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October 10, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-10

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"U' Faculty Members Appear
At Meetings Throughout Country

Forestry Campaign ...
A proposal calling for a nation-
wide campaign by conservation agen-
cies to stress the importance of for-
ests and forest products to the eco-
ntmmic welfare, was introduced yes-
terday by Dean Samuel T. Dana of
the forestry school, at the American
Forest Congress in Washington.
Dean Dana, a member of the ad-
visory committee to the Association's
Forest Resource Appraisal, presented
the program, drawn up by 18 leaders{
i government, industry and other
onservation fields, which is directed
towards bringing the nation's 650
million acres of forest lands into full
* * *
Remer at Wellesley . . a
Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the
Department of Economics, will
, eak today at Wellesley College
under the auspices of the Mayling
ong Foundation.
The subject of Prof. Remer's
Wellesley address will be "Interests
of the United States in the Eco-
nomic Future of the Pacific."
Before returning to Ann Arbor,
rof. Remer will go to Princeton,
w Jersey to participate in a con-
? ,-ence on "The Development of
ternational Society." The con-
rence is a special event in con-
Bromage Talks
.t Convocation
Prof. Arthur Bromage of the poli-
xial science department, told of his
experiences in setting up the civil
administration in Bavaria, during
the opening session of the dental
school convocation yesterday.
Over 300 students heard Prof. Bro-
nage speak with admiration of the
,mall detachments which "took the
rap" in starting the regional gov-
einment of Bavaria in cities where
former officials had died and civil
buildings "were."
"One of my most unusual jobs,'
declared Prof. Bromage, "was order"-
ing the removal of the bronze cas-
kets in the 'Temple of Honor' in
Munich which contained the bodies
of those dying in the Nazi beer hall
Putsch." He recalled visiting the
temple in 1937 with hisvfamily and
watching the Nazis pay request to
these "heroes."
North Main Opposite Court House
Today and Friday
Karen Morley in
-- Plus
Gilbert Roland in

nection with the 200th Anniversary
of Princeton University.
Abbot Visits Alumni ...
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, Field Sec-
retary of the Alumni Association is
visiting University of Michigan Clubs
in Hillsdale, Battle Creek, and Sagi-
naw. Prof. Abbot will help organize
almni activities throughout Michi-
* * *
Craig Is Delegate , .
Professor Robert Craig, Secretary
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation; represented the School at
the recently held meeting of the
American Pulp and Paper Associa-
tion at Camp Filbert Roth where,
various job training programs were
discussed and types of mechanical
equipment designed to increase
pulpwood production were demon-
- * *
Community Chest .
Solicitation of salared employees
of the University for the Community
Chest campaign of Oct. 21 to 31 will
be directed by Prof. Charles L. Jami-
son of the School of Business Admin-
* * '*
Sanitary Engineering . . .
Prof. Earnest Boyce of the mu-
nicipal and sanitary engineering
department will deliver a paper on
"Sanitary Engineering Aspects of
the Missouri Valley Development"
at the fall meeting of the American
Society of Civil Engineers to be
held Oct. 16-18 in Kansas City.
Prof. Boyce recently attended an.
Inter-American conference on san-
itary engineering in Caracas, Vene-
zuela at the invitation of the State
Abbot To Lead Panel...
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the
Tniversity Broadcasting Service, will
act as chairman of a panel discussion
?n "What Fregency Modulation Will
Mean to Michigan Schools," today at
'estern Michigan College in Kala-
lU' Flying Club
Plans Curricula
In order that members of the Uni-
versity Flying Club be more fully
prepared to pass the flight examina-
tion for a private pilot's license, a
definite curricula of flight instruc-
tion was set up at a meeting last
' Lou C. Creith, jr., vice-president of
the club, will supervise this new pro-
gram in the capacity of chief flight
instructor. /
Other members of the club taking
office as of last night are Dalton C.
McAlister, who was elected to the
Board of Directors and Ann Schoon-
maker, who was appointed publicity
chairman: It was also announced
that Richard G. Illing, ,operations
manager, had received, his private
pilot's license.
Students desiring to apply for
membership in the club are asked
to call the secretary, Anne Guinan,
at 2-4514.
Red Coach Inn is now open
seven days a week, serving a
special businessman's lunch be-
tween 11:30 and 1:30.

