line of demarcation between the parties.
The Republicans are well in accord with the
most conservative elements of the Democratic
party. The Truman administration does not
face the problem of seeking agreement with
the Republicans; it is rather with the liberal el-
ement of their own party that an understanding
needs must be found.
Still the cry comes for Bi-partisanism. The
last to invoke the spirit was Mr. Byrnes before
the American Club at Paris. He hopes that
there will be an end to the unwarranted at-
tacks that the men at Paris have been using
the atom bomb as a threat of force, while but
a few days before the State Department had
sanctioned Mr. Forrestal's statement that our
warships are in' the Mediterranean not on
friendly visits but to back up our foreign pol-

Still the cry for Bi-partisanism. And those
who protest are soon castigated. Mr. Pepper has
long been "personna non grata" in the official
family. Mr. Wallace has been removed bag and
But the critics cannot be silenced with an in-
vocation to the spirit cf Bi-partisanism. The
people would have to be quieted first.-Too
many of them are well aware that unless terms
are agreed upon whereby the atom bomb is no
longer manufactured and the already existing
supply destroyed that "mutual trust" between
the big powers-the necessary prelude to a last-
ing peace-is not possible.
-Ernest E. Ellis
Within the next few years there probably is
nothing we can do to tear away completely
the barrier of Russian suspicion. There is much
we can - and should - do to keep it from
growing. With enough patience and restraint
we may even be able to dispel some of the
minor nightmares. A wise occupation policy, for
instance, ought to demonstrate eventually that
we are not trying to preserve control of re-
actionary industrialists in Germany and Japan,
or to set up an anti-Soviet beachhead in China.
But no assurance, no gesture of goodwill is
likely to touch Russia's basic fear.
-John Fischer in Harpers Magazine


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t "

Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, includ-
ing Sunday. 2:00-5:00 p.m., 'Wed.
3:00-5:00 p.m. Mondays closed. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Art Cinema League presents
"PROUD VALLEY," a fine British
drama based on the mining valleys of
Wales starring singing Paul Robeson
and a large cast. Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
8:30 p.m Box office opens 2:00 p.m.
daily. Reservations phone 6300. Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ira Waite Jayne, executive judge of
the circuit court of Wayne county,
and Ernest Goodman, Detroit attor-
ney, will speak on "Civil Liberties"
tonight at 8:00 in Rm. 100, Hutchins
Hall. Mr. Goodman is assistant at-
torney for the UAW-CIO. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the University
student chapter of the National Law-
yer's Guild and is open to all inter-
ested students and townspeople.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Profes-
sional geological fraternity) is hold-
ing a meeting today at 2:00 p.m. in
Rm. 4065 of the Natural Science
Bldg., to discuss policy and activities
for the coming year.
A.I.Ch.E. Meeting: First fall meet-
ing of U. of M. Chapter, American
Institute of Engineers tonight at 7:30
in Rm. 348 W. Eng. Announcement of
future plant trips, scholarships,
prizes, and Chemical Engineering
Open House. Refreshments.
The Kappa Nu Fraternity will meet
tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan Un-
ion. All members are requested to be
present at this meeting. Room num-
ber will be posted.
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
at 7:00 tonight in the Garden Room
of the League. There will be election
of officers and discussion of plans for
the year. The meeting will be over in
time for those going to the Choral
Union Concert.


I R '- t-- . 7"

. 1946 by
Reg. U. 5.

Experts recommend use of

food as best political weapon in Europe.
(News Item)






(Continued from Page 2)
The City Service Commission of
Baltimore, Maryland, announce an
open competitive examination for the
position of Supervisor of Nature Ac-
tivities and Gardening, Department
of Recreation. Applications will be
received anytime before the close of
business on Oct. 10. For further in-
formation call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall.
The U. S. Navy Intelligence School
in Anacostia, D.C., is considering ap-
plication for teaching positions in the
following languages: Chinese, Jap-
anese, Russian, German, Portuguese,
Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish,
Iranian (Persian), Egyptian Arabic,
and Modern Greek. For further infor-
mation call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall.
West Court Community Bldg., 1045
'Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Oct. 10, Thurs., 1-5 p.m., Voters'
Registration; 6-8 p.m., Voters Regis-
tration; 8:00 p.m., First meeting, Ex-
tension Class in Elementary Spanish,
Rm. 4. Instructor, Mr. Donald Mac-
Queen. 8:00 p.m., Sewing Club, Rm.
7; 8:00 p.m., Amateur Dramatics or-
ganization meeting, Rm. 2.
Oct. 11, Fri., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m.,.Voters' Registra-
tion; 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings,
Rm. 2, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commen-
University Lecture: G e o r g e s
Connes, Dean of the Faculty of Let-
ters, University of Dijon, France, will
speak on the subject, "A French City
under the Nazis," at 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 14, in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter; auspices of the Department of
Romance Languages.
..1946-47 Lecture Course of 8 out-
standing speakers presented by the
University Oratorical Association
will open Oct. 17, in Hill Auditorium
at 8:30 p.m. The schedule includes
Gov. Ellis Arnall, Oct. 17, "The South
Looks Forward"; Randolph Church-
ill, Oct. 29, "Socialism In England";
Louis P: Lochner, Nov. 7, "The Nur-
emberg Trials"; Brig General Roger
Ramey, Nov. 21, "Air Power in the
Atomic Age"; John Mason Brown,
Jan. 16, "Seeing Things"; Mrs. Ray-
mond Clapper, Feb. 20, "Behind the
Scenes in Washington"; Col. Melvin
Purvis, Feb. 27, "Can We Lessen
Crime in the U.S.?"; Margaret Web-
ster, Mar. 22, "The Adventure of Act-
ing." Season tickets are now on sale
in the Auditorium box office which is
open from 10:00-1:00 and from 2:00-
5:00 daily except Saturday p.m. and
Academic Notices
German Departmental Library
Hours, Fall Term: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Mon. through Fri. 8:00-12:00 a.m.
Sat., 204 University Hall.
The preliminary doctoral examina-
tion in chemistry wil be held at the
following times: Analytical Chemis-