Slosson Urges
Atomic Control
A system of international control
of atomic energy with enough power
to "inspect any mine or factory in
the world" was urged by Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson, of the history de-
partment, yesterday.
Prof. Slosson was secretary of the
atomic energy conference at Rollins
College, Fla., last March, where con-
clusions were reached similar to those
now embodied in the Baruch plan for
international control of atomic en-
The "feasibility" of such control,
he pointed out, lies in the fact that
science can split the atoms of few
elements. Control of these elements
at the mine can be easily handled and
affords a "pretty good" guarantee of
security. Russia, Prof. Slosson said,
favors national control, but the dan-
ger of this is that a country could be
developing the atomic bomb secretly.
"Who can guarantee the faith of
every nation?" he queried.
Defense measures are "no good,"
Prof. Slosson declared, since an
atomic bomb could be planted any-
where and detonated by a time de-
vice. He also added that if a war
takes place, it will "most certainly"
be carried on with atomic weapons.
"All through history, especially in
modern times," he explained, "no na-
tion has ever refrained from using a
weapon because it was too danger-
ous. International inspection can
function only during peacetime, so
there must be no more war."
Academic Group To Meet
An important meeting of the Aca-
demic Committee of the Student
Legislature will be held at 4 p.m. to-
day in the League. Members and
students interested in improving the
scholastic system are urged to at-



ADVERTISING PARADOX-Neil Jahr, 18, lettering a sign on the win-
dow of his father's grocery store to advertise butter at $1.03 a pound
in Minneapolis, Minn., and adding the comment, "Now is the time to
quit using butter."
Matthews Plans Conservation
Prof. Donald M. Matthews of the I of the largest single blocks of public

School of Forestry and Conservation
travelled 7,000 miles by car and plane
this summer as consultant to the De-
partment of Lands and Forests of the
Province of Ontario to acquaint him-
self with its public forests which cov-
er an area of 109 million acres-one

forest land in the world.
The Ontario government requested
the services of Prof. Matthews, one of
the leading authorities in forest man-
agement in this country and author
of the standard text in that field,
after he spoke before provincial of-
ficials last winter on that subject.

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to al mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the]
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:301
p.m. on the day preceding publication1
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 15
Michigan Dames: Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven, will entertain the Michi-
gan Dames with a tea in her home,
815 S.-University, Friday, October 11,
from 3:30-5:30 o'clock.
The first general meeting of the
Michigan Dames will be held Tues.,
Oct. 15, at 8 p.m. inthe east confer-
ence room of the Rackham Bldg.
Those invited to attend both the
tea and the general meeting are
wives of students, wives of internes,
and married women enrolled in the
Group Hospitalization and Surgi-
cal Service: During the period from
Oct. 5-15, the University Business Of-
fice (Rm. 9, University Hall), will ac-
cept new applications as well as re-
quests for changes in contracts now
in effect. Thesen hew applications
and changes become effective Dec. 5,
with the first payroll deduction on
Nov. 30. After Oct. 15, no new ap-
plications or changes can be accepted
until Oct., 1947.
Library Tour for Graduate Students:
On Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 10 and 11,
graduate students of the University
will take a trip through the General
Library by members of the staff. The
tour will start at 4:00 p.m. on both
days in Rm. 110, first floor of the Li-
brary near the West entrance.
Student Organizations which wish
to be reapproved for the school year
1946-47 should submit a list of their
officers to the Office of the Dean of
Students. Any group which is not so
registered will be considered inactive.
University Terrace Apartments:
Waiting list will be reopened from
Oct. 9-11 for additional names
which may be added in person at the
Office of the Dean. of Students, Rm.
2, University Hall. Due to the large
number of students desiring apart-
ments it will b6 necessary that the
waiting list be limited to students fill-
ing the following three requirements:
1) Michigan residents at inter-
preted by the Regents of the Uni-
2) Married Veterans who are de-
siring apartments at the present time,
and are within two years of comple-
tion of their college work.
3) Students who have been in resi-
dence at the University for at least
two terms.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for February please call at
the Office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School,
on Wed. or Thurs., Oct. 9 or 10, be-
tween 1:30 and 4:30 to take the
Teacher's Oath. This is a require-
ment for the teacher's certificate.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A list of candidates for the
certificate for February has been
Newman Club Officers
Elected, Dance Planned
New officers were elected and plans
for a membership drive were dis-
cussed at a meeting of the Newman
Club, student Catholic religious or-
Mary Battle, Ken Daly, Dorothy
Goodin, Barbara Luke, Henry Mel-
ton, Steven Squillace and Marguerite
Zerbies were selected as committee

posted on the bulletin board of the
School of Education, Rm. 1431 Uni-
versity Elementary School. Any pros-
pective candidate whose name does
not appear on this list should call at
the office of the Recorder's Office,
School of Education, 1437 University
Elementary School.
Counselors in Religion are provided
in two areas of experience;
1. Regardless of affiliation or the
lack of affiliation, the Counselor'sof-
fice at 215 Angell Hall, 11:00-12:00
or 3:00-4:00 daily, is open to any stu-
dent or group.
2. According to your church af-
filiation, you will be served through
the S.R.A. at Lane Hall or at the Ann
Arbor worship center of your choice.
Your search for religious values
among the many values will have im-
mediate attention by trained Coun-
Civil Servic Commission of Michigan:
We have received notice from the
Civil Service Commission of Michigan
Shat examination for appointments
or Boys' Supervisors will be given on
Nov. 23. Applications for these ex-
aminatins will be accepted no later
than Oct. 23. For further information
call the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
(Continued on Page 4)
613 East Liberty Street
'tween Michigan and
State theatres
in the Afternoon-
Drop in for a Lunch, Snack,
Sandwich or a Full Meal.
Chinese or American dishes
Served Quickly.
Chop Suey To Take Out!
"IUelephone 6380 and order will
be ready in 10 o 15 minutes.
A Safe and Practical
Ink Container
Travel Use
r Holds 16 fillings of finest PENI
* Ends "spilled ink" worries in
every mode of travel
f A distinctive desk appointment
A colorful paperweight. An t i0f
ideal gift. The world in $
The Pen Hospital
302 South State Street



- Last Day Toda -
with all your favorite stars
Friday and Saturday -
-"and -

$10 REWARD for return of gold cuff links
lost last Saturday. Lawrence Niblett,
1337 Springfield, Willow Run. )36
LOST: Brown Shaeffer pen, on campus or
golf course. Contact Sidney Zilber, 308
Allen Rumsey, 2-4401. )6
LOST: Man's wide gold wedding band, en-
graved D.E.B.-E.C.B. 5-25-46. Reward.
Box 16, Daily. )57
LOST: Kappa Kappa Gamma pin and lig-
ma Chi pin. Call Elizabeth Stephenson,
1315 Hill St. Tel. 8891. Reward offered. )9
LOST: Red wallet, near South University
and Forest. Finder may keep money as
reward for return of cards. Call Shirley
Riell, 9228. )12
LOST: Money belt with name on, contain-
ing considerable sum of money. Prob-
ably lost in Ann Arbor enroute Detroit
and Elkhart, Ind. Large reward offered
for return. Box 81, Michigan Daily. )52
LOST: Blue suitcase initialed J.H.L. Taken
by cab from station Sept. 16, destination
West Quadrangle. Art Lloyd, 2-4401. )17
FOUND: 1 pr. Bausch & Loamb special
correction ground sun glasses on corner
Olivia and Hill. Tel 21562 )41
LOST: Black wallet lost in Michigan Un-
ion, Friday, Oct. 4. Finder can keep
money as reward for return of papers.
Phone 7154 ) 40
LOST: White jacket left in Room 348 West
Engineering Bldg., Monday at 11 o'clock.
Call Marilyn Kopel, 9322. )13
LOST: Kappa Alpha Theta pin, Saturday
night in the Union. Call Constance
Nester, 2-2547. Reward. )21
HOUSEMOTHERS, sororities, fraternities.
Let me help you with your bookkeeping.
Nominal monthly charge. Call Charles
Kiethen at 2-4925 between 7 & 9 a.m.
A GIRL'S BICYCLE. Good condition, with
lock, $20. Contact Newton Ressler, 25553,
346 Victor Vaughn. )35