try, Oct. 25; Organic Chemistry, Oct.
29; Physical Chemistry, Nov. 1.
Anyone wishing to take one or
more of these examinations should
consult with a member of the Gradu-
ate Committee in Chemistry.
The Concentration examination in
mathematics will be given in Rm.
3011 Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. on
Tues., Oct. 15. Special arrangements,
may be made by seeing Prof. Fischer,
3016 Angell Hall prior to the above
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Rm. 310 W. Medical Bldg. on
Fri., Oct. 11, at 3:00 p.m. Subject,
"Unidentified Vitamins-Folic Acid
and the Antistiffness Factor." All in-
terested are invited.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
The first Fall meeting of the Engi-
neering Mechanics Seminar will b at
7:30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 11, in Rm.
402, W. Eng. Bldg. Prof. H. M. Han-
sen will discuss "Complex Represen-
tation of Periodic Phenomena."
German 93, Intermediate Composi-
tion, henceforth will meet Tues. and
Thurs., in Rm. 202 South Wing in-
stead of 407 Library.
Walter A. Reichart
History Language Examination for
the M.A. Degree on Fri., Oct. 11, at
3:00 p.m., in Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own dic-
tionary, and must register at the His-
tory Department Office before tak-
ing the examination.
Physical Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 151
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. Kasimim Fa-
jans will speak on "Quantum Con-
figuration and Electric Intersection
as Foundations of Stereochemistry."
All interested are invited.
Spanish 2a (Extension Division).
The second review lesson for Spanish
2a (Extension Division) will be given
tonight at 7:30 in Rm. 108, Romance
Languages Bldg. 2 hrs. credit. del
Toro. There will be a great deal of
conversational practice.
Topology Seminar: Organizational
meeting of Topology Seminar,
today at 4:00 p.m. in 3201 A. H.
Anyone unable to come at that time,
please leave your name with Miss
Kelly, Mathematics Depart. Secre-
tary, 3012 Angell Hall.
Choral Union Concert. James Mel-
ton, tenor, assisted by Peter Hansen,
pianist, will inaugurate the Sixty-
eighth annual Choral Union Concert
Series tonight at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium. Program: numbers by
Handel, Donizetti, Brahms, Grieg,
Hageman, Delibes, Liszt, Chopin,
Faure and Theodore Chanler.
Concert-goers are respectfully re-
quested to detach coupon No. 1 be-
fore leaving home, and present it for
admission, instead of the whole ser-
ies ticket. Also, to come sufficiently
early 'as to be seated on time, since
doors will be closed during numbers.
A limited number of standing room
tickets will be on sale beginning Wed-
nesday morning.
Carillon Recital: Sidney F. Giles,
Assistant Carillonneur, will present
another in the current series of caril-
lon recitals tonight at 7:15. Program
Prelude by Stephen Heller, At the
End of a Perfect Day by Carrie Jac-

Student Religious Association: As-
sociation departmental meetings are
scheduled for tonight at 7:30 at Lane
Board of Cooperation will meet to-
night at 7:30 at Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Research Club meeting at 8:00
p.m. on Wed., Oct. 16, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. "Electron Mi-
croscopy in Three Dimensions," by
Prof. R. C. Williams, and "Some
Notes on the English Sentence," by
Prof. C. C. Fries.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Ri. 3055, Natural Science
Bldg., at 12:00 noon, Fri., Oct. 11. Mr.
Earl Noble, president of the American
Association of Petroleum Geologists,
will be guest of honor. Tea will be
served. Please bring sandwiches.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike and fish-fry for Sunday
afternoon, Oct. 13. All graduate stu-
dents, faculty members, and veterans
are invited. Sign up and pay supper
fee at the check desk in the Rackham
Bldg. before noon Saturday. Meet
at the Outing Club rooms in the
Rackham Bldg. at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
Use the northwest entrance.
International Center: The infor-
mal, Friday afternoontea dances will
continue until the end of the semes-
ter. The dances start at 4:00 p.m
and music is furnished by means
records. All foreign students, the'
friends, and interested American stu
dents are cordially invited to attend.
Nu Chapter of Kappa Phi invited
all Methodist girls to a rushing din-
ner at 5:30 Fri., Oct. 11, in the First
Methodist Church.
A Wesleyan Guild Progressive party
will be held at 8:30 on Friday follow-
ing the football rally.
AYH Bike Hike and Fish Fry on
Sun., Oct. 13. The group will leave
from Lane Hall at 2:00 p.m. For res-
ervations call Ellen Stringer at
2-2218 by Saturday noon.
Lutheran Student Association Hay
Ride: Meet at the Center, 1304 Hill
Street on Fri. evening at 7:30. Call
7622 for reservations.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush .............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz..............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha..............Associate Editor
Clark Baker.................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk............... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

At Gus' place we're' not apt to be onnoyed
by visitors. Or interrupted by the jangle

Gosh. .. It ought to be quiet
there, Mr. O'Malley...

Lengthen your stride, m'boy. r --a1
It's still broad daylight-

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