EXCHANGE RENTAL opportunity-want-
ed: Detroit ap't, flat, or house to rent.
Bait: Large 2-room sleeping' study com-
bination, Ann Arbor. Box 40, Michigan
Daily. 31
FOR SALE: New Schick Electric Razor $10;
brown sport coat, 40L, $17; tan leather
jacket, $17. Jerry, 402 E. Jefferson, phone
9244. ) 55
This business yields a net income of $40
per month and requires only 2 or 3 hours
of attention a week. A car is required.
It is capable of expansion. Total invest-
ment $1,000. Terms Cash. Contact Claude
M. Pearson, Room B-32, Lawyers Club. )10
STUDENTS: solve your transportation;
problems; ride an English lightweight.
3-speed gear, 2 caliper brakes, pump oil
bath chain guard. $79.50. CONTINENT-
AL SPORTS SHOP, 6453 Michigan Ave.,
Detroit, LA-7237, 24253 Woodward Ave,
Ferndale, Lincoln 1-2650. )23
FOR SALE: Pocket-size Zeiss-Ikon cam-
era with Zeiss lens and compur shutter.
Call evenings.,2-0920. )22
FOR SALE: Chesterfield brown fall gab-
ardine coat. Ladies 18%, worn a few.
times. Call 2-2591. )20
HELP WANTED: Soda fountain clerks-
Sunday, 4-12. $1 per hour. Miller Dairy
Store, 1219 So. University. )25
HELP WANTED: Male student. Mon.,
Tues,. Wed., Thurs., evenings for one or'
two hours. Phone.4145, George Bickley,
Lawyers Club. $1.50 per hour. ) 29
WANTED: Woman for washing dishes and
kitchen work. Also waitresses full or
part time. Hours: 4:30 to 12 midnight.
Phone 1852 Ypsilanti. ) 32
WANTED: Full and part time experienced
salesladies. Apply at Elizabeth Dillon
Shop. ) 33
schedules available: 3-6 p.m., 6-10 p.m.,
3-10 p.m. If hours suit your require-
ments, apply in person to Withams
Drug Company, corner of S. U. and
Forest. ) 34
HELP WANTED: GI Willow Village wife,
competent to handle 2 children aged 212
and 11 yrs., for 2 or 3 weeks on or about
Nov. 17, when:mother expects third
child. 8:30 to 5:00 daily except Sun-
day, $25 per week. See Mrs. Eberlein,
1305 Enfield Ct., between 2:30 and 3:30
p.m. ) 49
WANTED: Students for evening work. Mil-
itary Store, 533 S. Main. )48
HELP WANTED: If a telephone job appeals
to you there are a few positions available
for women in our Traffic Department.
Experience is not necessary. Supervisory
positions are filled from within the or-
ganization. Apply at Michigan Bell Tel-
ephone Co., 323 E. Washington St. )64

SECOND HAND, cheap but good: 1) violin,
2) B. Guitar, 3) Clarinet. Please phone
2-2521 Ext. 331, Dr. Wang. )30
MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better
price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
ministration" text by Moehlman. Top
price. Call collect Ypsi 3098R. )61
EAT Lunch at Memorial Christian Church,
Hill at Tappan. )71
ATTENTION MEN! Come see the stars
at the observatory, when the girls hold
open house 7:30 to 11 Friday night. )27
THE CAMPUS JAZZ GROUP still has three
open dates for after-the-game parties.
References furnished. Call Tom McNall,
2-4401. )3
MIDWAY Bicycle shop, 322 E. Liberty. We
have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your
bike can be expertly repaired also. )56
'TYPEWRITERS, office machines cleaned,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Three-day
service. Calculators sold and rented.
Pick-up and delivery. Office Equipment
Service Co., 111 S. 4th Ave., 2-1213. )26
INTERESTED in playing Rugby? Anyone
wanting to play or learn, contact any of
the following: Louis Fourie, phone 9559;
H. Earl Russel, 2-3236; Basil Kantey, 2-
4401, Wenley 108. )28
SEWING: Alterations and repairs on wo-
men's and girls' garments. Let me keep
your wardrobe in good repair. Miss Liv-
ingston, 315 S. Division, 2nd floor front.
modeling-Alterations." Bring your, sew-
ing problems to us." Hildegarde Shop,
116 E. Huron, 24669. )45





We have a factory-trained
man to repair all makes of
pens and pencils.


Now Showing
k lavedthat
. ..The
story of a
woman cheated
of Covet



FOR SALE: Tuxedo and full dress suit,
size 38, like new. Phone 2-3456 between
7 and 8 p.m. )24





FOR SALE: Two saxophones, Buscher ten-
or and Viking baritone. Silver plated
and in good condition. Call 9548. )5
BURNS PARK SO., pleasant, comfortable
colonial home with 3 bright and roomy
bedrooms and deep yard. Medium priced
with one-third down. Call 7805 to see it.
E. A. Lechner. )53
FOR SALE: Man's complete tuxedo outfit,
size 42, worn once, $35. Phone 21091. )1

Take $ te8~ht



from 1 P.M,


3Cc to 5 P.M.
Starts Today


a w w t .wt A 0 ®AM A l


i .. -



>., ....tip

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